Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
affect: affective labor, 44, 228n13; emotion and, 6, 7; intersubjectivity and, 134; theory, 6
African Intimacies (Hoad), 40–41
agency: emotions and, 5; food consumption and, 59; globalization and, 4; identity and, 124; political, 17
American Convention on Human Rights, 280
Ananya Dance Theater, 299
art history and universalism, 128
attachment: affect and, 5, 6; ecosystems and, 72; emotion and, 7; feminism on, 7–8; as political, 8; rethinking, 15
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb, 122–23
body/bodies: ethnography and, 67; as experience of power, 93; memory, 151, 153; metaphors of, 12; personal and, 10; suffering and, 17; technology and, 15
Brett, Lily, 145. See also Too Many Men (Brett)
Caffentzis, C. George, 11
capitalism: crony, 44; on feminine sphere, 47; as impersonal, 41–42
Children of Zion (Grynberg), 308
citizenship: gender/race and, 201; intimate, 52n65; nuclear family and, 45; privatization of, 37
civic participation, 36, 38
Coalition of Non-governmental Organizations for Women, 271, 272–73, 283
collective organization, 16
conservatism: on domestic violence, 208; on family, 199, 205, 208, 279; gender roles and, 244; neoliberal discourse and, 197, 198; on state, 199
consumption. See food production
Deer Hunter, The (film), 309–10
Diary of Anne Frank (Frank), 173–75
disabilities: child vs. diagnosis, 109; invisibility and, 111. See also Down syndrome
Doves in Trafalgar (Michael), 164
Down syndrome: accomplishments and, 112–13; child vs. diagnosis, 109; difference and, 106–7; education and, 115; prejudice and, 113–14; sexuality and, 114, 115; testing for, 106
Early Intervention (EI) programs, 110
economics: consumers and, 69–70; defined, 51n41; emotions and, 5, 8, 36, 43; as entanglement, 70; externalities in, 71–72; femininization and, 17; global intimacy and, 41–48; on globalization, 3; heterosexuality and, 42; structural adjustment and, 11, 12; taste and, 69–74
EI programs. See Early Intervention (EI) programs
Empire of Love, The (Povinelli), 38
ethics, eating and, 62; gardening and, 94; global, 17; intercultural (see intercultural ethics); relational self and, 7
ethnography: critique of, 61–62; on global capitalism, 43, 45–46; intimacy and, 48; involved description in, 67; in Thailand, 32, 43
exchange, systems of, 43–44
facing: close-ups and, 124–25, 134, 140; defined, 124; ideologies of, 127–30; inter-facing, 124, 126, 130, 132–33, 134, 136; origin and, 127–28; performativity of, 130; philosophy, 124–27; restraint, 135–38; speech, 138–39; veils and, 127
femicide movement: international court victory, 280–81; occupation by, 270; origins of in Mexico, 267–68; public empathy for, 282–83; splintering in, 268, 281; testimonial witnessing and, 268–69, 277–80, 283; on victims, 271, 272–73. See also specific organizations
feminism: on attachment, 7–8; conservative, 198; considered man-hating, 275; on domestic violence, 205; on emotion, 5–6, 21–22; empowerment by, 301; on globalization, 11–12, 13, 16, 17; on intimacy, 39, 47; on intimate/global pairing, 1–4, 18–19, 74–77; neoliberal discourse and, 198; on particularity, 21; vs. patriarchy, 205; on personal, 1, 5, 88; second-wave, 12–13, 203; on security, 195–96; solidarity and, 18; on standpoint theory, 9; on subjectivity, 59; on Western/non-Western women, 13–14, 17; without women, 60
Fernández-Kelly, Patricia, 16
Filipović, Zlata, 169, 171–72. See also Zlata’s Diary (Filipović)
food production: food politics in, 58–59; globalization of, 57–63; interconnections and, 65; Westernization of diets in, 58
foreign labor. See migrant workers
gender: citizenship and, 201; food politics and, 58–59; globalization and, 48; hierarchies of, 2, 292; identity, 4; intimacy and, 39, 47–48; roles and conservatism, 244; security and, 195, 201–3, 205–6
Gibson-Graham, J. K., 43, 75, 76
globalization, 11–18; agency and, 4; body and, 10; ethnic suffering and, 174–76; features of, 11; feminism on, 11–12, 13, 16, 17; of food production, 57–63; gender and, 48; interconnectedness and, 110, 111; sexualization and, 3; topography and, 18. See also intimate/global pairing
heterosexuality: control and, 247–48; economics and, 42, 45; idealized, 3; modernity and, 45; as normative, 34, 37, 38, 39, 45; security and, 199; state and, 207
homosexuality: as abnormal, 237; identity, 13; intimacy and, 34, 45; as normative, 38
I, Rigoberta Menchú (Menchú), 181, 278
ICHIMU. See Women's Institute of Chihuahua
IDEA. See Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
“In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens” (Walker), 88
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 110
Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, 280
inter-esse, use of term, 62, 72, 74
intimacy, 4–11; body and, 10; colonialism and, 40; defined, 4–5, 32, 46; dimensions of, 89–90; femicide movement and, 285; gated communities and, 33–36; geography of, 34; metaphors of, 12; migration and, 120–21; motherhood and, 119; particularity and, 10, 20; performativity of, 120; politics of, 92, 123; private, 89–90; private/public and, 3; public, 33, 38, 89; racial identity and, 37–38; relationality and, 22, 47; rethinking, 15; settler, 36–39; sexuality and, 47–48; taste and, 62–63; traditions of, 44–45; transnational, 39–41; as unruly, 91; use of term, 46–47, 48. See also intimate/global pairing
intimate economies, use of term, 43
intimate/global pairing: economics and, 41–47; ethics and, 20; feminist approach to, 1–4, 18–19, 74–77; in migration, 122; proportion in, 22; reasons for, 31; theoretical background, 1–2; universality and, 125
Islamic Revolution (1979), 309
Justicia para Nuestras Hijas, 276
Kanafani, Ghassan, 147. See also Return to Haifa (Kanafani)
Kincaid, Jamaica: criticism of, 86–87; on domesticity, 86, 91, 99; on garden as Eden, 98, 99–100; on garden as map, 94–95; on garden as room of one's own, 100–102; on gardening and colonization, 85–86, 87; on gardening and memory, 88; on intimacy, 88–89, 102; on mutilation, 92; on nostalgia, 82, 88, 99; on subversions of property, 89–92. See also My Garden (book): (Kincaid)
kinship: economic functions of, 42–43, 44, 51n41; as intimate, 46; liberal forms of, 8; relations, 22, 37, 42; studies, 48
Laffont-Fixot, Le Robert, 171
Laforest, Marie-Hélène, 86
Lichtenberg-Ettinger, Bracha, 147, 156. See also Eurydice series (Lichtenberg-Ettinger), Mamalangue (Lichtenberg-Ettinger)
Life As We Know It (Bérubé), 107
location, politics of, 59
Lose Your Mother (Hartman), 153
loss: of child, 148, 149–51, 159, 164; inherited, 153, 162; memory and, 152, 154, 162, 177; national narratives of, 176, 180; nostalgia and, 95–100; return to place and, 148
love: care work and, 216, 224; disability and, 114; and global ethics, 17; interracial, 232, 234, 241, 242; modern notions of, 38, 50; motherly, 101, 133, 283; as political event, 8; prison inmates and, 245; taste and, 65
Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, Las, 273, 279
Mamalangue (Lichtenberg-Ettinger), 156–58, 158
migrant workers: biopolitics of, 213, 227; emotional labor of, 214, 215–16, 221; governance of, 211, 212, 213, 214, 227; labor rights of, 302; as quasi-family members, 212, 213–14, 216–17, 218, 222, 225, 226, 227; in Taiwanese films, 211–13. See also specific documentary films
motherhood: Down syndrome and, 106, 111–12, 115; letting go, 115; migration and, 119–20, 128, 128–32, 131; militant nationalism and, 196–97, 200, 203; mother-activism, 277, 278–79, 282–83; pragmatics of, 14; suburbanization of, 204; universality of, 20, 119, 140. See also security moms; soccer moms
Mujeres de Negro, Las, 276, 282
NAFTA. See North American Free Trade Agreement
nation: domestic space and, 203; embodiment of, 205, 207; hierarchies of, 32; intimacy and, 37, 39, 46; re-narration of, 250, 251; security and, 201, 207, 208
National Down Syndrome Society, 110
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), 290, 302
neoliberalism: 13, 14, 60; public/private patriarchies and, 195; on security, 198–99
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 271
Nothing Is Missing (installation), 121, 121–24, 129, 131; close-ups in, 124–25, 129, 133, 138, 140; global/intimate in, 120; motherhood and migration in, 128–32; performativity in, 135–36; speech/face in, 123–24, 138; translations in, 138–39; universalism in, 121, 123
NREGS. See National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa, 276, 281–82
Nyonya's Taste of Life (documentary film), 212, 219–22, 227; little daughter-in-law formula, 220–21
Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth, 86–87
parenthood, universal, 20. See also motherhood
particularity: feminism on, 21; intimacy and, 10, 20; of women's experiences, 17
patriarchy: Eden and, 98; family violence and, 206, 207; feminism vs., 205; husband's mother and, 220–21; non-Western women and, 13–14; nuclear family as ideal, 37, 48; public/private, 196, 198; security and, 206; symbol of, 301
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 120
performativity: of inter-face, 130, 135; of intimacy, 120; perceivedness and, 125; universalism and, 21, 126
personal: bodies and, 10; feminism on, 5; as political, 1, 8, 88; in scholarly writing, 8–9
Playing with Fire. See Sangtin Yatra (Playing with Fire)
"Prieta, La" (Anzaldúa), 247–48
property, subversions of, 89–92
queer theory: on attachment, 7; on emotions, 5–6; on intimacy, 39, 47; on sexual identity, 13
race: citizenship and, 201; diaspora and, 15; fear of violence and, 206; hierarchies of, 32, 292; interracial marriage, 232–34, 237, 240–41; intimacy and, 37, 39, 47, 247; security and, 102, 195, 201–2
Ramona (Zapatista comandante), 249
relationality: as feminine, 6–7; identity and, 7; intimacy and, 22, 47
reproduction: control of, 198, 201; heterosexuality and, 42; intimacy and, 40; modes of, 37
ressentiment, politics of, 5
Return to Haifa (theater production), 164
Room of One's Own, A (Woolf), 88, 100, 101
Sangtin Kisaan Mazdoor Sangathan (SKMS): boatman/scholar story, 291–92; on development, 292–94; founding of, 289; hunger strike, 291; NGOs and, 294–98; purpose of, 290; resignations, 296, 297
Sarajevo (Dizdarevic), 171
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, 14
security: feminism on, 195–96; health, 201; liberal state and, 198, 202; neoliberal state and, 198–99; patriarchy and, 206; violence against women and, 20, 205–8
security moms: manifesto of, 196; myth of, 197; origin of term, 195, 196; privatized spaces and, 201; state and, 202–3; as subject, 198; as vigilantes, 199
sexuality: Down syndrome and, 114, 115; gardens and, 91; hierarchies of, 32; identity and, 13, 247; intimacy and, 47–48, 247; non-Western, 40–41; security and, 195
SKMS. See Sangtin Kisaan Mazdoor Sangathan
slow food movement, 58–59
subjectivity: eating and, 59; globalization and, 10; relationality and, 7; researchers and, 61; rule and, 200; situated knowledges and, 9
suffering: discourse of, 17; ethnic, 168–70, 173–76, 179, 180; globalized, 174–76; marketing of, 177; narratives of, 169–70, 180–81; rejection of, 305
Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA),212, 214
"Thinking Sex" (Rubin), 247
Title IX of Educational Amendments (1972), 203
TIWA. See Taiwan International Workers Association
Too Many Men (Brett): loss in, 154; as narrative of return, 146–47; sequel to, 164; story line, 145–46
transnationalism: analysis, 40; vs. global, 39–41; intimacy and, 39–41
Turner Aquaculture, 73, 74
Uncomfortably Close (Brett), 164
universalism: in art history, 128; common origin and, 127; gaps and, 132; innocence effect and, 177–78; inter-facing and, 126; intimate/global pairing, 125; motherhood and, 119; nationalist, 170; performativity and, 21, 126
Villarreal, Magdalena, 43
Violence Against Women Act (1994), 206, 207
witnessing. See testimonial witnessing
women: Dalit, 290, 292, 295, 301; empowered, 301–2; girls' sports, 203; particularity of experiences, 17; prietas, 247–48; prison in Mexico City, 243, 244–47, 253; public, 272, 274–82; slow food and, 58; violence against, 20, 205–8, 267–69, 272, 276, 283–84, 290; Western vs. non-Western, 13–14, 21; Zapatistas and, 249. See also femicide movement; security moms; soccer moms
Women’s Institute of Chihuahua (ICHIMU), 276–77
World Down Syndrome Day, 113
You've Gotta Have Balls (Brett), 164
Zlata's Diary (Filipović): collective memories and, 177; comparisons to Anne Frank, 171, 172, 173–76; context, 170–72; movie rights to, 172; as narrative of ethnic suffering, 169–70; universal child in, 179; universalized innocence and, 177–78