Absenteeism, stress and, 72–73

Absent-mindedness, 156

Academic performance, 32, 75, 221

     factors in, 27

     marital stress and, 72


     learning and, 175

     recognition memory and, 192

Action recognition, 251

Acute paranoid psychosis, 40

Acute stress, 63

     gender and, 232, 241

Adams, Scott, 44

Adaptation to variation, 7–9

Adrenal glands, 63

Adrenaline, 81

     stress and, 63

AdSense, 256

Aerobic exercise, 24–25, 26, 33, 35

     stress and, 80

Age-related dementia, 25


     exercise and, 22–27

     factors predicting, 23

Alcoholics, gender and, 231

Alerting Network, 110–111


     intrinsic, 111

     phasic, 111

     surveillance and, 110

Allostatic load, 69, 70, 72

Alzheimer’s disease, 26

     risk of, 34, 35

American fitness movement, 19

American model in sensory integration, 166–167

American Stress Institute, 73

Amnesia, 67. See also Forgetfulness

     anterograde, 153

     retrograde, 153

Amygdala, 11, 112

     gender and, 241

     male versus female, 229

     smell and, 169, 179

Anecdotes, business-related, 122


     comparison of brains in wild versus domestic, 87

     learned helplessness and, 59–60

     physical differences in, 229–230


     learning from, 176, 190, 195–196

     of presentations, 196

Aniston, Jennifer, neuron, 86, 93–95

Anorexia, gender and, 231

Anterior cingulate cortex, learning and, 252

Anterograde amnesia, 153

Antibodies, 64

Antidepressant medications, 26, 52


     exercise and, 26

     stress and disorders of, 73

Aristotle, 165

Armstrong, Neil, 255

Aroma billboard, 176

Arousal and mood hypothesis, 220

Arousal Network, 110–111

Articulation, 234

Asimov, Isaac, 89

Association cortices, 167, 187

Asthma, 64

Athletes, wiring of brains of, 85–86

Attention, 5, 105–124

     awareness and, 109–110

     bait the hook and, 121–123

     Brain Rule in, 103

     culture and, 107–108

     details and, 114–115

     effect of pictures on, 196–197

     emotions in getting, 111–114

     getting, 107–110

     impact of sleep loss on, 48

     interest and, 108

     learning and, 106

     maintaining, 10

     memory and, 107–108

     multitasking and, 115–118

     need for break and, 118–119

     novel stimuli and, 108

     pictures in grabbing, 196–197

     role of brain in paying, 110–111

     rule activation in, 117–118

     span of, 106–107

     task switching in, 118

     10-minute rule and, 120–121

Auditory skills, music training and, 208

Auditory cheesecake, 204, 218

Auditory cortex, 132, 170

Auditory cues, 212

Auditory hallucinations, 40

Auditory information, 142

Auditory stream segregation, 208

Autobiographical events, 233

Autobiographical memories, 146

     retrieving, 174

Autoimmune disorders, 64

Automatic processing, 133–134

Aversive stimuli, 61, 69

Awareness, attention and, 109–110

Axon, 89

Axon terminal, 89


Babies. See Infants

Baby Einstein music CDs, 216

Bait the hook, attention and, 121–123

Battle of the sexes, gender and, 230

The Beatles, 203


     gazing, 190, 196, 247

     genes and, 3

     influence of culture on, 237

     motor, 251

     specific to gender, 230–233

Berry, Halle, neuron, 94, 95

Biases, 156

     gender, 225–226

Big Bang, 254

Bilingual people, storage of language skills of, 97

Binding problem, 133

Biochemicals, sex differences and, 229

Birth, brain at, 91–92

Bissell, Gene, 26

Blair, Steven, 26

Blindness, motion, 186

Blind spots, 187–188

Blocking habits, 156

Blood pressure

     propranolol in regulating, 232

     stress and, 62, 71–72

Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, 96

The Body Clock Guide to Better Health, 44

Boeing Aircraft Company, 110

Boeing Leadership Center, 239

Boleyn, Anne, 227

Bologna, University of, 256

Bottom-up processing, sensory integration and, 167, 168


     adaptiveness of, 192

     as amazing, 1–2, 5–14

     appetite for energy, 28

     at birth, 91–92

     connections in, 92

     design of, 15

     development of, 2

     differences in female and male, 229–230

     effect of exercise on, 22

     effect of music training on, 205–209

     evolution of, 12

     functional organization and reorganization of, 86

     integrative instincts in, 171

     job description of, 165–166

     malleability of, 252, 260

     mapping, 95–96

     muscles and, 87

     need for break, 2, 118–119

     need for glucose, 29, 35

     need for oxygen, 35

     performance envelope of, 4, 14

     role of, in paying attention, 110–111

     sensory integration and, 164

     as sequential processor, 120

     size of, 9–10

     during sleep, 41–42

     state of tension in, 55

     structure-function map of, 12

     in vision, 183–184, 188–190

     visual system of, 184–187

     wiring of, 85–101

Brain-activation studies, 27

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 31

     stress and, 68, 80

Brain imaging, experiments on, 175

Brain power, exercise in boosting, 3, 19–35

Brain research, advances in, 4

Brain Rules, 2–3

Brain stem, 11

Brand differentiation, use of smell in, 177

Branding, sensory, 176–177

Bransford, John, 115

Bringing Baby Home, 77

British model, sensory integration and, 166

Bryant’s Index of Empathy, 213

Bullying, 221

Business-related anecdotes, 122


Cahill, Larry, 232, 233, 239

Calloway, Cab, 202

Camel, visual perception of, 188–189

Cameras, vision and, 184–187

Carbon dioxide, 29

Cardiovascular system, stress and, 63–64, 81

Career, choosing between family and, 79

Catastrophic stress, amnesia as response to, 67

Catwoman, 94

Cell body, 89


     biological structures of, 88–91

     nerve, 89

Central executive, 142, 143

Cerebral akinetopsia, 186

Chandrasekaran, Bharath, 208–209

Charles Bonnet Syndrome, 188

Child care, 79–80

Children. See also Infants

     brains in, 92

     capacity for learning, 12–13

     music lessons in, and empathy, 215–216


     sex, 226

     X, 226–229, 241

     Y, 226–229, 241

Chronic sleep deprivation, 76

Chronic stress, 60, 64, 81

     learned helplessness and, 68

Chronotypes, 44

     matching to work schedules, 53

Circadian arousal system, 42, 43

Classrooms. See also Learning; Schools

     gender arrangements in, 238–239

     learning and size of, 99

     same-sex, 238–239

Clinton, Bill, neuron, 94

Code, cracking, 135–137

Cognitive neuroscience, 4, 255

Cognitive performance, 47, 48, 206

     exercise and, 24–27, 32–33

     in infants, 76

     music and, 206

     physical activity and, 21, 32–33

     sleep loss and, 47

Cognitive psychology, 136

Coherence principle, 176

Color vision, 194

Combat as smelly experience, 173

Combat-related disorders, 232

Common fate, principle of, 193


     pictures in, 196–197

     verbal, 233–236

Competitive food eaters, 27

Concert for Bangladesh, 203

Conflict, work-family, 75

Congenital amusia, 209–210

Congreve, William, 216

Conscious awareness, 129

Consciousness, 146

     neural location of, 109

Context-dependent learning, 178


     impulse, 221

     productivity and, 74–75

     stress and, 61–62, 68, 72, 80

Conversations with Neil’s Brain, 96–97

Cooperation, 13–14

Coordination, music lessons and, 211

Cornea, 169, 184

Cortex, 11–12, 15

     association, 167, 187

     auditory, 170

     memory and, 152–153, 159

     olfactory, 194

     prefrontal, 10, 11, 116, 229, 252, 260

     visual, 185–186, 187, 194, 197

Cortisol, 81, 217

     stress and, 62, 66–67

Counseling, family, 79–80

Creativity, 33

Critical language area, 97


     attention and, 107–108

     influence of, on behavior, 237

Curiosity, encouraging, 254–256

Cytoplasm, 88


Darwin, Charles, 87

Declarative memories, 128, 129

     encoding in, 128, 131–142, 159

     forgetfulness in, 128, 159

     life cycle of, 103

     retrieving in, 128, 159, 174–175

     storage in, 128, 159

DeLoache, Judy, 6

Dement, William, 39–40, 41, 44, 45


     age-related, 25

     exercise in treating, 25–27

     music therapy and, 201–202

     risk of, 35

Dendrites, 88, 89

Dentate gyrus, 31

Depression, 67

     exercise in treating, 25–27

     gender and, 231

     stress and, 68, 73, 74

Details, attention and, 114–115

Diabetes, 64, 67

Diamond, David, 61, 80

Diamond, Jared, 107

Dilbert (comic), 44

Discipline, music therapy in teaching, 221

Discovery-based learning models, 257

Disengagement, 117

DNA, 88

     gender and, 226

     vision and, 194

Donald in Mathmagic Land, 195–196

Dopamine, 112, 218

Dorsal stream, 186

Dreaming, 41, 188

Drug use, gender and, 231

Dryer, Henry, 201–202

Dual representation, 7, 8, 14

     theory on, 6


Early chronotype, 44

Ebbinghaus, Hermann, 130, 149

Education. See also Learning

     factors in academic performance and, 27

     parents in, 78–79

Effortful processing, 134

Egg, size of, 226

Einstein, Albert, 79

Elaborative processing, short-term memory and, 172

Elaborative rehearsal, 149, 156

Electrical stimulation mapping, 95, 98

Emotional impulses, inhibiting, 10

Emotionally charged events, 112, 114

Emotional stability, 70–71

Emotional stress, 81


     facts on, 237

     in getting attention, 111–114

     musicians in detecting, 212–213

Empathy, music lessons and, in children, 213–215

Employee turnover, 73

Encoding, 131–142

     automatic processing and, 133–134

     compelling introduction in, 140–141

     cracking the code and, 135–137

     creating familiar settings in, 141–142

     in declarative memory, 131–142, 159

     effortful processing, 134

     of information, 106

     learning and, 131, 175

     meaning of information and, 139

     pathway for, 137–138

     pattern matching in, 140

     phonemic, 135

     quality of, 138–139

     real-world examples in, 139–140

     retrieval and, 146–148

     semantic, 135

     senses and, 133, 167

     of sensory information, 167

     structural, 135

     types of, 134–135

Energy, brain’s appetite for, 28

Enjoyment arousal, 216

Environmental instability, 4–5, 8

Epilepsy, 93

Episodic memory, 146

Evolution, 10

Evolutionary biologists, 4

Executive functions

     prefrontal cortex in governing, 10

     sleep loss and, 55

     stress and, 65

     working memory as constituent of, 210

Executive Network, 111, 116–117

     disengagement in, 117

     rule activation in, 117

     shift alert in, 116

Executive thinking

     problem solving and, 65

     self-control and, 65

Exercise, 19–35

     aerobic, 24–25, 26, 33, 35, 80

     aging and, 22–27

     anxiety and, 26

     beneficial effects of, 22

     benefits of, 32

     in boosting brain power, 3, 19–35

     brain-specific effect of, 31

     cognitive performance and, 24–25, 26–27, 32–33

     competitive food eaters and, 27

     influence on cognitive skills, 21, 31

     integrating, into workday, 33–34

     role of, on mood, 27

     strengthening, 25

     survival of the fittest and, 20–21

Experience-dependent brain wiring, 93, 94, 96

Experience-independent brain wiring, 93, 95

Experimental psychologists, 4

Exploration, 245–260

     acquisition of information in, 246

     babies testing of, 246–251

     Brain Rule in, 243

     conclusion in, 260

     encouraging curiosity and, 254–256

     evolutionary needs and, 258

     experimenting in, 260

     Google and, 256

     hypothesis in, 260

     mirror neurons and, 251

     newborn imitation and, 247–248

     object-permanence and, 249

     observation in, 260

     pointing game in, 245

     sense of wonder in, 259

     testing and, 250–251

     tongue testing, 247–248

Eyes, light entrance into, 184–185


Facebook, 256

Faking it, 187

False information, 147

Familiarity, recognition memory and, 191


     choosing between career and, 79

     counseling for, 79–80

     effects of, life on business life, 188

Fantastic Voyage (Kleiner), 89

Fast consolidation, 151–152

Fatal Familial Insomnia, 40

Females. See Gender; Women

Fight or flight response, 62

Filling in, 187

Fine-grained discrimination, 212

Fine motor control, sleep loss and, 49

Fischer, Edmond, 252

Flexible schedules, 100

Fluid intelligence

     depression and, 67

     stress and, 74

Focused attention, measurements of, 219

Fogassi, Leonardo, 251

Forgetfulness, 67, 155–156. See also Amnesia

     in declarative memory, 128, 159

     memory and, 155–156

     stress and, 180

     types of, 156

Free radicals, 29

Frontal cortex, gender and, 229

Frontal lobe, 10

Functional magnetic resonance imaging, 150, 170


Gage, Phineas, 10

Gammel, 60

Gardner, Howard, 96

Gazing behavior, 190, 196, 247

Gender, 225–241. See also Men; Women

     acute stress and, 232, 241

     alcoholics and, 231

     amygdala and, 241

     battle of the sexes and, 230

     becoming male or female, 226–229

     behaviors specific to, 230–233

     bias and, 225–226

     Brain Rule in, 223

     brain structure and, 229–230, 240

     cementing relationships and, 234–235

     in classroom, 238–239

     dealing with traumatic situations, 233

     defined, 226

     DNA and, 226

     drug use and, 231

     emotions and stress and, 232–233, 237

     glass ceiling and, 240

     mental disorders and, 231

     nature or nurture debate and, 237

     negotiating status and, 235–236

     same-sex classrooms and, 238–239

     schizophrenia and, 231

     serotonin and, 241

     sex versus, 226

     verbal communication and, 233–236

     workplace teams and, 239–240

Genes, 89

     behavior and, 3

     purpose of, 229

     SRY, 227

Genentech, 256

Genetic mutations, 10

Giffords, Gabrielle, 219

Glass ceiling, 240

Glucocorticoids, 66

Glucose, 28, 35

     brain’s need for, 29

Gmail, 256

Goods, improving access to, 30

Google News, 256

Gottman, John, 75–77, 78, 79

Gould, Stephen Jay, 233

Grades, effects of stress on, 70, 71

Griffey, Ken, Jr., 85–86

Gross motor movements, sleep loss and, 49

Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 107–108


Hackathons, 256

Hallucinations, 39, 172, 187–190, 194

     auditory, 40

Harrison, George, 203

“Have You Heard,” 211

Hayden, Steve, 113

Healthy insomnia, 48

Hearing, influence of vision on, 179

Heart as “vital flame of life,” 165

Heavy Media Multitaskers, 116

Hemisphere, verbal communication and, 233

Henry VIII, King of England, 227

Hippocampus, 11, 31, 89

     brain imaging and, 175

     memory and, 152, 153, 154

     stress and, 62, 65, 66, 67, 81

Hippocrates, 218

Holmes, Sherlock, style of retrieval, 147–148

Home, stress in, 70–73

Homeostatic sleep drive, 42, 43

Homework, 3

     need for, 157

Homo erectus, 20

Homo sapiens, 8, 20

Hormones, stress, 66–67

Horowitz, Seth, 203

How People Learn (Bransford), 115

How the Mind Works (Pinker), 204

Human genome, sequencing of, 228–229

Hummingbirds, 45, 53

Humor, sense of, 20

Hunger, as drive, 247

Hurdy-Gurdy Har, 215

Hypothesis testing, exploration and, 247


IBM, 114

Identical twins, brain wiring in, 94–95

“I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” 202

Imitation, 251

     newborns in, 247–248

Immediate memory, impact of sleep loss on, 48

Immune response, stress and, 64–65

Immune system, stress and, 72–73

Infant Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ), 214

Infants. See also Children

     acquisition of information by, 246

     brains in, 92

     cognitive abilities of, 76

     effects of music on premature, 220

     hypothesis testing by, 247

     music lessons for, 214–215

     object analysis by, 248–249

     object permanence and, 249

     reaction to new information, 250–251

     revelation of brain secrets by, 251–252

     testing of new information by, 246–251

     tongue testing and, 247–248

     use of visual cues by, 193–194


     auditory, 142

     deconstruction of, 190

     encoding of, 106

     exploration in acquisition of, 246

     meaning of, 139

     oral, 192

     pictorial, 192, 196–197

     processing of newly acquired, 250–251

     sensory, 154, 156, 167

     testing of new, by infants, 246–251

     transfer of, 193

     types of, 192

     visual, 142, 190

Information purification, 113

Infrared eye-tracking technology, testing of effect of pictures on attention, 196–197

Inhibition, 90–91

Insel, Thomas, 231


     Fatal Familial, 40

     healthy, 48

Inspiration, sleep and, 49–50

Intellectual dexterity, 74

Intellectual variability, 98

Intelligence, 96

Interest, attention and, 108

International Federation of Competitive Eating, 27

Interpersonal intelligence, 96

Interpretative activity as top-down processing, 169

Intervals, spaced, 149

Intrapersonal intelligence, 96

Intrinsic alertness, 111

Introductions, compelling, 140–141

iPods in music therapy, 201–202


     music training and, 206

     size of, 1

IQ tests, 96, 99, 101


Jeopardy!, 114

Job performance, 75, 158

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, need for nap, 45–46

Jordan, Michael, athletic failures of, 85, 100

Jumping Jack, 20


Kandel, Eric, 86–87, 136

Khan Academy, 100

Kim, Jeansok, 61, 80

King, Larry, 20

Kleiner, Harry, 89

Kleitman, Nathaniel, 41–42, 43, 44

Knowledge, desire for, 252–256

Kobayashi, Takeru “Tsunami,” 28

Kraus, Nina, 208

Krebs, Edwin, 252


LaLanne, Jack, 19–20, 21

Landers, Ann, 44


     acquisition of, 76

     mapping of brain and processing of, 97

     music training in boosting skills in, 208–209

Larks, 44, 53

Late chronotypes, 44–45

Learned helplessness, 59–61, 62

     predictability in, 62

     stress and, 68

Learning. See also Education; Schools

     attention and, 106

     capacity for, in children, 12–13

     class size and, 99

     context-dependent, 137, 178

     customized classrooms and, 100

     effect of vision on, 191

     encoding and, 131, 175

     gaps in, 100

     importance of vision in, 191–193

     meaningful, 138, 139

     multiple intelligences and, 96

     in multisensory environment in enhancing, 171–173

     need for homework and, 157

     performance gap in, 238

     real-world examples in, 139–140

     same-sex classrooms and, 238–239

     sensory integration in, 164, 175–176, 178

     sleep and, 49–50

     smell in boosting, 173–174

     state-dependent, 137

     stress and, 60, 65–66, 67, 70–73

     in wiring of brain, 86–87

Learning models

     discovery-based, 257

     problem-based, 257

“Left brain” people, 4, 232

Left hemisphere, 109

Levitin, Dan, 217–218

Library model of retrieval, 146–147

Life-threatening events, 78

Light Media Multitaskers, 116

Limbic system, 229

Limitation assessments, 214–215

LinkedIn, 256

Listening skills of musicians, 207–208

Lizard brain, 11, 15

Logical/mathematical intelligence, 96

Logical reasoning, sleep loss and, 49, 55

Long-term memories, 130, 144–146, 159

     conversion of short-term memory into, 11, 143–144

Long-term potentiation (LTP), 151

     early, 152

Lungs, 165

Luther, Martin, 230


Macadamization, 30

Maintaining attention, 10

Maintenance rehearsal, 148

Malacarne, Vincenzo, 87

Males. See Gender; Men

Mammalian brain, 11

Mapping, brain, 95–96

Marital conflict, unresolved, and stress, 71

Marital stress, effect on academic performance, 72

Marriage intervention, 75–77


     Donald Duck and, 195–196

     gender and, 238

     impact of sleep loss on knowledge in, 49

     repetition and, 157–158

     sleep and skills in, 50

Maugham, W. Somerset, 167, 168

Mayer, Richard, 171, 175

Maze-pattern sequence, 51

McAdam, John Loudon, 30

McEwen, Bruce, 69–70

McGurk effect, sensory integration and, 164, 168

McKeachie, Wilbert, 106

Medical-school model, components of, 257–258

Medical schools, analyzing success of, 257–258

Medina Grump Factor (MGF), 3

Melatonin, 53

Meltzoff, Andy, 247

Memory, 127–159

     amnesia and, 67, 153

     attention and, 107–108

     autobiographical, 146, 174

     automatic processing in, 133–134

     Brain Rules for, 3, 125, 148

     central executive in, 142, 143

     cortex and, 152–153, 159

     creating familiar settings and, 141–142

     declarative, 128, 129, 159, 174–175

     depression and, 67

     effortful processing in, 134

     elaborative rehearsal in, 149, 156

     encoding in, 131–139, 159

     episodic, 146

     familiar settings and, 141–142

     forgetting, 155–156

     hippocampus and, 152, 153, 154

     introductions and, 140–141

     life span of, 130

     long-term, 130, 144–146, 159

     long-term potentiation and, 151–155

     music and, 130–131

     nondeclarative, 129

     pattern matching in, 140

     photographic, 173

     process of, 130–133

     reasons for, 128–129

     recognition, 191, 192

     repetition in, 148–151, 157–158

     retrieving, 146–148

     semantic, 146

     short-term, 130, 191

     smell in evoking memory, 173–175

     stress and, 65–66, 74

     trivia and, 128

     types of, 129–130, 174

     verbal, 234

     working, 142–144, 159, 191

Memory consolidation, 145–146, 151–155

     fast, 151–152

     slow, 152–153

Memory degradation, 178

Men. See also Gender

     adult ratio of women to, 227

     brains in, 229–230

     memory and, 233

Mendeleyev, Dimitri Ivanovich, 49

Mental alertness, 23–24

Mental disorders, gender and, 231

Mesulam, Marsel, 109

Meta-analysis, 206

Metheny, Pat, 211

Method acting, 64

     stress and, 64–65

Micro-hibernation, 40

Micron, 89

Midazolam, 217

Migration, 21

Mindfulness, 74

Mindfulness training, 74

Mini-retreats, 54

Mirroring, 247

Mirror neurons, exploration and, 251, 260

Misattribution, 156

Mistakes, learning from, 9

Modality principle, 176

Molecular geneticists, 69

Mondo Cane, 118

Montessori schools, 100


     impact of music on, 215–218

     retrieval and, 136–137

     role of exercise on, 27

     sleep loss and, 49, 55

Morrow, Barry, 128

Motion blindness, 186

Motivation, smell and, 176

Motor adaptations, 50

Motor behaviors, 251

Motor dexterity, sleep loss and, 55

Motor sequencing, 50

Motor skills, music training and, 208

Movement, music and, 203

Mozart Effect, 4, 206–207

Multimedia Learning (Mayer), 175

Multimedia presentations, 175–176

Multimedia principle, 175

Multimodal reinforcement, 170

Multiple Intelligences movement, 96

Multisensory environment in enhancing, learning, 171–173

Multitasking, 5

     attention and, 115–118

Muscles, brain and, 87

Music, 201–222

     Brain Rule for, 199

     defined, 203–205

     effect of, on cognition, 202

     effects of, on premature infants, 220

     impact of, on mood, 215–218

     link between speech and, 209–210

     memory and, 130–131

     movement and, 203

Musical frisson, 216

Musical/rhythmic intelligence, 96


     in detecting emotion, 212–213

     listening skills of, 207–208

Music lessons

     coordination and, 211

     empathy in children and, 213–214

     in improving social skills, 211–215

     for infants, 214–215

Music scores, music training and, 206

Music therapy

     dementia and, 201–202

     iPod in, 201–202

     promise of, 218–219

     strokes and, 218–219

     in teaching discipline, 220

Music training

     in boosting language skills, 208–209

     effect on brain, 205–209

     IQ and, 206

     music scores and, 206

     reading ability and, 206

     working memory and, 208

Mutations, genetic, 10


Najdorf, Miguel, 142–143

Naps. See also Sleep

     benefits of taking, 2

     biological drive for, 55

     need for, 45–46

     performance and, 46, 48

     research on, 46–47

Nap zone, 45–47

     respecting, 54

Natural selection, 6

Nature, 207

Nature or nurture debate, gender and, 237

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 208–209

Negotiating status, gender and, 235–236

Nerve cells, 89

Nervous breakdowns, 68

Neural location of consciousness, 109

Neurons, 12, 55, 89

     Aniston, Jennifer, 86, 93–95

     growth spurt in, 101

     learning and, 86–87

     mirror, 251

     postsynaptic, 90

     presynaptic, 90

     visual receptor, 169–170

Neurotransmitters, 90

Neurotrophins, stress and, 68

Newborns. See also Infants

     imitation by, 247–248

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 254

1984, 113–114

Nitric oxide, 30

Nondeclarative memory, 129

Non-REM sleep, 41

Nonsense words, remembering, 130

Novel, rules for writing, 168

Novel stimuli, attention and, 108

Nowak, Lisa, 73

Nucleus, 89

     DNA folding in, 88–89


Object analysis by infants, 248–249

Object-oriented research projects, 248–249

Object permanence, 249

Occupational stress, 74

Offer, Daniel, 147–148

Of Human Bondage (movie), 168

Ojemann, George, 96–98

Olfactor region, 169

Olfactory cortex, 194

Olfactory epithelium, 169

Ophir, Eyal, 116

Opponent process model, 42

Optic disk, 187

Optic nerve, 185

Oral presentations, 192

Orientation, paying attention to, 195

Orienting Network, 111

Orwell, George, 114

Out-of-control stress, 68, 80

Owls, 44–45, 53


     brain’s need for, 35

     function of, 29

Oxygen doping, 33

Oxytocin, 216, 217


Page, David C., 227

Parentese, 204

Parents in educational system, 78–79

Pattern matching, 114, 122, 147

Patterns, babies preference for high contrast in, 193

Peek, Kim, 127–128, 129, 133

Perception, 166–170

     visual processing and, 184


     academic, 27, 32, 72, 221

     cardiovascular, 63–64, 71

     cognitive, 24, 25, 32–33, 47, 48, 204

     effect of marital stress on academic, 72

     exercise and, 30

     gap in, 238

     job, 75, 158

     napping and, 46, 48

     predicting, 71, 206

     review of, 63

     school, 75

Phantom limbs, 190

Phasic alertness, 111

Phonemic encoding, 135

Phonological loop in working memory, 143

Phospholipid bilayer, 89–90

Photographic memory, 173

Photons, 184, 185, 197

Physical activity, cognitive effects of, 21, 24–25

Physical education, elimination from curriculum, 32–33

Physical health, stress and, 73

Pictorial information, 192, 196–197

Pictorial superiority effect, 191–192, 195, 197


     in communication, 196–197

     in grabbing attention, 196–197

     value of, 191–193

Pinker, Steven, 204, 218

Pitch, vocal, 202, 207

Pitocin, 217

Plaques, 63–64

Pointing game, playing, 245

Posner, Michael, 110–111, 116

Postsynaptic neurons

     memory and, 151

     wiring of brain and, 90

Potts, Richard, 9

PowerPoint, 197

Prefrontal cortex, 10, 11, 116

     exploration and, 260

     gender and, 229

     learning and, 252

Premature infants, effects of music on, 220


     animating, 196–197

     dividing into 10-minute segments, 120–121

     oral, 192

Presynaptic neurons, wiring of brain and, 90

     memory and, 151

Problem-based learning models, 257

Problem solving, 10, 80

     evolutionary pressure and, 253

     improvements in, 172

     mini-retreats and, 54

     stress and, 74

Process C, 42–43

Process C curve, 46, 54

Process S, 42

Process S curve, 46, 54


     control and, 74–75

     effect of turnover on, 74–75

Propranolol, 232

Prosocial skills, music lessons and, 211–215

Proust, Marcel, 173, 177

Proust effect, sensory integration and, 173

Prozac, 229

Puberty, brains at, 92


Quality of encoding, 138–139

Quantitative reasoning

     depression and, 67

     impact of sleep loss on, 49

     stress and, 74

Quantitative skills, sleep loss and, 55

Quantitative tasks, 100

Quiroga, Quian, 94


Rabinowitch, Tal-Chen, 213

Rain Man (film), 128

Ramachandran, Vilayanur, 188

Rap, 203

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 41–42, 52

Reaction times, exercise and, 24

Reading ability, music training and, 206

Reasoning, symbolic, 6–7, 15

Recess, elimination of, from school day, 32–33

Recognition memory, 191, 192

Reconsolidation, 146


     elaborative, 149, 156

     maintenance, 148

     timing of, 149

Relationships, gender in cementing, 234–235

Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 173


     in fixing memories, 148–151

     over many years, 157–158

     relationship between memory and, 150–151

     spacing out, 150–151

Repetition cycles, 150

Rest, 41–42. See also Naps; Sleep

Retina, 184–185, 197

     images appearing on, 189

     tracks in, 185

     visual receptor neurons in, 169–170

Retrieval of memories, 146–148

     in declarative memory, 128, 159

     familiar settings and, 141–142

     Holmes, Sherlock, model of, 147–148

     library model of, 146–147

     in long-term memory, 127–128

     separation of memory from, 100–101

     spacing out input in, 150–151

Retrograde amnesia, 153

Reuptake, 91

Rhythm, 211

Right brain, left brain versus, 232

Right brain people, 4, 232

Right hemisphere, 109

RNA polymerase II, 177

Rosekind, Mark, 54

Routing, 167

Russian Academy of Sciences, 49

R value, 205–207


Sacks, Oliver, 109, 201, 202, 219

Schacter, Dan, 150, 156

Schedules, matching to chronotypes, 53

Schizophrenia, gender and, 231

Schools. See also Education; Learning

     class size and, 99

     customized classrooms in, 100

     learning and, 98–99

     learning of the job at, 256–259

     performance at, 75

     stress at, 70–73

     Theory of Mind testing and, 99

     truancy and absenteeism and, 72–73

School uniforms, 33

Science, gender and, 238

Scoville, William, 144

Self-control, 65

Seligman, Martin, 60, 80

Semantic encoding, 135

Semantic memory, 146

Senses. See also Hearing; Smell; Vision

     encoding and, 133

     pairing of, 170–171

Sensing, 167

Sensory branding, 176–177

Sensory information, 154, 156

     encoding, 167

Sensory integration, 163–164

     American model in, 166–167

     association cortices and, 167

     bottom-up processing, 167, 168

     brain and, 164

     Brain Rule in, 161

     branding in, 176–177

     British model of, 166

     coherence principle in, 176

     effect on learning, 164, 175–176, 178

     Mayer, Richard, and, 171

     McGurk effect and, 164, 168

     modality principle in, 176

     multimedia presentations in, 175–176

     multimodal reinforcement and, 170

     multisensory environment in, 171–173

     pairing of senses in, 170–171

     perception in, 166–170

     problem solving and, 172

     Proust effect in, 173, 177

     Shereshevskii, Solomon, and, 172–173

     sights and sounds in, 165–166

     smell and, 169–170, 173–175, 177–178, 179

     sound in, 170–171

     spatial contiguity principle in, 175

     synesthesia and, 163–164, 172

     temporal contiguity principle in, 175

     top-down processing and, 167, 168

     touch in, 170

Sequential actions, 117


     gender and, 241

     in regulating emotion and mood, 229

Services, improving access to, 30

The Seven Sins of Memory (Schacter), 156

Sex, 226. See also Gender as drive, 247

Sex assignment, male control of, 227

Sex chromosomes, 226

Shankar, Ravi, 203

Shapiro, Alyson, 76–77

Shaw, George Bernard, 193

Shereshevskii, Solomon, 155–156, 172–173

Short-term memory, 130, 142, 191. See also Working memory

     converting to long-term memory, 11, 143–144

     elaborative processing and, 172

     exercise and, 24

Siestas, 46

Sleep, 39–55. See also Naps

     benefits of solid night’s, 49–50

     brain during, 41–42

     Brain Rule in, 37

     chronotypes and, 44–45, 53

     dreaming and, 41

     effects of not getting enough, 47–49

     inspiration and, 49–50

     non-REM, 41

     rapid eye movement (REM), 41–42, 52

     reasons for, 50–52

     slow-wave, 51

Sleep cycle, 41

Sleep debt, 47

     accumulation of, 45

Sleep deprivation, 40, 46

     chronic, 76

     effects of, 52

     research on, 39–40

Sleep hormones, 53

Sleepiness, transient, 45–46

Sleep loss

     cognitive performance and, 47

     effect on body, 48–49

     executive function and, 55

     logical reasoning and, 55

     mood and, 55

     motor dexterity and, 55

     quantitative skills, 55

     working memory and, 55

Slow consolidation, 152–153

Slow-wave sleep, 51

Smell, 169–170

     in boosting memory, 173–175

     in brand differentiation, 177

     in evoking memory, 173–175, 179

     motivation and, 176

     recall and, 175

     at work, 177–178

Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, Human Origins Program at, 9

Social bonding, oxytocin and, 217

Social cooperation, 14

Social sensitivity, differences in, 236

Social skills, music lessons in improving, 211–215


     animation, 196

     PowerPoint, 197

Sound, 170–171

Spaced intervals, 149

Spacing out repetitions, 150–151

Spangenberg, Eric, 176–177

Spatial contiguity principle, 175

Spatial intelligence, 96

Spatial perception, depression and, 67

Spatiotemporal reasoning, 206

Speech, link between music and, 209–210

Sperm, size of, 226

Squire, Larry, 136

SRY gene (sex-determining region Y gene), 227

Starbucks, 176

Status, gender in negotiating, 235–236

Stimulation detection, learning and, 175


     aversive, 61, 69

     multiple senses in detecting, 170–171

     universal emotional, 114

Storage in declarative memory, 128, 159

Strengthening exercises, 25

Stress, 59–81

     absenteeism and, 72–73

     acute, 63, 232

     allostatic load and, 69, 70, 72

     anxiety disorders and, 73

     biology of, 62, 63, 66

     blood pressure and, 62, 71–72

     brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and, 68, 80

     Brain Rule in, 57

     cardiovascular system and, 63–64, 81

     catastrophic, 67

     chronic, 60, 64, 81

     control and, 61–62, 68, 72, 80

     cortisol and, 62, 66–67

     defined, 60–62

     depression and, 73, 74

     desire to avoid situation and, 61

     effect on learning, 67

     emotional, 81

     emotional stability and, 70–71

     executive function and, 65

     fight or flight response and, 62

     fluid intelligence and, 74

     Gammel and, 60

     grades and, 70

     hippocampus and, 65, 66, 67, 81

     in home, 70–73

     immune response and, 64–65, 72–73

     job performance and, 75

     learned helplessness and, 59–61, 62, 68

     learning and, 60, 65–66, 67, 70–73

     loss of control and, 61–62

     marriage intervention and, 75–77

     memory formation and, 65–66, 74

     Method acting and, 64–65

     mindfulness and, 74

     neurotrophins and, 68

     occupational, 74

     out-of-control, 68, 80

     physical health and, 73

     physical responses to, 62–66

     predictability and, 61

     problem-solving abilities and, 74

     quantitative reasoning and, 74

     school performance and, 75

     subjective nature of, 61

     surgery and, 217

     survival and, 63, 65

     truancy and, 72–73

     at work, 73–75, 80

Stress hormones, 66–67


     cutting risks of, 26

     music therapy and, 219–220

     risk of, 34

Structural encoding, 135

Structure-function map of the brain, 12

Suboptimal productivity, 53

Subway fast-food restaurants, 177

Suggestibility, 156

Suicide, 67, 68–69

Summers, Larry, 230

Superior temporal gyrus, 98

Suprachiasmatic nucleus, 43–44


     smell and, 173

     stress and, 217

Surveillance, alertness and, 110

Survival, stress and, 63, 65

Survival of the fittest, 20–21

Suzuki methodology, 214

Symbolic reasoning, 6–7, 15

     adapting to variation and, 9

Synapse, 90

Synaptic cleft, 90

Synaptic consolidation, 153


     sensory integration and, 163–164, 172–173

     types of, 163–164


Tabula rasa, 246, 247

Talk therapy, 219

Tannen, Deborah, 233–237

Task switching, 118

Teachers. See also Learning; Schools

     good versus bad, 119

     Theory of Mind skills for, 99

Teaching in cycles, 157

Teaching Tips (McKeachie), 106

Teamwork, 13–14

     in workplace, 239–240

Television advertising, emotionally charged events and, 113

Temporal contiguity principle, 175

10-minute rule, attention and, 120–121

“Tend and befriend” tendency in females, 233

Terrible twos, 3

Testing, exploration and, 250–251

Thalamus, 11

     sensory integration and, 167

     smell and, 169, 179

     vision and, 185

Theory of Mind, 13–14, 69, 213

     testing and, 99

Thirst as drive, 247

3M, 256

Timbre, 203

Time, free, at work, 256

Timing principle, 141

Tip-of-the-tongue issues, 156

“Toddler’s Creed,” 250

Tongue testing, 247–248

Toolmaking, 7

Top-down processing

     interpretative activity as, 169

     sensory integration and, 167, 168

Touch, 170

     vision in trumping, 190

Tracks in retina, 185

Transient sleepiness, 45–46

Traumatic situations, dealing with, 233

Trinity Model, 110

Tripp, Peter, 39–40, 41

Trivia, 128

Truancy, stress and, 72–73

Turnover, effect on productivity, 74–75

Twilight of the Idols (Nietzsche), 254


Unification of thought, 113

Unisensory environment, 171

     learning in, 171

Universally emotional stimuli, 114

The Universal Sense (Horowitz), 203

USA Today, readership of, 196


Variation, adaptation to, 7–9

Venn diagram, showing music processing in the brain in, 209–210

Ventral stream, 186

Verbal communication, gender and, 233–236

Verbal fluency, 234

Verbal/linguistic intelligence, 96

Verbal memory, 234

Video, learning from, 195–196

Viorst, Judith, 176

Vision, 183–197

     animating of presentations and, 196

     in babies, 193–194

     blind spots and, 187–188

     brain in, 183–184, 188–190

     Brain Rule for, 181

     cameras and, 184–187

     Charles Bonnet Syndrome and, 188

     communication with pictures, 196–197

     DNA and, 194

     as dominant sense, 197

     dreaming and, 188

     effect on learning, 191

     hallucinations and, 189–190, 194

     importance of, 193–194, 197

     influence on hearing, 179

     pictorial superiority effect and, 191–192, 195, 196–7

     PowerPoint presentation and, 197

     recognition memory and, 191

     retina in, 184–185, 189, 197

     synesthesia and, 163–164

     touch and, 190

     use of visual cues by babies in, 193–194

     value of pictures and, 191–193

     working memory and, 191

Visual analysis, steps in, 197

Visual cortex, 185–186, 187, 194, 197

Visual cues, use of, by babies, 193–194

Visual information, 142

Visual perception, creation of single, 188–189

Visual processing

     importance of, 193–194

     perception and, 184

Visual receptor neurons, 169–170

Visuals in learning, 195

Visual system as bottom-up processor, 168

Visual texture discrimination, sleep and, 50

Visuospatial sketch pad, 143

Vizcarra, Ray, 205, 209, 221

Vocal affective discrimination skills, 212


Wagner, Anthony, 150

Walker, Alice, 209

Walking, 35

Wallace, Mike, 22

White blood cells, stress and, 64

Whitehead, Barbara, 72

Whitehead Institute, 227

Wine tasting, vocabulary of, 183–184

Wiring of brain, 85–101

     Aniston, Jennifer, neuron and, 86, 93–95

     athletic failures and, 85–86

     Brain Rule in, 83, 92

     cells in and, 88–91

     class size and, 99

     customized classrooms and workplaces and, 100

     differences in, 101

     DNA and, 88–89

     electrical stimulation mapping and, 96, 98

Wiring of brain (continued)

     experience-dependent, 93, 94, 96

     experience-expectant, 93

     experience-independent, 93, 95

     in identical twins, 94–95

     language processing and, 97

     learning in, 86–87

     multiple intelligences and, 96

     neuron growth and pruning in, 91–93, 101

     road map for, 95–98

     Theory of Mind testing and, 99

Women. See also Gender

     adult ratio of men to, 227

     brains in, 229–230

     child care and, 79–80

     memory and, 233

     “tend and befriend” tendency in, 233

Wonder, sense of, 259

Word recognition, music training and, 208


     child care and, 79–80

     customized places for, 100

     free time at, 256

     gender teams at, 239–240

     matching schedules and chronotypes to, 53

     mini-retreats and, 54

     stress at, 73–75, 80, 81

     Theory of Mind testing and, 99

Workday, integrating exercise into, 33–34

Worker compensation, 73

Work-family conflict, 75

Working memory, 142–144, 159

     central executive in, 142, 143

     defined, 191

     music training and, 208

     phonological loop in, 143

     sleep loss and, 49, 55

     visuospatial sketch pad in, 143

Wrangham, Richard, 21

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 22–23


X chromosomes, 226–229, 241

     mental disorders and, 231

X inactivation, 228


Yancey, Antronette, 27, 32

Y chromosomes, 226–229, 241

You Just Don’t Understand (Tannen), 236


Zatorre, Robert, 216