
This Document

This document is a Study Guide for TOGAF® 9 Foundation. It is based on Version 2 of the TOGAF Certification for People Conformance Requirements and is aligned to TOGAF Version 9.1. This third edition contains minor updates to remove references to the TOGAF 8-9 Advanced Bridge Examination1 and also adds a second Test Yourself Examination paper to Appendix B.

It gives an overview of every learning objective for the TOGAF 9 Foundation Syllabus and in-depth coverage on preparing and taking the TOGAF 9 Part 1 Examination. It is specifically designed to help individuals prepare for certification.

The audience for this Study Guide is:

•   Individuals who require a basic understanding of TOGAF 9

•   Professionals who are working in roles associated with an architecture project such as those responsible for planning, execution, development, delivery, and operation

•   Architects who are looking for a first introduction to TOGAF 9

•   Architects who want to achieve Level 2 certification in a stepwise manner

A prior knowledge of enterprise architecture is advantageous but not required. While reading this Study Guide, the reader should also refer to the TOGAF 9 documentation2 available online at and also available in book form.

The Study Guide is structured as shown below. The order of topics corresponds to the learning units of the TOGAF 9 Foundation Syllabus (see Appendix D).

•   Chapter 1 (Introduction) provides a brief introduction to TOGAF certification and the TOGAF 9 Part 1 Examination that leads to TOGAF 9 Foundation, as well as how to use this Study Guide.

•   Chapter 2 (Basic Concepts) introduces the basic concepts of enterprise architecture and the TOGAF standard. This provides a high-level view of the TOGAF framework, enterprise architecture, architecture frameworks, and the contents of the TOGAF standard.

•   Chapter 3 (Core Concepts) describes the core concepts of TOGAF 9.

•   Chapter 4 (Key Terminology) introduces the key terminology of TOGAF 9.

•   Chapter 5 (Introduction to the ADM) introduces the Architecture Development Method (ADM), the objectives of each phase of the ADM, and how to adapt and scope the ADM for use.

•   Chapter 6 (The Enterprise Continuum and Tools) describes the Enterprise Continuum and tools; its purpose, and its constituent parts.

•   Chapter 7 (The ADM Phases) describes how each of the ADM phases contributes to the success of enterprise architecture.

•   Chapter 8 (ADM Guidelines and Techniques) describes guidelines and techniques provided to support application of the ADM.

•   Chapter 9 (Architecture Governance) describes Architecture Governance.

•   Chapter 10 (Views, Viewpoints, and Stakeholders) introduces the concepts of views and viewpoints and their role in communicating with stakeholders.

•   Chapter 11 (Building Blocks) introduces the concept of building blocks.

•   Chapter 12 (ADM Deliverables) describes the key deliverables of the ADM cycle and their purpose.

•   Chapter 13 (TOGAF Reference Models) describes the TOGAF reference models, including the Technical Reference Model (TRM) and the Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM).

•   Appendix A (Answers to Test Yourself Questions) provides the answers to the Test Yourself sections provided at the end of each chapter.

•   Appendix B (Test Yourself Examination Papers) provides two Test Yourself examinations to allow you to assess your knowledge of the TOGAF 9 Foundation Syllabus and readiness to take the TOGAF 9 Part 1 Examination.

•   Appendix C (Test Yourself Examination Paper Answers) provides the answers to the examinations in Appendix B.

•   Appendix D (TOGAF 9 Foundation Syllabus) provides the TOGAF 9 Foundation Syllabus.

How to Use this Study Guide

The chapters in this Study Guide are arranged to follow the organization of the TOGAF 9 Foundation Syllabus (see Appendix D) and should be read in order. However, you may wish to use this Study Guide during review of topics with which you are already familiar, and it is certainly possible to select topics for review in any order. Where a topic requires further information from a later part in the syllabus, a cross-reference is provided.

Within each chapter are “Key Learning Points” and “Summary” sections that help you to easily identify what you need to know for each topic.

Each chapter has a “Test Yourself” questions section that will help you to test your understanding of the chapter and prepare for the TOGAF 9 Part 1 Examination. The purpose of this is to reinforce key learning points in the chapter. These are multiple-choice format questions where you must identify one correct answer.

Each chapter also has a “Recommended Reading” section that indicates the relevant sections in the TOGAF 9 documentation that can be read to obtain a further understanding of the subject material.

Finally, at the end of this Study Guide are two “Test Yourself” examination papers that you can use to test your readiness to take the official TOGAF 9 Part 1 Examination. These papers are designed to include the same question formats and a similar difficulty level to the official TOGAF 9 Part 1 Examination.

Conventions Used in this Study Guide

The following conventions are used throughout this Study Guide in order to help identify important information and avoid confusion over the intended meaning.

•   Ellipsis (...)

Indicates a continuation; such as an incomplete list of example items, or a continuation from preceding text.

•   Bold

Used to highlight specific terms.

•   Italics

Used for emphasis. May also refer to other external documents.

•   (Syllabus reference: Unit X, Learning Outcome Y: Statement)

Used at the start of a text block to identify the TOGAF 9 Foundation Syllabus learning outcome.


In addition to typographical conventions, the following conventions are used to highlight segments of text:

About the TOGAF standard

TOGAF®, an Open Group Standard, is a proven enterprise architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency. It is the most prominent and reliable enterprise architecture standard, ensuring consistent standards, methods, and communication among enterprise architecture professionals. Enterprise architecture professionals fluent in TOGAF standards enjoy greater industry credibility, job effectiveness, and career opportunities. The TOGAF standard helps practitioners avoid being locked into proprietary methods, utilize resources more efficiently and effectively, and realize a greater return on investment.

About The Open Group

The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through IT standards. With more than 400 member organizations, The Open Group has a diverse membership that spans all sectors of the IT community – customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tool vendors, integrators, and consultants, as well as academics and researchers – to:

•   Capture, understand, and address current and emerging requirements, and establish policies and share best practices

•   Facilitate interoperability, develop consensus, and evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies

•   Offer a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational efficiency of consortia

•   Operate the industry’s premier certification service

Further information on The Open Group is available at The Open Group publishes a wide range of technical documentation, most of which is focused on development of Open Group Standards and Guides, but which also includes white papers, technical studies, certification and testing documentation, and business titles. Full details and a catalog are available at

Readers should note that updates – in the form of Corrigenda – may apply to any publication. This information is published at


1 The TOGAF 8-9 Advanced Bridge Examination was withdrawn on November 1, 2013.

2 TOGAF Version 9.1 (ISBN is 978 90 8753 679 4 G116), available at