
I The Ottoman Frontier: Esztergom and Neuhäusel

From pen-and-ink sketches by Dr Edward Browne in Additional MS. 5233 of the British Library

II The Habsburg Frontier: Komdárom and Petronell

Engravings by G. Bodenehr and C. Beutler

III Emperor Leopold I

By Michel Noël, drawn in Frankfurt in 1658, and by Elias Heiss

IV Charles V Duke of Lorraine

Engraved by J. C. Sartorius in 1677

V The Burgplatz in Vienna

From the painting by Samuel Hoogstraten, dated 1652

VI The Hofburg and the Turkish Siege-Works

Drawn by Daniel Suttinger in 1683, and here reproduced from Vienna Gloriosa, id est peraccurata & ordinata Descriptio (Vienna, 1703)

VII Vienna in the Seventeenth Century

From engravings in E. Francisci, Vor-Blitz dessfortstralenden Adler-Blitzes . . . und zu Beleuchtung des jetzo wütenden türckischen- und frantzösischen Waffen dienlichster Vorbericht (Frankfurt, 1691)

VIII Tartars and their Prisoners Crossing a River

From L. F. Marsigli, L’état militaire de l’empire ottoman, ses progrès et sa décadence (The Hague, 1732)

IX The Siege at its Height

Drawn by Daniel Suttinger in 1687 and engraved by M. Bodenehr in 1688

X Koltschitzki in Disguise

Frontispiece to Das heldenmüthige wiewol gefährliche Unterfangen Herrn Georg Frantzen Koltschitzky (Nuremberg, 1683)

XI The Danube and the Wiener Wald

Engravings by M. Merian, in his Topographia Provinciarum Austriacarum (Frankfurt, 1649), and by an unnamed artist

XII The City of Passau

An engraving dated 1576, by L. Abent

XIII Starhemberg

Engraved by L. Gomier, and published in Rome

XIV Sobieski

Published by C. Allardt in Amsterdam

XV An English Broadsheet, 1684

The original is printed in red ink

The following authorities have kindly given permission for the reproduction of these plates: The Trustees of the British Library for nos. I–IV, VI, VII, IX–XI and XIV–XV, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, for no. V, the Curators of the Bodleian Library for no. viii, and the Ashmolean Museum for nos. XII-XIII