Chapter 13
Exploring the freezing process
Getting acquainted with the spoilers of frozen food
Discovering packaging methods
Perfectly thawing your frozen food
Welcome to freezing, the simplest and least time-consuming method for preserving food. Freezing works well for almost any food. With a minimum of planning and equipment (you may already have most of it), proper storage containers, and basic freezing techniques, keeping food from spoiling and tasting as if you just took it out of the oven or brought it home from the store is a piece of cake. This chapter gives you the basics. The remaining chapters in this part give detailed instructions on freezing particular foods.
Since the advent of home refrigeration, people have discovered the joys of prolonging the life of fresh food by freezing. Freezing food is easy, convenient, and relatively inexpensive. The results produced from freezing food are superior to canning or drying. When food is properly prepared, packaged, and quickly frozen, there’s no better method for retaining its natural color, flavor, and nutritive value.
The process of freezing lowers the temperature of the food to 0 degrees or colder. This low temperature halts microorganism activity by slowing the growth of enzymes. Freezing doesn’t sterilize food or destroy the microorganisms; it only stops the negative changes in the quality of frozen food. The goal with freezing is to preserve the fresh quality of your food.
Before getting started, you need to recognize the spoilers of frozen food. These spoilers reduce the quality, flavor, and freezer life of frozen foods. One or more of these spoilers may appear before, during, or after freezing. For detailed information on these spoilers, refer to Chapter 3.
All fresh food contains microorganisms or bacteria. When active microorganisms are present in food, they multiply quickly and destroy the quality of the food, sometimes right before your eyes. The best example of this is a loaf of bread that becomes covered with green mold.
Prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, or yeast in your food by following these guidelines:
Enzymes speed up the ripening process and change the color and flavor of your food. Use these methods to retain the colors and flavors in fresh fruits and vegetables before the freezing process:
Freezer burn and oxidation result from air coming in contact with your frozen food. Freezer burn is a change in color, texture, and flavor in the food during the freezing period because the air in the freezer removes moisture from the food and dries it out. Freezer-burned food is not dangerous to eat. However, freezer burn does render the food unappetizing to look at and unpleasant to taste.
Oxidation is a chemical change in your frozen food. The technical term is lipid oxidation, which occurs on an atomic level and has to do with hydrogen atoms and free radicals. Oxidized foods have a funny or off taste and color, but they are still safe to eat just unappetizing.
What is important to know is that enzymes have a lot to do with oxidation. By blanching foods (most commonly vegetables) before freezing, you stop or at least slow down the enzymes’ actions and delay oxidation. Other steps you can take to prevent oxidation are to properly wrap foods, use suitable containers, and follow correct storage times. (Check out “Packaging Your Food and Filling Your Freezer,” later in this chapter.)
When you think of ice crystals, you probably think of winter and snowflakes. But in the world of freezing food, ice crystals aren’t charming at all. They cause your frozen food to lose liquid and darken.
Because the freezing process essentially turns the water in food to ice, the way to eliminate destructive ice crystals is to keep them as small as possible. This is accomplished through a fast freeze and keeping foods as cold as possible, at a temperature of 0 degrees or lower.
Whether food is fresh from your garden or fresh from a store, the choices you make have an effect on the quality of your food after it’s thawed. Of course, packaging materials, packaging procedures, and thawing methods also play an important role in the quality of your frozen food.
In theory, any food can be frozen. In reality, because of their different textures and composition, not all foods freeze well. The key to being happy with the results of freezing is to make sure you select foods that freeze well. There are almost too many categories of good foods for the freezer, but in general, you can freeze most fresh vegetables and fruits, meats and fish, breads and cakes, and clear soups and casseroles.
Raw fruits or vegetables with a high water content. Foods with a high water content break down when frozen and become mushy beyond recognition when thawed. Some examples are lettuce, watermelon, citrus fruit, and cucumbers. Tomatoes are an exception to this rule if you’re using them in cooked dishes, like stews. Tomatoes also become soft and watery, but usually this texture is desired in a soup or other cooked dish.
When freezing fresh tomatoes, cut them into quarters. Package them in one-cup portions for quick freezing and easy measuring.
Before you embark on a freezing frenzy, you need to make sure your freezer is in good working order: frost free and maintaining a constant temperature of 0 degrees or lower.
Getting rid of frost: Today, most freezers are frost free, automatically defrosting any buildup of ice in the freezer. Freezers that don’t automatically defrost require defrosting when the ice buildup is ¾ inch, or at least once a year. You need to empty your freezer before defrosting it. (Refer to your owner’s manual for instructions on defrosting your freezer.)
Keep your freezer operating in top-notch condition with proper care and maintenance according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (refer to your owner’s manual). If you’ve misplaced your manual or have questions regarding maintenance or usage, contact your local appliance company or search on the Internet for the manufacturer’s website.
Checking your freezer’s temperature: Adjust your freezer thermostat, as needed, to maintain a temperature of 0 degrees or colder. Purchase a freezer thermometer to monitor the internal temperature of your freezer.
Add no more food to your freezer than can freeze solid in 24 hours, about 2 to 3 pounds of food for each cubic foot of freezer space. Adding a large quantity of food to your freezer at one time may raise the temperature in the freezer above 0 degrees. This stops the quick-freezing process and may affect the quality of your frozen food.
Proper packaging is important for preserving the quality of your frozen food both during the freezing process and after it’s thawed. Any excess air in your container may compromise the quality of your thawed food. Remove as much air as possible in bags and wraps, and allow the recommended headspace in rigid freezer containers.
How you fill your freezer is also important. Put too much unfrozen food in at once and the temperature may rise above 0 degrees. Fail to rotate your food and you’re more likely to use newer food before older food. The following sections explain how to package your food, pack your freezer, and keep everything organized.
Protecting foods during the storage period requires containers that are easy to seal, suitable for low temperatures, and, most importantly, moisture- and vapor-proof. Three types of packaging materials meet the criteria for properly freezing food: rigid containers, freezer bags, and freezer paper and wrap.
Rigid containers are the perfect solution for freezing any soft or liquid food, such as casseroles and soups, and they’re reusable. The most desirable material for rigid containers is plastic, although some glass containers are made for freezing. Container sizes range from ¼ cup to 1 quart, with a variety of sizes in between. Purchase container sizes that fit your family’s needs.
Freezer bags are readily available, are reasonably inexpensive, require a minimum amount of storage space, and come in a variety of sizes. When using freezer bags (I prefer the locking zipper variety), purchase bags that are labeled for freezing, because their thickness is moisture proof and protects the flavor of your food.
Freezer paper comes coated or laminated and protects your wrapped food from air and freezer burn. Other freezer papers include heavy-duty foil, clear plastic wrap, waxed paper, and polyethylene (plastic) sheets.
These papers and wraps are especially useful when packaging irregularly shaped foods, such as steaks and roasts. Freezer paper is primarily used for meat, because tight wrapping forces out excess air.
To freezer-wrap something, I recommend using the butcher wrap technique; follow these steps (see Figure 13-1):
Alternatively, you can use drugstore wrap, also shown in Figure 13-1. When deciding between the two, the butcher wrap works well with irregularly shaped foods, like chicken breasts or legs, and the drugstore wrap works nicely on flat cuts, like steaks or chops.
A vacuum sealing machine is a handy appliance that’s great for packaging foods in freezer-safe bags. Air is almost completely removed from the package through a suction process, the trademark of this appliance. Most vacuum sealing machines use materials that are freezer safe or even microwavable and boil-proof. (This is handy for single-serving meals for home or at work.)
Consider these additional factors when you’re purchasing a vacuum sealing machine:
To extend the life of your vacuum sealing bags, cut them larger than necessary and reseal them each time you remove some of the food inside. This works well for dry products. You can also refill and reseal the bags if the item inside is dry and fresh. This technique is not recommended for juicy foods or meats.
Many vacuum sealing machines now have an attachment that removes air from a canning jar. This technique is excellent for storing dehydrated foods. For more on using vacuum sealing machine attachments, see Chapter 16.
How many times have you looked in your freezer in astonishment that it’s full, and yet have had no idea what’s taking up so much space? Have you ever defrosted what you thought was soup, only to discover you’re now having stewed tomatoes for dinner? Solve the dilemma of mystery freezer food by following these simple tips:
How you pack your freezer has an impact on the quality of your frozen foods. Follow these guidelines:
TABLE 13-1 Recommended Length of Time in the Freezer
Food |
Length of Storage at 0°F (–18°C) |
Fruits and vegetables, excluding citrus |
12 months |
Citrus fruits |
3 to 4 months |
Poultry |
12 months |
Fish |
2 to 3 months |
Ground meat |
3 to 4 months |
Cured or processed meat |
1 to 2 months |
Following the guidelines for freezing won’t guarantee a great product without practicing proper thawing methods. So, what’s the big deal about thawing? Freezing only halts the growth of microorganisms. After thawing, bacteria and enzymes in your food are free to multiply as if they hadn’t been frozen. Keep this growth at a standstill by thawing your food at a low temperature, preferably in a refrigerator, in its freezer container or packaging.
Thaw only what you need, using your food immediately upon thawing. If your food tastes funny or smells odd, harmful microorganisms may be present. Don’t hesitate to dispose of any questionable food.
Heat makes the spoilers grow faster, so the lower the temperature during the thawing period, the better for you and the quality of your food. Here are your best options for safely thawing and maintaining the quality of your food:
No matter how good technology is, everyone experiences a power failure at one time or another. This may be for a few minutes, a few hours, or, in the worst-case scenario, a few days. Don’t panic; keep the freezer door closed, and resist the temptation to open the door to check the temperature.
If you do have a power outage, follow these tips for saving the contents of your freezer:
Check with your electric company to estimate the length of your power outage.
If you find that your freezer is the only electric appliance that isn’t operating, check the electrical cord and plug for a good connection. If this isn’t the problem, check your electrical panel for a blown fuse.
In the worst-case scenario, your freezer may be out long enough for your food to defrost. Locate a supplier of dry ice and pack your food in the dry ice before it defrosts completely. (Ask your dry-ice supplier for safe packing and handling instructions.)
Dry ice is a refrigerant consisting of solid carbon dioxide. Handle dry ice with care and never touch it with your bare hands. Even a short exposure to dry ice may cause frostbite.
From time to time, even the best-laid plans change and you don’t use your defrosted food when you planned. If your food is only partially defrosted, as indicated by the presence of ice crystals, it may be refrozen.
I don’t suggest refreezing food as a regular practice, but if you’re considering it for any reason, keep these things in mind: