IN THE LAST decade, we have experienced more and more natural disasters on Mother Earth, including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and more. Global warming has increased rapidly. We have also experienced more and more economic and political challenges. At the same time, some cities and countries have experienced serious air pollution, water pollution, and other kinds of pollution.
How can we help humanity?
Let me emphasize the ancient wisdom I shared in the beginning of this book.
Everyone and everything is made of shen qi jing. As I shared earlier, “shen” includes soul, heart, and mind. “Qi” is energy. “Jing” is matter. We are used to thinking about energy and matter. In Einstein’s theory of relativity, E = mc2, “E” denotes energy, “m” denotes matter, and “c” is the speed of light. Relativity is the relationship between qi and jing. But now is the time for science and humanity to pay attention to shen.
Spiritual teachings use the term soul or spirit. Science, including quantum physics, uses the term information or message. In my personal opinion, information or message is soul or spirit. They are different names for the same thing. They are one. If people could understand they are the same, science and spirituality could then unite as one.
Dr. and Master Rulin Xiu and I have written a breakthrough book, Soul Mind Body Science System: Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality.2 In it we share with humanity the grand unification scientific equation:
S + E + M = 1
“S” represents shen, which includes soul, heart, and mind. “E” means energy. “M” means matter. “1” is the Tao Source Oneness Field.
We explain in Soul Mind Body Science System that people get sick because their soul, heart, mind, and body are not joined as one. Their S + E + M are not equal to 1. We share many profound secrets within that book. These secrets explain very well how Divine and Tao Source serve humanity, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.
Let me explain further. Everyone and everything is made of shen qi jing, including human beings, animals, oceans, mountains, houses, this book, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. I will use a human being as an example to explain this profound secret.
A human being is made of shen qi jing. See figure 7.
There are four sacred phrases that I believe are the absolute truth:
1. Qi Dao Xue Dao
“Qi” means energy. “Xue” means blood. “Dao” means arrive. “Qi Dao Xue Dao” (pronounced chee dow shoo-eh dow) means energy arrives, blood follows. Qi leads blood, which is matter or jing.
This explains the relationship between qi and jing (energy and matter).
Figure 7. Relationship of Shen Qi Jing in four sacred phrases
2. Yi Dao Qi Dao
“Yi” means consciousness. There are many kinds of consciousness, including superficial consciousness, deep consciousness, superconsciousness, and subconsciousness.
Millions of people meditate. To meditate is to transform consciousness. In the last decade or more, mind over matter and mindfulness have become more and more popular. To practice mind over matter and mindfulness is to apply the power of the mind and conscious awareness to transform aspects of one’s life, including health, relationships, finances, and more. Mind-over-matter techniques include many types of meditation, positive thinking, creative visualization, imagery, and more.
“Yi Dao Qi Dao” (pronounced ee dow chee dow) means consciousness leads qi. If consciousness arrives, then energy follows.
3. Xin Dao Yi Dao
“Xin” means heart. In ancient wisdom, the heart houses the soul and mind. There is also an ancient sacred phrase: Xin Xiang Shi Cheng. “Xin” means heart. “Xiang” means think. “Shi” means things. “Cheng” means accomplish. “Xin Xiang Shi Cheng” (pronounced sheen shyahng shr chung) means heart thinks, things are done. This is a very high-level wisdom and spiritual power.
“Xin Dao Yi Dao” (pronounced sheen dow ee dow) means heart arrives, mind (consciousness) follows. Heart leads consciousness. This profound secret is vital to treating mental disorders. Many people think that mental disorders are connected with the brain or consciousness. In fact, to heal mental disorders, it is vital to remove heart blockages, which is ancient sacred wisdom and practice.
Heart is the boss of the mind. Heart leads the mind.
4. Ling Dao Xin Dao
“Ling” means soul or spirit. Soul is the top boss of a human being. Many people think that they do what their mind guides them to do. They may not realize that their soul or spirit is the boss of their heart, and thus their mind. Whatever you do, your soul is involved. If your soul agrees with your heart and mind, things will more likely be smooth. If your soul does not agree with your heart and mind, things will more likely be blocked.
“Ling Dao Xin Dao” (pronounced ling dow sheen dow) means soul or spirit (or information or message) arrives, heart follows. Soul is the boss of the heart.
These four sacred phrases are four of the highest truths that explain how our shen qi jing is interrelated. It can be simply illustrated as follows:
Soul (message) → Heart → Mind → Energy → Matter
Shen is the boss of a human being, but soul is the ultimate boss.
I wrote this chapter to call you and humanity to chant Da Ai to help humanity and Mother Earth pass through this difficult period of time.
Humanity and Mother Earth need Da Ai. We have created the Love Peace Harmony Movement and Love Peace Harmony World Family. You can learn more about events and opportunities to chant and more to create and manifest love, peace, and harmony for humanity and all souls by joining us at
The purpose of life is to serve. I have committed my life to this purpose. To serve is to make others happier and healthier. To chant Da Ai is to offer your greatest service to humanity, to countless souls, to the Divine, and to Tao Source.
This is how to do it.
Apply the Five Power Techniques.
Body Power. Face the Da Ai calligraphy. Hold the fingers of one hand together in the Five Fingers Tracing Power Hand Position (see figure 2). Put your other palm gently over your heart. You connect with humanity and all souls through your heart.
Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:
Dear shen qi jing of my heart,
I love you.
I would like to serve humanity and Mother Earth.
Let’s do it together.
Say hello to outer souls:
Dear shen qi jing of Divine, Tao, and the Tao Source Calligraphy Da Ai,
Dear shen qi jing of countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes,
Dear my family, loved ones, community, city, and country,
Dear humanity and all souls,
I love you all.
You have the power to transform humanity, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.
Please join me to chant Da Ai together.
Let us do a great job together!
I am deeply grateful.
Thank you.
Dear all souls whom my ancestors and I have hurt, harmed, or taken advantage of in any way in this lifetime and in all past lifetimes,
Please forgive my ancestors and me for our mistakes against you.
I am deeply sorry for your pain and suffering.
Dear all souls who have hurt or harmed my ancestors and me in all lifetimes,
I totally and unconditionally forgive you, and I humbly ask my ancestors to do the same.
I forgive you.
Please forgive me.
Bring love, peace, and harmony.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Sound Power. Chant or sing from your heart with greatest love:
Da Ai, Da Ai
Da Ai, Da Ai
Da Ai, Da Ai
Da Ai, Da Ai . . .
Greatest love
Greatest love
Greatest love . . .
Mind Power. Visualize bright golden light shining in your heart and in the hearts of all humanity and all souls.
Tao Source Calligraphy Tracing Power. Apply the Five Fingers Tracing Power Hand Position (figure 2) to trace the Da Ai calligraphy following the pathway in figure 3. You can also trace with your body. At the same time, chant Da Ai.
Trace for ten minutes per time, at least three times per day. There is no time limit. You can trace as often as you can for as long as you can.
When you do this practice, you are serving Mother Earth, humanity, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. You are offering your love to humanity and all souls. The more you trace and chant, the better.
Many people wonder how they can help humanity. They want to make a difference yet feel powerless to do so. I share with you, dear reader, that to chant and to trace the Da Ai calligraphy within this book and to invite all humanity, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes to join you to chant is not a small service. It is a very significant service. You will receive blessings from Divine, Tao Source, Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. If millions and billions of people chant Da Ai, greatest love, the power of transformation for humanity and Mother Earth cannot be expressed enough.
Sing or chant from your heart while tracing:
Da Ai, Da Ai
Da Ai, Da Ai
Da Ai, Da Ai . . .
Greatest love
Greatest love
Greatest love
Greatest love . . .
I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace, and harmony
Love, peace, and harmony . . .
Humanity and Mother Earth need Da Ai. All souls need Da Ai. Serve humanity, Mother Earth, and all souls. Join our global chanting for love, peace, and harmony. You can download a beautiful mp3 recording of this powerful song, Love, Peace and Harmony, at
Let us join hearts and souls together to create a Love Peace Harmony Universal Family.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Love you. Love you. Love you.