Although we come to the end of the cycle, as we move into Pisces season there are signs of renewal everywhere. In the space of one day, or even one hour, the last of the winter storms rage and then magically give way to elf rain dazzling through sunlight. Rainbows arch across the sky and prisms sparkle in each drop of water. Pisces is a mutable water sign. It is the last of the threshold signs, taking us from winter’s end to the gateway of spring equinox. In Pisces, we have come full circle. The last sign resonates through the element of water—oceanic, flowing, and connected to Source.

Pisces season is liminal space. Between the worlds. Dreamtime. Pisces illuminates the most sacred of all Mysteries: the promise of rebirth inherent in all endings. Its archetype encompasses both resurrection and redemption. In the tarot, Pisces is the Mystery hidden behind the veil of the High Priestess. Pisces is Neptune ruled, embodying the archetypes of the Mystic, the Poet, and the Dreamer, as well as the Martyr and the Victim. As Pisces is the last sign on the wheel, it has been often said that it contains every lesson on the path. Pisces has gone down all roads before and comes into this lifetime knowing what it is to walk in the shoes of another. Pisces brings with it the wisdom of every face of the Goddess.

In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell writes about the hero’s crossing of the return threshold, which I think perfectly illuminates the central life task of Pisces. After the soul has made its archetypal journey from first sign Aries to last sign Pisces, it has seen it all. It has seen wonders and fought battles and known every experience of the human condition, from the dizzying heights of ecstasy to the depths of sorrow. Although it has much wisdom to bring back to the everyday world, it is also understandably exhausted. Campbell writes of the hero’s occasional reluctance to return to the world of ego and mundane life, of the desire to escape into a state of rest and unending bliss, which has some interesting parallels with Pisces.53

Pisces’s penchant for escapism is well known, and we will touch on that soon enough. But Pisces, like Campbell’s Hero, has a job to do, and even though it’s tempting to curl up and drift off indefinitely, we are reminded that the nature of life is cyclical. As Campbell explains, “The boon brought from the transcendent deep becomes quickly rationalized into nonentity, and the need becomes great for another hero to refresh the word.” 54 Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, meaning one part of the psyche is ever swimming upstream, striving for transcendence, to bring wisdom from the deep and remind us of the Mysteries, while the other would prefer to rest, to take the path of least resistance, and be swept along by the current. Which direction to swim is a decision Pisces must make for herself.

The Pisces Woman

Enigmatic and enchanting, the Pisces woman embodies the quintessential creative muse. There is often a subtle glamour about Pisces, a kind of otherworldly vibe that many find beguiling and seductive. She has often been compared to a siren or mermaid, and although she’s often perceived as a romantic figure, she possesses uncanny wisdom and is often a creative visionary in her own right. Perhaps because of her innate receptivity, she seems to have an unconscious predisposition to reflect the projections of others. Sometimes these projections are unwelcome, and she is often baffled at the way others see her. But other times she is quite aware of her ability to cloak herself in glamour and plays tricks with light and shadow to make people see what she wants them to see. There is a bit of the Enchantress in the Pisces woman, a natural ability to shift shape. She certainly does have a talent for conjuring and enchantment, which can be an incredible asset for anyone working in the creative fields.

Her fertile imagination usually gives rise to inspired creative talent. She is a true romantic with the heart of a poet and is entranced by the stories, myths, and legends of old. Her connection to the boundless ocean of the collective unconscious allows her to travel inner realms and draw on the treasures of the deep, and she has the innate gift of understanding the archetypal and the numinous more readily than mundane reality. She is at home in the dreamtime, with the ability to translate the symbols found therein, channeling the inspiration from the intuitive realm into sublime forms of art, music, poetry, and dance. Of course, her creative expression is not limited to the fine arts, and she can be creative in myriad ways according to her interests. Whatever medium calls her, her work almost always has a touch of the enigmatic. It is usually dreamy, flowing, and graceful, featuring organic forms and ethereal or mystical elements. Many Pisces women also incorporate the spiritual into their art, and some are inspired by the mythology of the Goddess in their work. Art nouveau, particularly the works of Alphonse Mucha, bring to mind what I think of as the Pisces esthetic. Sensual, feminine, otherworldly and enchanting, his images have an intangible quality that are infused with the sacred.

Because of her acute receptivity and awareness of the interconnectivity of life, the Pisces woman is often highly intuitive, even psychic. Some are aware of their extra sensitivity from an early age, and if they are fortunate enough to have open-minded, supportive families that can help them develop their gifts, they can develop their intuition as naturally as any other sense. Many Pisces women are drawn to the intuitive arts and have a natural aptitude for tarot and other types of divination. They may also have an interest in astrology, channeling, magick, and spiritual healing of all kinds. Some incorporate these arts as part of their own private spiritual path, while others may choose to make a career out of their esoteric interests.

Whether she is embracing her intuition consciously or not, Pisces soaks up impressions without trying and sometimes is at a loss to explain her sudden mood shifts or the strange thoughts that come to her unbidden. She may be what in recent times has been termed an empath—a person who unconsciously experiences the feelings of others whether she wants to or not. And while this can be an asset for those working in the helping professions, when it isn’t managed skillfully, it can also be emotionally exhausting and unproductive, which can lead to burnout. Because she is at heart a kind and compassionate soul, Pisces must take care not to confuse compassion with codependence.

One of Pisces’s greatest life lessons is to learn healthy boundaries, and despite her desire to help and serve, she needs to practice self-care so that she does not become subsumed by the unconscious agendas of others. Pisces has a trusting nature, and her compassion is one of her greatest gifts. Unfortunately, these very qualities can also lead her to be gullible, and she needs to learn that not everyone has her best interests at heart. There are those out there who would take advantage of her trusting nature and use it to their own ends. She wants to believe the best in people, and if she’s not grounded, she can be taken in by charlatans or self-styled gurus.

Although service is a concept central to Pisces, there is another current that can run through the shadow of this sign. She may identify unconsciously with the Victim archetype and find herself either as someone’s doormat or trapped in ego identification as the Savior. On one hand, if she finds herself repeatedly aligned with the Victim or Martyr archetypes, she may be getting secondary gains by receiving attention or sympathy for her long suffering and stoicism. And, while life happens and people do sometimes end up being a victim through no fault of their own, we are talking here of something that is more of an ongoing pattern. People in her life may start wondering why no matter the circumstance she always ends up in the same predicaments. If she recognizes that she’s caught in this self-defeating pattern, she would do well to seek therapy to break the cycle and move forward with new tools for self-awareness. On the other hand, Pisces sometimes ends up on the opposite end of the spectrum and identifies with the Savior archetype. Through what appears to be selfless altruism (usually quite plainly at a cost to her), she takes on the guise as the self-sacrificing Savior, garnering a sense of specialness, or ego inflation, in the process. Although helping others is a noble aspiration, she must become aware of her underlying motives, particularly if she is giving at the expense of her own mental, physical, or emotional health. She must also accept that as much as she might like to, she cannot fix everyone.

While Pisces is still learning the importance of creating healthy boundaries, she may develop unhealthy coping mechanisms that do not serve her (or anyone else’s) greatest good. She may occasionally feel engulfed or flooded by her intense feelings and attempt to escape them by softening their edges through substance misuse. Of course, this is just one way to evade feelings, and she may try and escape through a variety of means, including compulsive romantic or sexual distractions, which may lead to indiscriminate or risky behavior. She can be highly impressionable and therefore drawn to people or circumstances that are emotionally unhealthy or dangerous. Or she may retreat into a fantasy world, withdrawing from responsibility, and becoming deceptive and evasive in a misguided attempt at self-protection. The world can be a difficult place for the ungrounded or wounded Pisces woman. She is, after all, a gentle, sensitive creature, and she may have learned early on either to self-soothe or harden herself, lest she be swallowed up by the sorrows and chaos that are a part of life.

One of the ways Pisces can recharge her psychic batteries is by seeking solitude. Walks in nature, meditation, and intentional me time are mandatory for her psychological health. She can balance too much emotional receptivity by developing the qualities of her opposite sign, Virgo, and may benefit from taking a workshop on boundary setting. Pisces is associated with spiritual healing, but before she can offer healing to others, she must start with herself. She needs to learn the basics of self-care and develop a strong sense of self as well as healthy personal boundaries so that she can serve in a way that is for the good of all.

Nowhere is the reminder of good boundaries more important than when talking about Pisces and love. This is the cult of romantic love at its most sublime. When Pisces finds the magical Other that matches her inner ideal, she is swept away on a tide of romantic bliss, losing herself in an otherworldly paradise painted with the color of dreams. And, although a great part of this is often projection, Pisces can easily find herself over her head. Love is a drug that conjures images of her and her beloved as the protagonists in a tale that rivals the great love stories of the world. When she falls in love, she may indeed feel like she has strayed into the Otherworld, embodying the elemental stories of the Goddess and the Greenman, Arwen and Aragorn, Lancelot and Guinevere. In her urge to merge with her beloved, she yearns to dissolve the boundaries that keep them from being one, to experience that meeting of souls described by poets. She may experience an overwhelming certainty that she and her loved one have known each other before and that their love transcends this lifetime.

If her love is unrequited or for some reason she cannot enter into unending bliss with the object of her affection, Pisces steps into the archetypal cult of longing. And, while there may be no condition more excruciatingly torturous, for Pisces the exquisite ache that accompanies her intense longing makes it all the more romantic. No matter the circumstance, she will convince herself that this magical Other is the one. The only one. No one on earth could be more beautiful, deep, artistic, or amazing. He or she may be married, unavailable, or have some serious personality flaws, but that won’t matter. She’ll defend them and the situation to anyone who will listen, particularly herself. She’ll intentionally turn a blind eye to the fact that he hasn’t called her in weeks, is dating other people, or is cheating on his wife. She will rationalize almost anything in light of her projection. She will not hear when someone tells her that she’s wearing rose-tinted glasses. He or she may somewhat resemble her inner ideal, but no human person can ever live up to the pedestal Pisces has fashioned for her beloved. Usually, the projection will eventually dissolve when she finally begins to see things for what they are. She may find herself terribly disillusioned, washed up on the shore of morning, wondering how things can look so different in the light of day. Or enough time will pass that she moves on, but until then, she may use the intensity of her feelings to create some of her life’s finest and most inspired creative work. Then there is the Pisces woman who does move on and create a full life with another partner, but for years she may keep a secret place in her heart where the moments she shared with her magical Other live on. She will retreat here from time to time, as if stepping into a waking dream, and escape between the worlds.

Although most Pisces are incurable romantics, not all Pisces dive into the deep end and abandon all reason when it comes to love. In fact, some are so afraid of the overwhelming feelings it produces and the potential loss of control associated with “falling” in love, that they do everything possible to avoid it. They may be evasive and vague about their feelings and slow to commit. They may be feeling all the feels but slip away when it comes to declaring them. With emotional maturity and self-awareness, Pisces can be a loyal, committed partner, affectionate, sentimental, and generous. She is not afraid of her partner’s feelings, or her own, and she will always keep the romance alive.

Sex is usually tied up with romance and intimacy for Pisces, and sex that is devoid of either usually fails to do a thing for her. Although she is very much given to fantasy, her fantasies usually are more romantic than purely of a sexual nature. If sex is involved in her fantasies, it’s a part of a bigger romantic picture. The Pisces woman is sensual and dreamy and can also be deeply passionate in the right circumstances. At its best, sex for her is a transcendent, mystical experience, with a poetry of desire and longing that dissolves the boundaries between her and her partner. She may be moved to tears by the depths of her feelings and overwhelmed by the magical dimensions that may open for her during intimacy. She will appreciate a romantic and mysterious atmosphere, with candlelight and music. Evoking the spiritual or mystic can also help to transport her to a place of enchantment and imagination, while connecting her to a sense of the sacred.

Because Pisces is a mutable sign, she is adaptable and versatile and can go with the flow. She is a multifaceted woman with many talents. She is ideally suited to work in an area that provides flexibility in terms of schedule. Although she can work equally well on her own or with others, a career in which she can have a balance of both would suit her. She is warm and personable and is usually quite popular in the workplace for being a good listener. However, she usually does not do well in a highly structured or harsh environment. Pisces is known to change careers at different stages of her life and may have a challenge choosing what she wants to focus on, especially when young. But later in life, usually coinciding with her midlife transits (approximately between ages thirty-nine and forty-five), she may begin to want a more creative career and will aspire to do what she can to manifest it.

If she’s drawn to a creative career, her choices are virtually limitless, depending on her interests. She would excel in any of the arts, from music to dance to writing and all points in between. She is a consummate storyteller and may be an aspiring novelist, creating mythic worlds and landscapes for her readers to immerse themselves in. She also has a special affinity for creating glamour and may do well working as a photographer or in the film and television industry. Although the long hours of film and TV could be a potential challenge, she should aim for a job in the creative end of film rather than in the production office or on set; anything in the art department, photography direction, set design, makeup, hair, script writing, and acting would all be good choices. Pisces brings a creative flair to whatever she does.

With her generous heart and desire to serve, the helping professions are another natural fit for Pisces. She would make a brilliant therapist, especially a depth psychologist, archetypal psychologist, or Jungian analyst. Her connection to the subconscious could lead her to a career in dream work or she could blend her love of creativity with the therapeutic process and become an expressive arts therapist. With her inborn sense of compassion, she might choose a career in social work or in the nonprofit sector or turn her compassionate nature to working with mistreated animals.

Given her connection to the intuitive realm, the spiritual is another direction Pisces would shine in. She could cast a wide net here depending on her aptitude and interests: she could be a member of the clergy, priestess, celebrant, ceremonialist, intuitive healer, Reiki practitioner, energy healer, professional tarot reader, or medium. She may be a retreat facilitator, providing a container for others to heal, create, and step into the flow. And finally, with her passion for story, she would shine as a mythologist, folklorist, or a teacher or professor of poetry, creative writing, literature, art history, or spiritual studies.

Guiding Goddess Archetype: Kwan Yin

Kwan Yin is the goddess of mercy and compassion, a female bodhisattva who is one of the most important and beloved of all Buddhist deities. Kwan Yin’s name means “she who hears all the prayers of the world,” and after she became enlightened, she made the choice to stay in human form until every other sentient being on earth also received enlightenment. She has often been compared with the Tibetan goddess Tara and Mother Mary, two other figures known for their compassion.

In her iconography, Kwan Yin is usually depicted as wearing flowing white robes and the necklaces and bracelets that signify her status as bodhisattva. In her hands, she is often shown carrying a vase, a willow branch, and sometimes a lotus flower. The vase contains the healing water of life (or dew of compassion) used to cleanse away suffering and to purify body and mind. The willow branch is used for healing and to grant requests. Other representations show her riding on the back of a tiger, suggesting her fierce, protective aspect, while some depict her with a child in her arms, underlining her connection to fertility; mothers would pray to Kwan Yin to bring them children. She is also sometimes portrayed with her hands in symbolic postures of benevolence or banishing negativity. It is said that chanting or even saying Kwan Yin’s name is enough to protect one from physical or spiritual harm, and people pray to Kwan Yin to relieve sorrow, heal sickness, and transcend worry and strife. Her most devout followers are vegetarian and dedicate themselves to living a life of peace and nonviolence.

There are differing accounts of how Kwan Yin came into being. Some say her first incarnation is in India as the male bodhisattva named Avalokiteshvara, who vows to stay on earth to relieve the suffering of other beings rather than ascend to Nirvana. It is said that he has the ability to transform himself into any form so he can best impart the teachings of the dharma. He can appear as a male, female, adult, child, or god.55 However, because of his deep compassion for all sentient beings, he eventually becomes overwhelmed by the endless cycle of suffering and, in his sorrow, shatters into pieces. From these pieces, Kwan Yin is formed as woman; it may have been thought that in female form she could best offer comfort and attend to the suffering of the world.

Kwan Yin herself has many regional aspects and is known in different Asian countries by various names, making her accessible to all who call on her by appearing in the guise which will most resonate with the seeker. She also is depicted in her iconography in many aspects: as Dragonhead Kwan Yin, as a goddess of fertility, as a mother goddess, and as a healer, to name just a few. I encountered Kwan Yin in Nagoya, Japan, as Kannon-sama at a moment when I most needed her. Working in Japan, far from home, missing my family, and needing to return home to deal with a situation that had arisen, I was feeling very much alone and isolated. I still had another two months left on my contract when I stumbled upon her temple, Osu Kannon. Kneeling before her wooden statue, surrounded by an altar holding candles and offerings of fruit, I silently asked her to comfort me in my state of wretched homesickness. I thanked her and left the temple.

From that moment, a strange series of events unfolded. First, I became utterly and completely lost in the streets of Nagoya. I found myself going in circles, returning again and again to the same landmarks, no matter what direction I set off in. My Japanese was limited, and it was getting dark. Eventually, in a state of absolute despair, I walked into a shop on the edge of tears to ask yet another person if they could help me find my way. The young woman working in the shop spoke a little English and together we pieced out where I was and where I wanted to go. As I thanked her profusely for her help, I noticed a small altar to Kannon tucked into a shelf on the wall. In my very broken Japanese, I tried to convey to her that I had just been at the temple that afternoon. She smiled at me graciously and bowed. With her help, I got into a cab and found my way back to my apartment. The next day, a most unexpected turn of events occurred, and I was offered the opportunity to end my contract earlier than expected. It was like a miracle. I took the chance and was on a plane home within a few days. Since then, I have always kept a special place of honor and gratitude in my heart for Kwan Yin, goddess of mercy.

In another of Kwan Yin’s origin stories, she begins existence as a princess named Miao Shan, whose name means “wonderful virtue.” When she is born, blossoms fall from the sky and a beautiful fragrance fills the air, which the people agree signifies a sacred incarnation. Her parents care nothing for her virtue and pure heart, as they are materialistic and concerned only that Miao Shan had not been born a boy. When Miao Shan comes of age, her father expects to marry her off, but all she wants is to become a nun and help all sentient beings end their suffering. The king of course is frustrated with his young daughter and sends her to live in a monastery, where he instructs the nuns to give her the hardest of tasks, hoping she would see the futility of her efforts and do his bidding. Amongst her many difficult tasks is to create a kitchen garden out of barren soil, as well as the backbreaking job of carrying firewood and water.

However, because of her devotion and kindness, she is soon helped by the creatures near the monastery and is able to turn the garden into a fertile oasis that blooms year-round. When her father learns of her success, he orders the monastery to be burnt to the ground. Miao Shan miraculously saves herself as well as the other inhabitants, but her father doesn’t stop there. He orders her execution. In one of many versions of the tale, the executioner is unable to kill Miao Shan, as she is protected by higher forces. She is rescued by a magickal white tiger and transported to the realms of hell, where she hears the weeping and suffering of all the souls trapped in samsara. Her heart spills over with compassion for these lost souls, which frees them from their bondage and causes the hells to become places of music, light, and fragrance while she is there.

At the end of the tale, her father becomes very ill, and in an act of supreme self-sacrifice, Miao Shan not only forgives him but willingly gives her eyes and arms to him as medicine, as the only cure for his malady is the eyes and arms of one who has never experienced anger. When the king and queen go to thank the bodhisattva who has offered this cure and realize it is their own daughter who has made this sacrifice, they are deeply humbled and cry for forgiveness. The air fills with the scent of a thousand blossoms, and flowers rain down from the heavens. Miao Shan is restored. With their eyes now open, Miao Shan’s parents dedicate themselves to a spiritual life and build a shrine to their daughter on Fragrant Mountain, what is now known as Mount Putuo, an important Buddhist sanctuary southeast of Shanghai.56

There are many correspondences with Kwan Yin and Pisces. As a bodhisattva, Kwan Yin has experienced much suffering, but instead of leaving this world for the unending bliss of Nirvana, she selflessly chooses to offer compassion to all sentient beings. Similarly, the Pisces archetype is the soul that has embodied every earthly experience and, when coming from its highest vibration, chooses not to slip off into a place of rest but to step up and be of ultimate service in some way in the world. Pisces and Kwan Yin are also aligned with the idea of transformation: in Kwan Yin’s earlier incarnation as Avalokiteshvara, he could transform himself into the best guise to teach someone. Pisces too, as a mutable sign, has the gift of adaptability, the ability to go with the flow and transform consciousness with her creativity. And like Princess Miao Shan, Pisces is often devoted to the higher spiritual principles of devotion, self-sacrifice, and forgiveness. Kwan Yin also resonates with the water element, carrying the vase containing the dew of compassion. However, the most powerful connection between Pisces and Kwan Yin is a shared deep and powerful compassion for the suffering of the world.

Pathworking: The Beauty of Impermanence

A gentle rain is falling, and the sky is gray. A fine-spun mist gracefully shrouds the top of the nearby mountain. Water droplets collect on the petals of early cherry blossoms, and the ground is carpeted in pink snow. You inhale deeply, the scent of a thousand falling petals reminding you of the impermanence of all things but also the beauty and renewal that come with the cusp of spring. You bend down to pick up a slender sprig that has fallen to the ground. Your heart has been weighed down lately, and you are ready for some guidance. You catch the delicate fragrance of temple incense in the air and stop and close your eyes for a moment to ascertain what direction it’s coming from. You turn, follow the scent, and find yourself on a path leading up the mountainside.

Soon, it is as though you are walking through a cloud. You cannot see behind you or in front of you, and even your feet have become nebulous in the gossamer swirl of mist. Somehow you stay on the path, putting one foot in front of the other, intuitively feeling your way forward. You realize the fog is clearing, and ahead of you a beautiful temple emerges. The Sun shines brightly here at the top, and gray cloud gives way to blue sky. Shimmering drops of water glisten in an explosion of countless rainbows. You cross a small bridge and look down to see koi swimming in the water.

You come to the foot of the temple and ascend the stairs to the top. All is still, but from far off the sound of Buddhist chanting comes to you. A fierce lion statue guards the entry to the temple, and beside it is a large bronze incense burner. You pick up three sticks of incense and light them, holding them between your palms, at your heart. You feel compelled to bow, and you make a silent wish or request for help. What comes to your mind? Where can you most use compassion in your life at this time? You put your incense sticks in the sand, inside the large burner, where they accompany hundreds of other incense sticks. You take a deep breath and step over the threshold. You see that others have neatly placed their shoes out here, and you stop to take yours off too.

You enter the hushed stillness of the sanctuary, and at the far end, you see an elaborate altar with a large statue of Kwan Yin, surrounded by offerings of flowers, fruit, and flickering candles. You walk toward her and kneel in respect. You look up at the goddess, and her expression is one of such gentle serenity and benevolence that you are suddenly filled with a deep, enveloping sense of calm. It’s as if all your worries, sadness, and confusion have been lifted from you. You realize that nothing is permanent, and spring always comes again. In gratitude, you press your forehead to the floor, with your arms stretched over your head, and silently thank Kwan Yin for her comfort and compassion. You place the cherry blossoms into a container on the altar and turn to leave, feeling lighter and more optimistic than you have in a long time.

Ritual: Calling on the Goddess of Compassion

Kwan Yin’s Incense

1 pinch sandalwood powder

1 pinch danshen dried root or powder

1–2 drops lotus oil

1 pinch five spice powder

Mix the ingredients and place in a small sealable plastic bag. The incense can be used immediately or stored for later use. As always, experiment with making a very small batch at a time, and adjust to your preference.

Calling on the Goddess of Compassion



Iconography of Kwan Yin, a statue or image in any of her aspects you are drawn to

Offering to the goddess: fruit, flowers, cakes, organic green tea or high mountain tea, Kwan Yin’s Incense

White altar cloth, preferably silk

White candle



Container of clear, pure water

Small ceramic container filled with uncooked rice or fine sand

Cleanse your space and ground and center in your preferred way. Light the charcoal (it will take about ten to fifteen minutes to be whitish and ready for the incense). Ring the bell three times. Let the bell tone ring until it has completely dissipated before ringing again.

Prepare your altar to Kwan Yin, placing the statue or image in the center or, if she is tall, at the back of the altar and centered. Place your offerings respectfully around her. Light the small white candle in her honor and set it before her. Take your paper and either write a wish or ask for compassion from Kwan Yin. Carefully fold it and place it at her feet. Take the bowl of water and drink from it. This is the dew of compassion, clearing away and purifying unhelpful thoughts and emotions. Take as long as you wish to connect with Kwan Yin. Breathe deeply and slowly, aligning yourself with her qualities of compassion and serenity.

When you’re ready and the charcoal is hot, take a tiny pinch of Kwan Yin’s Incense and touch it to your heart and to your forehead, and then drop it onto the charcoal as an offering to her. Visualize your wish or request floating to her on the smoke of the incense. Silently ask Kwan Yin for what you need, or quietly speak the words aloud. Ring the bell three times. Thank Kwan Yin and trust that she will give you what you seek. You may wish to show your gratitude and respect by bowing three times with your palms pressed together at your third eye.

Do not blow out the candle. Either allow it to burn out safely or wave the flame out with your hand. Allow the incense to burn out safely, or if you must, quench it with the rice or sand.

Pisces Correspondences

Astrological Dates: February 19 through March 20

Sabbat: Threshold sign between Imbolc and spring equinox (Ostara)

Pisces Goddess Archetypes: White Tara, Kwan Yin, Sedna, Persephone, the Andrianas, Idemili, Oshun, Yemaya, Nisaba, Brizo, the leanan sidhe, Mami Wata, Melusine, Morgan le Fay, Aufruvva

House: Twelfth

Element: Water

Mode: Mutable

Planets: Jupiter (traditional), Neptune (modern)

Colors: Soft gray, lilac, lavender, pastel ocean shades, silver green

Crystals: Ajoite, amethyst, aquamarine, chrysoprase, opal, pink tourmaline, smithsonite

Essential Oils: Jasmine, sandalwood, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, spearmint, lotus, lavender

Parts of the Body: Feet, lymphatic system


53. Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 3rd ed. (Novato, CA: New World Library, 2008), 189.

55. The Lotus Sutra, trans. Tsugunari Kubo and Akira Yuyama, 2nd ed. (Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2007), PDF e-book, 297–98.

56. Daniela Schenker, Kuan Yin: Accessing the Power of the Divine Feminine (Boulder: Sounds True, 2007), 18–20.