Chapter Fourteen
Zoann and the
Spheres of Energy
The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
Energy is the other thing that fills the universe up alongside matter. It comes in several different types within the known universe, and we are sure that there are still other forms of energy we have left to discover. For the most part, energy comes in two different forms: heat and work. Because energy can be neither created nor destroyed, according to the first law of thermodynamics, energy is understood to be something that only can be transferred or released through heat.
The type of energy that can be transferred, such as kinetic, potential, chemical, nuclear, etc., all fall under the “work” category of energy. As the name might suggest, this is energy that can be put to work, and it exists in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium—or, in other words, it exists in a fixed system and cannot be altered without another fixed system also being altered.
Heat energy is energy that is being exhausted instead of transferred and is the final step before energy dies. Thermal energy cannot be as easily converted as work energies, which means that most of that energy will remain radiant until it can travel no further. The sun releases massive amounts of energy while it is busy fusing hydrogen into helium, like light and heat energy. Earth is stationed at just the right place in our solar system for that energy to warm our planet without completely baking it. This, in turn, keeps water liquid (around most of the planet), crops growing, and provides much of the essential components for life on earth.
However, none of this would be possible without our planet’s ability to emit its own energy, creating a protective shield called a magnetic field. On Earth the magnetic field is created by the molten metal in the outer layer of the planet’s core rotating as it spins in orbit around the sun. Without this field, our atmosphere would have burned off, and Earth would look a lot more like Mars than the luscious blue sphere we have today. Earth absorbs about 70 percent of the energy it comes in contact with from the sun. The other 30 percent is reflected back into space.15
Numinosity and Energy
As I mentioned in the last chapter, matter and energy have a strange connection: they can be converted into one another. You might remember E=mc², the famous equation from Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which states that matter as mass (m), when multiplied by the speed of light squared (c²), equals the amount of energy (E) found equivalent to a particle’s mass. This strongly suggests that matter is energy, just a highly condensed and specialized form of it. It also suggests that a lot of what we believe in metaphysics regarding vibration and resonance is likely true.
When you pick up a crystal and can feel energy coming from it, what is it that you are actually feeling? The belief in many circles is that we are psychically sensing the potential energy found in the stone. Because we are doing this via the sixth sense, we also are able to pick up other aspects of that potential energy that are spiritual in nature and would otherwise go undetected. If this is something that can be done with a crystal, then it is something that can be done with any form of matter.
Channeling energy is a bit trickier to explain, as fundamentally you are acting as a receiver and amplifier. What type of energy are we actually channeling? That is a good question. We can sense the energy we are channeling in the same way we can sense the potential energy within a stone, but moving through our own energetic field. We are always altered by the energy we channel, so we know that if only for a moment we are conductive for that energy. We also know that if we were not literally conducive to this energy, we are at least spiritually, as the movement of force within the closed system of the energy body can be observed. In other words, because we can feel something happening, we know that in some way, no matter how small, there is a transfer of energy occurring.
In the first part of the book, we discussed ritual tools and how to actually turn them into beacons of power. When we cast spells, perform rituals, and connect with spirits from the other side, we are working with the unique energies of our tools so that they may be the channels for the power we seek. When we combine these channels of power together and weave them in an act of magic, we are tapping into the potential energies that flow through them to bring about the force necessary to manifest our outcome.
Preparation: Spheres of Energy
Step One
Align and center yourself, then go to the doorway in your witch’s dream and recite the invocation of Zoann, the Grigori of Energy. As you do this, draw their sigil in yellow fire.
I call to Zoann, the Grigori of Energy,
Untamable Keeper of Perpetual Force, Winged Serpent of Power,
Come now from the starry labyrinth and open the sacred gates!
Be here now and in your fullest, for destiny awaits!
zoann’s sigil
See this sigil fade into the doorway and bring your focus to the familiar emptiness that is revealed on the other side. Do not enter the doorway.
Step Two
Create a ball of yellow fire and then toss it into the doorway, seeing it disappear in the darkness the farther along it travels from you. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, see the ball come back to you as if being tossed by someone on the other end. As you catch this ball, you notice that the fire burns brighter and is a bit larger. Toss the ball of yellow fire back through the doorway and watch it as it comes back, again catching it and noticing that it has grown larger and brighter.
Continue to do this until the ball of yellow fire can no longer pass through the door. Hold this sphere in your hands and feel the difference from when you first began this exercise to now. Take three deep breaths and condense this sphere into a small ball of energy the size of a marble. Remember to focus on the sensation of the energy as it moves and condenses; nothing is lost, only changed. Take this tiny ball of energy and place it on the altar.
Repeat this exercise and amass a collection of these tiny spheres. When you go to perform a spell, take one of these spheres of condensed yellow fire and use it to fuel your working as additional energy.
Step Three
When you are finished, visualize the door emerging from the outline of the doorway and take a few moments to ground the remaining energy. Take a few moments to observe the sensation and to think about your experience, then journal about it.
Things to follow up on:
1. Perform magic using the spheres to assist in adding energy to your working and record the results.
2. Working with the list provided in chapter 1, continue to do this exercise but instead work with other flames besides yellow.
3. If there were a shape or symbol other than the sigil of Zoann that could represent your experience, what might that be? Sketch it.
4. Use the spheres outside of your spell work. When you wake up in the morning, envision adding them to your coffee, the food you eat, and other things that you consume. Record any difference in overall energy levels, focus, and mood.
We are conductors, and the energy we charge ourselves with attracts the frequencies we will inevitably end up conducting. Every time we meet someone new or old, we are transferring energy that was transferred to us. This can keep us in a closed loop if we are not aware of what we may or may not be attracting. We know that people exchange energy because with every new encounter we are left a little changed. The other truth to this is that you can tell how someone feels about you after they meet you in response to the energy they just received from you. This is expressed through body language, mannerisms, speech patterns and tone.
Even if we aren’t aware of it, something rubs off each time we make a connection. If you were to record the different people and energies you interact with on a daily basis, you would likely find that your original frequency has been adjusted as a result of its conductivity throughout the day. It is like putting on a new pair of white sneakers every morning and then walking to the office. Unless you are extremely careful, you will likely show up at work with shoes that are no longer white. For the most part, the natural flow of energy through our body filters and cleans most of the impurities, but we still run into things that cause a more prominent stain on those shoes than we could have expected, and immediately taking care of it isn’t always an option. So what do we do? We adjust our frequency to compensate for whatever it is that we stepped in, and we move on. Meanwhile, we are continually running into new people and ultimately tracking whatever it is we picked up through their systems. The cycle repeats and—well, you get the picture.
We can make an adjustment to our vibration when we need to, however, and mostly we can choose the impact we are going to have on other people. Sometimes two people just repel each other, and there is little you can do to stop that, but for the most part, if you can remain conscious of how the energy that you are bumping into is affecting your personal vibration, then you can be a more effective filter for the overall system of energy in your life. If you remember, back in The Witch’s Book of Power we talked about soul alignment and its use in finding our home frequency. By performing rituals and workings that help you reset or remember this frequency, you can actually take control over the flow of energy and what type of energy you are conducting.
The idea essentially is that if you want to attract money, then every time you meet someone or have a moment of presence with another person, you should become conscious of what energy you are sending out to them via your frequency. If you don’t feel good about it, do something to adjust it, like paying them a compliment or holding the door open. When you are finished adjusting the vibration between you, send them a pulse of prosperity. Think of something they might want or need and visualize them getting it. That is all you have to do. If you do this enough, you will essentially rewrite your own charge to draw in the energy of prosperity.
When you consciously shift the vibration and send them a pulse of energy, send them the tiny sphere of condensed blue fire. As it transfers from you to them, see them receive something they really want. Even if you don’t know what it is, envision their face lighting up like on Christmas morning.
Spheres of Manifestation
Think of an energy you want to manifest in your life, and then create a sigil for it or use a symbol that you particularly associate with it. Perform theSpheres of Energy exercise but instead of tossing a ball of yellow fire, toss in a ball of blue fire that has been infused with the symbol of your desired manifestation. Build this ball in the way you have before, tossing it back and forth as it grows in intensity, and then condense it into a marble-sized sphere of energy. Do this several times. Complete the ritual as instructed.
Things to follow up on:
1. Trace the effect your energy has on others and on yourself. Do you notice a shift in their life or in yours?
2. This is an exercise I do to quickly manifest things in my life when I need them. After applying this technique, do you feel that you are more in tune with the energy of what you are trying to manifest? Do you feel any closer to manifesting it?
3. Draw or sketch the symbol you used, and explain what it meant.
Other Preparations
Just as with the others, spend time learning the science behind the phenomena. The topic of energy is vast and fascinating and way too complex to explain here, so devote seven hours to discovering more about the energy in our universe. Again, look at the science as a point of inspiration, and when something new comes up that you don’t understand, reach into the witch’s dream and ask. Take your journal, spend time sitting beside the doorway, listen for messages and write them down. Once you have done this and feel ready, it will be time to meet Zoann.
Zoann takes the shape of a fluid metal sphere that is not unlike ferrofluid. The liquid metal stretches out to make waves and peaks that ripple across the surface. With each ripple of fluid, the air around Zoann moves and quakes in response.
Zoann is the spiritual consciousness of energy and force. They are perhaps the easiest of the cosmic Grigori to contact and work with, as they are the most mutable. Zoann teaches us that everything is energy, and that the universe we live in is filled with various forms of it. Each of these variations contains within themselves a piece of Zoann, a link to the spiritual force of energy, and in this all things are connected back to this Grigori.
Zoann also teaches us that we are conductors for the energies found within the universe. As conscious beings, this places the burden of responsibility on our shoulders as to what we do with the energy we come in contact with. As witches, this reinforces our fundamental theories regarding the importance of spiritual and psychic cleanliness.
Congress: The Rite of Zoann
Have your journal and/or sketch pad handy. Perform the rites of preparation and ingress from the opening ritual. While standing before the black candle, reach out with your senses and connect this ritual space with the one in your witch’s dream. Visualize the doorway of yellow fire manifesting on our plane, then recite the invocation of Zoann.
As the sigil fades, visualize a door resembling liquid fire takes its place with the sigil for Zoann prominently etched into it. Take a deep breath, reach out with your witch power, and push through this door. As it opens, step into the all-too-familiar dark empty room that awaits you on the other side.
As you emerge in the dark room, you instantly feel a buzzing in the air around you. The emptiness seems to be filled with this ecstatic tension, and you instinctively know to follow the flow of this energy through the darkness. As you do so, call out the name Zoann three times. Each time you say it, feel the air growing thicker and thicker with this strange buzzing sensation, but immediately after you say it the third time, the buzzing stops as if you popped a balloon.
Before you, the darkness appears to move as if somehow stirring, vaguely capturing the outline of a giant wave before it catches you and pulls you under with an invisible force. Surrendering, you find yourself merging with the invisible force for just a moment, becoming something new, before returning to your original form. Take a deep breath. The awareness that this is Zoann, Grigori of Energy, washes over you as you allow the wave of force to take you deeper into the darkness.
Notice now that before you a sphere of light appears in the distance. As you get closer, you see that this is a multicolored ball of intense energy waiting for you to arrive, and you feel a sense of hurriedness. When you arrive, you notice in clearer detail that the multicolored light is emanating from a black sphere and that waves of color wash over it, affecting the space around it.
Ask Zoann the following questions and record their responses in your journal. Take time to ask these questions, as well as any others you might have for them, and then record your answers. Remember it might take a few visits to get all the answers you seek. Draw a sketch of how Zoann appears to you and any other experiences that you feel are valuable enough to record in this way.
1. Who am I?
2. What energies came together for me to exist?
3. How does my use of energy in life benefit or harm me? How does it affect others?
4. How does energy affect my spell and ritual work? How does knowing this help me?
5. What types of energy should I be bringing into my life to help me better have influence over my life?
6. What, if anything, can energy teach me about the origin of my soul?
7. What, if anything, can energy help me discover about my life purpose that I do not know?
8. What mysteries can energy reveal to me?
9. How does my experience with you bring me closer to knowing myself?
10. How does my experience with you bring me closer to revealing the mysteries of Diana?
11. How can I better work with the mysteries of energy to impact my life?
12. What should I know that I haven’t asked about?
When you are finished, step closer to the black ball emanating light and place your hands on it. If at any time Zoann is finished before you are, this light will grow until it eventually encompasses you. As you touch the sphere of pure energy, it ripples in response, and in an instant you find yourself once again standing on the translucent platform. Before you lies the doorway to the witch’s dream. Complete the ritual by performing the rite of egress as explained in the opening ritual. Continue to visit Zoann and to document your experiences over your next journey. You should feel their presence, as well as the other three, join you now when summoning the Pyramid of Diana.
15. From NASA’s website, , accessed January 2018.