This chapter describes the Architecture Development Method (ADM) cycle, what it consists of, its relationship to the rest of the TOGAF standard, and how to adapt and scope the ADM for use.
Key Points Explained
This chapter will help you to answer the following questions:
• What is the ADM cycle?
• What are the typical sets of steps within a phase?
• What is the versioning convention used for deliverables?
• What is its relationship to other parts of the TOGAF standard?
• What is the purpose of the supporting guidelines and techniques?
• What is the difference between guidelines and techniques?
• What are the key points of the ADM cycle?
• Why would I need to adapt the ADM to my enterprise?
• Why does the ADM process need to be governed?
• What are the major information areas covered by a governance repository?
• What are the reasons for scoping the architecture activity for my organization?
• What are the possible dimensions for limiting the scope?
• Why is there a need for an integration framework that sits above individual architectures?
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 1: You should be able to briefly describe the ADM cycle, its phases and the objective of each phase.)
The ADM consists of a number of phases that cycle through a range of architecture domains that enable the architect to ensure that a complex set of requirements is adequately addressed. The basic structure of the ADM is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: The Architecture Development Metho d Cycle
The ADM is applied iteratively throughout the entire process, between phases, and within them. Throughout the ADM cycle, there should be frequent validation of results against the original requirements, both those for the whole ADM cycle, and those for the particular phase of the process. Such validation should reconsider scope, detail, schedules, and milestones. Each phase should consider assets produced from previous iterations of the process and external assets from the marketplace, such as other frameworks or models.
The ADM supports the concept of iteration at three levels:
• Cycling around the ADM: The ADM is presented in a circular manner indicating that the completion of one phase of architecture work directly feeds into subsequent phases of architecture work.
• Iterating between phases: The TOGAF standard describes the concept of iterating across phases (e.g., returning to Business Architecture on completion of Technology Architecture).
• Cycling around a single phase: The TOGAF standard supports repeated execution of the activities within a single ADM phase as a technique for elaborating architectural content.
A summary of the objectives is shown in Table 7.
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 2: You should be able to describe a typical set of steps.)
The phases of the ADM cycle are further divided into steps; for example, the steps within the Business Architecture phase are as follows:
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 3: You should be able to describe the versioning convention for deliverables used in Phases A to D.)
Throughout the process of applying the ADM, outputs are generated. An output in an early phase may be modified in a later phase. The versioning of output is managed through version numbers.
In particular, a version numbering convention is used within the ADM to illustrate the evolution of Baseline and Target Architecture Definitions, as follows:
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 4: You should be able to describe the relationship between the ADM and other parts of the TOGAF standard – the Enterprise Continuum, Architecture Repository, Foundation Architecture, and Supporting Guidelines and Techniques.)
This section explains the relationship between the ADM and other parts of the TOGAF standard.
The Enterprise Continuum is an approach for categorizing architectural source material – both the contents of the organization’s own Architecture Repository, and the set of relevant, available reference models in the industry. The practical implementation of the Enterprise Continuum will typically take the form of an Architecture Repository that includes reference architectures, models, and patterns that have been accepted for use within the enterprise, and actual architectural work done previously within the enterprise.
At relevant places throughout the ADM, there are reminders to consider which architecture assets from the Architecture Repository the architect should use, if any. In some cases – for example, in the development of a Technology Architecture – this may be the TOGAF Foundation Architecture. Similarly, in the development of a Business Architecture, it may be a reference model for e-Commerce taken from the industry at large.
While using the ADM, the architect is developing a snapshot of the enterprise’s decisions and their implications at particular points in time. Each iteration of the ADM will populate an organization-specific landscape with all the architecture assets identified and leveraged through the process, including the final organization-specific architecture delivered.
Architecture development is a continuous, cyclical process, and in executing the ADM repeatedly over time, the architect gradually adds more and more content to the organization’s Architecture Repository. Although the primary focus of the ADM is on the development of the enterprise-specific architecture, in this wider context the ADM can also be viewed as the process of populating the enterprise’s own Architecture Repository with relevant re-usable building blocks taken from the “left”, more generic side of the Enterprise Continuum.
In fact, the first execution of the ADM will often be the hardest, since the architecture assets available for re-use will be relatively scarce. Even at this stage of development, however, there will be architecture assets available from external sources such as the TOGAF standard, as well as the IT industry at large, that could be leveraged in support of the effort.
Subsequent executions will be easier, as more and more architecture assets become identified, are used to populate the organization’s Architecture Repository, and are thus available for future re-use.
The ADM is also useful when populating the Foundation Architecture of an enterprise. Business requirements of an enterprise may be used to identify the necessary definitions and selections in the Foundation Architecture. This could be a set of re-usable common models, policy and governance definitions, or even as specific as overriding technology selections (e.g., if mandated by law). Population of the Foundation Architecture follows similar principles as for an enterprise architecture, with the difference that requirements for a whole enterprise are restricted to the overall concerns and thus less complete than for a specific enterprise.
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 5: You should be able to explain the purpose of the supporting guidelines and techniques, and the difference between guidelines and techniques.)
TOGAF 9 Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques is a set of resources – guidelines, templates, checklists, and other detailed materials – that directly support application of the TOGAF ADM.
The individual guidelines and techniques are described in a separate part of the TOGAF standard so that they can be referenced from the relevant points in the ADM as necessary, rather than having the detailed text clutter the description of the ADM itself.
Guidelines versus Technique
The guidelines provided with the TOGAF standard describe how the ADM process can be adapted to deal with a number of different usage scenarios, including different process styles (e.g., the use of iteration) and also specific specialty architectures (such as security).
The techniques described within TOGAF 9 Part III support specific tasks within the ADM (e.g., the gap analysis technique, principles, etc.).
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 6: You should be able to briefly explain the key points of the ADM cycle.)
The TOGAF ADM is iterative. New decisions have to be taken at each iteration:
1. Enterprise coverage
2. Level of detail
3. Time period
4. Architecture asset re-use:
— Previous ADM iterations
— Other frameworks, system models, industry models, ...
Decisions taken should be based on competence and/or resource availability, and the value accruing to the enterprise.
The ADM does not recommend the scope of activity; this has to be determined by the organization itself.
The choice of scope is critical to the success of the architecting effort. The main guideline is to focus on what creates value to the enterprise, and to select horizontal and vertical scope, and project schedules, accordingly. This exercise will be repeated, and future iterations will build on what is being created in the current effort, adding greater width and depth.
Where necessary, use of the ADM should be tailored to meet the needs of the organization. This means that some phases may be omitted, modified, or even additional procedures added.
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 7: You should be able to list the main reasons why you would need to adapt the ADM.)
The ADM is a generic method for architecture development, which is designed to deal with most system and organizational requirements. It easily copes with variable geographies, vertical sectors, and industry types. However, it will often be necessary to modify or extend the ADM to suit specific needs. One of the tasks before applying the ADM is to review the process and its outputs for applicability, and then tailor them as appropriate to the circumstances of the individual enterprise. This activity may well produce an “enterprise-specific” ADM.
There are a number of reasons for wanting to tailor the ADM to the circumstances of an individual enterprise. Some of the reasons are outlined as follows:
1. An important consideration is that the order of the phases in the ADM is to some extent dependent on the maturity of the architecture discipline within the enterprise concerned. For example, if the business case for doing architecture is not well recognized, then creating an Architecture Vision is essential; and a detailed Business Architecture needs to come next to define the business case for the remaining architecture work, and secure the active participation of key stakeholders in that work.
2. The order of phases may also be defined by the business and architecture principles of an enterprise. For example, the business principles may dictate that the enterprise be prepared to adjust its business processes to meet the needs of a packaged solution, so that it can be implemented quickly to enable fast response to market changes. In such a case, the Business Architecture (or at least the completion of it) may well follow completion of the Information Systems Architecture.
3. An enterprise may wish to use or tailor the ADM in conjunction with another enterprise architecture framework that has a defined set of deliverables specific to a particular vertical sector: Government, Defense, e-Business, Telecommunications, etc.
4. The ADM is one of many corporate processes that make up the corporate governance model for an enterprise. The ADM is complementary to, and supportive of, other standard program management processes. The enterprise will tailor the ADM to reflect the relationships with, and dependencies on, the other management processes.
5. The ADM is being mandated for use by a prime or lead contractor in an outsourcing situation, and needs to be tailored to achieve a suitable compromise between the contractor’s existing practices and the contracting enterprise’s requirements.
6. The enterprise is a small-to-medium enterprise, and wishes to use a “cut-down” version of the ADM that is more attuned to the reduced level of resources and system complexity typical of such an environment.
7. The enterprise is very large and complex, comprising many separate but interlinked “enterprises” within an overall collaborative business framework, and the architecture method needs to be adapted to recognize this. Such enterprises usually cannot be treated successfully as a single entity and a more federated approach is required.
The ADM process can also be adapted to deal with a number of different use scenarios, including different process styles (e.g., the use of iteration) and also specific specialist architectures (such as security). These are discussed in Chapter 8.
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 8: You should be able to explain the need for the ADM process to be governed.)
The ADM, whether adapted by the organization or used as documented in the TOGAF standard, is a key process to be managed and governed. The Architecture Board should be satisfied that the method is being applied correctly across all phases of an architecture development iteration. Compliance with the ADM is fundamental to the governance of the architecture, to ensure that all considerations are made and all required deliverables are produced.
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 9: You should be able to describe the major information areas managed by a governance repository.)
The management of all architectural artifacts, governance, and related processes should be supported by a controlled environment. Typically this would be based on one or more repositories supporting versioned object and process control and status.
The major information areas managed by a governance repository should contain the following types of information:
• Reference Data (collateral from the organization’s own repositories/ Enterprise Continuum, including external data; e.g., COBIT, ITIL): Used for guidance and instruction during project implementation. This includes the details of information outlined above. The reference data includes a description of the governance procedures themselves.
• Process Status: A record of all information regarding the state of any governance processes; examples of this include outstanding compliance requests, dispensation requests, and compliance assessment investigations.
• Audit Information: A record of all completed governance process actions. This is used to support:
— Key decisions and responsible personnel for any architecture project that has been sanctioned by the governance process
— A reference for future architectural and supporting process developments, guidance, and precedence
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 10: You should be able to briefly explain the reasons for scoping an architecture activity.)
There are many reasons to constrain (or restrict) the scope of the architectural activity to be undertaken, most of which relate to limits in:
• The organizational authority of the team producing the architecture
• The objectives and stakeholder concerns to be addressed within the architecture
• The availability of people, finance, and other resources
The scope chosen for the architecture activity is normally directly dependent on available resources, and, in the final analysis, is usually a question of feasibility.
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 11: You should be able to list the possible dimensions for limiting the scope of an architecture activity.)
Table 8 shows the four dimensions in which the scope may be defined and limited.
Typically, the scope of an architecture is first expressed in terms of breadth, depth, and time. Once these dimensions are understood, a suitable combination of architecture domains can be selected that are appropriate to the problem being addressed.
(Syllabus Reference: Unit 4, Learning Outcome 12: You should be able to briefly explain the need for an integration framework that sits above individual architectures.)
Architectures that are created to address a subset of issues within an enterprise require a consistent frame of reference so that they can be considered as a group as well as point deliverables. The dimensions that are used to define the scope boundary of a single architecture (e.g., level of detail, architecture domain, etc.) are typically the same dimensions that must be addressed when considering the integration of many architectures. Figure 9 illustrates how different types of architecture need to co-exist.
Figure 9: Integration of Architecture Artifacts
At the present time, the state-of-the-art is such that architecture integration can only be accomplished at the lower end of the integration spectrum. Key factors to consider are the granularity and level of detail in each artifact, and the maturity of standards for the interchange of architectural descriptions.
The TOGAF ADM is a comprehensive general method that defines a recommended sequence for the various phases and steps involved in developing an architecture. It is an iterative method. A number of inputs and outputs are recommended for each phase. It draws on other parts of the TOGAF standard for assets and processes. The ADM can be used with other deliverables from other frameworks.
The ADM does not recommend a scope; this has to be determined by the organization itself. The choice of scope is critical to the success of the architecting effort. The main guideline is to focus on what creates value to the enterprise, and to select horizontal and vertical scope, and project schedules, accordingly. This exercise will be repeated, and future iterations will build on what is being created in the current effort, adding greater width and depth.
Where necessary, use of the ADM should be tailored to meet the needs of the organization. This means that some phases may be omitted, modified, or even additional procedures added.
Q1: Complete the sentence: Phase H ________________
A. Prepares the organization for successful TOGAF architecture projects
B. Develops Baseline and Target Architectures and analyzes the gaps
C. Prepares and issues Architecture Contracts
D. Ensures that the architecture responds to the needs of the enterprise
E. All of these
Q2: Which of the following is the final step in development of the four architecture domains?
A. Conduct formal stakeholder review
B. Create Architecture Definition Document
C. Perform gap analysis
D. Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
Q3: Which of the following version numbers is used by the TOGAF standard as a convention to denote a high-level outline of an architecture?
A. Version 0
B. Version 0.1
C. Version 0.5
D. Version 1.0
Q4: Which one of the following does not complete the sentence: When executing the ADM, the architect is not only developing a snapshot of the enterprise, but is also populating the ________________
A. Architecture Repository
B. Architecture Capability Framework
C. Enterprise Continuum
D. Foundation Architecture
Q5: Which of the following statements does not describe the phases of the ADM?
A. They are cyclical.
B. They are iterative.
C. Each phase refines the scope.
D. Each phase is mandatory.
E. They cycle through a range of architecture views.
Q6: Which one of the following best describes a reason to adapt the ADM and take a federated approach?
A. The maturity of the architecture discipline within the enterprise
B. The use of the ADM in conjunction with another enterprise framework
C. The ADM is being used by a lead contractor in an outsourcing situation
D. The enterprise is very large and complex
Q7: Which of the following are the major information areas managed by a governance repository?
A. Foundation Architectures, Industry Architectures, Organization-Specific Architectures
B. Standards Information Base, Architecture Landscape, Governance Log
C. Reference Data, Process Status, Audit Information
D. Application Architecture, Business Architecture, Data Architecture
Q8: Which of these is not considered a dimension to consider when setting the scope of the architecture activity?
A. Architecture Domains
B. Breadth
C. Depth
D. Data Architecture
E. Time Period
The following are recommended sources of further information for this chapter:
• TOGAF 9 Part II: ADM, Chapter 5 (Introduction)