Special thanks go out to a number of liquor historians, whose work I used in addition to various other sources to put together this book: Helen Arthur, Peter C. Newman, Nick Brownlee, Jessica Warner, Hernando Calvo Ospina, Richard L. Fetter, Gilbert Delos, and David Wondrich. Also, I’d like to thank all the liquor companies represented for supplying historical information and images, in particular the folks at Jim Beam, Jose Cuervo, Bacardi, Jack Daniel’s, Baileys, Diageo, and Jeffrey Pogash at Schieffelin & Somerset. Thanks also to Lisa Dicker, everyone at the Harvey Klinger agency, and my editor, Ron Martirano. More thanks to K.B., J.K., M.R., and J.M. The final nods go out to Sir Loin, for throwing up on everything but my manuscript, and Michelle, for her asparagus risotto and for helping me write this thing.