In many places in the Northern Hemisphere, the first snows of the approaching winter have already dusted the distant mountaintops. We feel a collective lightening as we turn to the task of understanding that which was unearthed while the Sun transited Scorpio. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. It is the third of the threshold signs, taking us from autumn into winter, and is aligned with the enthusiastic element of fire. Sagittarius is also the last of the fire signs, which started with the spark of new life that is Aries, passed through the ardent flame of self-actualization that is Leo, and now culminate with the visionary fire of Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is the Truth Teller, the seeker of life’s mysteries. Sagittarius is aligned with the impetus to develop knowledge and wisdom and resonates with Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, the archetypal Quest. Throughout that journey, Sagittarius pushes the boundaries and aligns with several core archetypes along the way, the Explorer, the Hedonist, the Philosopher, and the Sage among them. Sagittarius is searching not only for the endpoint of individuation but also ultimate meaning, and on her mission she can cover a lot of ground. No stone is left unturned in the search for knowledge. Sagittarius has the heart of the seeker, the mind of the philosopher, and an unquenchable thirst for the next horizon. Hers is the unfolding royal road of the journey, and she will happily travel the unfolding inner and outer paths to see what’s around the next bend. She is drawn by the mysteries of faraway lands, the scent of exotic spices, and the intoxication of different perspectives. She is the sign that will throw a few belongings into a backpack and hitchhike across Europe, staying on the couches of friendly strangers and collecting stories along the way.
Sagittarius is ruled by expansive, magnanimous Jupiter, and as such is connected to the idea of faith—faith in self, faith in life, and the ability to see the big picture. Sagittarius asks, “What is my place in the universe?” She requires a great measure of personal freedom to fulfill her quest and cannot abide being tied down for long. On her journey, especially in her younger years, Sagittarius occasionally aligns with the Hedonist archetype: jumping in over her head and throwing caution to the wind. However, her unshakable faith in herself and genuine friendliness usually gets her out of many a scrape, giving Sagittarius the reputation for being lucky. At any rate, she gathers many allies on life’s adventure and has an incredible time doing it.
The Sagittarius Woman
Confident, courageous, and optimistic, the Sagittarian woman is equal parts bon vivant and wise woman. She has a thirst for adventure, a buoyant sense of humor, and a generous spirit. She is always up for a new experience, whether it be strapping on her hiking boots and heading for Patagonia or exploring the subcultures in her own city. She will happily strike up conversations with people from all walks of life—in fact, the further from her field of experience the better. Sagittarius embraces diversity and welcomes cross-cultural connections that open her to new perspectives. She has a jovial sensibility and a shoot-from-the-hip straightforwardness that is refreshing. She may lack subtlety and is known for being honest to a fault at times, but at least you always know where you stand with a Sagittarius woman. Unlike Scorpio, she doesn’t hold grudges, and she has no hidden subtexts or agendas. What you see is what you get. She shines with authenticity and has a wonderful habit of always looking at the bright side of any situation. Although she can sometimes get herself in trouble with her bluntness, her affable nature usually makes up for it. Because she’s so up front, people usually tend to accept whatever she says without making any bones about it.
On the other hand, she does exemplify the Wise Woman archetype, or at least the Wise Woman in training during her younger years. She often has a whole shelf full of books on world mythology and comparative religion, from Yakut shamanism to witchcraft to yoga philosophy. Stacked beside these are travel guides and maps of all the places in the world she’s been or plans to go. Sagittarius rarely travels just to lie on the beach and get a tan. She wants to be changed by her adventures. All her wanderlust is part of an ongoing vision quest that serves as inspiration on her life’s journey. Her quest is nothing less than to find the meaning of life, as well as her place in the cosmos, and she will climb every mountain and peer over every ridge to find it. As a fire sign, her goal is to move outward and reach outside herself to find that meaning. Seeking Truth with a capital T is an important part of Sagittarius’s life task, and she usually comes to realize that truth can be found in many different places. Sagittarius corresponds with both the Student and Teacher archetypes, and although she is usually a lifelong learner, she will also gravitate toward being a teacher or mentor in some way as she integrates the wisdom she accrues. She often attains higher education, and many Sagittarians in their pursuit of knowledge have advanced academic degrees.
On the other hand, she can be unconventional in the way she gathers her wisdom, preferring self-study through her own personal curriculum of nomadic wandering and studying what inspires her passion. Many Sagittarius women find themselves studying or living abroad during periods of their life. Pilgrimage travel often leads her on a quest to the great spiritual power centers of the world, such as Glastonbury, Machu Picchu, the El Camino trail, and the great temples of Southeast Asia, such as Angkor Wat. Sagittarius needs freedom, and sometimes that means freedom from what she perceives as the claustrophobic structure of academia. She does not like being told what to do and hates having to commit to being in one place for too long. Many Sagittarians are drawn to alternative paths of acquiring knowledge and immerse themselves in spiritual or metaphysical study. They are also often interested in the study of archetypal psychology as well as cross-cultural mythology and folklore, as these help her further her personal understanding of life’s mysteries.
Nature and the outdoors also call to the Sagittarian woman and her thirst for adventure. She often loves camping and hiking and can have quite a formidable repertoire of outdoors skills and wilderness survival tips in her backpack. Some Sagittarius women are more comfortable starting a campfire and identifying animal tracks than they are sitting at home with a glass of wine watching Netflix. Many Sagittarian women are also athletic, and they like testing themselves and setting personal challenges. Sagittarius has an affinity for animals and may acquire a dog or a horse just so she has an excuse to get out more often. At any rate, she has a genuine love of nature and for the most part will prefer being outside to being indoors. Of course, if being temporarily indoors means sampling the newest Nepalese restaurant or a hidden wonton spot in Chinatown that only the locals know about, she’ll make an exception.
Because her mind is so often on higher learning or philosophical study and her body is usually on an adventure of some kind, fashion is not typically a Sagittarian preoccupation. Unless she’s shopping for new hiking boots or merino wool base layers, she rarely gets too excited about it. One exception is bohemian style. Sagittarius women love to collect meaningful or exotic pieces of jewelry and clothing on their travels and incorporate them into their wardrobe. If she does happen to be shopping for wardrobe items at home, she might gravitate toward natural fibers and fair-trade garments made in developing countries. Depending on the Sag in question, there are some that make the bohemian-luxe look quite a statement, and she’ll delight in the likes of vintage tribal beads and ethnic embroidered pieces from places she’s been or has studied and plans to visit one day.
Sagittarius champions the idea of personal freedom, and she will fight for her right to autonomy. She is a born feminist and actively resists patriarchal notions and oppression in its many guises. Most Sagittarius women have a thirst for social justice, and she can become a fierce activist for causes that stir her sense of righteousness. She may be especially interested in gender equality and supporting access to education for girls, as well as promoting awareness of sexual harassment, domestic violence, and sexual assault. Sagittarius naturally takes on the role of “big sister” and can find satisfaction in mentoring and empowering girls and young women. Some Sagittarians are passionate about women’s and gender studies and major in it in college. I’ve also met several older Sagittarius women who go back to school and get a degree in these subjects later in life, enabling them to better challenge essentialist views on gender, question male sexual entitlement, and support women’s reproductive rights.
Much like the other astrological archetypes, the shadow of Sagittarius lies in the extreme expression of its positive traits. Her absolute faith in herself and in life can run to self-righteousness if not balanced. She can lose sight of the fact that there are as many truths on the planet as there are humans and dogmatically stick to her opinions and beliefs in a way that may verge on fanaticism. On another note, if she allows the hedonistic part of herself to go unchecked, it can put her in some precarious positions: with her inclination to learn about everyone, she sometimes lacks discretion in whom she connects with, which can have unpleasant, or in some cases dire, consequences. Taking everyone at face value means she can be lured down roads better left untrodden. Sagittarius needs to learn that having healthy boundaries does not mean she is being judgmental.
In a perfect storm, her desire to experience everything life has to offer can draw her to substance misuse. What starts as boisterous camaraderie and a few drinks can sometimes turn into an issue. Sagittarius’s openhandedness can also lead to extravagance, not knowing when to draw the line, or neglecting to take care of essentials. Blowing all her savings on an impromptu trip or eating out every night and forgetting about the dull necessities of life, like rent, can sometimes land Sagittarius in hot water. Sagittarius can be magnanimous and generous to a fault and will often give her last dollar to help someone in need. As a mutable sign, when Sagittarius is feeling scattered or ungrounded, she can be irresponsible and reckless. However, with time, she usually learns valuable wisdom through experience and eventually finds her way to embodying the archetype of the Wise Woman. But she rarely ever loses her lust for life or sense of humor in the process.
Relationships can be a tricky area for Sagittarius women. They want someone they can adventure with, travel with, and engage with in philosophical discussions around a campfire. But they also need someone who will respect their need for personal freedom, even within the parameters of a committed relationship. Many Sagittarius women are content to be single for long stretches of time. She values her independence and usually has lots of friends—she doesn’t feel a lack of companionship or like she’s missing anything if she’s not part of a couple. On a certain level, Sagittarius fears commitment. She is a free spirit at heart, and although she can be happy in a committed relationship, she should never feel like she is tied down. She needs her space, sometimes to a disconcerting degree for more sensitive signs. She is usually not possessive or jealous and expects the same openmindedness from her partners. Although she would probably enjoy traveling with her significant other, she has no problem with taking separate vacations. In fact, she may insist on it. She may be restless if she feels stifled in her relationship and may begin to look for new horizons. For Sagittarius, companionship and camaraderie are the cornerstones to a successful union. She cannot abide clinginess, suspicion, or anyone trying to control her. If she finds that person who understands that life is a mythic quest, who gives her the freedom she requires, and who shares her passion for learning, spirit, and lifelong adventure, it just could be a match ordained by the gods.
The Sagittarian woman has a lusty, physical appetite for sex. She is fiery and dominant and not afraid to take the initiative. She is spontaneous, and doesn’t always need romance or love to go with her sexual endeavors. She looks at sex the way she looks at the rest of life: as a grand adventure to be enjoyed for all it’s worth. She may be experimental with different partners and different scenarios. Until she commits to someone, she is more than happy to play the field and experience all the nuances and flavors that pique her interest. Sagittarius may lack subtlety, and she certainly doesn’t engage in coy flirtation to gain the attention of someone she’s interested in. Like every other part of her life, she is direct, is up front, and doesn’t feel the need to play games. Sagittarius is sexy in a natural, fire-sign kind of way: passionate, bold, and exciting.
Because of her broad range of interests and passions, the Sagittarius woman has a wide range of career paths open to her. She needs freedom and variety in whatever she does, so it’s good if she chooses a career she loves. In fact, there are certain careers that are especially suited to Sagittarius, as not only does she tend to get bored if stuck in one place for too long, she also does not like to be told what to do. Sagittarius cannot abide the dreaded micromanager! Therefore, consulting or contract work can be a good choice. Owning her own business also appeals to Sagittarius: not only is there no boss monitoring her every move, but she also doesn’t mind taking risks and has plenty of energy and drive to successfully implement her big ideas. Sagittarius women need a target to aim for and accept challenges with enthusiasm. Repetitive, dull work will drive her crazy. Although she has what it takes to be a first-rate entrepreneur, she shines as a team player too. She is flexible, versatile, and a natural multitasker, as well as being all-around good natured and fun to work with, provided she’s getting enough mental stimulation. She’s also never short on good ideas, which can keep things on a forward track.
Sagittarius’s spiritual and metaphysical interests can lead her to a successful career as an officiant, minister, working priestess, or spiritual writer. Her love of travel could lead to a career path in tourism, teaching English abroad, or pilgrimage guiding. She could also turn her affinity for travel and other cultures into a successful importing business. Some Sagittarius women have very fulfilling careers as flight attendants or pilots, for which they get paid to travel. If she is a nature-loving Sagittarius, she could be a wilderness guide, run her own outdoor company, or work with animals. Education is yet another area that Sag excels in as a mentor, teacher, facilitator, writer, publisher, archetypal psychologist, folklorist, or university professor. If she explored her way into the hedonistic shadow of her sign in her early years, Sagittarius can be a brilliant experiential drug and alcohol counselor, someone who has been down that road and has gained hard-won wisdom firsthand. Young people struggling with addiction often trust her and appreciate her tell-it-like-it-is candor. Finally, her passion for social justice can lead her to meaningful work as an advocate, sex educator, youth worker, human rights lawyer, or social worker.
Guiding Goddess Archetype: Artemis
There are many parallels between the Olympian goddess Artemis and the Sagittarius woman. As we will see, Artemis, like Sagittarius, is the epitome of the free-spirited woman who makes her own choices and lives as she decrees. Virgin goddess of the hunt and the Moon, Artemis roams the high mountains and woodlands with her pack of hunting dogs and her band of nymphs. She wears a short tunic so she can run and hunt in the forest unimpeded and carries a bow and arrows. Oak groves, quail, deer, and bears are sacred to her. She is known as the protector of wild spaces and young girls. Artemis is the “illegitimate” daughter of Zeus and Leto and the firstborn, twin sister of Apollo. Legend has it that after giving birth to Artemis, Leto lay in anguished labor for nine days. By the ninth day, Artemis helped midwife her brother into the world and saved her mother’s life. From that moment, Artemis became known as the goddess of women in childbirth, and women would appeal to her for an easy labor.
There are many myths and stories connected with Artemis that illustrate her independence and how she values her freedom above all else. One of her earliest stories takes place when she is just three years old, sitting on her father’s knee. Amongst her requests, Artemis, straightforward and outspoken, asks for a bow and arrows, a pack of hunting dogs, a band of nymphs for company, a short tunic she can hunt in, and mountains and woodlands as her domain. Zeus magnanimously grants her everything she asks. It is of note that the Roman equivalent of Zeus is Jupiter, which is Sagittarius’s ruling planet.
In another story, the hunter Actaeon comes across Artemis bathing in the woods. He hides himself behind a tree and spies on her in her nakedness. In one version of the myth, she transforms him into a stag, and his own dogs, not recognizing their master, tear him to pieces. In another version of the tale, it is her own hounds she unleashes on him.
The myths and stories connected with Artemis suggest that she values her autonomy, which she will defend at any cost, a trait shared by Sagittarius. She is also fiercely protective of her freedom and chooses the wild over a domesticated existence. Artemis also prefers the company of her female friends over a romantic relationship, which would only tie her down. She has no specific place she calls home but roams the untamed wilderness with her nymphs, beholden to no man and unburdened by offspring.
A fascinating cult connected to Artemis is depicted in artwork on the remnants of ancient pottery and vases. A myth tells the story of a young girl who teases a bear sacred to Artemis and is then killed by the bear. Her brothers in turn kill the bear, which enrages the goddess, and she sends a plague in revenge. Artemis will stop the plague only if the people of Athens surrender their virgin daughters every five years to propitiate her.39 At the sanctuary of Artemis in Brauron, on the eastern coast of Attica, a select group of prepubescent girls engaged in a rite of passage known as arkteia, or “acting the She-Bear.” 40 They would wear bear masks and assume the guise of she-bears, dancing in a wild ritual before they crossed the threshold to womanhood. We must remember that life for women in ancient Greece was in many ways little more than a half life. The only role open to most women was as wife and mother, with no place in society outside the constricted realm of the home. After marriage, she would be the property of her husband and completely under his dominion. Given the cloistered life that the women of ancient Greece endured, their time of unbridled and carefree wildness was probably cherished. Acting the bear honored the Virgin goddess Artemis by ritually embracing the untamed fundamental feminine before girls had to surrender their intactness to a patriarchal society that essentially stole their natural connection to their own wild female nature.
As goddess of the waxing crescent Moon, Artemis is further archetypally aligned with Sagittarius. While they both share an independent spirit, they each also embody a philosophical, mystical aspect. In many magickal traditions, the Moon has been traditionally seen as the Triple Goddess in her guises as Maiden, Mother, and Crone, which correspond to the Moon in her waxing, full, and waning phases, respectively. As the waxing Moon is connected to the goddess in her Maiden aspect, it symbolizes growth and outward directed energy, the ability to set one’s eye on a target and move courageously toward one’s goals.
Pathworking: Reclaiming Your Wild Self
You are walking up a winding mountain path. Deep green shadows of spruce and pine stand like sentinels, and the oaks and beeches are nearly bare. A light snow has begun to drift lazily down, dusting the crunching, leaf-carpeted ground underfoot. It is twilight, and a waxing crescent Moon appears overhead, glowing slim and bright in the late autumn sky. You have needed this, needed to get away from the constraints of civilized life—the constant harangue of school, work, and other people’s expectations. You have felt caged and listless, and you wonder where your vitality has gone. You take a deep breath, inhaling the sharp green scent of the forest, and feel its living essence fill every part of you, instantly awakening and enlivening both your body and spirit. With each breath, you begin to feel a tingling sensation spreading throughout your body.
A feeling of freedom overtakes you, and you burst into a run for the sheer joy of being outside. You feel your lungs expand and grow larger. Your arms and legs become heavier, more powerful, and you realize as you’re running that you feel the cool mountain air rippling through your coat. The strength and power within you is intoxicating, and you easily jump over a large mossy log, leaving the path and plunging joyfully headlong through the woods. Nothing is an obstacle. You pause and stand up on two legs, raising your great shaggy head and sniffing the air. Your sense of smell is heightened, and images flash through your mind’s eye, showing you a panoramic view of the terrain. In one direction, not far off, a mother deer and her fawn lie secreted in the foliage. In another area further afield, you pick up the scent of the charred remains of a campfire that was vacated the day before. From several miles away, a sweet, moist scent comes to you: a spring. You lumber off in that direction and hear the trickling before you see it.
You arrive at the edge of the spring and bend your head to the water to slake your thirst, your sides heaving and flecked with sweat. You have never felt so satisfied or alive. Gradually, you realize that you are returning to your human form, and having had your fill of mountain water, you settle cross-legged with your back against a great old oak. Night has fallen. Your breathing slows and deepens, and you take in the sounds of the forest.
From somewhere far off, but getting closer, you hear the sound of dogs barking and of women singing and laughing. They come out of the woods just downstream from where you’re sitting and make the motions of preparing to set up camp. As if she is alerted by your presence, the tallest of the women turns her head and fixes her sharp eyes on you. She is wearing a short deerskin tunic and carries a bow in her right hand, with a quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder. She strides confidently in your direction on silent feet. One of the dogs trots after her and sits at her side as she stops before you, hand on hip. She raises one eyebrow and beams a hearty welcome.
“What have we here? Have you come to join our merry band of wanderers?” Her voice is rich and throaty, and she shines with healthy, youthful radiance, good humor, and absolute self-assurance. You realize that you are sitting before Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the Moon. She holds out a sturdy hand and lifts you to your feet. “Come, join our celebration. We’ve just returned from a successful hunt.”
She slings her arm around you and walks you over to where the other women are laughing boisterously and slapping each other on the back. A woman wearing antlers begins beating a drum, and another joins in on an aulos, or double flute. Drawn to the rhythm of the music, the women begin to dance, throwing their heads back, whooping and howling joyfully at the swelling Moon. Some mimic the movement of bears in time with the cadence of the drum, shaking themselves out, grunting and turning their heads this way and that like a bear scenting the wind. Others leap high into the air like does.
You feel the throbbing pulse of the drum and join the ecstatic dance around the campfire. Although you have resumed your usual form, the experience of taking the shape of the She-Bear resounds within you, and you move with wild abandon, embodying her ursine power. You are one with your body, moving alongside the blur of the other women who dance around you. In the dance, you lose all sense of time.
You awake beside the glowing coals of the campfire, wrapped against the morning chill in a deerskin blanket. A pale Sun is rising. Artemis and her band of nymphs have already moved on to their next adventure. You rise and stretch, feeling recharged and empowered, ready to take your place at the helm of your waking life.
Ritual: Hone Your Vision
Sagittarius is about having the courage to push past limitations and step into authenticity. Where do we feel restricted? How do we let go of self-consciousness and audaciously claim our connection to our wild heart? Both Sagittarius and Artemis encourage us to shake off other people’s expectations and to show up as we are with confidence and loyalty to our instinctual selves. If possible, this ritual is best done outdoors, at twilight or after dark, and preferably during a waxing Moon or when the Moon or Sun is in Sagittarius. Set up your altar to Artemis; this can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. Try to incorporate some items that are sacred to her: oak leaves, sustainably harvested deer antlers, arrowheads or arrows, a fallen branch, iconography of Artemis or She-Bear, a crescent Moon, and deer. A white or silver altar cloth corresponds with her aspect as goddess of the Moon. Alternatively, you can use midnight blue, as this color is associated with Sagittarius. If you are doing this ritual in a wild space, a flat top of a large stone or fallen log would work well as an altar. If you are indoors, bring something of the wild into your ritual to honor Artemis. When I did this ritual last Sagittarius season, the weather was so bad I had to move it indoors—the wind and rain kept putting the candle out! So, I collected some oak leaves, respectfully harvested some Douglas fir sap from one of the trees on our property, and set up my altar in my studio while the storm raged outside.
Clear Vision Oil
1 part each:
Clary sage
Hone Your Vision
Small white, silver, or dark blue candle
Clear Vision Oil
Quartz crystal point or wand with quartz crystal tip
Heatproof dish
Clear your space and ground and center in your preferred way. Anoint the candle with the oil and light it. This is the flame of your vision. Next, anoint your heart space. Finally, anoint your feet, which symbolically (or literally) will carry you on your quest. Focus your gaze on the candle’s flame for a few minutes and ask Artemis to lend you the heart and courage you need to begin a new adventure. Recall how a three-year-old Artemis sat on Zeus’s knee and confidently asked for exactly what she wanted. She was clear and direct and knew exactly what her core values were. You can also ask for what you want, but you need to clarify your vision before you can hit your mark. Take your paper and write down the following questions. (You can also write the questions beforehand, in which case have your paper ready on the altar so you can write your answers during the ritual.) Remember, Sagittarius is about the Quest, which entails getting focused and setting goals. The following questions are designed to psychically clear space so you can release your arrows of intent directly at your target. Take some time to really reflect on your answers; you are honing your vision.
• What lights your fire?
• How would you like to show up in the world? Envision yourself free to be who you’re becoming. What would that look like?
• What is holding you back from taking your first step?
• What can you realistically do to push past these limitations? Be creative.
• Who are your allies?
• What is your first step on your quest? Are you willing to commit to it? When?
Take the tip of your crystal or wand tip and touch it gently to the candle flame. Say aloud,
This is the flame of my vision.
Bring the tip toward your heart and say,
Connected to the clear fire that burns in my heart.
Raise the wand up and outward, visualize your goal as clearly as you can on the horizon, and say,
I now release my arrow of intent and take the first step
of my journey to begin my quest.
Fold up your paper with your answers on it and place it on your altar to allow it to charge. You may allow the candle to burn down as you reflect on your intent, or you may extinguish it with a candlesnuffer. As Sagittarius is a fire sign, you don’t want to use air to extinguish it, in respect for the fire element. If it is a waxing Moon, you may wish to light the candle for a few minutes each night until the Full Moon. When you are ready, thank Artemis for her energy and presence. Open your circle. When you have attained your goal, burn the paper in a heatproof dish, and take the ashes to the woods as an offering to Artemis.
Sagittarius Correspondences
Astrological Dates: November 22 through December 21
Sabbat: Threshold sign between Samhain and winter solstice
Sagittarius Goddess Archetypes: Artemis, Atalanta, Diana, Fatna, Sanene, Bixia Yuanjun, Kang-kys, Flidais, Luot-Hozjit, Mielikki, Callisto, the Vila
House: Ninth
Element: Fire
Mode: Mutable
Planet: Jupiter
Colors: Purple, violet, sapphire blue
Crystals: Ametrine, azurite, chrysocolla, rutilated quartz, sapphire, sodalite, topaz, turquoise
Essential Oils: Tea tree, rosemary, eucalyptus, bergamot, basil, juniper, marjoram
Parts of the Body: Hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve