CALLIGRAPHY IS ONE of the most revered arts in Chinese culture. For many, it is much more than art. It is spiritual practice.
I learned Yi Bi Zi, a very special and rare form of calligraphy, from Professor Li Qiu Yun, who is more than one hundred years old. She learned Yi Bi Zi from Tai Shi (supreme teacher), the teacher of the last emperor of China and the royal family.
“Yi” means one. “Bi” means stroke. “Zi” means word. “Yi Bi Zi” (pronounced ee bee dz) means one stroke accomplishes one word. Yi Bi Zi is Oneness writing. Traditionally, Chinese words are written using one or more of sixteen different types of strokes, with some Chinese words using twenty or more individual strokes. With Yi Bi Zi, Chinese words and entire phrases are written in one continuous brush stroke.
Yi Bi Zi is the foundation of Tao Source Calligraphy, which is created to bless any aspect of life. Before writing a Tao Source Calligraphy, I connect with spiritual fathers and mothers (saints, buddhas, and more) in Heaven and Source and ask them to bless the writing. After writing Yi Bi Zi, I connect with Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, as well as with Tao Source—the Creator—to bless the calligraphy by transmitting their shen qi jing into the calligraphy. Thus, Tao Source Calligraphy combines the artistic beauty of Yi Bi Zi (fully cursive script, Oneness writing) with Tao light transmissions. Every Tao Calligraphy emits frequencies and vibrations that create a field of light. This positive light field can nourish all aspects of life. Yi Bi Zi—Oneness writing—plus blessings from Heaven and Source become Tao Source Calligraphy. This is how Tao Source Calligraphy is created.
I have taught hundreds of students around the world to write Tao Calligraphy. The life transformation results of applying Tao Calligraphy have been phenomenal. Below are two heart-touching and moving stories.
A few months ago I started to learn to write Da Ai, greatest love. I had been practicing inconsistently, but then practiced writing for one to two hours a day for three days straight. Something very profound then happened to me that was connected to painful heartbreak from years ago.
When I was a young married woman, my first child developed a very severe reaction to some medicine. The result was severe brain damage. I spent my young adult life doing whatever I could, with barely any resources, to care for him. He taught me a great deal about life and determination even though he could not speak, walk, or feed himself, and depended upon his father and me for everything. Regardless of his challenges, he was the light of my life. At the age of nine-and-a-half, he died of breathing complications. I was there with him in the hospital. My heart hurt so much. However, I kept it in and tried to be brave for everyone: my daughters, his classmates and teachers, my friends, everyone.
For many years I threw myself into volunteer work and higher-education pursuits. I was determined to give his life meaning and desperately wanted my family to survive this loss. After a divorce and watching my daughters struggle without a brother and father, my heart ached more and more. I pushed it all inward, and many times cried in silence late at night behind closed doors, never revealing any weakness to my parents and my girls. I felt it was my job to maintain control and strength, or at least maintain the illusion of this. I developed a tough exterior but was still soft inside with a diminishing self-worth.
Many years have passed since then. I worked in many areas of education and have been a strong advocate for quality cultural education for the young as well as the elderly who want to pursue higher education. I’ve worked for the local university running a successful nationwide scholarship program, provided leadership programming, service learning, and the pursuit of additional resources for Hawaii’s schools and native language. I’ve worked at the federal, state, and county levels to serve the people of Hawaii. My passion to see people empowered to fulfill their dreams and serve their communities has given me great joy. However, there has been a pain in my heart that was deep and never allowed me to be truly happy. As time went on, my time was more for others than my family. Material things became the stand-in for my lack of time for my children.
After a week of learning, tracing, and writing Da Ai, one day I felt as if a switch had been turned on. A light shone so bright that it literally blasted the sadness from my heart. I started to cry as I reflected on my life. I began to remember what had happened to me and what brought me to this sad condition. It was like floodgates opened and I was given permission to be happy once again. I felt a sense of pure joy. As a result, the ache is not there. I feel so much happiness and love for my spouse, my children, my family. It feels like this black hole that had occupied my heart is light. It is truly a miracle to be able to feel this way.
I want to thank Master Sha for bringing Tao Calligraphy to humanity. I’ve missed so much for all of these years by not loving my husband, children, and family as I should. I have lots of time to make up for, and now I know how to help others who have had this kind of sadness in their life. Tao Calligraphy is a genuine gift from Heaven for all of us, regardless of where you come from or your income level or cultural heritage. I’m deeply grateful for this treasure that is here to serve all humanity.
Try it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
From the bottom of my heart, Da Gan En (greatest gratitude).
Aloha, aloha, aloha,
Malia D.
Maui, Hawaii
I would like to share one of many powerful experiences I have had using the Da Ai Tao Calligraphy. A woman at my workplace collapsed at work one day and was rushed to the hospital with excruciating pain in her leg. She took two weeks off work before returning. About six weeks later she was covering a day shift and I noticed that she was still limping and looked very stressed.
I asked her how she was, and she told me that she was in extreme and constant pain and that she had fallen at work three more times but had not told anyone because she was worried she would lose her job, being of retirement age. She said that she had been going for physical therapy treatments but it wasn’t helping much and she couldn’t afford to keep going twice a week. She shared that the issue was related to a large cyst deep inside her leg behind her knee, and that she had been having scans and appointments with doctors about possible surgery.
I told her that I might be able to help her, if not with the pain, at least for the emotional stress she was experiencing. On our break we went to a private room, and I offered her a calligraphy blessing by tracing the Da Ai Tao Calligraphy in Master Sha’s book Soul Over Matter.1 We spent about twenty minutes together. We did forgiveness practice, chanted Da Ai, and traced the Da Ai calligraphy. Within this time, her pain decreased in intensity from an 8 (on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst) to a 3. She said it was the first time she had been able to sit without excruciating pain.
The next day she came to work looking so much lighter and happier. I noticed over the following weeks that she was walking faster and not hobbling like before. When I saw her three weeks after the calligraphy tracing, she raised her arms in the air and said, “Leonie, I have no pain. I have zero pain!” I asked, “What has happened?” and she said, “I don’t know,” as she gave me a big smile and said thank you.
I am so grateful to Master Sha and to the Da Ai Tao Calligraphy. The power of Tao Calligraphy and the power of Da Ai is truly beyond words. We are so incredibly blessed to call upon this power.
Thank you with all my heart and soul.
For this book, I have written a new Tao Source Calligraphy Da Ai for you to practice with. See figure 1 on the following page. Apply this blessing to nourish, unblock, and bring success to every aspect of your life, including to attain health and happiness, give you inner peace, harmonize your relationships, boost your finances, and increase your intelligence. You could significantly transform your life in as little as thirty minutes a day.
Figure 1. Tao Source Calligraphy Da Ai
I shared earlier that Tao Source Calligraphy carries the shen qi jing of Tao Source. These are the purest and highest frequencies and vibrations of shen qi jing. By tracing or writing this calligraphy, you could receive remarkable results for health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of life because these frequencies can transform our shen qi jing beyond comprehension.
Many teachers and healers talk about frequency and vibration, including how to raise our own frequency and that of the planet in order to become happier and healthier, increase energy, experience abundance, uplift consciousness, and much more. “Everything is frequency. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but create that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” This sentiment, often attributed to Albert Einstein, may be apocryphal, but the wisdom is true. To transform some aspect of life, we have to transform our frequency and vibration to a higher and purer frequency and vibration. We have to match (become) that frequency and vibration. As we chant, trace, or write Da Ai, our shen qi jing aligns more and more with its purest and highest shen qi jing. This is how Tao Calligraphy works.
In the next chapter, I will lead you to apply the Tao Source Calligraphy Da Ai.