Chapter 15
Preparing fresh fruits and vegetables for your freezer
Exploring dry-packing and wet-packing methods
Using syrups for packing your fruits in liquid
Discovering perfect blanching
Preserving fresh herbs in your freezer
Frozen Peaches Packed in Syrup
Frozen Mangoes Packed in Syrup
Frozen Pineapple Packed in Syrup
Freezing fruits and vegetables is the second-best preserving method after canning. Preparing and processing fresh fruits and vegetables for the freezer takes about a third of the time of water-bath or pressure canning. You can also preserve fresh herbs in your freezer.
The equipment required for freezing food is more than likely already in your kitchen: a freezer, packaging materials (check out Chapter 13), pots, a colander, measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a food scale. After your equipment and food is in order, start freezing!
Freezing fruit is an excellent way to buy fruit when it’s in season and less expensive and then have all your sweet favorites on hand any time of year.
When freezing fruit, follow these general steps (the following sections offer more information on each step in freezing fruit):
Work with small, manageable quantities, about 8 to 12 cups of fruit, which yields about 2 to 3 quarts frozen.
Note: Most of the recipes in this chapter use about 2 cups of fruit, which yields 1 pint. You can easily do multiple batches at a time to get the yield you want.
The key to a great frozen product starts with perfect, ripe fruit (or as close to perfect as you can find). Choose only unblemished fruit, free of bruises and not overly ripe. Be prepared to process your fruit the day it’s picked or immediately after bringing it home from the store.
Fresh fruits require a minimum of preparation before packaging them for the freezer. First, you need to wash them, cut them if needed, and then choose a packing method based on how you intend to use your final product.
Fruits may be frozen raw, with added sugar, or with added syrup (a mixture of sugar and water). Although adding sugar to your fruit isn’t necessary, it’s often preferred. Occasionally, you’ll add an antioxidant to the liquid to keep your fruit from discoloring.
Following are your fruit packing choices.
Wet pack with syrup: Place your fruit in a rigid freezer container, adding syrup (see Table 15-1 for a variety of syrup concentrations) to completely cover the fruit, and allowing the recommended headspace (listed in Table 15-2). Your fruit needs to be fully submerged in the syrup before you seal the containers for freezing.
To solve the problem of floating fruit, fruit rising to the top of the liquid in the jar, wad a piece of moisture-proof paper into a ball. Place it on top of the fruit to force the fruit to stay completely submerged when the container is sealed. Remove the paper after thawing your fruit.
As for your fruit-packing method, select your storage container size based on how you intend to use your final product. The best choices for fruit packaging materials are rigid freezer containers and freezer bags (see Chapter 13). Use rigid freezer containers when you add liquid to the fruit. Use freezer bags when no liquid is added to the fruit.
As mentioned previously, syrup is a sugar-and-water combination. Table 15-1 lists the different types of syrups. To make the syrup, you simply dissolve the appropriate amount of sugar into water. You can use either cold or hot water. If using hot water, let the sugar syrup cool to room temperature before adding it to fruit.
TABLE 15-1 Syrup for Freezing Fruit
Type of Syrup |
Sugar Concentration |
Sugar |
Water |
Syrup Yield |
Extra-light |
20 |
1¼ cups |
5½ cups |
6 cups |
Light |
30 |
2¼ cups |
5¼ cups |
6½ cups |
Medium |
40 |
3¼ cups |
5 cups |
7 cups |
Heavy |
50 |
4¼ cups |
4¼ cups |
7 cups |
Headspace is very important when freezing fruits. Fruit expands when frozen, and you need the extra space to allow for this. In addition, if you’re using glass jars and don’t have enough headspace to accommodate the expanding fruit, the jars can break. To avoid this problem, use the headspace recommended for the size containers you have (see Table 15-2).
TABLE 15-2 Headspace Guidelines for a Dry or Wet Pack
Packing Method |
Container Opening Size |
Pints |
Quarts |
Dry pack |
Narrow mouth |
½ inch |
½ inch |
Dry pack |
Wide mouth |
½ inch |
½ inch |
Wet pack |
Narrow mouth |
¾ inch |
1½ inches |
Wet pack |
Wide mouth |
½ inch |
1 inch |
Jams, jellies, and preserves made with frozen berries produce an end result that is superior in color, flavor, and texture to one made with fresh berries.
To retain the best quality of your fruit after freezing, refer to Chapter 13 and follow these guidelines:
Like fresh fruit, fresh vegetables are quick and easy to freeze. The key to great frozen vegetables is a process called blanching.
Follow these steps for freezing vegetables:
Wash and drain your vegetables and prepare them according to your recipe (which usually specifies blanching the vegetables).
Be sure to allow the vegetables to dry thoroughly before freezing to prevent them from sticking together when frozen.
Blanching scalds the vegetables in boiling water, slows down the enzymes and the spoiling process, and preserves the color, flavor, texture, and nutritive value.
Blanching requires 100 percent of your attention. Blanching for too short of a time won’t stop the enzymes in the vegetables, and microorganisms will start where they were stopped after the vegetables thaw. Vegetables left in the boiling water for too long will start cooking and may become limp.
Follow these steps for successful blanching:
Wash and drain your vegetables; then remove any peel or skin, if necessary.
If you’re not freezing your vegetables whole, cut them now.
Bring a 5- to 6-quart pot of water to a boil and fill a large mixing bowl with ice water.
Add ice cubes to the mixing bowl because the hot vegetables increase the temperature of the ice bath. Cold stops the cooking process.
Add your prepared vegetables to the boiling water for the amount of blanching time specified in the recipe.
Begin timing your vegetables as soon as they’re in the boiling water; don’t wait for the water to return to a boil.
Blanch your vegetables in batches, no more than 1 pound of vegetables in 1 gallon of water.
Remove your vegetables from the boiling water and plunge them into the ice-water bath, stirring the vegetables and circulating the ice water to stop the cooking process as quickly as possible.
Don’t leave your vegetables in the ice-water bath longer than they were in the boiling water.
After the vegetables are chilled all the way through, remove them from the ice-water bath and drain them in a colander.
If you’re dry-packing them, roll them in or lay them on clean, dry kitchen towels to remove excess moisture.
Pack your vegetables immediately after preparing them. Moisture-proof, vapor-proof freezer bags are the best choice for vegetables. Don’t season them before freezing them.
Removing all excess air is important to avoid spoilers, such as freezer burn (refer to Chapter 13). To remove air from your containers, follow these guidelines:
After filling your bags, place them in a single layer in your freezer. Quick freezing is important to the quality of your vegetables when they are thawed. After the packages are frozen solid, you may stack them on top of each other.
Properly thawing your fresh vegetables completes the cycle of preserving them by freezing. You get the best results when you thaw vegetables in your refrigerator rather than on your kitchen counter. A package of vegetables containing a single serving size takes less time to thaw than a package containing 1 pound of vegetables.
Of course, you don’t have to thaw your vegetables. You can always add them directly to hot water or a recipe and allow them to thaw and cook with the rest of the ingredients.
The flavors that fresh herbs impart in just about any dish are truly a gift from nature. Frozen herbs are a great compromise when fresh herbs aren’t available.
Some herbs that freeze well include chervil, chives, comfrey, dill, lovage, savory, sweet fennel, and thyme.
To prepare fresh herbs for the freezer, follow these steps (see Figure 15-1):
Clean the herbs.
Hold the bottom of the stems (don’t remove the leaves from the stems), and swish the herbs in a bowl of cool water.
Starting at one end, roll the wax paper snugly over the herbs.
This keeps the herbs separate and easy to use one sprig at a time.
Place the rolled herbs in a freezer bag, label the package, and freeze.
There’s no need to thaw the herbs before using them.
Frozen Apples Packed in Sugar
1¼ to 1½ pounds apples
1½ tablespoons lemon juice
8 cups water
½ cup granulated sugar
1 Peel, core, and slice your apples into 12 or 16 pieces, dropping the slices into a mixture of 1½ tablespoons of lemon juice to 8 cups of water to keep them from turning brown as you finish them all. (If you prefer, you can use an ascorbic or citric acid solution instead of the lemon juice and water.)
2 Remove the apples from the antioxidant solution and place them in a shallow dish or on a baking sheet. Sprinkle the apple slices with granulated sugar, one part sugar to four parts apples. Let your apples be the guide here: Taste a slice with sugar to see if it is to your liking.
3 Fill your container, allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2), and freeze.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 168 (From fat 3); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 0mg; Carbohydrates 44g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 0g.
TIP: Use crisp apples with a firm texture, like Pippin or Golden Delicious. Because apples tend to get a little mushy when you defrost them, these varieties are ideal for use in baked goods.
VARY IT! You can also pack your apples in syrup. To do so, place your drained apple slices in rigid freezer containers, filling them with a cold, heavy syrup (refer to Table 15-1), adding ½ teaspoon of an antioxidant solution to each container and allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2).
Frozen Peaches Packed in Syrup
1 to 1½ pounds peaches
½ cup medium syrup
½ teaspoon Fruit-Fresh antioxidant
1 Blanch the peaches to remove the skin (don’t leave the fruit in the boiling water for more than 1 minute). For more on blanching, see the section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process.”
2 Place ½ cup of cold medium syrup (refer to Table 15-1) and an antioxidant into each rigid freezer container. Slice or halve the fruit directly into the pint container, discarding the fruit pits.
3 Fill the container with additional syrup, allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2), and freeze.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 65 (From fat 1); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 0mg; Carbohydrates 17g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 1g.
TIP: Use freestone peaches to make removing the pit much easier.
VARY IT! In addition to freezing peaches with this recipe, you can also freeze nectarines and apricots the same way; all varieties of these fruits freeze well.
Quick-Frozen Blueberries
1 to 1½ pounds blueberries
1 Gently wash the berries, removing any stems. Spread the washed berries onto a towel-lined cookie sheet and allow them to air dry (about 15 to 20 minutes) to prevent them from sticking together while freezing.
2 Spread your washed berries on a baking sheet, and place it in your freezer. (This process is known as quick-freezing or flash-freezing.) When the berries are frozen, transfer them to freezer bags or rigid freezer containers.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 64 (From fat 4); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 7mg; Carbohydrates 16g (Dietary fiber 3g); Protein 1g.
TIP: To pack your berries in syrup, place the berries into rigid freezer containers, covering them with cold medium syrup (refer to Table 15-1), and allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2). If the berries float, add a ball of moisture-proof paper to keep the berries submerged.
VARY IT! You can use any type of berry for this recipe except strawberries; they all freeze well with this method. Whatever berries you choose, make sure they’re firm. (The best way to freeze strawberries is to pack them in sugar, as explained in the later recipe, Frozen Strawberries Packed in Sugar.)
Frozen Strawberry Purée
2 to 4 cups strawberries
¼ cup water
2 tablespoons granulated sugar (or to taste)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (or to taste)
1 Wash, hull, and slice the strawberries. Place them in a 2-quart saucepan. Add water to prevent the berries from sticking. Cook the berries on medium heat until soft (about 20 minutes). Remove the pan from heat and let the fruit cool.
2 Process the cooled fruit in a food processor fitted with a metal blade until puréed, or run it through a food mill. Add the granulated sugar and lemon juice to taste.
3 Return the mixture to the saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Remove immediately from heat.
4 Ladle the purée into 1-cup or smaller rigid freezer containers, allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2). Alternatively, freeze small amounts of fruit purée in ice-cube trays. Remove the frozen cubes from the trays and transfer them to a freezer-storage bag.
PER 2-TABLESPOON SERVING: Calories 16 (From fat 1); Fat 0 (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 0mg; Carbohydrates 4g (Dietary fiber 1g); Protein 0g.
TIP: Use frozen fruit purées for making fruit leathers (see Chapter 17), fruit sauces (by adding water, fruit juice, or a teaspoon of your favorite liqueur), as a concentrated flavor in fruit smoothies, or as a topping for your favorite ice cream.
VARY IT! This recipe makes a strawberry purée, but you can make any kind of purée. Just use any amount of fruit you have on hand — 2 to 4 cups of raw fruit is a good working quantity — and add sugar to taste.
Frozen Lemon Juice
8 lemons
1 Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a measuring cup.
2 Pour the juice into 1-ounce freezer containers or ice-cube trays. After the cubes freeze, remove them from the ice-cube trays and store them in freezer bags.
PER 1-TABLESPOON SERVING: Calories 4 (From fat 0); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 0mg; Carbohydrates 1g (Dietary fiber 0g); Protein 0g.
TIP: If you prefer juice without pulp in it, place a small mesh strainer over the edge of your measuring cup; juice your fruit over the strainer.
NOTE: Because this recipe is so simple (requiring only squeezing), you can make as much or as little as you prefer (or whatever you have on hand).
VARY IT! You freeze lime juice the same way, so consider this recipe a two-fer.
Frozen Mangoes Packed in Syrup
2 to 3 medium mangoes
½ cup cold light syrup
1 Peel the skin from the fruit, slicing the flesh away from the seed (see Figure 15-2).
2 Measure ½ cup cold light syrup (refer to Table 15-1) into a rigid pint container. Slice the fruit directly into the container. Press the slices to the bottom of the container, adding additional syrup to achieve the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2).
3 Add a ball of moisture-proof paper to keep the fruit submerged, secure the lid, and freeze.
PER 1-CUP SERVING: Calories 101 (From fat 3); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 0mg; Carbohydrates 26g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 1g.
TIP: Choose fully ripe mangoes that are slightly soft yet firm to the touch with a strong mango aroma.
Frozen Pineapple Packed in Syrup
1 pound pineapple
1 cup cold light syrup
1 Peel and core the pineapple (see Figure 15-3), cutting it into wedges or cubes.
2 Pack your fruit into a rigid freezer container. Fill the container with the cold light syrup (refer to Table 15-1), allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2). Then seal and freeze.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 96 (From fat 0); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 1mg; Carbohydrates 25g (Dietary fiber 1g); Protein 0g.
TIP: Selecting a ripe pineapple can be challenging because of the thick peel. Start by smelling the skin. A strong, sweet pineapple aroma, with no alcohol undertones, means the fruit is ripe. Also, the stem end develops sugar first, so check for yellow eyes around the base, which is an indication that your pineapple is sweet and juicy. Although it might seem tricky, getting the ripest pineapple is essential for a sweet, juicy flavor.
Frozen Strawberries Packed in Sugar
¾ to 1½ pounds fresh strawberries
½ cup sugar
1 Wash your strawberries in water, being careful not to bruise them. Remove the hulls (stems).
2 Slice the strawberries lengthwise into a bowl. Add ¾ cup granulated sugar for each quart of strawberries, stirring the berries to dissolve the sugar. Let the strawberries and sugar sit for 30 minutes for the juice to develop.
3 Transfer the strawberries to rigid freezer containers, allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2).
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 121 (From fat 3); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 1mg; Carbohydrates 31g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 1g.
VARY IT! To pack your strawberries in syrup, place the sliced strawberries into rigid freezer containers. Fill the containers with a cold medium syrup (refer to Table 15-1), allowing the proper headspace (refer to Table 15-2).
Frozen Asparagus
1 to 1½ pounds fresh asparagus
1 Wash and drain the asparagus spears. Leave the spears whole or cut them into 1-inch pieces.
2 Blanch the spears or pieces for 1 to 4 minutes, depending on the size (thinner spears take less time). Take the time to test your spears after each minute to check for a slightly crisp texture. Cool the asparagus immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the cooled asparagus in quart-sized freezer bags — 1 pound of asparagus fits nicely into a quart bag — removing all excess air before sealing the bag and placing it in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 25 (From fat 3); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 12mg; Carbohydrates 5g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 3g.
Frozen Wax Beans
⅔ to 1 pound fresh wax beans
1 Wash and drain the beans. Remove the ends and strings, and cut them into 1-inch pieces.
2 Blanch the beans for 2 to 3 minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.) Spread the beans on a dry kitchen towel to dry them thoroughly before freezing.
3 Place the cooled beans in quart-sized freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing and placing the bags in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 26 (From fat 0); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 8mg; Carbohydrates 6g (Dietary fiber 3g); Protein 1g.
TIP: Freezing beans is a great way to have them on hand for quick soups and stews. You can add the frozen beans directly to the dish 10 minutes before it is finished cooking.
VARY IT! You can use this recipe for many types of common beans: Green, string, Italian, or wax all work equally well.
Frozen Shell Beans
2 to 2½ pounds shell beans
1 Wash and drain the beans.
2 Blanch the beans for 2 to 4 minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. Spread the beans on a clean kitchen towel to absorb all excess moisture. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the cooled beans in quart-sized freezer bags, removing all excess air before placing the bags in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 158 (From fat 12); Fat 1g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 110mg; Carbohydrates 25g (Dietary fiber 9g); Protein 12 g.
VARY IT! This recipe works equally well for lime, butter, or other shell beans.
Frozen Bell Peppers
1 to 3 pounds fresh peppers
1 Wash and drain the peppers. Remove the stems and seeds, and slice the peppers into uniform pieces. (Note: You do not blanch peppers before freezing.)
2 Place the bell peppers into a rigid container, leaving the appropriate amount of headspace (refer to Table 15-2). Seal and freeze.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 15 (From fat 1); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 1mg; Carbohydrates 4g (Dietary fiber 1g); Protein 1g.
VARY IT! For this recipe you can use green, red, orange, or yellow peppers.
TIP: Peppers really make an otherwise boring meal sparkle. Try freezing multiple-colored peppers in the same package. Because bell peppers become a little mushy when you defrost them, they’re perfect for use in any cooked recipe.
Frozen Broccoli
1 pound fresh broccoli
1 Wash and drain the broccoli, removing leaves and damaged spots. Cut the broccoli spears into ½-inch pieces.
2 Blanch the broccoli for 3 to 4 minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the cooled broccoli pieces in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 30 (From fat 0); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 29mg; Carbohydrates 6g (Dietary fiber 3g); Protein 3g.
TIP: Broccoli is such an undervalued vegetable. Use these perfectly prepared spears in all your soups and casseroles.
Frozen Brussels Sprouts
1 pound fresh Brussels sprouts
1 Wash and drain the Brussels sprouts, removing the leaves and sorting by size for blanching (the smaller-sized sprouts require a shorter blanching time).
2 Blanch the smaller Brussels sprouts for 3 minutes, and the larger for 5 minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.) Spread the blanched Brussels sprouts on a clean kitchen towel to remove all of the excess moisture before freezing.
3 Place the cooled Brussels sprouts in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 32 (From fat 4); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 17mg; Carbohydrates 7g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 2g.
NOTE: Brussels sprouts can be a delicious treat — if they’re picked at their freshest and processed right away.
VARY IT! Try adding Brussels sprouts to your roasted vegetable mix, with browned butter and garlic, or doused with balsamic vinegar for a new twist on this tasty vegetable.
Frozen Carrots
1 pound carrots
1 Wash and drain the carrots, removing the tops and peeling the skin. Leave the carrots whole, or slice (or dice) them into uniform-sized pieces.
2 Blanch the carrots for 2 minutes (sliced or diced carrots) or 5 minutes (whole carrots); cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.) Dry the blanched carrots on a clean kitchen towel to remove all of the moisture.
3 Place the cooled carrots in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 51 (From fat 0); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 58mg; Carbohydrates 12g (Dietary fiber 3g); Protein 2g.
NOTE: You can freeze carrots whole, sliced, or diced — in whatever form you’ll need them later.
Frozen Cauliflower
1¼ pounds cauliflower
White vinegar
1 Wash and drain the cauliflower, removing the leaves and core and breaking the flesh into 1-inch pieces (do not cut).
2 Blanch the cauliflower in a water-vinegar mixture (1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 gallon of water) for 3 minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the cauliflower pieces in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 7 (From fat 1); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 8mg; Carbohydrates 2g (Dietary fiber 1g); Protein 1g.
TIP: Cauliflower has seen a surge in popularity as a low-carb substitute for starchy vegetables. If you have struggled to find this tasty veg at the store, now you can stock up and freeze it when it’s in season and readily available.
VARY IT! Steam frozen cauliflower and use it for a creamy mashed potato substitute or as an ingredient in low-carb recipes. Frozen cauliflower also roasts well; just add it with your potatoes and onions to the roasting pan.
Frozen Corn
4 pounds corn (about 12 ears)
1 Remove the husks and the silk from the corn. Wash the ears.
2 Blanch the ears whole for 4 minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.) Cut the kernels from the corn after cooling.
3 Place the corn in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 47 (From fat 6); Fat 1g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 8mg; Carbohydrates 10g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 2g.
NOTE: Add frozen corn to a soup or stew during the last 5 minutes of cooking.
TIP: Make sure your corn is sweet before you freeze it. It won’t taste any sweeter after freezing. Slightly peel back the husk to check for any pests. If all is clear (no bugs or mold), use your thumbnail to depress a kernel about an inch below the top of the corn. If the ear has adequate moisture, liquid will squirt out. Buy this ear! If no spitting occurs, select another ear and repeat the test.
Frozen Greens
1 to 1½ pounds greens (beet, spinach, or Swiss chard)
1 Wash the greens well, removing any thick stems.
2 Blanch the greens for 1½ minutes, stirring constantly to separate the leaves; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the cooled greens in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 36 (From fat 2); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 320mg; Carbohydrates 7g (Dietary fiber 4g); Protein 3g.
TIP: Greens are easy to grow, inexpensive to buy at the farmer’s markets, and chock full of nutrition. Try keeping plenty on hand to add some extra flavor to your egg dishes, casseroles, and soups, when fresh vegetables are not available.
NOTE: Your actual yield will vary, depending on the type of greens you use. Spinach, for example, wilts much more than kale does and produces a smaller yield.
Frozen Okra
1 to 1½ pounds fresh okra
1 Wash the okra well, removing the stems. Do not cut (you leave okra whole for blanching). (Note: Because larger pods can be tough, use only pods that are 2 to 3 inches in length.)
2 Blanch the okra pods and cool them immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.) You can pack the okra whole or in slices. If you prefer sliced okra, slice it after it’s cooled.
3 Place the cooled okra in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 40 (From fat 2); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 6mg; Carbohydrates 9g (Dietary fiber 3g); Protein 2g.
Frozen Onions
1 large or 3 small whole onions
1 Peel and chop the onions. Do not blanch.
2 Place the chopped onion in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 14 (From fat 1); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 0mg; Carbohydrates 3g (Dietary fiber 0g); Protein 0g.
VARY IT! Use either white or yellow onions for freezing.
TIP: I (Amy) always keep multiple bags of frozen onion/sweet pepper mix in my freezer. This is my go-to combination. Add them, frozen, to the pan when cooking.
Frozen Shelled Peas
2 to 4 cups shelled peas
1 Rinse the peas in cold running water.
2 Blanch the loose peas for 1½ minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the cooled peas in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 29 (From fat 1); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 1mg; Carbohydrates 5g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 2g.
TIP: Nothing compares to a fresh garden pea. To preserve their sweet flavor, add them to a dish during the last 5 minutes of cooking. Delicious!
Frozen Snow Peas
⅔ to 1 pound snow peas
1 Wash the snow peas, removing the stems and blossom ends.
2 Blanch the whole peas for 1½ minutes; cool immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the snow peas in freezer bags, removing all excess air before sealing the bags and placing them in the freezer.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 18 (From fat 1); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 2mg; Carbohydrates 3g (Dietary fiber 1g); Protein 1g.
VARY IT! Use snow peas in stir-fried and Asian dishes. Or, try chopping them up and adding them to soup for a surprising boost in taste.
Frozen Summer Squash
1 to 1¼ pounds summer squash
1 Wash the squash, remove the stems, and slice it into ½-inch pieces.
2 Blanch the squash for 3 minutes; cool it immediately in an ice bath. (See the earlier section, “Taking a closer look at the blanching process,” for complete blanching instructions.)
3 Place the cooled squash in a rigid container, leaving the appropriate amount of headspace. Seal and freeze.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 22 (From fat 0); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 2mg; Carbohydrates 5g (Dietary fiber 2g); Protein 1g.
NOTE: Summer squash includes crookneck, patty pan, and zucchini squash. All are unbelievably tasty vegetables. Once frozen, they lose their attractive look, but still hold onto that summer-fresh flavor.
VARY IT! Use frozen squash for casseroles and egg dishes, soups and stews, and any other dishes that you feel would benefit from their great taste.
Frozen Winter Squash
1 to 1½ pounds winter squash
1 Peel the outer skin of the winter squash, scrape out the seeds, and cut the flesh into chunks.
2 Place the squash in a 3-quart saucepan and add enough water to cover the bottom of the pan. Cook the squash over medium-low heat until the flesh is soft, about 10 to 30 minutes, or until a chunk slides off a fork. Remove the squash from the pan and mash it until smooth.
3 Place the mashed squash in a rigid container, leaving the appropriate amount of headspace (refer to Table 15-2). Seal and freeze.
PER ½-CUP SERVING: Calories 43 (From fat 1); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 3mg; Carbohydrates 11g (Dietary fiber 3g); Protein 1g.
NOTE: Winter squash includes banana, butternut, and Hubbard squash. Winter squashes are known for their creamy texture and smooth flavor. They are usually cooked with brown sugar or honey and are a gorgeous bright-orange or yellow color from their high vitamin A content. You can add them interchangeably to any bread, cake, stew, or pancake recipe calling for pumpkin.
VARY IT! You follow this same recipe to freeze pumpkin!