PPPUS: Lyndon B. Johnson 1968, I, S. 469–476; Chester J. Pach, Jr., TV News, the Johnson Administration, and Vietnam, in: Marilyn B. Young/Robert Buzzanco (Hrsg.), A Companion to the Vietnam War. Malden, MA, 2002, S. 450–469, 461–462; zur Tet-Offensive vgl. Marc Frey, Geschichte des Vietnamkriegs. Die Tragödie in Asien und das Ende des amerikanischen Traums. München 2000, S. 160–170.
Goodwin, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, S. 251–253.
Pressekonferenz Eisenhowers am 7. 4. 1954, in: PPPUS: Dwight D. Eisenhower 1954, S. 381–390, 383; Interview Kennedys am 9. 9. 1963, in: PPPUS: John F. Kennedy 1963, S. 658–661; zur Rolle der USA in Vietnam bis 1963 vgl. Frey, Geschichte des Vietnamkriegs, S. 11–98; Edwin Moise, JFK and the Myth of Withdrawal, in: Young/Buzzanco, A Companion to the Vietnam War, S. 162–173; Gary R. Hess, Kennedy, Johnson, and the Question of Escalation or Disengagement, in: David L. Anderson (Hrsg.), The Columbia History of the Vietnam War. New York 2010, S. 143–167, 148–153.
McNamaras Bericht vom 16. 3. 1964, in: Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1964–1968, Bd. I, Vietnam 1964. Washington, D. C., 1992, S. 153–167.
Golf-von-Tonkin-Resolution vom 7. 8. 1964, in: Robert J. McMahon (Hrsg.), Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War. Lexington, MA, 1995, S. 209–210; Frey, Geschichte des Vietnamkriegs, S. 103–105; Robert S. McNamara, In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam. New York 1995, S. 127–143.
Melvin Small, At the Water’s Edge: American Politics and the Vietnam War. Chicago 2005, S. 23–42, 27, 29; PPPUS: Lyndon B. Johnson 1963–1964, S. 1387–1393, 1390–1391.
Frey, Geschichte des Vietnamkriegs, S. 114–125; Hess, Kennedy, Johnson, and the Question of Escalation or Disengagement, S. 146; Spencer C. Tucker, Casualties, in: ders. (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History, Bd. 1. Santa Barbara 1998, S. 186.
McNamara, In Retrospect, S. 169–174, passim.
Vgl. McNamaras Memorandum vom 1. 7. 1965, in: FRUS, 1964–1968, Bd. III, Vietnam June-December 1965, S. 97–104; vgl. George W. Ball, The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs. New York 1983, S. 360–403.
Ebd., S. 366–367, 380–384; 393–397; Memoranda vom 28. 6. 1965, in: FRUS, 1964–1968, Bd. III, Vietnam June-December 1965, S. 62–66; undatiert, in: ebd., S. 106–109, 107–108; Sitzungsprotokoll vom 21. 7. 1965, in: ebd., S. 189–197, 192–193.
Ball, The Past Has Another Pattern, S. 393–395; Johnson, Vantage Point, S. 147–148; FRUS, 1964–1968, Bd. III, Vietnam June-December 1965, S. 196.
FRUS, 1964–1968, Bd. III, Vietnam June-December 1965, S. 193; Bundys Memorandum vom 30. 6. 1965, ebd., S. 79–85.
Small, At the Water’s Edge, S. 43–62, 58; Barbara Tischler, The Antiwar Movement, in: Young/Buzzanco, A Companion to the Vietnam War, S. 384–402, 386–387; Berg, Guns, Butter, and Civil Rights, S. 213–238, 216–217.
Johnsons Pressekonferenz vom 28. 7. 1965, in: PPPUS: Lyndon B. Johnson 1965, Bd. II, S. 794–803.
Ebd., S. 797, 800, 801; Hess, Kennedy, Johnson, and the Question of Escalation or Disengagement, S. 163–164.
Vgl. James Burnham, What Is the President Waiting For?, 28. 6. 1966, in: Schulman, Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism, S. 256–258.
Small, At the Water’s Edge, S. 54, 63–69; J. William Fulbright, The Arrogance of Power. New York 1966, S. 15, 106–119, 188–197.
Vgl. Paul Potter, The Incredible War, 17. 4. 1965, in: Schulman, Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism, S. 259–262; SDS States Opposition to War, in: McMahon, Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, S. 467–468; Carl Oglesby Denounces the »Liberals War«, 27. 11. 1965, ebd., S. 468–470.
Berg, Guns, Butter, and Civil Rights, S. 216–217; Clyde Taylor (Hrsg.), Vietnam and Black America: An Anthology of Protest and Resistance. Garden City, NJ, 1973, S. 279, 290–295, passim.
Kings Rede, A Time to Break Silence, 4. 4. 1967, in: Washington, A Testament of Hope, S. 231–244, 233, 236, 240; David J. Garrow, Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. New York 1986, S. 552–556.
Ball, The Past Has Another Pattern, S. 395; zur Brutalisierung des Krieges und den US-Kriegsverbrechen in Vietnam siehe Bernd Greiner, Krieg ohne Fronten. Die USA in Vietnam. Hamburg 2007; Nick Turse, Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam. New York 2013; zur Strategie Nordvietnams vgl. Pierre Asselin, Vietnam’s American War: A History. New York 2018.
Charles DeBenedetti/Charles Chatfield, An American Ordeal: The Antiwar Movement of the Vietnam Era. Syracuse, NY, 1990, S. 163, 173–175, 195–199; einen Überblick bietet Simon Hall, Rethinking the American Anti-War Movement. New York 2012; vgl. auch Melvin Small/William D. Hoover (Hrsg.), Give Peace a Chance: Exploring the Vietnam Antiwar Movement. Syracuse, NY, 1992.
Todd A. Gitlin, The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. New York 1987, S. 261–263.
Isserman/Kazin, America Divided, S. 231–235, DeBenedetti/Chatfield, An American Ordeal, S. 223–228, 302–306.
DeBenedetti/Chatfield, An American Ordeal, S. 279–280; Tom Wells, The War Within: America’s Battle over Vietnam. Berkeley, CA, 1994, S. 424–430; Hall, Rethinking the American Anti-War Movement, S. 47.
Kenneth J. Heineman, Put Your Bodies Upon the Wheel: Student Revolt in the 1960s. Chicago 2001, S. 72–78; Jack Foner, Blacks and the Military in American History. New York 1974, S. 202–204; Christian G. Appy, Working-Class War: American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam. Chapel Hill 1993.
Vgl. DeBenedetti/Chatfield, An American Ordeal, S. 282–282, 387–408, 394, 400; Small, At the Water’s Edge, S. 102–104; David P. Kuhn, The Hardhat Riot: Nixon, New York City, and the Dawn of the White Working-Class Revolution. New York 2020.
Vgl. Hall, Rethinking the American Anti-War Movement, S. 93–118, 138.
DeBenedetti/Chatfield, An American Ordeal, S. 401–402; Hall, Rethinking the American Anti-War Movement, S. 133–136.
Small, At the Water’s Edge, S. 120–127.
Nixons Ansprache vom 3. 11. 1969, in: Rick Perlstein (Hrsg.), Richard Nixon: Speeches, Writings, Documents. Princeton, NJ, 2008, S. 170–190; Frey, Geschichte des Vietnamkriegs, S. 200, 205.
Vgl. die Beiträge zu: The Military and the Antiwar Movement, in: Small/Hoover, Give Peace a Chance, S. 91–154, insbesondere: Terry H. Anderson, The GI Movement and the Response from the Brass, S. 93–115, 111; Hall, Rethinking the American Anti-War Movement, S. 51–53; DeBenedetti/Chatfield, An American Ordeal, S. 264–265, 308–309; zu My Lai und ähnlichen Verbrechen vgl. Greiner, Krieg ohne Fronten, S. 335–356, 480–494, passim.
Small, At the Water’s Edge, S. 164–170.
Patterson, Grand Expectations, S. 760–762.
Nixon an Nguyen Van Thieu, 20. 12. 1973; Pariser Abkommen, beide in: McMahon, Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, S. 564–569; Frey, Geschichte des Vietnamkriegs, S. 208–213; Small, At the Water’s Edge, S. 195–197.
Small, At the Water’s Edge, S. 202–204; Kissingers Botschaft an den Kongress, 15. 4. 1975, in: McMahon, Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, S. 569–572.
Michael J. Allen, Until the Last Man Comes Home: POWs, MIAs, and the Unending Vietnam War. Chapel Hill 2009; Christian G. Appy, American Veterans and the Antiwar Movement, in: McMahon, Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, S. 511–518.
Hall, Rethinking the American Anti-War Movement, S. 138–142; Melvin Small, The Impact of the Antiwar Movement, in: McMahon, Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, S. 487–494; Robert D. Schulzinger, The Legacy of the Vietnam War, in: Anderson, The Columbia History of the Vietnam War, S. 385–408.
Patrick Hagopian, The Vietnam War in American Memory: Veterans, Memorials, and the Politics of Healing. Amherst, MA, 2009; Ronald Reagans Rede vom 11. 11. 1988, in: McMahon, Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, S. 614–615; zur Einweihung des Vietnam Memorials 1982, vgl. ebd., S. 617–619.
George Herring, The Vietnam Syndrome, in: Anderson, The Columbia History of the Vietnam War, S. 409–429.
McGovern, Foreword, in: Small/Hoover, Give Peace a Chance, S. XII; Patterson, Grand Expectations, S. 761–762.
James Fallows (1975), in: McMahon, Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, S. 477–480; Appy, American Veterans and the Antiwar Movement, S. 511.
Wallace’ Rede am 24. 10. 1968, in: Schulman, Lyndon Johnson and American Liberalism, S. 267–271.