Abbott, Paul, 129
abortion, 218–19
abstention from voting. See voter abstention
Activities Abroad, 4–5
advertising executives, 159
Advertising Standards Authority, 3
Afghan War, 256–57
Aitkenhead, Decca, 121
alcohol use. See drinking
Alexander, Claire, 219
Al-Fayed, Mohammed, 141
Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin, 117–18
Aliens Bill (1904), 43
ambition, 10, 89–91 passim, 107, 133, 171–77 passim, 250, 258
Anderson, Bruce, 23
‘anti-racist chav-bashing’, 117–18
anti-Semitism, 244–45
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs), 95, 213
Argentina, 70
Ashburn, John, 188
Ashington, Northumberland, 185–90, 193–94, 212
aspiration. See ambition
Astor, Annabel, 75
Austerity Britain (Kynaston), 139–40
auto industry, 149–51 passim, 190–93 passim, 225, 227
Baggini, Julian, 89
Bailey, Shaun, 210
Baldwin, Stanley, 41
Balfour, Alfred, 41
Balls, Ed, 242
Baltimore, 79
banks and banking, 53–54, 141, 156, 159, 161, 164
Barbour, Aaron, 196
Barking and Dagenham, London, 224–37 passim
Barrow-in-Furness, 199
Battle of Orgreave, 56–57
Beatty, Christina, 198
Becht, Bart, 163
The Bell Curve (Murray), 81
Benn, Tony, 50, 55, 58, 152, 258
Bennett, Alan, 110
Bevan, Aneurin (‘Nye’), 34, 105
Bevin, Ernest, 105
Big Brother (television series), 122–26
‘Bigotgate’ scandal, 85–86
billionaires, 75, 141, 163, 165
Bird, John, 116
Birmingham, 190–95 passim, 244, 256
Blair, Tony, 49, 96, 100–101, 139, 169, 187, 214, 254, 266
Blairism and Blairites, 29, 90, 101, 252
Blears, Hazel, 84, 90, 91, 97–99 passim, 103, 157, 208, 209, 241, 267
BMW, 149–50
BNP. See British National Party
Boles, Nicholas, 80
borrowing. See personal debt
boys: demonization and blame, 24, 78, 91
Brinkley, Ian, 150–51
British Airways, 153
British Crime Survey, 65
British Empire, 233
British National Party (BNP), 102, 103, 117, 221–37 passim, 253, 257, 259
Brons, Andrew, 222
Brown, Gordon, 85–92 passim, 101, 102, 162, 237, 239, 242
Bucharuin, Julian, 66
Budd, Alan, 51
bullying, 146
Bushby, Julie, 17
Button, Helena, 173
Byers, Stephen, 101
Callaghan, James, 49–50, 88, 260
call centre workers, 147–49, 155, 158, 176
Cambridge University, 172, 180
Cameron, David, 25, 29, 30, 39, 73–82 passim, 167, 194–96 passim, 209, 242
Cameron on Cameron, 75
cancer, 125–26
capital punishment. See death penalty
Carey, John, 125
Carlton Television, 75
Centre for Social Justice, 25, 77
Chadwick, Mark, 134
Charlton, Bruce, 11
‘chav’ (word), 2, 7–8, 27, 120
Chav! (Wallace and Spanner), 112–13
The Chav Guide to Life (Bok), 112
Chav Hunter, 121
child abuse, 23
children, 33, 91, 95, 130–31, 210–14 passim, 264
education of, 172–80 passim
See also boys; kidnapping cases
Chile, 45
Church of England, 43
City of London. See London
civil servants. See public service workers
class consciousness and self-identity, 33, 48–49, 141, 142
class denial, 98–100 passim, 248, 258
class mobility, 10, 37, 97–98, 179, 182
classism in media. See media classism
Clifford, Max, 125
clubs. See social clubs
cocaine, 215
Cole, John, 54
collectivism, 47
comedians, 2, 9, 111, 122, 127
Communications Workers Union, 155
community, 142–43, 160, 185–91 passim, 210–13, 233, 258
comprehensive schools, 179–80
compulsory sterilization, 18–19, 38
Confederation of British Industry (CBI), 150, 161
Conservative Party, 11, 24, 39–84 passim, 202–3, 254
‘Broken Britain’ and, 78, 183, 194, 214, 216
Central Office, 75
council housing and, 60, 207, 209
immigration policy, 222
incapacity benefits ands, 200
tax policy, 265
unemployment and, 260
working-class support of, 42, 44, 69
Coronation Street (television series), 110, 132
council housing, 34–35, 69, 86, 87, 103, 206–9 passim, 261
Barking and Dagenham, 229
Carole Malone on, 21–22
drugs and, 215
in jokes, 114
Labour Party and, 230
proposed demolition, 81
proposed relocation of tenants, 80–81
in website attacks, 112
See also ‘right-to-buy’ scheme (council housing)
Cranley, Liam, 9
‘credit crunch’. See personal debt
crime, 65, 81, 83, 121, 213, 214. See also fear of crime; murder and murderers
Crosland, Tony, 44
Cruddas, Jon, 89, 94, 100, 122, 229, 230, 241, 254, 258
‘cultural capital’, 172–73, 182
Cunningham, Mary, 145–47, 154–55, 176
currency, 49–50, 52, 140. See also devaluation
Dagenham. See Barking and Dagenham, London
Daily Express, 124
Daily Mail, 5, 14, 19–28 passim, 111, 113–14, 119
on class, 139
on Eden Lake, 131
website comments, 6
Daily Telegraph. See Telegraph
Davidson, Jim, 127
Davis, David, 46, 52–53, 82–84, 151, 179
Davis, Evan, 118
The Day the Immigrants Left (television series), 118
death penalty, 131–32
debt, personal. See personal debt
de-industrialization, 74, 80, 140–46 passim, 194–99 passim, 211, 230, 259
Delingpole, James, 114–15, 128
demonization, 72, 84, 87, 94, 107, 182–83, 269
of public sector, 162
of working-class schools, 177
devaluation, 88
Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, 13–37 passim
Diamond, John, 126
Dickens, Charles, 109
disability benefits. See incapacity benefits
divorce, 186
Donaldson, Liam, 114
Dorling, Danny, 9–10
dressing up as ‘chavs’, 119–21 passim
drinking, 114–15, 126, 128, 129
drug policy, 66
drug use and addiction, 65–66, 73, 74, 122, 188, 190, 215–16
Duckenfield, David, 68
Duffield, Brendan, 228–29
Duffy, Gillian, 85
Duncan Smith, Iain, 25, 77, 78, 80, 92, 197–98, 202
EastEnders (television series), 132
Eastern European immigrants, 241
economic crisis of 2008. See Great Recession
economic globalization. See globalization
Eden, Anthony, 69
Eden Lake, 130–31
education, 120–21, 141, 171–80
BNP and, 222–26 passim, 232, 236
Cameron and, 73
general election (2010), 85–89 passim, 105, 221, 236, 242, 245, 253, 254
Heath and, 54–55
Thatcher and, 69–70
Elliott, Larry, 53, 86, 140, 195, 196, 205, 261
employee turnover. See staff turnover
Enfield, Harry, 111
English Defence League, 245
Estates (Hanley), 206
ethnic minorities, 123–24, 221–22, 231, 243–44, 249
eugenics, 19, 38, 45–46. See also compulsory sterilization
European Working Time Directive, 160–61
Everytown (Baggini), 89
eviction, 209–10
executive pay. See CEO pay
Faber, George, 129–30
Fairhurst, Becky, 126
Falklands War, 70
family, 77–78, 81, 179, 212–17 passim. See also divorce
far right, 222–24 passim, 233–34, 245, 246, 258. See also British National Party (BNP)
fear of Islam. See Islamophobia
fear of unions, 49
fear of working class, 78, 130–32, 211
financial crisis of 2008. See Great Recession
financial services deregulation, 62
Finding, Deborah, 129
Finland, 179
First International. See International Workingmen’s Association
fitness clubs. See health clubs
Flynn, Paul, 256
Foot, Michael, 70
football, 67–69, 134–36, 142, 228
Ford Motor Company, 225, 227, 230
Formby, Jennie, 153–54
Forsythe, Robert, 58
Fothergill, Steve, 198
Frankel, Hannah, 122
free school meals. See school meals
‘free schools’, 178
Freud, David, 92
Friedman, Milton, 45
Galloway, George, 256
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), 172, 175
Getty, John Paul, 75
Gibson, Keith, 238
Gilfoyle, Adrian, 56–58, 151, 216
Gini coefficient, 37
Gladstone, William, 43
Glasgow, 73, 74, 76, 199, 233, 253
globalization, 157, 239, 242, 243, 268
Goldthorpe, John, 97–99 passim, 160, 176, 179
Goody, Jade, 122–26
Gove, Michael, 80
grammar schools, 179
Greater London Council, 224, 226
Great Recession, 140, 141, 147, 150, 156, 158, 164
Green, Michael, 75
Green, Philip, 165
Greenhalgh, Stephen, 81
Greenslade, Roy, 16
Griffiths, Glyn, 19
Gymbox, 3–4
Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School, 127
Hammersmith and Fulham Council, 81
Hanley, Lynsey: Estates, 206
Hannan, Daniel, 77
Hari, Johann, 26–28 passim, 37–38, 116, 127, 264
Harman, Harriet, 249
Harvey, Oliver, 120
Hattenstone, Simon, 141
Hayes, Billy, 117, 233, 243, 267
health clubs, 3–4
Heatherdown Preparatory School, 74–75
Heffer, Simon, 6–7, 56, 58–59, 97, 124, 185, 213
heroin, 216
higher education. See universities
Hillsborough Disaster (1989), 68–69, 134, 135
Hilton, Richard, 3–4
Hodge, Margaret, 103
hooligan stereotype, 67, 69, 135, 136
Horowitz, Anthony, 95
hotel and restaurant workers, 153–54, 243
House of Commons, 29
House of Lords, 106
housing, 60–62, 69, 207–10, 257, 261
Barking and Dagenham, 226–31 passim, 235, 236
See also council housing
Howard, Michael, 162
Howe, Geoffrey, 51–54 passim, 62–63, 69, 71
Howells, Kim, 256
Howse, Christopher, 8
Hunt, Jeremy, 11
identity politics, 255
Imlach, Gary, 134
immigrants and immigration, 43, 102–4 passim, 118, 189, 221–46 passim, 263–64
immigrant workers, 153, 238–39, 243
incapacity benefits, 187, 197–202 passim, 260
of CEOs, 163–64
child reading skills and, 172
of father and son, 182
of journalists’ families, 181–82
personal debt and, 158
of public service workers, 162
individualism, 82, 84, 90, 183, 220, 249, 250
home ownership and, 143
John Bird and, 116
Thatcherism and, 10, 47, 61–64 passim, 71, 99, 107, 250
in the workplace, 156
industry, 150–53 passim, 260–61. See also auto industry; de-industrialization; manufacturing; textile industry
inequality, 9–10, 37–38, 63–64, 83, 99, 164–66 passim, 205, 265
justification for, 83–84, 137, 182–83
‘meritocracy’ and, 97
in pay, 163–64
inheritance tax, 101
The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes (Rose), 255
internationalism, 268
International Labour Organization, 266
International Workingmen’s Association, 281n1
internet: ‘anti-chav hatred’ and, 109, 121. See also websites
internships. See unpaid internships
interracial marriage, 222, 244
‘I Predict a Riot’, 134
Iqbal, Khizar, 21
Jackson, Ian, 189–90
Jamie Oliver’s School Dinners (television series), 114
Janes, Laura, 181
Jeffries, Stuart, 124
The Jeremy Kyle Show (television chat show), 127
job creation, 162, 235, 239, 261
Jobseeker’s Allowance, 92, 195, 196–97, 201
job status, 158–60 passim
Johnson, Alan, 91
Johnson, Jo, 76
Johnson, Rachel, 76, 119, 129, 169–71, 177
Johnson, Stanley, 76
jokes, classist. See classist jokes
Jones, David, 57
Jones, Dylan, 75
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 127, 196, 204, 212, 213
Kaiser Chiefs, 134
kidnapping cases, 13–38 passim
Kinnock, Neil, 40, 51, 59, 60, 70–71, 111, 144, 178
Kynaston, David, 59, 111, 139–40
labour, informal. See informal work
labour, part-time. See part-time work
labour, temporary. See temporary work
labour laws 41–42, 50, 71, 152–53, 266
labour market, 94, 157, 199, 242
Labour Party, 10, 24, 40–44 passim, 49–53 passim, 69–71 passim, 84–109 passim, 220, 249
criminal justice policy, 214
declining loyalty towards, 220, 246, 252–54 passim, 258
education and, 178
housing policy, 34, 60, 208–9, 229, 230
immigration policy, 241
incapacity benefits and, 200
Miners’ Strike and, 58
poverty and, 203–4
Social Exclusion Unit, 99
Thatcherism in, 91, 98–99, 251–55 passim, 258
unemployment and, 260
working-class income decline and, 156–57
See also Blairism and Blairites; ‘Old Labour’
labour productivity, 157
Labour’s Two Nations, 79
layoffs, 31, 149–50, 162, 164, 187–92 passim, 198, 199
Leahy, Terry, 163
Leishman, Carl, 148–49, 164, 247–48
Lewis, Jemima, 113
libraries, 212
Liddle, Rod, 125
Lindsey oil refinery, 237–38
The Little Book of Chavs (Bok), 2, 112
Little Britain (television series), 2, 127–29
Littlejohn, Richard, 124–25, 128
Littlewood, Joan, 137
football clubs and fans, 68–69
Livingstone, Ken, 88, 90, 106–7, 152, 224, 235, 241–42, 266–67
Llewellyn, Rhidian, 75
Lloyd, Danielle, 124
London, 88, 140, 141, 152, 159, 254–57 passim
ethnic minorities, 244
housing, 210
immigration and, 224–37 passim, 241–42
See also Greater London Council; Hammersmith and Fulham Council
Longbridge, Birmingham, 190–95 passim
long-term disability. See incapacity benefits
Loughton, Tim, 80
MacDonald, Robert, 200–201, 211
Macmillan, Harold, 44
Maguire, Kevin, 17, 27, 29, 30, 49, 119
Major, John, 197
Malone, Carole, 21–22
Manchester United football club, 134
Mandelson, Peter, 252
Mann, John, 216
manufacturing, 35–36, 52–54 passim, 140, 146, 152, 158–59, 173, 199
marriage, interracial. See interracial marriage
Marsh, Jane, 200
Matthews, Karen, 16–37 passim
Matthews, Shannon, 13–38 passim
McCann, Madeleine, 13–17 passim
Maude, Francis, 80
McDonagh, Melanie, 23
McDonnell, John, 203–4, 208, 256, 260, 264, 266
McKibbin, Ross, 44, 83, 158–59
McLean, Alistair, 5
McTernan, John, 214
media, 109–38 passim
media classism, 113–15, 119. See also news media classism
meritocracy, 96–97, 159, 167, 169
Merthyr Tidfil, Wales, 93, 202
Middle Britain, 250
Miliband, Ed, 254
military service, 186
Millar, Fiona, 172–78 passim
millionaires in Cabinet, 76–77
miners’ strikes, 54–59
mining and mining communities, 151, 160, 185–90, 194, 216
minimum wage, 203–4
minorities. See ethnic minorities
Moat, Raoul, 6
Moir, Jan, 126
Morgan, Rod, 95
Morrison, Herbert, 263
Moss Side, Manchester, 78–79
mothers. See single mothers; working-class mothers
Mott, Joe, 22
Mount, Ferdinand, 42
class background, 30, 104–7 passim
interns and, 181
women as, 255–56
Mukerhjee, Sarah, 117
multiculturalism, 101–2, 225, 234, 245
murder and murderers, 6, 31, 79, 131, 214
Murphy, Richard, 31, 64, 165, 265
Murray, Charles, 81–82
music, 133–34
National Centre for Social Research, 115
National Graphical Association, 50
National Health Service (NHS), 239
National Insurance, 165
nationalism, 232–33
National Law Party, 222
National Union of Teachers, 173
Neil, Richard, 124
Neill, Bob, 84
Nelson, Robin, 130
nepotism, 170
New Economics Foundation, 159
New Labour. See Labour Party
news media classism, 13–33 passim, 69, 106, 124
news media immigrant-bashing, 231
newspaper workers’ strikes, 50
New Unionism, 267
Nickell, Stephen, 240
‘nigger’ (word), 9
night shifts, 160
Nolan, Barry, 5
Northumberland County Council, 188
Nottingham Forest football club, 68
Obama, Barack, 259
occupational status. See job status
occupations’ social value. See social value of occupations
oil refinery workers, 237–38
Old Labour, 87–88
Oliver, Jamie, 114
opinion polls. See public opinion polls
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 182
Orgreave, South Yorkshire, 56–57
Orr, Deborah, 136
Osborne, George, 263
Ostberg, Bertil, 178
overtime, unpaid. See unpaid overtime
Owen, Margaret, 226
Oxford Union, 138
Oxford University, 120–21, 172, 180
Pakistani workers, 242
interns and, 181
women candidates, 255–56
See also House of Commons; House of Lords; MPs
part-time work, 149, 150, 195, 259
Patterson, Christina, 27
PCS. See Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS)
Pemberton, Max, 218
Penning, Mike, 30–31
Phillips, Melanie, 18
Pinochet, Augusto, 45
Plaid Cymru, 233
Platell, Amanda, 119
plays. See drama
Policy Exchange, 80
polls. See public opinion polls
Poor Laws, 38
poverty, 33, 63–65 passim, 73–77 passim, 91, 99, 203–5
class mobility and, 97
home ownership and, 143
powerlessness, 248
pregnancy, teenage. See teenage pregnancy
Prince Harry, 244
Prince William, 120
prisoners and prisons, 213–14, 227
private schools, 2, 5, 26–29 passim, 74–75, 77, 171–72
professional occupations, 144, 181–82
ethnic minorities in, 243–44
immigrants in, 239
unemployment rate, 202
voter turnout and, 253
See also lawyers; university professors
Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), 93, 147, 155
public libraries, 212
public opinion polls, 77, 127, 248, 258, 267–68
on immigration laws, 237
on interracial marriage, 222
on Margaret Thatcher, 70
on unions, 155–56
Public Order Act (1986), 65
public service workers, 49–50, 161–63, 176–77, 202–3, 263, 267
Purnell, James, 87–88, 92–94, 104–5, 142, 252
quality of life, 157
‘queer’ (word), 9
race, 8–9, 101–4 passim, 116–19 passim, 225, 230, 234. See also interracial marriage
racism, 118, 122–25 passim, 222–23, 244. See also ‘anti-racist chav-bashing’
Rail and Maritime Transport Union, 155
Rathbone, Tim, 75
reality television, 122–26
recessions, 2008–2009. See Great Recession
Reckitt Benckiser, 163
Reid, Melanie, 17
Respect Party, 256
restaurant workers. See hotel and restaurant workers
retail workers, 145–47 passim, 154, 243. See also supermarket workers
rich people. See wealthy people
Ridley Plan, 58
right-to-buy scheme (council housing), 34–35, 60–62, 69, 87, 229
The Rise of Meritocracy (Young), 96
Rochdale, 85
Roper, Carl, 156
Rose, Jonathan: The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes, 255
Ross, Jonathan, 114
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 89
Rover. See MG Rover
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. See Sandhurst
Saatchi & Saatchi, 51
Salaheen, Jumana, 240
of call centre workers, 148, 149
class identity and, 141
of football players, 135
of hairdressers, 152
of MPs, 104
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Marquess of, 41, 42
Sampson, Adam, 86
Sandhurst, 120
scandals, 85–86
Scargill, Arthur, 55–56, 58, 59
Schlessinger, Laura, 9
school meals, 84, 113, 114, 172, 173, 180
schools. See comprehensive schools; ‘free schools’; grammar schools; private schools; universities
Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), 233, 253
Seaman, Peter, 213
segregation in education, 177–80 passim
Serwotka, Mark, 59, 93–94, 145, 161–62, 232
Shameless (television series), 20, 21, 30, 129–30
The Shape of Business—The Next Ten Years, 150
Shaw, George Bernard, 39
Sheffield, England, 68–69, 175
Sheffield, Samantha, 75
Shetty, Shilpa, 123–24
Shipman, Harold, 31
Short, Clare, 160, 173, 205, 240, 244, 251–52
Sikka, Prem, 162
single mothers, 82, 121, 127–29, 188–89, 217, 218
single parents, 11, 34, 66–67, 82, 216–17
Soames, Nicholas, 106
soap operas, 132
social mobility. See class mobility
social value of occupations, 159, 262
Spanner, Clint, 112
The Spirit Level (Wilkinson and Pickett), 9, 83, 268
sterilization, compulsory. See compulsory sterilization
strikes, 41–42, 49–50, 54–59, 153, 237–38. See also general strikes
Sturgis, Fiona, 125
suffrage, 41
supermarket workers, 144, 145–47, 154–55, 158, 193
Surman, Ralph, 121–22
Sweden, 178
Taff Vale case (1901), 41
Tarry, Sam, 227, 229–30, 232–33
Tate, Catherine, 122
taxation, 48, 62–63, 165, 250, 258, 265–68 passim
BNP and, 231
tax credits, 82, 163, 203–5 passim
tax evasion, 31, 165, 264, 265
See also inheritance tax; value added tax (VAT)
Taylor, Matthew, 89, 96, 99–101 passim, 139, 141, 260
teachers, 173. See also university professors
teenage pregnancy, 79–80, 187, 218–19
general election (2010) and, 85
wealthy people’s lifestyles in, 133
working class in, 20, 21, 30, 82–83, 110, 114, 117, 132
working-class stereotypes and, 94, 111, 117, 122
See also reality television; soap operas
television chat shows, 127
temporary work, 149–50, 186, 259, 262
terminally ill people: media coverage, 125–26
textile industry, 35–36
Thatcher, Denis, 46
Thatcher, Margaret, 10, 42–59 passim, 152, 171, 250–51, 258
greatest achievement (according to her), 252
Thatcherism and Thatcherites, 35, 40, 46–59 passim, 73, 74, 107, 163, 220
BNP and, 231
home ownership and, 143
Ken Loach on, 136–37
in the Labour Party, 91, 98–99, 251–55 passim, 258
media and, 111
wages and, 157
tips and tipping, 154
Topshop, 165
Toynbee, Polly, 24, 28–29, 34–35, 73, 126, 258
trade deregulation, 157
trade unions. See unions
Trades Union Congress (TUC), 161
truancy, 176
Turner, Graham, 49, 52, 54, 141
underclass, 18–23 passim, 27, 67, 99, 114, 125, 129, 139, 195
Robert MacDonald on, 200
unemployment, 36–37, 51, 66, 80–86 passim, 192–203 passim, 260
crime and, 65
part-time work and, 150
See also Jobseeker’s Allowance
Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW), 146
unions, 41–51 passim, 55–59 passim, 93, 106, 152–59 passim, 233, 242–43, 266
general election (2010) and, 105
Neil Kinnock and, 71
wages and, 257
See also ‘New Unionism’; strikes
United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), 245
universities, 120–21, 171–75 passim, 180
university professors, 144
unpaid internships, 180–81
value added tax (VAT), 84, 149, 165, 231, 265
Venables, Terry, 135
Verma, Hamant, 125
Vicky Pollard (television character), 127–29
voter abstention, 253, 258, 259
voting rights. See suffrage
wages, 88, 92–93, 104, 135, 146–47, 156–59 passim, 202, 257
immigration and, 239–42 passim
of public service workers, 162
of restaurant workers, 154
union membership and, 155
workers’ compared to CEO pay, 163–64
See also minimum wage
Wales, 233, 253. See also Merthyr Tidfil, Wales
Wallace, Mia, 112
Walliams, David, 127–28
Walter, Alan, 34, 87, 143, 261
Wards, John, 18–19
Warner, Jeremy, 164
wars, 256–57
waste recycling workers, 159
Wayne and Waynetta Slob (television characters), 111
Watkins, James, 131
wealthy people, 163–64, 166, 250–51, 258
taxation and, 48, 62–63, 165, 250, 258, 265, 267–68
on television, 133
See also billionaires; millionaires in Cabinet
Weir, Fiona, 205, 216–19 passim
welfare, 11, 24–26 passim, 65, 77, 82–83, 91–94 passim, 196–97
fraud, 31, 165, 196, 200, 204, 260, 265
history, 105
public opinion, 37
Robert MacDonald on, 200–201
Simon Heffer on, 185
See also incapacity benefits
welfare-to-work schemes, 37, 82, 92–93, 226
Wife Swap (television series), 126
The Wire, 79
White (television series), 8, 117
Wilkinson, David, 6
Wilkinson, Richard, 9, 83, 266
Williams, Zoe, 8
Winter of Discontent, 49–50
Woodhead, Chris, 172
work, informal. See informal work
work, part-time. See part-time work
work, temporary. See temporary work
worker alienation, 148, 155, 262–63
worker turnover. See staff turnover
workers, call centre. See call centre workers
workers, immigrant. See immigrant workers
workers, retail. See retail workers
workers’ cooperatives, 263
working-class mothers, 119, 126
working poor, 203–5 passim
workweek, 160–61
Worsthorne, Peregrine, 48
Wreford, Kate, 130
Yallop, David, 132
Young, Hugo, 46
Young, Michael, 96
Young, Toby, 126
Young Legal Aid Lawyers, 181
young people. See children