1. Arrowsmith and CRISPR at the Marine Biological Laboratory
2. Ebola and the Cabinet of Dr. Proust
3. Zika, Kale, and Calligraphy: Ricky Jay and Matthias Buchinger
4. Ike on Orlando: “Every Gun Is a Theft”
6. Lupus and the Course of Empire
8. Apply Directly to Forehead: Holmes, Zola, and Hennapecia
9. Swift-Boating Darwin: Alternative and Complementary Science
10. Spinal Irritation and the Failure of Nerve
12. Dr. Doyle and the Case of the Guilty Gene
13. Swift-Boating “America the Beautiful”: Katharine Lee Bates and a Boston Marriage
14. Alice James and Rheumatic Gout
15. Free Radicals Can Kill You: Lavoisier and the Oxygen Revolution
16. Dr. Blackwell Returns from London
18. Welcome to America: Einstein’s Letter to the Dean
19. Modernism and the Hippocampus: Kandel’s Vienna
20. A Taste of the Oyster: Jan Vilcek’s Love and Science
21. Richard Dawkins Lights a Brief Candle in the Dark
22. Eugenics and the Immigrant: Rosalyn Yalow
23. Cortisone and the Burning Cross