Algophilia (love of pain), 54, 137, 144
Altruism, 40, 151 (see Idiopathic and Heteropathic attitudes)
'Amour-passion,' xxxviii, 36, 116, 170
Ancestor-cults, identification in, 19, 38, 97, 185
Animism (see Identification with the Cosmos)
Asceticism, 77, 84, 91, 94, 118, 208 (see Sublimation)
Association-theories, of effort, 200-1
of fellow-feeling, 45 ff., 177
Benevolence (Humanitarianism), 94
and fellow-feeling, 98 f.
and love, 99 ff., 128, 140 ff., 154 f., 188 f., 192
Biological concepts, 74 f., 180, 214
Buddhism, 57, 62, 77 ff., 100 (see Indian philosophy)
Capitalism (see Mechanistic view of life)
Childhood, attitude to Nature in, 109
formation of character in, 196-201
growth of individuality in, 247
identification in, 16, 23 ff., 97
reaction to expressive phenomena in, 57, 218, 239
Christianity, and identification, 85 f.
and love, 77, 78, 85-7, 101, 159, 162
and suffering, 49, 144 (see Non-cosmic love-mysticism)
Collective behaviour, and emotional
and identification, 19, 25, 35 f., 73, 97, 248
and sympathy, 131 ff.
Community of feeling, 12-13, 37, 64, 98, 258
'Destiny' (vocation), 123, 128, 154, 196 ff.
Discipleship, 86, 164, 167-8, 182
Egoism, and egocentricity, 58-61, 160, 231
and fellow-feeling, xl, 40 f., 58, 60, 68 f., 98, 111, 132
and self-love, 141, 152, 163, 193
Emotion, innate capacities of, in man, 31-2, 48
and knowledge of other minds, 229
levels of, 48
maladjustments of, 171
Emotion, social development of, 77-95, 103, 253 (see Fellow-feeling, Love, Sympathy)
Emotional infection, 12, 14 ff., 18, 47, 55
and collective behaviour, 12, 15 f., 17, 132
and tradition, 37 f.
Empathy, æsthetic, 18, 20, 24, 97, 241
projective, xxxix,8,9, 14,45-6,105, 155, 203, 215, 220, 238, 241 f., 246, 251
Eros, 83, 92, 110, 112, 113, 117, 124 (see Universal life)
and knowledge of other minds, 227 ff.
and society, xiv, 72, 133, 190 f., 205 f., 214
of Sympathy, xlvii, 3, 5-7, 39-40, 139, 140
Utilitarian, x-xi, 40, 100, 106 ff., 115, 130, 231
of Value, xi-xvii, 148 (see Value)
Eucharist, identification in, 85
Eugenics, 115-16, 118, 126, 205
Evil, Western and Eastern attitudes to, 80
and fellow-feeling, 130 ff.
Expressive phenomena, in Nature, 11, 81 f., 90, 91, 104, 218
and other minds, 10-11, 239-41, . 244, 251-2, 260 ff.
Family, love-relationship in, 172-3, 176, 189, 194, 202 (see Maternal love)
Fellow-feeling (Companionate feeling), nature of, 13 f.
ambiguity of, 133
and benevolence, 98 f.
and egoism, 40 f., 58-60, 68 f., 98, 111, 132
and emotional infection, 14 f.
Fellow-feeling, and identification, 18 ff., 33, 55, 61 f.
intentionality of, 8, 13, 51, 57, 62, 64 f.
metaphysical theories of, 51-76
phylogenetic theories of, 130-4
reactive character of, 6, 14, 67, 142
social value of, 49 f., 66, 131 f.
spurious types of, 39 ff., 55, 61-3
theistic implications of, 66, 191
variations in scope of, 130 f., 142, 188 ff.
Franciscan movement, 87 ff.
Fusion, sexual, 25, 33-4, 73, 112
God, as Creator, 84, 89, 90, 124, 127
love of, 33 f., 69, 77 ff., 92, 99-102, 105, 118, 128 f., 164, 168, 172, 176, 192
and personality, 33, 85 ff., 127-8, 230 (see Non-cosmic love-mysticism)
Hatred, 143, 148, 152, 191 (see Love)
Humanitarianism (see Benevolence)
Hypnosis, and emotional infection, 12
and identification, 20 ff., 73
Hysteria, 23, 43, 137, 248, 258
Identification (sense of unity), nature of, 18, 35
in animal behaviour, 21-2, 28 f.
in children, 16, 23 ff., 97, 247
in Christianity, 85 f.
and collective behaviour, 19, 25, 35 f., 73, 97, 248
confined to vital consciousness, 30, 32 ff., 73,81
and fellow-feeling, 33, 55, 61 f.
Identification, in hypnosis, 20 ff., 73
in maternal relationship, 26 ff., 73, 98
and metaphysics, 34, 55, 72 ff.
in mystery-religions, 20, 25, 97
and mysticism, 33 f.
in primitive thought, 19, 73, 97, 248
in sexual act, 22, 25, 73, 112
Identification with the Cosmos (Animism), nature of, 81 f.
Christian reaction against, 84 ff.
Franciscan revival of, 87 ff.
in Greek thought, 79, 82-3, 85, 89
in Indian thought, 77, 79-81, 85, 89
loss of capacity for, 31 f., 104 f., 127
meaning and value of, 103-12, 127
scientific indifference to, 104 f.
in sexual love, 109 ff., 124, 127
types of, 77-95 (see Nature, attitude to)
Idiopathic and heteropathic attitudes, and fellow-feeling, 40-1, 131, 132-3,143, 176
and identification, 18, 22, 24, 70
and sexual act, 111
Illusions, of conscience,6
egocentric, 58 ff.
imputed to fellow-feeling, 40, 55, 61-3
imputed to love, 68-71, 156, 158, 160 f., 182
Imitation, of Christ, 86 f., 90, 91
and emotional infection, 15
and identification, 23-4, 43-5
and understanding, 10-12, 46-7
Indian philosophy, 53, 56, 62, 71, 74, 77-80 (see Buddhism)
Individuality, 34, 65 f., 71, 75, 101 f., 120 ff., 128-9, 166 ff., 242 f. and Society, 35-6, 216, 230 (see Spiritual Person)
Inner sense, 221, 244 f., 249, 259
Insect behaviour, 28 f.
Interactionism, 253
Interests, community of, 195
Internal perception (Intuition), 244, 248 f., 254,256,261
Libido, 25, 177 ff., 183, 199 ff., 205 ff.
Love, nature of, xxxviii, 141 f., 153 f.
and benevolence, 99 ff., 140 f.
bourgeois view of, 113, 115, 125
Christian view of, 77, 78, 85-7, 101, 159,162
defined, 161
Evolutionary theories of, 114 f., 193
expansion of (transference), 176, 189,192 f., 195
in family, 172-3, 176, 189, 194, 202
and fellow-feeling, 67 ff., 140 ff.
Freudian theory of, 177 ff., 196 ff.
Greek view of, 83, 117, 142, 153
and identification, 26 f., 70 ff., 120
independence of, 147, 150, 180-1
and individuality, 67, 70 f., 121 f., 149,160,184
and instinct, 177, 180 ff., 186 f., 203 f.
maternal, 26 f., 97-8, 172-3, 193
metaphysical theories of, 62, 68 ff.
naturalistic theories of, 115, 155, 175 ff., 180 ff.
of our neighbour, 6g, 99, 128, 191
romantic view of, 116
sacred, 182 ff.
and sexual act, 113 f.
spurious forms of, 45, 155 f., 157 f., 160-1
and value, 148 ff., 156 ff., 162-5, 186-7, 192 (see Eros, Non-cosmic love-mysticism, Sexual love)
Masochism (Sadism), 22
Materialism, 84, 105, 120, 126, 231
Maternal love, 97-8, 172-3, 193
Mechanistic view of life, 94, 104-5, 125 ff., 215, 257, 262
Mental parasitism, 43
Metaphysical monism, 35, 51-76
and fellow-feeling, 62 ff.
and individualism, 231
and love, 68 ff.
Microcosm, man as, 105
Monogamy, 185
Moral unity of mankind, xxx, 49, 128, 164-5, 190, 214
Mystery-religions, 20, 25, 34, 84, 85, 97
Nature, attitude to, in adolescence, 109
in Christianity, 84 ff.
Franciscan, 87 ff.
scientific, 82, 94, 104-6 (see Identification with the Cosmos)
Non-cosmic love-mysticism, 79, 85, 87, 100
and benevolence, 99 ff.
Franciscan conception of, 87 ff.
and panentheism, pantheism, 91-3
and theism, 102, 128 (see God, love of)
Organic view of life, 82, 90, 94, 104, 262
Other minds, knowledge of, xxxviii, 101-2, 121-3, 213-64
analogical theory of, 9, 220, 225-6, 231, 236, 238 ff., 251, 263
moral evidence for, 227 f.
perceptual theory of, 220, 245, 248 ff., 261 f.
Other minds, knowledge of, in solitary individual, 234-5
and vital consciousness, 236-7
Pantheism, xxxii, 63, 77, 89, 91, 93, 120, 127-8
Parental instinct, 26 ff., 124, 176 (see Maternal love)
Pathological states of feeling, 14, 16, 22, 23, 43, 48, 58, 73, 136 f., 144, 161, 178, 183, 196, 201-2
Perception, 29 f., 58, 244, 249, 254, 259, 261 ff.
Perversion, sexual, 22, 136 f., 178, 183, 196, 201 f.
Pessimism, xxviii, 64, 79, 81, 135
Pietas (see Ancestor-cults)
Pity (Commiseration), and fellow-feeling, 8, 13, 37
intentional character of, 39 f., 41
and love, 142 f.
Schopenhauer's theory of, 51-5
types of, 135 ff.
value of, 17, 54, 62, 131, 136-8
Pre-existence, 124
Primitive thought, 19, 218, 239, 248
Privacy, of personality, 10, 33, 66 f., 71, 121, 219, 225
of sensation, 13, 33, 255-8 (see Individuality, Spiritual person)
Procreative instinct (see Sexual love)
Psycho-analysis, 16, 18, 38 177 ff., 196 ff.
Psychology, limits of, 214, 221 ff., 256
Psycho-physical parallelism, 253
Regret, 135
Rejoicing (-with) (see Pity)
Religious faith, xvii-xxiii, xxix, 32, 86, 230
Renaissance view of life, 89, 93 f., 109
Reproduced (vicarious) feeling, 9, 12, 13 f., 29, 31, 43, 45-7, 53, 67 143, 245
Reproduced (vicarious) feeling, intentional character of, 57, 64
love, 116
Self-knowledge, 42-4, 121-2, 247, 250 f.
Self-preservation, instinct of, 21, 26
Sexual love (act), evolutionary theories of, 114, 125 f.
and identification, 25, 109 ff., 127
and instinct, 110 f., 124, 200, 203
Japanese view of, 184 f.
and libido, 200
naturalistic theories of, 115, 184, 199 ff.
and procreation, 110-15, 119,124, 184
romantic view of, 116
significance of, xlii, 109 ff., 112, 117, 127, 185
social implications of, 126, 175 f.
and vital consciousness, 114 f., 180 f., 204
Western view of, 85, 110 f., 115, 125 ff.
Shame, 143
Social groups, xxxiii f., 35-6, 131 f., 188, 190, 194, 215, 219, 229-32
Social instinct, 131 f., 175 f., 237
Sociology of knowledge, xxxi-vii, xlviii, 32-3, 215
Solipsism, xl, 58 f., 65, 78, 98, 242, 259
Spirit and Life, xxvi, 75 f., 80, 84, 93-4, 100-1
Spiritual person, xxvi-viii, 25, 33-5, 65 ff., 101 f., 120 ff., 216 f., 224-5, 243
Spiritual person, and vital consciousness, 75 f., 114, 223
in wartime, 36 (see Individuality, Privacy)
Sublimation (Repression), 178-9, 183-4, 203, 205-9
Suffering, and social reform, 131
universal, 50, 52, 60, 79-81, 89
Suicide, 137
Sympathy, autonomy of, 50
genetic psychology of, xlvii, 37-50
metaphysical implications of, xlviii-ix, 36, 51-76
order of relationship in, 96-102
and other minds, xl, xlviii, 213-64
sexual, 120
social importance of, xlvii, 49, 131 f., 175 f., 213, 215 232
value of, xlvii, 5, 39 f., 44, 52-5, 72, 133, 137-9 (see Fellow-feeling, Identification, Love)
Totemism, 19
Tradition, 32, 37 ff., 219, 245
'Transference', 176, 189, 192 ff.
Understanding, 11—13, 31-2, 38, 46-9, 132, 219, 224 f., 248
and love, 167
Unity of life, 30, 36, 51, 55, 57, 63 f., 73 f., 79-83,121 (see Metaphysical monism)
Universal life,and identification, 73 ff., 112, 127
metaphysical theories of, 25, 63, 74 ff.
and procreation, 112, 117, 120, 124 (see Eros)
and fellow-feeling, 5, 98, 138
levels of, xv f., 72, 75, 106 ff., 117 ff., 182, 204
and love, 148 ff., 156 ff., 186, 192
and perception, 30 f., 57-8, 181-2
Vanity, 43
Vital consciousness, xxv-vi, 29, 30, 33-4, 48, 73, 81, 218
and sexual love, 114, 180 f., 203 f.
and spiritual person, 75 f., 114, 223
Vocation (see Destiny)
Western civilization, attitude to Nature in, 79 ff., 82, 105 ff.
Western civilization, conception of evil in, 80
sexual love in, 83, 110 ff., 115, 125 ff.
values of, 106 ff., 125-6, 231
Will, Aristotle's conception of, 85