We have now passed through the gateway of summer solstice and bask in the fullness of the season. The earth is generous, abundant, and life-affirming. Leo is a fixed fire sign, meaning it occurs in the heart of the season (in this case, summer) and is associated with the passionate, visionary element of fire. Picnics at the beach, camping in the mountains, lazy days in the sun—Leo season is a time for gathering with family of the heart, enjoying the incandescence summer twilight. We laugh, dance, play, and celebrate for the sheer joy of being alive. Lughnasadh, or Lammas, the first of the three harvest festivals, occurs during Leo season, and farmers’ markets are bursting with ripe cherries, luscious blackberries, and juicy peaches. It is fitting that Lughnasdh is also a traditional time for handfastings and weddings, given the fertility and abundance of the natural world.
Echoing the glorious fecundity of the season, Leo’s purpose is to shine. It is no coincidence that the Sun is Leo’s ruling planet. The Sun in astrology is connected to one’s unique sense of self. The Sun symbolizes growth, creativity, illumination, life force, vitality, the divine spark, and the ability to create life. It also corresponds with sovereignty, royalty, nobility, and leadership, all qualities that resonate through the archetype of Leo. Although there are numerous goddesses associated with the Sun, it is also connected with the sacred masculine, or the animus in women, our inner king who acts on our behalf and takes action in the outer world. Ultimately, the Sun is symbolic of that mysterious process we call individuation: becoming wholly oneself and standing fully and gracefully in one’s power. This is Leo’s quest.
Leo embodies the archetype of the Queen (and King) as well as the Divine Child, and tends to view life as an epic drama, with her as the protagonist of her own story. Leo Carl Jung sums it up: “I took it upon myself to get to know my myth, and I regarded it as my task of tasks.” 21 Astrologer and author Liz Greene states, “Leo, more than the other two fire signs, loves to make a myth out of himself.” 22 Whether or not Leo achieves fame and glory in the pursuit of her personal myth, she does crave recognition for her efforts. Leo likes to be noticed for her own personal brand of creativity and self-expression. Although it is indeed part of Leo’s life task to bring her unique creative gifts to the world, when she is feeling insecure, this can sometimes translate to self-aggrandizement and a need for validation. Luckily for Leo, she is usually blessed with her fair share of natural talent combined with vision, heart, and ambition—which often does lead to success. Leo also has genuine warmth and charm in abundance, which makes her quite lovable to those lucky enough to be in her life.
The Leo Woman
All heads turn when she enters a room. Whether she is a “classic” Leo woman—dramatic, flamboyant, and self-confident—or she is one of the subtler representations of her sign, this woman has an undeniable measure of personal magnetism and has that certain something that might be called “star quality.” True, many Leo women have a personal style that garners attention, but this is just all part of the package. Her legendary style is an expression of her innate creativity, her goddess-given right to self-expression. What she chooses to adorn herself with is an integral part of her creative process. Whether she opts for glitter and bling or tattoos and piercings, her style is very much a sacred embodiment of who she is—an integral part of exploring her personal myth and a way of getting into character. Even the quieter Leo women have a flair for the dramatic or the romantic, and they thrive on appreciation and recognition. While this may sound vaguely superficial or narcissistic, the validation Leo craves has a deeper purpose. We must remember that part of Leo’s soul purpose is self-realization, and through the response of the collective, something of her own essence is reflected back to her, thus deepening her knowledge of her emerging self.
However, as with all signs, there is always a shadow. For all her apparent self-confidence, Leo’s shadow is insecurity, not knowing at the end of the day if she really is enough. When self-doubt creeps in, she may try even harder to get the approval or the feedback that she is important. She may also inflate herself and display arrogance or haughtiness to compensate for shaky self-worth. She may grasp at outside validation and display attention-seeking behavior accompanied by dramatic histrionics. She may become competitive. The shadow side of the Queen shows her face, and Leo’s natural warmth and affectionate nature become subsumed in the pursuit of recognition.
The lesson for Leo is self-trust. She must learn to develop real self-confidence that comes from a heart-centered place, rather than solely from external sources. Then she can take her rightful place on the throne as the Wise Queen, the Queen who understands that self-
sovereignty is the end goal. In coming to this realization, the Leo woman radiates her true regal nature. She is self-possessed, connected to her heart, and true to herself. She steps up to take on the mantle of leadership and wears it comfortably and with grace. She is whole, and she is kind. This is individuation, Leo style.
Although Leo’s personal ascent to sovereignty often comes with maturity, there are several life areas she can consciously cultivate to move her purposefully toward this end. The first is to honor her path to individuation through creative expression. She must make space for her creative talents, whatever her chosen medium. Whether she chooses acting, music, writing, cooking, painting, designing, or creating her own business, it is part of Leo’s life purpose to be a creator. I cannot count how many times I have seen the potential for significant creativity in a Leo woman’s chart and have them answer sadly, “Oh no, I’m not really creative at all. I don’t write, and I can’t draw anything but stick figures.” The problem is not that these clients are not innately creative; it’s that their definition of creativity is too narrow, and they may not see themselves as such.
Further, although many Leo women have no trouble embracing their creative abilities and shouting about it from the rooftops, there are other Leo women who find it challenging to accept that creativity is their birthright. Perhaps creative self-expression was not valued when she was growing up. Maybe she had a family that inadvertently stamped out her tiny spark by placing excessive value on conventionally measurable outer-world achievements. For example, she might come from a long line of doctors, and although her heart ached for a creative writing degree, it was expected she take sciences instead of arts in college. Or she may have had an upbringing in a very practical family that thought creative pursuits were fine as a hobby, but to get by in this world she’d need a “real” job. Either way, the message may have been that the creative fields were a waste of time, a waste of money, a waste of effort. Family conditioning can be tricky. But, individuation is about your personal myth. This is your journey, and it is never too late to step onto the path you were meant for.
Let’s broaden the definition of creativity. Creativity is the imagination embodied. It is an original idea or a new take on something that creates a spark. That spark is new life. Yes, creativity certainly encompasses all the arts from music to dance to painting, but it is so much more. Anytime we are inspired and manifest something tangible out of our inspiration, we are being creative. It can be anything from reupholstering an old chair to decorating the living room. It is thinking up a new solution to an old problem. You can be a creative accountant. You might have a knack for dressing creatively or planning the perfect dinner party. Leo needs to crack the definition of creativity wide open and own it, in whatever guise it shows up for her. Leo must step out of her comfort zone and take risks that create exciting new realities. The secret is that when Leo gets out of her own way, it clears the decks for something life affirming and in line with her true purpose. She will be fulfilled. She will be actualized. She will be on fire.
Another way the Leo woman can move closer to claiming her birthright of sovereignty is by developing her propensity for inspired leadership. With the Sun as her ruling planet, many Leo women are born leaders. And, although this can take the shape of leading others who are fired up by her passion and take-charge attitude, it can just as easily mean that she takes a proactive stance in her own life. Leo both is a mover and a shaker. She gets an idea and, because of the fixed nature of her sign, usually has the follow-through to see it to fruition. Leo also often has the kind of charisma that makes others trust her and want to support her ideas. Perhaps it’s her natural self-confidence and abundant enthusiasm that inspires faith in others. A true Leo leader also seems to have a knack for making the people around her feel appreciated and valued. She is generous with her knowledge and her encouragement, bringing out the best in others. When she’s coming from a heart-centered place and true to a vision that’s a win-win, the Leo woman has an air of grounded self-assurance that echoes the archetype of the Queen.
The third path to self-realization for Leo is to align with her other associated archetype, the Divine Child. For Leo, play, pleasure, entertainment, and fun are all potential paths to self-fulfillment. If she is taking herself too seriously or is feeling insecure and has fallen into the Leo shadow of compensatory self-aggrandizement, connecting with the Divine Child aspect of her sign is the antidote. Tuning in to a sense of childlike wonder and abandoning her carefully cultivated poise rejuvenates Leo. Playing dress-up or allowing herself to be silly regardless of what anyone thinks can be therapeutic. And with Leo’s love of the theatrical and her sense of play, it’s no wonder you find many Leos at Renaissance fairs and other live-action role playing (LARP) events. Of course, Leo will likely be playing a queen or heroic character in these situations.
Inner child work can also be useful to the Leo woman. Not all Leos had idyllic childhoods in which they were the adored golden child. Some may have experienced childhood trauma. Some may have had their spirits crushed under the weight of family expectation, too much responsibility, or well-meaning parents who for a myriad of reasons never seemed to have the time or energy to make sure their little Leo felt supported to shine. This is often the root of overcompensation as an adult. Beneath every inflated ego is a small child terrified that she isn’t special enough to get the love and attention she needs. Leo may have to be the parent she didn’t have. She has to be there for herself, have her own back. She may need to dig down deep and find the validation within, not in a self-indulgent, “here’s another treat” kind of way but in a real, grounded, “I will always be there for you” way.
Leo carries within her heart an image of idealized love. It is especially exciting to her if there are tests of devotion that noble-hearted lovers must pass if they are to fulfill their quest. Tristan and Iseult, Lancelot and Guinevere, Abelard and Heloise—whether she realizes it consciously or not, these classic love stories are imprinted on her psyche and color her expectations of what it means to fall in love. Indeed, even the phrase falling in love describes Leo’s idea of what love “should” feel like: an utter loss of control, tumbling headfirst, devil-may-care, us-against-the-world, romantic love. If it feels just like in the movies or the tales of old or as described in the words of long-dead poets, it must be true love. Leo women are born romantics, and in an era of hooking up, they cherish the noble idea of courtship. In Leo’s mind, proper courtship sets her love above the tawdry flings and everyday mundane love that everyone else experiences. This is not to say that the Leo woman doesn’t exercise her sexual prowess when it suits her—she is a huntress, after all—and has a formidable sexual appetite, but when she is truly interested in someone, she craves all the moments of intrigue and drama, the exquisite torture that is longing. Exhilarating highs and lows only prove to her that it’s the real thing. The phrase grand passion was likely coined by a Leo lover, replete with all the drama, torment, and proof of devotion one would expect. Leo women are often drawn to the concepts of soul mates and the one true love.
For all her love of grandiose gestures and dramatic declarations, the Leo woman is also deeply devoted, warm hearted, and truly affectionate. Once she commits, Leo is amongst the most loyal of all the signs and will often put her love on a pedestal. In turn, she needs respect, admiration, and to feel appreciated. She will not suffer indignity. She is proud and hot-tempered and will not put up with ill treatment in any form. She is a Queen, after all. Even in a long-term relationship, Leo will not settle for the mundane or mind-numbing routine. She delights in romantic surprises and gestures that show her that you still think she is number one. Many Leos desire marriage when they have found “the one.” Of course, the wedding will be appropriately lavish, sparing no expense. Alternatively, she may opt for a smaller wedding, perhaps in a gracious countryside setting with imaginative personal touches and the kind of rustic charm that evokes storybook magic.
The Leo woman has a great deal of sexual charisma and a strong sex drive. She is sexually confident and can also be dominant. Knowing she is desirable is like an aphrodisiac to her, and some Leos enjoy putting on a show to show you just how hot they really are. Some Leos enjoy dressing up and role play as an expression of their inherent creative and dramatic flair. Lingerie, wigs, and costumes are all part of the fun. She may be sexually adventurous, but it’s not usually to please someone else. It’s part of her self-image as a sexy, desirable woman. She can also be highly competitive and will sometimes engage in sexual scenarios where she can be the center of attention. However, Leo’s famous claws can come out if she finds she is not the star in the room. Fair warning: Leo’s jealousy is formidable, and it’s best not to play with fire.
Another face of Leo’s erotic nature is connected to her affinity for luxury and extravagance. Rose petals on the bed, champagne in an ice bucket, and a five-star hotel room are true turn-ons for some Leos. They adore being swept off their feet in grand style.
With Leo’s formidable repertoire of myriad talents, innate creative ability, and fierce ambition, she can turn her hand to just about any career and succeed to the point where she receives the recognition she craves. Whatever paths they choose to explore, many Leo women become subject matter experts in their field. A few even achieve a degree of fame or celebrity, because when Leo is working in accordance with her heart, she shines. Leo could be a star in the entertainment industry, either as an actor, performer, or musician, but could just as easily sparkle in the role of director, promoter, or publicist. She could also work in the industry as part of the creative team as a makeup artist, hairstylist, set designer, or costume designer. Fashion is another area the Leo woman often shines in, and she may be drawn to a successful career as a designer, illustrator, photographer, or personal stylist. With her affinity for children, play, and fun, she could flourish as a children’s author, play therapist, coloring book creator, or game developer. And, of course, her creative abilities would be well matched to a career in any of the creative fields, such as fine arts, writing, poetry, dance, expressive arts therapy, tattoo art, event planning, or interior design. Her natural aptitude for leadership would make Leo a great CEO or brilliant creative director.
Guiding Goddess Archetype: Rhiannon
Of the many goddesses across the mythological traditions around the world that exemplify Leo’s characteristics, Rhiannon from the Welsh Mabinogion came to me in meditation as I was writing this chapter. Not only is Rhiannon a sovereignty goddess whose name means “great queen,” but she is also closely associated with horses (a solar animal) and inextricably connected to Sun symbolism, which is woven throughout her stories. As we will see, she also demonstrates an array of other Leo correspondences: she is strategic, creative, confident, and lives from her heart.
The great Lord Pwyll of Dyfed rides out one summer morning and comes to the faery mound Gorsedd Arberth, where legend had it that one would either be attacked or witness a marvel. Pwyll, being a great hero and warrior, is unafraid and thinks to himself that he would quite like to witness a marvel. He waters his horse and hounds, sits down in the soft green grass, and waits.
Presently, the most beautiful woman he has ever seen rides slowly by him on a pale horse. She is bathed in golden light and dressed in sumptuous silk the color of the sun, and her long flaxen tresses shimmer with an otherworldly incandescence. Birds fly about her singing the sweetest of songs. Pwyll leaps on his horse and canters after her. Although her horse is walking slowly, no matter how hard Pwyll rides after her, she keeps a maddening few paces ahead, and he cannot reach her. Finally, after three days of pursuing her, Pwyll implores her to stop so that he may speak to her. She turns to him, smiling, and answers that if only he would have asked earlier, she would have gladly stopped, and he might have spared his horse.
She introduces herself to him as Rhiannon, daughter of Heveydd Hen, King of the Otherworld. She informs Pwyll that she has come seeking him, as she has heard of his exploits and has decided that he is the man of her heart. Although she is betrothed to another, she will marry no one else unless Pwyll rejects her, and she has come for his answer. Pwyll can scarcely believe his good fortune and declares that if he had his choice of any maiden in the world, he would choose only her as his queen. Satisfied, Rhiannon states that if this is what he truly feels, he is to meet her at her father’s palace in one year’s time and they would be wed.
The two part and Rhiannon returns to her otherworldly realm. And to be sure, they long for each other more with each passing day. Finally, the time comes and Pwyll enters the world of Faery to claim his bride. There is great rejoicing. A magnificent feast is prepared, and Pwyll is heartily welcomed. After the feast, a tall young man in royal garb enters the hall. The youth addresses Pwyll, announcing that he has come to ask a favor. Pwyll, feeling giddy with joy on his wedding day, answers that whatever is in his power to grant, he will gladly give. Rhiannon gasps and looks at her husband in disbelief. The young man looks fixedly at Pwyll, his lips curling into a sadistic smile, and tells Pwyll he has come to ask for the hand of Rhiannon. Rhiannon turns to Pwyll and admonishes him for speaking so loosely, explaining that this is the man to whom she had been betrothed. Pwyll is horrified at his foolishness, but Rhiannon takes him aside and whispers that she will find a way to fix the situation. She will agree to marry the youth in one year’s time, but she will make sure the marriage does not come to pass. She hands Pwyll a small bag, instructing him to be at her father’s hall again in one year and to bring with him the bag and one hundred of his most trusted knights.
One year later, as Rhiannon is about to be wed, Pwyll shows up at the wedding feast disguised as a beggar, his knights secreted away in the orchard. He takes out the small bag that Rhiannon has entrusted him with and requests that the groom-to-be fill it for him with food from the feasting table. As it is his wedding day, he grants the boon, but no matter how much food is placed in the bag, it does not fill up. Pwyll then tricks him into jumping on top of the bag by telling him it won’t be full until a man of noble birth and wealth steps on the bag and claims it full, and the bag magickally swallows him up. Pwyll calls for his knights, and they beat the man in the bag until he cries for mercy and relinquishes his claim on Rhiannon.
Pwyll and Rhiannon are finally wed, and they set forth for his kingdom, where she is welcomed by his people as his queen. She generously gifts his courtiers with jewels and lavish adornments, and she and Pwyll live together happily for two years.
In their third year, Rhiannon finally gives birth to a long-awaited heir. On the night of her son’s birth, Rhiannon sleeps beside his cradle with six handmaidens in attendance. In the middle of the night, one of the maids wakes from having fallen asleep on her watch to discover that the baby has disappeared. Terrified, she and the other maids devise a plan to save themselves from punishment for their negligence, whereby they kill a puppy and smear the blood on Rhiannon’s cheeks and mouth, thus accusing her of killing her own son. When she awakes in the morning to find her son missing, the serving women tell her they fought her all night and that she ate her own child. Rhiannon, being of generous heart, tells them if they are telling this story out of fear of punishment, she would defend them, but the maids stick with their deceitful tale.
Although his advisors urge Pwyll to be rid of his otherworldly wife, Pwyll loves Rhiannon with all his heart and refuses to divorce her. Instead, he orders that Rhiannon do penance for seven years. Each day she is to sit at a horse block near the castle gate and tell her story to each person who entered. She is also to offer to carry each guest into the hall on her back, as though she herself were a horse. Rhiannon bears her penance with grace and dignity, and all who come to the castle are impressed with her fortitude and can see that she is innocent. Thus, her story is spread far and wide across the kingdom.
Meanwhile, one of Lord Pwyll’s subjects finds a beautiful baby with hair of gold tucked in his horse barn. He and his wife raise the child as if he were their own. As the man ponders the sad story of beautiful Rhiannon doing penance for a crime she did not likely commit, he looks closely at the growing boy, and it comes to him that the child he is raising resembles Pwyll in a most extraordinary way. He takes the boy to the palace, and there is great rejoicing in the land. Rhiannon’s punishment comes to an end, and she is both exonerated and reunited with her son. The kingdom enjoys prosperity and happiness for many years, and their son grows to be a great hero.23
Rhiannon’s connections to the Leo archetype are abundant. Not only is she both a queen and goddess of sovereignty, she is also a sun goddess, and Leo’s ruling planet is the sun itself. Further echoing the attributes of Leo, she is confident and bold, choosing whom she would marry despite having already been betrothed to another—she has agency. She is also connected to the idea of true love and the quest to be with her beloved against all odds, another Leo motif. Rhiannon is no shrinking violet, and she demonstrates a feisty sensibility when she rebukes Pwyll on two separate occasions: first, when she chides him for not simply asking her to stop and speak to him, and, second, when Pwyll foolishly promises anything to the unwelcome guest at their wedding. She does not just sit there and shiver in woe; she comes up with a plan. She is both proactive and visionary. Rhiannon also corresponds with the inherent generosity of Leo: she gives lavish gifts to the people of Dyfed and then offers to defend her maidservants if they tell the truth. Finally, although she must serve penance for a crime she did not commit, she does not play the victim but instead stays true to herself and bears her situation with her head held high and her integrity intact. Echoing the fixed nature of Leo, Rhiannon exhibits perseverance and faith in love and life, even through the bleakest of times. Call on Rhiannon when you need the extra confidence to act on a situation or when you need to recharge your self-esteem and speak your truth.
Pathworking: Rhiannon’s Gift
The first rose-gold rays of dawn illuminate the sky, and the velvety blackness of night is giving way to soft shades of pearlescent gray and deepest azure, as the Sun is just about to slip over the eastern horizon. You have been sitting vigil through the night on this grassy hillside to catch the sunrise, and from your vantage point you see the rolling green countryside that undulates into the distance in all directions around you. Your vitality and confidence have been flagging lately, and your inner flame seems more like the embers of a dying fire. It seems as if you have been encountering one obstacle after another, and you have come here hoping for perspective.
Birds begin their morning courting music, and it’s as though time is standing still during this liminal moment between night and day. Something catches your eye to your left, and you sense movement behind the hazelnut trees. A woman on a pale horse rides out from behind the hedgerow, bathed in an otherworldly glow from the rising Sun. For a moment, you are stunned to see someone out riding so early. You call a soft morning greeting to her, and she stops, turns, and then rides slowly toward you. You realize this is no ordinary woman out on a morning errand. She has the bearing of a queen, resplendent in silk, her head held high and her red-gold hair like a dazzling aura around her. The golden light seems to be coming as much from her as it is from the approaching sunrise. She smiles at you and leans down to extend her hand. You take it, and the goddess Rhiannon pulls you up in front of her onto the horse.
Together you ride to the other side of the mound, where you come upon a gnarled old hawthorn guarding the entrance to an opening in the hill. The tree is decorated with all manner of offerings: ribbons, shimmering crystals tied on strings, scraps of weathered fabric that must have been left here years before. You feel compelled to leave your own offering here and slide down from the mare to approach the tree. You reach deep into your pockets for something to offer, but your pockets are empty. You turn to Rhiannon, who has dismounted and is now standing beside you. Her eyes are amber in the light of the coming dawn. She unfastens a small golden velvet drawstring pouch from her waist and places it in your hands.
“This contains your spark, your sacred inner fire—guard it well. As long as you remember that no matter how dark the night, the Sun always rises, your heart will never be empty. As long as you keep faith and be true to your own heart, I will always be here for you. As long as you speak your truth and take action when it is needed, you will always have sovereignty of self,” she says. She leaps up onto her tall white horse and gives you a dazzling parting smile, riding into the blinding brilliance of the newly risen Sun.
You reach into the pouch and pull out a piece of citrine. You hold it up to the golden light, and it explodes into a rainbow of colors. You make your way back with your head held high, ready to face the new day with your spark reignited and the knowledge that you have been gifted sovereignty by the Queen of the Land herself.
Ritual: Awaken Your Inner Queen
Leo resonates with the archetype of the Queen: she has that inner core of strength and self-worth, personal sovereignty, and the willingness to act on one’s own behalf. Look to your chart to see what house the Sun is in; this life area is one in which you have the potential to shine and where you may need to awaken your inner queen in order to step into your power with equal measures of grace and confidence. You may want to cultivate the matters of this life area, as it is the realm where you are likely to achieve special recognition, love, and abundance.
Leo Sun Queen Incense
1 part each:
Sweet orange
Rhiannon’s Magick Bag
The magick bag Rhiannon gives to Pwyll is akin to the magick talisman that saves the day in the greatest hour of need. Interestingly, beautiful embellished bags were often given as wedding gifts in early Medieval times from the groom to the bride-to-be. It is rather fitting that Rhiannon gives the bag to Pwyll, rather than the other way around, given her bold and outspoken character. You can either purchase a small bag or find some material you like and sew your own. Fabric colors that resonate with the symbolism of the Sun are especially suitable: gold, yellow, red, and orange. White is also connected to Rhiannon’s symbolism. You may also wish to embellish your bag with a symbol, either painted or glued on, that aligns with Leo or Rhiannon: a horse, birds, the Leo symbol, the astrological glyph for the Sun, a heart, or a crown. I have a round copper earring about the size of a silver dollar—embossed with Celtic horses—that I glued onto my Rhiannon bag as a centerpiece. For best results, craft your Rhiannon bag during Leo season or when the Moon is in Leo. Charge it by laying it in the full rays of the Sun for three days if possible. This magickal bag is a reminder that at all times, you carry with you all that you need. Keep it on your altar, or use it in personal ceremony.
Awaken Your Inner Queen
Cape or other hooded garment
Small tapered gold or yellow candle
Leo Sun Queen Incense
Rhiannon’s Magick Bag
Symbol of sovereignty: necklace or ring
Remember, Leo loves drama. Leo likes to play and make things special. For this ritual, any extra effort in set decoration is all part of focusing the energies. Go all out. Set your altar up with symbols of the Queen. Drape it in Sun colors: gold, yellow, amber. You can also incorporate purple into your altar colors, as purple has been a symbolic color of royalty since Roman times. Wear something that makes you feel extra queenly, perhaps a cape or other garment with a hood.
Carve a symbol that resonates with Leo into the candle. Light it. Meditate on the flame and visualize what it would look like if you were standing gracefully in your power. Feel the warmth and illumination of the flame transfer to your solar plexus chakra, the seat of your personal power, and then into your heart. Feel these two power centers connected—heart and will. Write down three things you would do if you were acting as Queen of your own life. State these aloud, and pass the paper through the smoke of the incense three times. Fold it carefully seven times and place it in your Rhiannon bag. Remember, this bag is imbued with the magick of the Otherworld and contains all that you need. Take the ring or necklace and pass it through the incense three times to consecrate it, stating aloud,
This ring/necklace is an outer symbol of my inner sovereignty. By Rhiannon, by Maeve, by the Morrigan, I align myself with the Queen within and take my goddess-given power to rule my life with grace, dignity, love, and compassion. So be it.
Put the ring or necklace on, take off your hood, and arise. Close the circle and thank the deities invoked. Although you can wear the necklace or ring all the time if you wish, wear it for at least three days and then keep it in your Rhiannon bag until you need it to boost your self-confidence or need to take action and call your leadership qualities to the fore.
Leo Correspondences
Astrological Dates: July 23 through August 22
Sabbat: Lughnasadh/Lammas
Leo Goddess Archetypes: Rhiannon, Bastet, Sekhmet, Queen Maeve, Olwen, the Morrigan, Durga, Cybele, Hathor, Qudsu, Amaterasu, Saule
House: Fifth
Element: Fire
Mode: Fixed
Planet: Sun
Colors: Gold, yellow, red, orange, amber
Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, danburite, rhodochrosite, ruby, sunstone, tiger’s eye
Essential Oils: Benzoin, cinnamon, frankincense, nutmeg, orange, lemon, ginger, tangerine
Parts of the Body: Heart, spine, upper back
21. C. G. Jung, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 5: Symbols of Transformation (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014), xxv.
22. Liz Greene, Astrology for Lovers (York Beach, MA: Weiser, 1989), 120.
23. Charlotte Guest, trans., The Mabinogion (London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1906; New York: Dover, 1997), 1–15.