7.2 Statement Labels

Assembly language low-level control structures make extensive use of labels within your source code. A low-level control structure usually transfers control between two points in your program. You typically specify the destination of such a transfer using a statement label. A statement label consists of a valid (unique) HLA identifier and a colon. For example:


Of course, as for procedure, variable, and constant identifiers, you should attempt to choose descriptive and meaningful names for your labels. The example identifier above, aLabel, is hardly descriptive or meaningful.

Statement labels have one important attribute that differentiates them from most other identifiers in HLA: You don't have to declare a label before you use it. This is important, because low-level control structures must often transfer control to some point later in the code; therefore the label may not be defined by the time you reference it.

You can do three things with labels: transfer control to a label via a jump (goto) instruction, call a label via the call instruction, and take the address of a label. There is very little else you can directly do with a label (of course, there is very little else you would want to do with a label, so this is hardly a restriction). The program in Example 7-1 demonstrates two ways to take the address of a label in your program and print out the address (using the lea instruction and using the & address-of operator):

Example 7-1. Displaying the address of statement labels in a program

program labelDemo;
#include( "stdlib.hhf" );

begin labelDemo;


        lea( ebx, lbl1 );
        mov( &lbl2, eax );
        stdout.put( "&lbl1=$", ebx, " &lbl2=", eax, nl );

end labelDemo;

HLA also allows you to initialize double-word variables with the addresses of statement labels. However, there are some restrictions on labels that appear in the initialization portions of variable declarations. The most important restriction is that you must define the statement label at the same lexical level as the variable declaration. That is, if you reference a statement label in the initializer of a variable declaration appearing in the main program, the statement label must also be in the main program. Conversely, if you take the address of a statement label in a local variable declaration, that symbol must appear in the same procedure as the local variable. Example 7-2 demonstrates the use of statement labels in variable initialization:

Example 7-2. Initializing dword variables with the address of statement labels

program labelArrays;
#include( "stdlib.hhf" );

    labels:dword[2] := [ &lbl1, &lbl2 ];

    procedure hasLabels;
        stmtLbls: dword[2] := [ &label1, &label2 ];

    begin hasLabels;


                "stmtLbls[0]= $", stmtLbls[0], nl,
                "stmtLbls[1]= $", stmtLbls[4], nl


    end hasLabels;

begin labelArrays;


        stdout.put( "labels[0]= $", labels[0], " labels[1]=", labels[4], nl );


end labelArrays;

Once in a while, you'll need to refer to a label that is not within the current procedure. The need for this is sufficiently rare that this text will not describe all the details. See the HLA documentation for more details should you ever need to do this.