
MANY OF THESE ESSAYS appeared originally in The FASEB Journal, the official journal of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, a publication for which I was responsible from 2006–2016. An armful of thanks for the energetic staff in Bethesda, especially Jennifer Pesanelli, Cody Mooneyhan, Mary Hayden, and Susan Moore. At the NYU School of Medicine, Ms. Andrea Cody, the administrator of the Biotechnology Study Center at the NYU School of Medicine, has been responsible for keeping my prose intelligible to humans. Above all: thanks to the Bellevue Literary Press, with its multi-talented director, Erika Goldman, and to Elana Rosenthal and Marjorie DeWitt, who slid this work into print. The BLP has made all of us at the university—and the hospital for which the press is named—very proud, indeed. The MBL/WHOI library, where I work in the summers, is not only a repository of marine wisdom but also a community of scholars, archivists, and active scientists. Writing at Woods Hole has been made a pleasure by the late Cathy Norton, by Diane Rielinger, Jennifer Walton, Matthew Person, John Furfey, and Nancy Stafford.