
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.

A beta42, 39, 40

Abilify (aripiprazole), 66

accidents and driving, 79–80

accusations: of infidelity, 115–17

of stealing, 92

acetylcholine, 62–63

activities: attendance at, 53–54

to counteract boredom, 111

day care, 55–56

engagement in, 68, 98

physical, 45, 54–55

sleep disturbances and, 104

“Three-Strike Rule” for, 54

adult protective services, 130

adversity, facing, 73–75

agencies: adult protective services, 130

bonded, 90

recommendations for, 89–90

aggressive or agitated behavior, 67

aging, dementia as accelerated process of, 33–34

agnosia, 15, 99–100, 101, 121

alcohol: consuming after diagnosis, 107–8

health benefits from, 47

sleep disturbances and, 103

alertness, level of, 91

Alzheimer disease: as cause of dementia, 8

characteristics of, 10

criteria for diagnosis of, 8–9

early onset, 34, 37–38

first symptom of, 9

frequency of, by country, 47. See also diagnosis of Alzheimer disease; stages of Alzheimer disease

amyloid deposition, 27

amyloid PET scans, 9, 10, 17, 17–18

amyloid precursor protein (APP), 39, 41–42

amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene, 34, 37–38, 40

amyloid protein, 11

amyloid theory of Alzheimer disease, 39

analgesic medications, 113

anger issues, 87, 117–19

animals, 60–61

anticholinesterase medications, 62

anti-dementia medications, 61–64

antidepressant medications, 64–65, 103, 110, 114

antipsychotic medications, 66–68, 92, 99, 106–7

anxiety and sleep disturbances, 104

aphasia, 9, 12–13, 93–94

APOE gene, 35, 36–37

APP (amyloid precursor protein), 39, 41–42

APP (amyloid precursor protein) gene, 34, 37–38, 40

apps to locate or follow individuals, 97

apraxia, 9, 14–15

Aricept (donepezil), 61–64, 65

aripiprazole (Abilify), 66

aspiration, 71, 123

assessment: of dangerousness of current situation, 129–30

of disrupted sleep, 102–5

of pain, 112–13

of risk for wandering, 98

of triggers for crying, 113–14

attorneys, consulting with, 77

autopsies of brains, 10, 31

bad news: responses to, 74–75

sharing, 135–36

bathroom schedules, 102

behavioral variant of FTD, 26

benzodiazepines, 106

beta-amyloid protein, 38

biomarkers, 3

blood lipid abnormalities, 45

blood tests, 18

boredom, counteracting, 111

brain: autopsies of, 10, 31

lobes of, 25

scans of, 16–17

brain stem, 123

caffeine and sleep, 103

caregivers: agnosia and, 99–100

depression in, 86

disrupted sleep of persons with dementia and, 103, 106

guilt and frustration in, 87

home help for, 89–90

long-distance support for, 88–89

respite care and, 68–69, 85

support groups for, 57, 85

use of term, ix

catastrophic reactions, 118

causes of dementia: alcohol and drug use and, 29–30

Alzheimer disease, 8

blood tests for, 18

cerebral amyloid angiopathy, 27–28

cortical basal degeneration, 27

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 42

CTE, 28–29

disturbed sleep, 43

environmental, 41

frontotemporal dementia, 10, 25–27, 52

genetics, 34–38, 49

interactions among, 49

Lewy body dementia, 23

normal pressure hydrocephalus, 22

overview of, 8

Parkinson disease dementia, 24

proteins in, 38. See also vascular dementia

cell phones, learning to use, 96–97

cerebral amyloid angiopathy, 27–28

chewing, impaired, 69–70

children, talking with about dementia, 84

chronic subdural hematomas, 22

chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 28–29

coconut oil, 65–66

cognition: testing, 2–3, 20–21

worsening of, 90–91

cognitive impairment: alcohol and drug use and, 29–30

denial of, 82–83, 128–29

medications and, 30. See also mild cognitive impairment

cognitive training, 46

communication: about accusations of infidelity, 116

about behavior, 127–28

about diagnosis, 130–31

about feeding tubes, 138–39

about future plans, 83–84, 131–32

repetitious, 110–11, 127–28

tips for improving, 13–14

during visits, 114–15

competence: power of attorney documents and, 77

refusal to take medications and, 95–96. See also incompetence

conversations. See communication

cortical basal ganglionic degeneration, 27, 124

cortical symptoms, 12–15

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 42

cruises, going on, 80–81

crying: sundowning and, 119–20

triggers for, 113–14

CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), 28–29

CT scans, 16

cure, progress toward, 50

daily functioning: decline in, 2, 4–5

feeding skills, 14

swallowing, 69–70, 71, 123–24

toileting, 100–102

dangerousness of current situation, assessment of, 129–30

day care, 55–56

death, 71–72

decision making: about feeding tubes, 70, 137–39

about long-term placement, 56–57

about lying, 132–35

about treatment of terminal illnesses, 137

executive function changes and, 132

by trial and error, 61

delirium, 30, 90–91

delusional beliefs, 67

dementia: as accelerated process of aging, 33–34

characteristics of, 7

with Lewy bodies, 23, 104, 124. See also causes of dementia; and specific types of dementia

denial of diagnosis, 82–83, 128–29

depression: in caregivers, 86

medication for, 64–65

sleep disturbances and, 104

symptoms of, 109

treatment for, 110

dextromethorphan/quinidine (Neudexta), 114

diabetes, 48

diagnosis of Alzheimer disease: accuracy of, 22

confirmation of, at autopsy, 10

criteria for, 8–9

denial of, 82–83, 128–29

disclosing, 75–77

early, benefits of, 3–4

informing patients about, 128–29

ruling out other causes, 18–19

talking about, 84, 130–31

diet, heart-healthy, 46

disability, dementia as cause of, 75–76

disclosing diagnosis, 75–77

diuretics, 103

donepezil (Aricept), 61–64, 65

Down syndrome, 40

dreams, vivid, as side effect of medications, 103, 105

driven pacing, 98–99

driving, 79–80

durable power of attorney: designating, 77–78

establishing, 77, 83

refusal to take medications and, 95

early identification, benefits of, 3–4

early onset Alzheimer disease, 34, 37–38

emergency contacts, 96

emotions: acknowledging, 134

anger, 87, 117–19

anxiety, 104

catastrophic reactions and, 118

frustration, 87, 93–94

grief, 122–23, 133

guilt, 57, 87

music and, 53. See also depression

employment and disclosure of diagnosis, 75–76

environmental causes, 41

ethics of lying, 132–34

executive function: behavioral variant of FTD and, 26

changes in, and making decisions, 132

definition of, 12

Exelon (rivastigmine), 61–64

exercise, 45, 54–55, 104

experts, disagreement among, ix–x

facts, learning of, 51

falls, risk of, 71

family members, recognition of, 99–100

feeding skills, 14

feeding tubes, 70, 124, 137–39

finances, durable power of attorney for, 78

free recall memory, 1

frontal lobes, 118

frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 10, 25–27, 52

frustration: of caregivers, 87

from language impairments, 93–94

future plans, discussing, 83–84, 130–31

galantamine (Razadyne), 61–64

gender, as risk factor, 48

gene testing kits, 36

genetics as cause of Alzheimer disease, 34–38, 49

ginkgo, 65

glucose PET scans, 16

granulovacuolar degeneration, 26

grief, 122–23, 133

guilt of caregivers, 57, 87

Haldol (haloperidol), 66

harm reduction, 108

head trauma and CTE, 28–29

health, durable power of attorney for, 78, 137–39

Health App, 97

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 130

help at home, finding, 89–90

hematomas, subdural, 16, 22

hemorrhagic strokes, 27

hereditary, Alzheimer disease as, 34–38, 49

herpes virus infections, 42

high blood pressure, 45

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 130

hippocampus, 50

home: finding help for, 89–90

giving up, 131

hospice care, 70–71

hospitals and delirium, 90–91

imidazopyridines, 107

incidence rate, 49

incompetence: determination of, 136

power of attorney documents and, 77–78

refusal to take medications and, 95–96

treatment of terminal illnesses and, 137

incontinence, 100–102

independence, tips for maximizing, 14

infection, links between Alzheimer disease and, 41–42

infidelity, accusations of, 115–17

information: learning new, 51, 96–97

retrieval of, 1

jellyfish protein, 65–66

language impairments, 9, 12–14, 93–94

language variant of FTD, 26

lawyers, consulting with, 77

learning new information, 51, 96–97

Lewy bodies, 10

Lewy body dementia, 23, 104, 124

light exposure, 106, 120

living in moment, 115

living wills, 78

lobes of brain, 25

locator chips, 97

locked doors in long-term care facilities, 59–60

long-distance support for caregivers, 88–89

long-term care facilities: finding, 58

payment for, 58–59

placement in, 56–57

wandering risk and, 59–60

loss, experience of, 122–23, 133, 135–36

lying: to break cycle of repetition, 111

as ethical issue, 132–34

lymphatic system, 43

mad cow disease, 42

MCI. See mild cognitive impairment

Medicare: hospice benefit of, 70–71

nursing home care and, 58–59

ratings of skilled care facilities by, 58

medications: anti-dementia, 61–64

antidepressant, 64–65, 103, 110, 114

antipsychotic, 66–68, 92, 99, 106–7

cognitive and memory impairment and, 30

for MCI, 65

off-label use of, v

pain, 113

for pseudobulbar affect, 114

refusal to take, 94–96

to remove or prevent tau protein deposition, 40–41

to remove or reduce A beta42, 39, 40–41

for sleep disorder, 103, 106–7

Mediterranean diet, 47

memantine (Namenda), 63, 65

memory: changes in, with age, 1–2

denial of problems with, 82–83, 128–29

medications and, 30

severe impairment of, 110–11, 115

stages of Alzheimer disease and, 11–12

types of, and learning, 51–52

mental activities, 46

mild cognitive impairment (MCI): anti-dementia medications for, 65

benefits of early recognition of, 3–4

description of, 2, 19–20

development of dementia and, 20

mood disorders, 21. See also depression

mortality and antipsychotic drugs, 66

motor memory, 51–52

moving, difficulties and stresses of, 131–32

MRI scans, 16

music therapy, 52–53

Namenda (memantine), 63, 65

Neudexta (dextromethorphan/quinidine), 114

neuritic plaques, 10, 11, 38, 39–40

neurofibrillary tangles, 10, 11, 28, 38, 40–41

neuropsychological testing, 2–3, 20–21

normal pressure hydrocephalus, 22, 125

nursing homes. See long-term care facilities

observations, asking caregivers for, 88–89

obstructive sleep apnea, 104

onset of dementia, as declining, 49

opinions, asking caregivers for, 88–89

pacing, 97–99

pain, 104, 112–13

Parkinson disease, 23–24, 124

Parkinson disease dementia, 24, 52, 64

PBA (pseudobulbar affect), 113–14

personality, changes in, 117–19

PET scans, 11, 16–17. See also amyloid PET scans

pet therapy, 60–61

physical activity: benefits of, 54–55

to lower risk, 45

sleep disturbances and, 104

physical decline, 15

Pick bodies, 10, 26–27

placebo response, 62

placement in long-term care facilities, 56–57

pneumonia, 71–72, 123

power of attorney, 77

praxis, impairment in, 14–15

prevention: activities for, 45–47

of delirium, 91

outlook for, 48–50

primary care doctors, role of, 5

prions, 42

procedural memory, 51–52

progressive supranuclear palsy, 27, 124

PS1 and PS2 genes, 34, 37–38

pseudobulbar affect (PBA), 113–14

quality of life, 73–75

questions, repeating, 110–11

quetiapine (Seroquel), 66

Razadyne (galantamine), 61–64

recognition memory, 1–2

recognition of people and objects, 99–101, 121

reflux, 124

refusal to take medications, 94–96

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, 104, 105

repetition of questions and comments, 110–11, 127–28

respite care, 68–69, 85

retrieval of information, 1

risk factors: diabetes, 48

Down syndrome, 40

environmental, 41

gender, 48

genetic, 34–38, 49

interactions between, 35

rivastigmine (Exelon), 61–64

Seroquel (quetiapine), 66

sharing health information, 75–77, 130

side effects: of anticholinesterase drugs, 62

of antipsychotic medications, 66

vivid dreams as, 103, 105

sitters, paid, 91

sleep, disrupted: assessment of, 102–5

as symptom and cause, 43

tips for, 105–7

social activities, 46

Social Security Disability Insurance, 75–76

SPECT scans, 17, 23, 24

speech and language pathologists, 124

speed of performance, 2

spinal fluid markers, 9, 11

spouses: accusing of infidelity, 115–17

recognition of, 121

stages of Alzheimer disease: cortical symptoms, 12–15

memory and executive function impairment, 11–12

overview of, 11

physical decline, 15

stealing, accusations of, 92

strokes: cerebral amyloid angiopathy and, 27–28

vascular dementia and, 22

sundowning, 119–20

support for caregivers: for accusations of infidelity, 117

at home, 89–90

long-distance, 88

support groups, 57, 85

suprachiasmatic nucleus, 105

surgery and delirium, 90–91

suspiciousness, 92

swallowing, 69–70, 71, 123–24

Tai Chi, 55

talking: about accusations of infidelity, 116

about behavior, 127–28

about diagnosis, 130–31

about feeding tubes, 138–39

about future plans, 83–84, 131–32

with children about dementia, 84

during visits, 114–15

tasks, learning new, 51–52, 96–97

tauopathy, 27

tau PET scans, 11

tau protein deposition, 26, 28, 38, 40

temper, losing, 87

terminal illnesses, 137

36-Hour Day, The (Mace & Rabins), ix

toileting, 100–102

trial and error, 67

triggers: of catastrophic reactions, 118–19

of crying, 113–14

turmeric, 65–66

unawareness of diagnosis and problems, 82–83, 128–29

vacations, taking, 80–81

variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 42

vascular dementia, 21–22, 64, 124–25

visits and conversations, 114–15

visual agnosia, 9

visual hallucinations, 23

visual perception, impairment in, 15

vitamin B12, 46

walking ability, 124–25

wandering risk: assessment of, 98

long-term care facilities and, 59–60

technology and, 96–97

weight loss, 69

Weinberg, Jack, “What Do I Say to My Mother When I Have Nothing to Say,” 114–15

wills, writing, 76–77, 78–79, 83

word-finding difficulty, 4, 93–94