Abel, Richard 21, 27

acousmêtre 103, 158

Adorno, Theodor 445, 168

Agamben, Giorgio 146

allegory 41, 43, 128

Allen, Richard 141

Althusser, Louis 545, 716, 78, 967, 168

American Graffiti 1012, 112, 128

analysand 64, 68

Anderson, Perry 78

Andrew, Dudley 152, 168

anti-humanism 67, 158

apparatus theory 76, 96, 158

Aragon, Louis 25

Arnheim, Rudolf 1819, 20, 27, 46, 168

Astruc, Alexandre 79

attraction 323, 158

aura 27, 40, 423, 158

Austin, J.L. 123

authorship 22, 4950, 95, 100, 143, 158

avant-garde 246, 302, 39, 99100, 158

Badiou, Alain 149

Bakhtin, Mikhail 117

Balázs, Béla 27, 168

Barthes, Roland 5962, 75, 78, 82, 101, 169

Battleship Potempkin 33, 35

Baudelaire, Charles 41

Baudrillard, Jean 127

Baudry, Jean-Louis 767, 83, 111, 168

Bazin, André 459, 53, 76, 95, 100, 152, 169

Beauvoir, Simone de 1056, 116

Bellour, Raymond 82,101

Benjamin, Walter 37, 404, 46, 60, 63, 169

Bergson, Henri 59, 148

Bersani, Leo 122

Bhabha Homi 118, 169

Birmingham School 60, 78

blackface minstrelsy 12, 117

Blow-Out 1278

Bolter, Jay David 151

Bordwell, David 24, 103, 134, 13946, 152, 169

Branigan, Edward 140

Brecht, Bertolt 31, 94, 99, 116, 169

Breton, André 245, 169

Brewster, Ben 94

Buckland, Warren 978, 144

Butler, Judith 12325, 169

Cahiers du cinéma 46, 4950, 79, 878, 101

Camera Obscura 92, 108

camp 12425, 159

Canudo, Ricciotto 22, 23

Carroll, Noël 19, 134, 1369, 1446, 169

carnivalesque 117, 159

castration 65, 107, 11112, 159

Cavell, Stanly 153

Chaplin, Charlie 22, 42

Chion, Michel 103, 169

cinema of attractions 143, 159

cinephilia 21, 159

Cixous, Hélène 108

classic realist text 101, 103

classical film theory 5, 50, 54, 153

classical Hollywood cinema 3, 48, 103, 140, 152, 159

close-up 14, 1617, 24, 267, 38, 43

Close-Up 63

close analysis 82, 159

Clover, Carol 113, 114

code 812, 101, 124, 159

cognitivism 13941, 144, 159

cognitive film theory 16, 141

commodity fetishism 35, 159

Comolli, Jean-Louis 878, 94, 98, 109

condensation 64, 68, 83, 159

connotation 601, 125, 159

contemporary film theory 5, 545, 71

convergence culture 1512, 160

counter-cinema 99100, 1089, 11516, 119, 160

counter-hegemony 75, 78, 119, 134, 144

Crary, Jonathan 151

cultural studies 6, 60, 779, 160

Currie, Gregory 141

Dayan, Daniel 70

de Lauretis Theresa 114, 1223, 125, 170

Debord, Guy 77, 90

decoding 124, 160

defamiliarization 267, 312, 35, 42, 47, 160

Deleuze Gilles 14650, 170

Delluc, Louis 213, 25, 170

denotation 601, 160

Derrida, Jacques 138

dialectical materialism 30, 72, 160

digital technologies 4, 1502, 1534

disavow 83, 107, 114, 160

displacement 64, 68, 83, 160

dispositif 76

Doane, Mary Anne 111

documentary 345, 46, 116, 119, 124, 126

Dulac, Germaine 234, 25, 170

Dyer, Richard 125

Eco, Umberto 82

écriture 98, 137, 1601

écriture feminine 108, 123

Edelman, Lee 122

ego psychology 67

Eisenstein, Sergei 1, 2930, 326, 79, 95, 170

entertainment 3, 4, 20, 424, 125, 150

Epstein, Jean 23, 256, 27, 43, 170

Esperanto 14

Euro-centrism 92, 115, 117, 119, 127

fabula see story

Fanon, Frantz 116

fantasy 4, 24, 645, 122, 124, 161

feminist (film) theory 92, 1035, 10814, 1213, 134

fetishism 27, 83, 107, 161

film culture 10, 212, 23, 28, 45, 85

film noir 49, 109

Flaherty, Robert 34

formalism 1819, 82, 100, 135, 153, 161

Foucault, Michel 75, 117, 170

Frankfurt School 36, 39, 401, 445, 59, 161; see also Institute of Social Research

Freud, Sigmund 25, 42, 636, 83, 96, 107, 170

Friedan, Betty 104

Genette, Gérard 82

Getino, Octavio 116

Godard, Jean Luc 49, 86, 99, 100, 116

Gorky, Maxim 4

Gramsci, Antonio 75, 117, 171

grande syntagmatique 812, 83, 161

Griemas, A.J. 59

Grierson, John 34, 116

Griffith, D.W. 13, 14, 29

Grodal, Torben 141

Grusin, Richard 151

Gunning, Tom 143, 171

Guattari, Félix 147

Hall, Stuart 78, 171

Hansen, Miriam 38, 40, 110, 171

Haskell, Molly 104

Harvey, Sylvia 86

Heath, Stephen 70, 958, 1368, 146, 171

hegemony 75, 114, 127, 161

hieroglyphs 12, 1314, 33

historical poetics 1424, 161

Hjelmslev, Louis 57, 59, 60

Hoggart, Richard 78

Hollywood 10, 20, 223, 1078, 11213, 152

hooks, bell 118

Horkheimer, Max 44

identification 17, 77, 83, 106, 111, 1612

ideological state apparatus (ISA) 734, 162

ideology 33, 612, 737, 83, 878, 959, 138, 162

illusion 4, 34, 767, 96, 127, 136

impressionism 234

incest taboo 58, 65

indexical signs 46, 61, 95, 162

Institute of Social Research 367, 44; see also Frankfurt School

internet 3, 1502

interpellation 17, 74, 136, 162

Irigaray, Luce 108

Jakobson, Roman 57, 68, 83, 94

Jameson, Fredric 1278, 171

Jenkins, Henry 151

Johnston, Claire 104, 105, 107

jouissance 114, 162

Jump Cut 92, 135

Kaplan, E. Ann 109

Kittler, Friedrich 149

Kracauer, Siegfried 7, 3740, 42, 44, 46, 153, 171

Kristeva, Julia 82, 108

Kuleshov, Lev 2930, 171

Lacan, Jacques 63, 6670, 73, 75, 83, 105, 171

Langlois, Henri 867

langue 567, 69, 801, 162

LEF (Left Front of the Arts) 31

Lenin, Vladimir 28, 29, 72

Lesage, Julia 108

Lévi-Strauss, Claude 579, 612, 68, 95, 172

Lindsay, Vachel 1115, 1920, 79, 84, 172

linguistics 31, 556, 58, 61, 689, 7981

Lyotard, Jean-Francois 127

MacCabe, Colin 101, 112, 172

MacDonald, Dwight 44

male gaze 73, 1067, 110, 122, 162

Man With a Movie Camera 35

Manovich, Lev 151

Marcuse, Herbert 44

Marker, Chris 86, 116

Marx, Karl 2930, 724, 77, 96, 127, 172

Marxism 45, 54, 77, 91, 128

masochism 11213, 162

masquerade 111, 118, 124, 162

mass ornament 3840, 42, 163

master-slave dialectic 66

May 1968 55, 76, 858

Mayne, Judith 122

medium specificity 1819, 24, 101, 153, 162

Mercer, Kobena 126

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 59

Metz, Christian 55, 62, 7984, 88, 94, 111, 172

Mickey Mouse 42

Miller, Jacques-Alain 69

Millet, Kate 104

mirror stage 679, 74, 77, 83, 105, 163

Mitchell, Juliet 104

Mitry, Jean 79

modernism 24, 98, 163

modernity 4, 38, 42, 153

Modleski, Tania 110

montage 1, 28, 2935, 46, 147, 163

Morin, Edgar 79

Moscow Film School 29, 84

Mulvey, Laura 73, 1059, 11011, 118, 121, 172

Münsterberg, Hugo 11, 1420, 224, 46, 84, 172

Narboni, Jean 878, 94, 98, 109

narration 1401, 163

neoformalism 32, 142, 163

neo-realism 478, 94, 116, 149

New Left Review 78, 94

new media 1502, 163

nouvelle vague 49, 87, 149

Nichols, Bill 119, 172

October (film) 34

October (journal) 92, 137

oedipal complex 65, 122, 163

ontology 46, 100, 1012, 123, 153

optical unconscious 423, 163

Orientalism 117, 164

other 42, 67, 105, 11617, 120, 164

Oudart, Jean-Pierre 70

panopticon 76, 164

parole 567, 80, 164

Pasolini, Pier Paolo 82, 125

patriarchy 69, 92, 104, 108, 10910, 11314, 164

Peirce, Charles Sanders 46, 95, 1723

performative 98, 11920, 126, 137

performativity 123

phallocentrism 1068, 114

phallus 69, 106, 164

phenomenology 144

photogénie 23, 256, 27, 164

photography 3, 25, 3840, 42, 46, 61, 96, 153

Plantinga, Carl 140, 141

plot 31, 48, 141, 149, 164

poetics 32, 1423, 165

political modernism 86, 91, 98, 103, 109, 137

la politique des auteurs 49, 62, 165; see also authorship

popular culture 37, 44, 62, 85, 111, 149

pornography 11314

post-colonial theory 92, 11521, 130, 134

post-modern 92, 12630, 133, 146, 165

post-structuralism 62, 91, 1089, 119, 122, 146, 165

propaganda 345

Proust, Marcel 38

psychoanalysis 25, 6370, 75, 834, 96, 1058, 111, 122

Quattrocento 76, 165

queer theory 92, 104, 1216, 130, 134, 144

Ranciere, Jacques 149

realism 19, 378, 40, 469, 76, 1012, 1523, 165

remediation 151, 165

repression 64, 105, 165

Rich, B. Ruby 108

Riggs, Marlon 126, 128

Rodowick, D. N. 86, 98, 11213, 114, 144, 1478, 1525, 173

Rogin, Michael 11718

Rohdie, Sam 93

Rosen, Marjorie 104

Russian Formalists 312, 57, 117, 165

sadism 107, 113, 166

Said, Edward 117

Sarris, Andrew 49, 173

Sartre, Jean-Paul 59

Saussure, Ferdinand de 558, 60, 68, 802

Screen 915, 98100, 1035, 1089, 129, 135

semiotics 54, 57, 62, 7984, 95, 144, 166

sexual difference 69, 104, 1078, 122, 124

sexuality 645, 76, 121, 124

Shklovsky, Victor 31, 57

Shohat, Ella 115

sign 55, 95, 166

signified 56, 60, 68, 166

signifier 556, 60, 689, 70, 97, 166

signifying chain 68, 73

Singin’ in the Rain 112, 128

Silverman, Kaja 70, 11113, 114, 173

Situationists 86

Smith, Greg M. 141

Smith, Murray 141

Sobchak, Vivian 144

Society for Education in Film and Television (SEFT) 934, 104, 129

Sokal Affair 129

Solanas, Fernando 11516

Sontag, Susan 124

sound 10, 19, 334, 1023, 112, 126, 128

spectacle 76, 77, 1067, 110

spectator 323, 83, 97, 1067, 11011, 118, 153

spectatorship 16, 83, 125, 13941

Spivak, Gayatry 120

Spottiswoode, Raymond 80

Stam, Robert 115

stars 22, 43

Stella Dallas 10910

stereotype 11718, 119, 121

story 31, 141, 166

Strike 334

structuralism 6, 5462, 723, 79, 84, 166

subject 669, 735, 97, 105, 114, 118, 124

subject position 70, 101, 111, 11314, 122, 130

subjectivity 42, 67, 96, 136, 1389, 146

surrealism 245, 27, 423, 66, 166

surveillance 76, 152

suture 6970, 75, 97, 136, 166

symptomatic 64, 88, 128, 143, 166

syuzhet see plot

television 3, 4, 84, 150, 151

Tel Quel 72, 86, 98

textual poaching 152, 166

theater 9, 11, 13, 30, 32, 43

third cinema 11516, 166

Thompson, Kristin 32, 142

Thompson, E.P. 78

to-be-looked-at-ness 106, 167

Tocqueville, Alexis de 145

Todorov, Tzvetan 82

Tongues Untied 126

trauma 107, 113, 167

Trinh, T. Minh-Ha 11821, 123, 126, 128

Turim, Maureen 110

Umberto D 48

Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show 96

unconscious 25, 42, 634, 69, 83, 96, 167

Vertov, Dziga 29, 312, 346, 43, 99, 173

video games 3, 150

Virilio, Paul 149

voice 1023, 112, 120, 126

voyeurism 83, 105, 167

Weil, Felix 36

White, Patricia 122

Williams, Linda 110, 11314, 173

Williams, Raymond 78

Wittig, Monique 108, 122

Wollen, Peter 945, 97, 99100, 108, 145, 173

Zavattini, Cesare 47

Zizek, Slavoj 70, 149