This chapter deals with those arithmetic operations for which assembly language is especially well suited. It covers four main topics: extended-precision arithmetic, arithmetic on operands whose sizes are different, decimal arithmetic, and computation via table lookup.
By far, the most extensive subject this chapter covers is multiprecision arithmetic. By the conclusion of this chapter you will know how to apply arithmetic and logical operations to integer operands of any size. If you need to work with integer values outside the range ±2 billion (or with unsigned values beyond 4 billion), no sweat; this chapter shows you how to get the job done.
Different-size operands also present some special problems. For example, you may want to add a 64-bit unsigned integer to a 128-bit signed integer value. This chapter discusses how to convert these two operands to a compatible format.
This chapter also discusses decimal arithmetic using the 80x86 BCD (binary-coded decimal) instructions and the FPU (floating-point unit). This lets you use decimal arithmetic in those few applications that absolutely require base-10 operations.
Finally, this chapter concludes by discussing how to speed up complex computations using table lookups.
One big advantage of assembly language over high-level languages is that assembly language does not limit the size of integer operations. For example, the standard C programming language defines three different integer sizes: short int
, int
, and long int
.[111] On the PC, these are often 16- and 32-bit integers. Although the 80x86 machine instructions limit you to processing 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integers with a single instruction, you can always use multiple instructions to process integers of any size. If you want to add 256-bit integer values together, no problem; it's relatively easy to accomplish this in assembly language. The following sections describe how to extend various arithmetic and logical operations from 16 or 32 bits to as many bits as you please.
Although it is important for you to understand how to do extended-precision arithmetic yourself, you should note that the HLA Standard Library provides a full set of 64-bit and 128-bit arithmetic and logical functions that you can use. These routines are general purpose and very convenient to use. This section briefly describes the HLA Standard Library support for extended-precision arithmetic.
As noted in earlier chapters, the HLA compiler supports several different 64-bit and 128-bit data types. These extended data types are:
: 64-bit unsigned integers
: 64-bit signed integers
: 64-bit untyped values
: 128-bit unsigned integers
: 128-bit signed integers
: 128-bit untyped values
HLA also provides a tbyte
type, but we will not consider that here (see 8.2 Operating on Different-Size Operands).
HLA fully supports 64-bit and 128-bit literal constants and constant arithmetic. This allows you to initialize 64- and 128-bit static objects using standard decimal, hexadecimal, or binary notation. For example:
static u128 :uns128 := 123456789012345678901233567890; i64 :int64 := −12345678901234567890; lw :lword := $1234_5678_90ab_cdef_0000_ffff;
In order to easily manipulate 64-bit and 128-bit values, the HLA Standard Library's math.hhf
module provides a set of functions that handle most of the standard arithmetic and logical operations. You use these functions in a manner similar to the 32-bit arithmetic and logical instructions. For example, consider the math.addq
) and math.addl
) functions:
); math.addl(left128
These functions compute the following:
; //dest64
, andright64
// must be 8-byte operandsdest128
; //dest128
, andright128
// must be 16-byte operands
These functions set the 80x86 flags the same way you'd expect after the execution of an add
instruction. Specifically, these functions set the zero flag if the (full) result is 0, they set the carry flag if there is a carry from the H.O. bit, they set the overflow flag if there is a signed overflow, and they set the sign flag if the H.O. bit of the result contains 1.
Most of the remaining arithmetic and logical routines use the same calling sequence as math.addq
and math.addl
. Briefly, here are those functions:
); math.andl(left128
); math.divq(left64
); math.divl(left128
); math.idivq(left64
); math.idivl(left128
); math.modq(left64
); math.modl(left128
); math.imodq(left64
); math.imodl(left128
); math.mulq(left64
); math.mull(left128
); math.imulq(left64
); math.imull(left128
); math.orq(left64
); math.orl(left128
); math.subq(left64
); math.subl(left128
); math.xorq(left64
); math.xorl(left128
These functions set the flags the same way as the corresponding 32-bit machine instructions and, in the case of the division and remainder (modulo) functions, raise the same exceptions. Note that the multiplication functions do not produce an extended-precision result. The destination value is the same size as the source operands. These functions set the overflow and carry flags if the result does not fit into the destination operand. All of these functions compute the following:
:=left64 op right64
:=left128 op right128
where op
represents the specific operation.
In addition to these functions, the HLA Standard Library's math module also provides a few additional functions whose syntax is slightly different from math.addq
and math.addl
. These functions include math.negq
, math.negl
, math.notq
, math.notl
, math.shlq
, math.shll
, math.shrq
, and math.shrl
. Note that there are no rotates or arithmetic shift-right functions. However, you'll soon see that these operations are easy to synthesize using standard instructions. Here are the prototypes for these additional functions:
math.negq( source:qword; var dest:qword ); math.negl( source:lword; var dest:lword ); math.notq( source:qword; var dest:qword ); math.notl( source:lword; var dest:lword ); math.shlq( count:uns32; source:qword; var dest:qword ); math.shll( count:uns32; source:lword; var dest:lword ); math.shrq( count:uns32; source:qword; var dest:qword ); math.shrl( count:uns32; source:lword; var dest:lword );
Again, all these functions set the flags exactly the same way the corresponding machine instructions would set the flags were they to support 64-bit or 128-bit operands.
The HLA Standard Library also provides a full complement of I/O and conversion routines for 64-bit and 128-bit values. For example, you can use stdout.put
to display 64- and 128-bit values, you may use stdin.get
to read these values, and there is a set of routines in the HLA conversions module that convert between these values and their string equivalents. In general, anything you can do with a 32-bit value can be done with a 64-bit or 128-bit value as well. See the HLA Standard Library documentation for more details.
The 80x86 add
instruction adds two 8-, 16-, or 32- bit numbers. After the execution of the add
instruction, the 80x86 carry flag is set if there is an overflow out of the H.O. bit of the sum. You can use this information to do multiprecision addition operations. Consider the way you manually perform a multidigit (multiprecision) addition operation:
Step 1: Add the least significant digits together: 289 289 +456 produces +456 ---- ---- 5 with carry 1. Step 2: Add the next significant digits plus the carry: 1 (previous carry) 289 289 +456 produces +456 ---- ---- 5 45 with carry 1. Step 3: Add the most significant digits plus the carry: 1 (previous carry) 289 289 +456 produces +456 ---- ---- 45 745
The 80x86 handles extended-precision arithmetic in an identical fashion, except instead of adding the numbers a digit at a time, it adds them together a byte, word, or double word at a time. Consider the three double-word (96-bit) addition operation in Figure 8-1.
As you can see from this figure, the idea is to break up a larger operation into a sequence of smaller operations. Since the x86 processor family is capable of adding together, at most, 32 bits at a time, the operation must proceed in blocks of 32 bits or less. So the first step is to add the two L.O. double words together just as you would add the two L.O. digits of a decimal number together in the manual algorithm. There is nothing special about this operation; you can use the add
instruction to achieve this.
The second step involves adding together the second pair of double words in the two 96-bit values. Note that in step 2, the calculation must also add in the carry out of the previous addition (if any). If there is a carry out of the L.O. addition, the add
instruction sets the carry flag to 1; conversely, if there is no carry out of the L.O. addition, the earlier add
instruction clears the carry flag. Therefore, in this second addition, we really need to compute the sum of the two double words plus the carry out of the first instruction. Fortunately, the x86 CPUs provide an instruction that does exactly this: the adc
(add with carry) instruction. The adc
instruction uses the same syntax as the add
instruction and performs almost the same operation:
); //dest
+ C
As you can see, the only difference between the add
and adc
instructions is that the adc
instruction adds in the value of the carry flag along with the source and destination operands. It also sets the flags the same way the add
instruction does (including setting the carry flag if there is an unsigned overflow). This is exactly what we need to add together the middle two double words of our 96-bit sum.
In step 3 of Figure 8-1, the algorithm adds together the H.O. double words of the 96-bit value. This addition operation must also incorporate the carry out of the sum of the middle two double words; hence the adc
instruction is needed here as well. To sum it up, the add
instruction adds the L.O. double words together. The adc
(add with carry) instruction adds all other double word pairs together. At the end of the extended-precision addition sequence, the carry flag indicates unsigned overflow (if set), a set overflow flag indicates signed overflow, and the sign flag indicates the sign of the result. The zero flag doesn't have any real meaning at the end of the extended-precision addition (it simply means that the sum of the two H.O. double words is 0 and does not indicate that the whole result is 0). If you want to see how to check for an extended-precision zero result, see the source code for the HLA Standard Library math.addq
or math.addl
For example, suppose that you have two 64-bit values you wish to add together, defined as follows:
static X: qword; Y: qword;
Suppose also that you want to store the sum in a third variable, Z
, which is also a qword
. The following 80x86 code will accomplish this task:
mov( (type dword X), eax ); // Add together the L.O. 32 bits add( (type dword Y), eax ); // of the numbers and store the mov( eax, (type dword Z) ); // result into the L.O. dword of Z. mov( (type dword X[4]), eax ); // Add together (with carry) the adc( (type dword Y[4]), eax ); // H.O. 32 bits and store the result mov( eax, (type dword Z[4]) ); // into the H.O. dword of Z.
Remember, these variables are qword
objects. Therefore the compiler will not accept an instruction of the form mov( X, eax );
because this instruction would attempt to load a 64-bit value into a 32-bit register. This code uses the coercion operator to coerce symbols X
, Y
, and Z
to 32 bits. The first three instructions add the L.O. double words of X
and Y
together and store the result at the L.O. double word of Z
. The last three instructions add the H.O. double words of X
and Y
together, along with the carry from the L.O. word, and store the result in the H.O. double word of Z
. Remember, address expressions of the form X[4]
access the H.O. double word of a 64-bit entity. This is because the x86 memory space addresses bytes, and it takes 4 consecutive bytes to form a double word.
You can extend this to any number of bits by using the adc
instruction to add in the higher-order values. For example, to add together two 128-bit values, you could use code like the following:
type tBig: dword[4]; // Storage for four dwords is 128 bits. static BigVal1: tBig; BigVal2: tBig; BigVal3: tBig; . . . mov( BigVal1[0], eax ); // Note there is no need for (type dword BigValx) add( BigVal2[0], eax ); // because the base type of BitValx is dword. mov( eax, BigVal3[0] ); mov( BigVal1[4], eax ); adc( BigVal2[4], eax ); mov( eax, BigVal3[4] ); mov( BigVal1[8], eax ); adc( BigVal2[8], eax ); mov( eax, BigVal3[8] ); mov( BigVal1[12], eax ); adc( BigVal2[12], eax ); mov( eax, BigVal3[12] );
The 80x86 performs multibyte subtraction, just as it does addition, the same way you would manually, except it subtracts whole bytes, words, or double words at a time rather than decimal digits. The mechanism is similar to that for the add
operation. You use the sub
instruction on the L.O. byte/word/double word and the sbb
(subtract with borrow) instruction on the high-order values.
The following example demonstrates a 64-bit subtraction using the 32-bit registers on the 80x86:
static Left: qword; Right: qword; Diff: qword; . . . mov( (type dword Left), eax ); sub( (type dword Right), eax ); mov( eax, (type dword Diff) ); mov( (type dword Left[4]), eax ); sbb( (type dword Right[4]), eax ); mov( (type dword Diff[4]), eax );
The following example demonstrates a 128-bit subtraction:
type tBig: dword[4]; // Storage for four dwords is 128 bits. static BigVal1: tBig; BigVal2: tBig; BigVal3: tBig; . . . // Compute BigVal3 := BigVal1 - BigVal2 mov( BigVal1[0], eax ); // Note there is no need for (type dword BigValx) sub( BigVal2[0], eax ); // because the base type of BitValx is dword. mov( eax, BigVal3[0] ); mov( BigVal1[4], eax ); sbb( BigVal2[4], eax ); mov( eax, BigVal3[4] ); mov( BigVal1[8], eax ); sbb( BigVal2[8], eax ); mov( eax, BigVal3[8] ); mov( BigVal1[12], eax ); sbb( BigVal2[12], eax ); mov( eax, BigVal3[12] );
Unfortunately, there isn't a "compare with borrow" instruction that you can use to perform extended-precision comparisons. Since the cmp
and sub
instructions perform the same operation, at least as far as the flags are concerned, you'd probably guess that you could use the sbb
instruction to synthesize an extended-precision comparison; however, that approach won't always work. Fortunately, there is a better solution.
Consider the two unsigned values $2157 and $1293. The L.O. bytes of these two values do not affect the outcome of the comparison. Simply comparing the H.O. bytes, $21 with $12, tells us that the first value is greater than the second. In fact, the only time you ever need to look at both bytes of these values is if the H.O. bytes are equal. In all other cases comparing the H.O. bytes tells you everything you need to know about the values. Of course, this is true for any number of bytes, not just 2. The following code compares two signed 64-bit integers by comparing their H.O. double words first and comparing their L.O. double words only if the H.O. double words are equal:
// This sequence transfers control to location "IsGreater" if // QwordValue > QwordValue2. It transfers control to "IsLess" if // QwordValue < QwordValue2. It falls through to the instruction // following this sequence if QwordValue = QwordValue2. To test for // inequality, change the "IsGreater" and "IsLess" operands to "NotEqual" // in this code. mov( (type dword QWordValue[4]), eax ); // Get H.O. dword. cmp( eax, (type dword QWordValue2[4])); jg IsGreater; jl IsLess; mov( (type dword QWordValue[0]), eax ); // If H.O. dwords were equal, cmp( eax, (type dword QWordValue2[0])); // then we must compare the jg IsGreater; // L.O. dwords. jl IsLess; // Fall through to this point if the two values were equal.
To compare unsigned values, simply use the ja
and jb
instructions in place of jg
and jl
You can easily synthesize any possible comparison from the preceding sequence. The following examples show how to do this. These examples demonstrate signed comparisons; just substitute ja
, jae
, jb
, and jbe
for jg
, jge
, jl
, and jle
(respectively) if you want unsigned comparisons. Each of the following examples assumes these declarations:
static QW1: qword; QW2: qword; const QW1d: text := "(type dword QW1)"; QW2d: text := "(type dword QW2)";
The following code implements a 64-bit test to see if QW1 < QW2
(signed). Control transfers to IsLess
label if QW1 < QW2
. Control falls through to the next statement if this is not true.
mov( QW1d[4], eax ); // Get H.O. dword. cmp( eax, QW2d[4] ); jg NotLess; jl IsLess; mov( QW1d[0], eax ); // Fall through to here if the H.O. dwords are equal. cmp( eax, QW2d[0] ); jl IsLess; NotLess:
Here is a 64-bit test to see if QW1 <= QW2
(signed). This code jumps to IsLessEq
if the condition is true.
mov( QW1d[4], eax ); // Get H.O. dword. cmp( eax, QW2d[4] ); jg NotLessEQ; jl IsLessEQ; mov( QW1d[0], eax ); // Fall through to here if the H.O. dwords are equal. cmp( eax, QW2d[0] ); jle IsLessEQ; NotLessEQ:
This is a 64-bit test to see if QW1 > QW2
(signed). It jumps to IsGtr
if this condition is true.
mov( QW1d[4], eax ); // Get H.O. dword. cmp( eax, QW2d[4] ); jg IsGtr; jl NotGtr; mov( QW1d[0], eax ); // Fall through to here if the H.O. dwords are equal. cmp( eax, QW2d[0] ); jg IsGtr; NotGtr:
The following is a 64-bit test to see if QW1 >= QW2
(signed). This code jumps to label IsGtrEQ
if this is the case.
mov( QW1d[4], eax ); // Get H.O. dword. cmp( eax, QW2d[4] ); jg IsGtrEQ; jl NotGtrEQ; mov( QW1d[0], eax ); // Fall through to here if the H.O. dwords are equal. cmp( eax, QW2d[0] ); jge IsGtrEQ; NotGtrEQ:
Here is a 64-bit test to see if QW1 = QW2
(signed or unsigned). This code branches to the label IsEqual
if QW1 = QW2
. It falls through to the next instruction if they are not equal.
mov( QW1d[4], eax ); // Get H.O. dword. cmp( eax, QW2d[4] ); jne NotEqual; mov( QW1d[0], eax ); // Fall through to here if the H.O. dwords are equal. cmp( eax, QW2d[0] ); je IsEqual; NotEqual:
The following is a 64-bit test to see if QW1 <> QW2
(signed or unsigned). This code branches to the label NotEqual
if QW1 <> QW2
. It falls through to the next instruction if they are equal.
mov( QW1d[4], eax ); // Get H.O. dword. cmp( eax, QW2d[4] ); jne IsNotEqual; mov( QW1d[0], eax ); // Fall through to here if the H.O. dwords are equal. cmp( eax, QW2d[0] ); jne IsNotEqual; // Fall through to this point if they are equal.
You cannot directly use the HLA high-level control structures if you need to perform an extended-precision comparison. However, you may use the HLA hybrid control structures and bury the appropriate comparison in the boolean expression. Doing so may produce easier to read code. For example, the following if..then..else..endif
statement checks to see if QW1 > QW2
using a 64-bit extended-precision unsigned comparison:
if ( #{ mov( QW1d[4], eax ); cmp( eax, QW2d[4] ); jg true; mov( QW1d[0], eax ); cmp( eax, QW2d[0] ); jng false; }# ) then << Code to execute if QW1 > QW2 >> else << Code to execute if QW1 <= QW2 >> endif;
If you need to compare objects that are larger than 64 bits, it is very easy to generalize the code given above for 64-bit operands. Always start the comparison with the H.O. double words of the objects and work your way down to the L.O. double words of the objects as long as the corresponding double words are equal. The following example compares two 128-bit values to see if the first is less than or equal (unsigned) to the second:
static Big1: uns128; Big2: uns128; . . . if ( #{ mov( Big1[12], eax ); cmp( eax, Big2[12] ); jb true; ja false; mov( Big1[8], eax ); cmp( eax, Big2[8] ); jb true; ja false; mov( Big1[4], eax ); cmp( eax, Big2[4] ); jb true; ja false; mov( Big1[0], eax ); cmp( eax, Big2[0] ); jnbe false; }# ) then << Code to execute if Big1 <= Big2 >> else << Code to execute if Big1 > Big2 >> endif;
Although an 8×8-bit, 16×16-bit, or 32×32-bit multiplication is usually sufficient, there are times when you may want to multiply larger values. You will use the x86 single operand mul
and imul
instructions for extended-precision multiplication operations.
Not surprisingly (in view of how we achieved extended-precision addition using adc
and sbb
), you use the same techniques to perform extended-precision multiplication on the 80x86 that you employ when manually multiplying two values. Consider a simplified form of the way you perform multidigit multiplication by hand:
1) Multiply the first two 2) Multiply 5*2: digits together (5*3): 123 123 45 45 --- --- 15 15 10 3) Multiply 5*1: 4) Multiply 4*3: 123 123 45 45 --- --- 15 15 10 10 5 5 12 5) Multiply 4*2: 6) Multiply 4*1: 123 123 45 45 --- --- 15 15 10 10 5 5 12 12 8 8 4 7) Add all the partial products together: 123 45 --- 15 10 5 12 8 4 ------ 5535
The 80x86 does extended-precision multiplication in the same manner except that it works with bytes, words, and double words rather than digits. Figure 8-2 shows how this works.
Probably the most important thing to remember when performing an extended-precision multiplication is that you must also perform a multiple-precision addition at the same time. Adding up all the partial products requires several additions that will produce the result. Example 8-1 demonstrates the proper way to multiply two 64-bit values on a 32-bit processor.
Example 8-1. Extended-precision multiplication
program testMUL64; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ) procedure MUL64( Multiplier:qword; Multiplicand:qword; var Product:lword ); const mp: text := "(type dword Multiplier)"; mc: text := "(type dword Multiplicand)"; prd:text := "(type dword [edi])"; begin MUL64; mov( Product, edi ); // Multiply the L.O. dword of Multiplier times Multiplicand. mov( mp, eax ); mul( mc, eax ); // Multiply L.O. dwords. mov( eax, prd ); // Save L.O. dword of product. mov( edx, ecx ); // Save H.O. dword of partial product result. mov( mp, eax ); mul( mc[4], eax ); // Multiply mp(L.O.) * mc(H.O.) add( ecx, eax ); // Add to the partial product. adc( 0, edx ); // Don't forget the carry! mov( eax, ebx ); // Save partial product for now. mov( edx, ecx ); // Multiply the H.O. word of Multiplier with Multiplicand. mov( mp[4], eax ); // Get H.O. dword of Multiplier. mul( mc, eax ); // Multiply by L.O. word of Multiplicand. add( ebx, eax ); // Add to the partial product. mov( eax, prd[4] ); // Save the partial product. adc( edx, ecx ); // Add in the carry! mov( mp[4], eax ); // Multiply the two H.O. dwords together. mul( mc[4], eax ); add( ecx, eax ); // Add in partial product. adc( 0, edx ); // Don't forget the carry! mov( eax, prd[8] ); // Save the partial product. mov( edx, prd[12] ); end MUL64; static op1: qword; op2: qword; rslt: lword; begin testMUL64; // Initialize the qword values (note that static objects // are initialized with 0 bits). mov( 1234, (type dword op1 )); mov( 5678, (type dword op2 )); MUL64( op1, op2, rslt ); // The following only prints the L.O. qword, but // we know the H.O. qword is 0 so this is okay. stdout.put( "rslt=" ); stdout.putu64( (type qword rslt)); end testMUL64;
One thing you must keep in mind concerning this code is that it works only for unsigned operands. To multiply two signed values you must note the signs of the operands before the multiplication, take the absolute value of the two operands, do an unsigned multiplication, and then adjust the sign of the resulting product based on the signs of the original operands. Multiplication of signed operands is left as an exercise to the reader (or you could just check out the source code in the HLA Standard Library).
The example in Example 8-1 was fairly straightforward because it was possible to keep the partial products in various registers. If you need to multiply larger values together, you will need to maintain the partial products in temporary (memory) variables. Other than that, the algorithm that Example 8-1 uses generalizes to any number of double words.
You cannot synthesize a general n-bit/m-bit division operation using the div
and idiv
instructions. Extended-precision division requires a sequence of shift and subtract instructions and is extremely messy. However, a less-general operation, dividing an n-bit quantity by a 32-bit quantity, is easily synthesized using the div
instruction. This section presents both methods for extended-precision division.
Before we describe how to perform a multiprecision division operation, you should note that some operations require an extended-precision division even though they may look calculable with a single div
or idiv
instruction. Dividing a 64-bit quantity by a 32-bit quantity is easy, as long as the resulting quotient fits into 32 bits. The div
and idiv
instructions will handle this directly. However, if the quotient does not fit into 32 bits, then you have to handle this problem as an extended-precision division. The trick here is to divide the (zero- or sign-extended) H.O. double word of the dividend by the divisor and then repeat the process with the remainder and the L.O. dword of the dividend. The following sequence demonstrates this.
static dividend: dword[2] := [$1234, 4]; // = $4_0000_1234. divisor: dword := 2; // dividend/divisor = $2_0000_091A quotient: dword[2]; remainder:dword; . . . mov( divisor, ebx ); mov( dividend[4], eax ); xor( edx, edx ); // Zero extend for unsigned division. div( ebx, edx:eax ); mov( eax, quotient[4] ); // Save H.O. dword of the quotient (2). mov( dividend[0], eax ); // Note that this code does *NOT* zero extend div( ebx, edx:eax ); // eax into edx before this div instr. mov( eax, quotient[0] ); // Save L.O. dword of the quotient ($91a). mov( edx, remainder ); // Save away the remainder.
Since it is perfectly legal to divide a value by 1, it is possible that the resulting quotient could require as many bits as the dividend. That is why the quotient
variable in this example is the same size (64 bits) as the dividend
variable (note the use of an array of two double words rather than a qword
type; this spares the code from having to coerce the operands to double words). Regardless of the size of the dividend and divisor operands, the remainder is always no larger than the size of the division operation (32 bits in this case). Hence the remainder
variable in this example is just a double word.
Before analyzing this code to see how it works, let's take a brief look at why a single 64/32 division will not work for this particular example even though the div
instruction does indeed calculate the result for a 64/32 division. The naive approach, assuming that the x86 were capable of this operation, would look something like the following:
// This code does *NOT* work! mov( dividend[0], eax ); // Get dividend into edx:eax mov( dividend[4], edx ); div( divisor, edx:eax ); // Divide edx:eax by divisor.
Although this code is syntactically correct and will compile, if you attempt to run this code it will raise an ex.DivideError
[112] exception. The reason is that the quotient must fit into 32 bits. Because the quotient turns out to be $2_0000_091A, it will not fit into the EAX register, hence the resulting exception.
Now let's take another look at the former code that correctly computes the 64/32 quotient. This code begins by computing the 32/32 quotient of dividend[4]/divisor
. The quotient from this division (2) becomes the H.O. double word of the final quotient. The remainder from this division (0) becomes the extension in EDX for the second half of the division operation. The second half of the code divides edx:dividend[0]
by divisor
to produce the L.O. double word of the quotient and the remainder from the division. Note that the code does not zero extend EAX into EDX prior to the second div
instruction. EDX already contains valid bits, and this code must not disturb them.
The 64/32 division operation above is actually just a special case of the general division operation that lets you divide an arbitrary size value by a 32-bit divisor. To achieve this, you begin by moving the H.O. double word of the dividend into EAX and zero extending this into EDX. Next, you divide this value by the divisor. Then, without modifying EDX along the way, you store away the partial quotients, load EAX with the next-lower double word in the dividend, and divide it by the divisor. You repeat this operation until you've processed all the double words in the dividend. At that time the EDX register will contain the remainder. The program in Example 8-2 demonstrates how to divide a 128-bit quantity by a 32-bit divisor, producing a 128-bit quotient and a 32-bit remainder.
Example 8-2. Unsigned 128/32-bit extended-precision division
program testDiv128; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ) procedure div128 ( Dividend: lword; Divisor: dword; var QuotAdrs: lword; var Remainder: dword ); @nodisplay; const Quotient: text := "(type dword [edi])"; begin div128; push( eax ); push( edx ); push( edi ); mov( QuotAdrs, edi ); // Pointer to quotient storage. mov( (type dword Dividend[12]), eax ); // Begin division with the H.O. dword. xor( edx, edx ); // Zero extend into edx. div( Divisor, edx:eax ); // Divide H.O. dword. mov( eax, Quotient[12] ); // Store away H.O. dword of quotient. mov( (type dword Dividend[8]), eax ); // Get dword #2 from the dividend. div( Divisor, edx:eax ); // Continue the division. mov( eax, Quotient[8] ); // Store away dword #2 of the quotient. mov( (type dword Dividend[4]), eax ); // Get dword #1 from the dividend. div( Divisor, edx:eax ); // Continue the division. mov( eax, Quotient[4] ); // Store away dword #1 of the quotient. mov( (type dword Dividend[0]), eax ); // Get the L.O. dword of the // dividend. div( Divisor, edx:eax ); // Finish the division. mov( eax, Quotient[0] ); // Store away the L.O. dword of the quotient. mov( Remainder, edi ); // Get the pointer to the remainder's value. mov( edx, [edi] ); // Store away the remainder value. pop( edi ); pop( edx ); pop( eax ); end div128; static op1: lword := $8888_8888_6666_6666_4444_4444_2222_2221; op2: dword := 2; quo: lword; rmndr: dword; begin testDiv128; div128( op1, op2, quo, rmndr ); stdout.put ( nl nl "After the division: " nl nl "Quotient = $", quo[12], "_", quo[8], "_", quo[4], "_", quo[0], nl "Remainder = ", (type uns32 rmndr ) ); end testDiv128;
You can extend this code to any number of bits by simply adding additional mov
instructions to the sequence. Like the extended-precision multiplication the previous section presents, this extended-precision division algorithm works only for unsigned operands. If you need to divide two signed quantities, you must note their signs, take their absolute values, do the unsigned division, and then set the sign of the result based on the signs of the operands.
If you need to use a divisor larger than 32 bits, you're going to have to implement the division using a shift-and-subtract strategy. Unfortunately, such algorithms are very slow. In this section we'll develop two division algorithms that operate on an arbitrary number of bits. The first is slow but easier to understand; the second is quite a bit faster (in the average case).
As for multiplication, the best way to understand how the computer performs division is to study how you were taught to do long division by hand. Consider the operation 3,456/12 and the steps you would take to manually perform this operation, as shown in Figure 8-3.
This algorithm is actually easier in binary because at each step you do not have to guess how many times 12 goes into the remainder, nor do you have to multiply 12 by your guess to obtain the amount to subtract. At each step in the binary algorithm the divisor goes into the remainder exactly zero or one times. As an example, consider the division of 27 (11011) by 3 (11) that is shown in Figure 8-4.
There is a novel way to implement this binary division algorithm that computes the quotient and the remainder at the same time. The algorithm is the following:
Quotient := Dividend; Remainder := 0; for i := 1 to NumberBits do Remainder:Quotient := Remainder:Quotient SHL 1; if Remainder >= Divisor then Remainder := Remainder - Divisor; Quotient := Quotient + 1; endif endfor
is the number of bits in the Remainder
, Quotient
, Divisor
, and Dividend
variables. Note that the Quotient := Quotient + 1;
statement sets the L.O. bit of Quotient
to 1 because this algorithm previously shifts Quotient
1 bit to the left. The program in Example 8-3 implements this algorithm.
Example 8-3. Extended-precision division
program testDiv128b; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ) // div128- // // This procedure does a general 128/128 division operation using the // following algorithm (all variables are assumed to be 128-bit objects): // // Quotient := Dividend; // Remainder := 0; // for i := 1 to NumberBits do // // Remainder:Quotient := Remainder:Quotient SHL 1; // if Remainder >= Divisor then // // Remainder := Remainder - Divisor; // Quotient := Quotient + 1; // // endif // endfor // procedure div128 ( Dividend: lword; Divisor: lword; var QuotAdrs: lword; var RmndrAdrs: lword ); @nodisplay; const Quotient: text := "Dividend"; // Use the Dividend as the Quotient. var Remainder: lword; begin div128; push( eax ); push( ecx ); push( edi ); mov( 0, eax ); // Set the remainder to 0. mov( eax, (type dword Remainder[0]) ); mov( eax, (type dword Remainder[4]) ); mov( eax, (type dword Remainder[8]) ); mov( eax, (type dword Remainder[12])); mov( 128, ecx ); // Count off 128 bits in ecx. repeat // Compute Remainder:Quotient := Remainder:Quotient SHL 1: shl( 1, (type dword Dividend[0]) ); // See Section 8.1.12 to see rcl( 1, (type dword Dividend[4]) ); // how this code shifts 256 rcl( 1, (type dword Dividend[8]) ); // bits to the left by 1 bit. rcl( 1, (type dword Dividend[12])); rcl( 1, (type dword Remainder[0]) ); rcl( 1, (type dword Remainder[4]) ); rcl( 1, (type dword Remainder[8]) ); rcl( 1, (type dword Remainder[12])); // Do a 128-bit comparison to see if the remainder // is greater than or equal to the divisor. if ( #{ mov( (type dword Remainder[12]), eax ); cmp( eax, (type dword Divisor[12]) ); ja true; jb false; mov( (type dword Remainder[8]), eax ); cmp( eax, (type dword Divisor[8]) ); ja true; jb false; mov( (type dword Remainder[4]), eax ); cmp( eax, (type dword Divisor[4]) ); ja true; jb false; mov( (type dword Remainder[0]), eax ); cmp( eax, (type dword Divisor[0]) ); jb false; }# ) then // Remainder := Remainder - Divisor mov( (type dword Divisor[0]), eax ); sub( eax, (type dword Remainder[0]) ); mov( (type dword Divisor[4]), eax ); sbb( eax, (type dword Remainder[4]) ); mov( (type dword Divisor[8]), eax ); sbb( eax, (type dword Remainder[8]) ); mov( (type dword Divisor[12]), eax ); sbb( eax, (type dword Remainder[12]) ); // Quotient := Quotient + 1; add( 1, (type dword Quotient[0]) ); adc( 0, (type dword Quotient[4]) ); adc( 0, (type dword Quotient[8]) ); adc( 0, (type dword Quotient[12]) ); endif; dec( ecx ); until( @z ); // Okay, copy the quotient (left in the Dividend variable) // and the remainder to their return locations. mov( QuotAdrs, edi ); mov( (type dword Quotient[0]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi] ); mov( (type dword Quotient[4]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi+4] ); mov( (type dword Quotient[8]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi+8] ); mov( (type dword Quotient[12]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi+12] ); mov( RmndrAdrs, edi ); mov( (type dword Remainder[0]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi] ); mov( (type dword Remainder[4]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi+4] ); mov( (type dword Remainder[8]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi+8] ); mov( (type dword Remainder[12]), eax ); mov( eax, [edi+12] ); pop( edi ); pop( ecx ); pop( eax ); end div128; // Some simple code to test out the division operation: static op1: lword := $8888_8888_6666_6666_4444_4444_2222_2221; op2: lword := 2; quo: lword; rmndr: lword; begin testDiv128b; div128( op1, op2, quo, rmndr ); stdout.put ( nl nl "After the division: " nl nl "Quotient = $", (type dword quo[12]), "_", (type dword quo[8]), "_", (type dword quo[4]), "_", (type dword quo[0]), nl "Remainder = ", (type uns32 rmndr ) ); end testDiv128b;
This code looks simple but there are a few problems with it: It does not check for division by 0 (it will produce the value $FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF if you attempt to divide by 0), it handles only unsigned values, and it is very slow. Handling division by 0 is very simple; just check the divisor against 0 prior to running this code and return an appropriate error code if the divisor is 0 (or raise the ex.DivisionError
exception). Dealing with signed values is the same as the earlier division algorithm: Note the signs, take the operands' absolute values, do the unsigned division, and then fix the sign afterward. The performance of this algorithm, however, leaves a lot to be desired. It's around an order of magnitude or two worse than the div
instructions on the 80x86, and they are among the slowest instructions on the CPU.
There is a technique you can use to boost the performance of this division by a fair amount: Check to see if the divisor variable uses only 32 bits. Often, even though the divisor is a 128-bit variable, the value itself fits just fine into 32 bits (that is, the H.O. double words of Divisor
are 0). In this special case, which occurs frequently, you can use the div
instruction, which is much faster. The algorithm is a bit more complex because you have to first compare the H.O. double words for 0, but on the average it runs much faster while remaining capable of dividing any two pairs of values.
Although there are several ways to negate an extended-precision value, the shortest way for smaller values (96 bits or less) is to use a combination of neg
and sbb
instructions. This technique uses the fact that neg
subtracts its operand from 0. In particular, it sets the flags the same way the sub
instruction would if you subtracted the destination value from 0. This code takes the following form (assuming you want to negate the 64-bit value in EDX:EAX):
neg( edx ); neg( eax ); sbb( 0, edx );
The sbb
instruction decrements EDX if there is a borrow out of the L.O. word of the negation operation (which always occurs unless EAX is 0).
Extending this operation to additional bytes, words, or double words is easy; all you have to do is start with the H.O. memory location of the object you want to negate and work toward the L.O. byte. The following code computes a 128-bit negation.
static Value: dword[4]; . . . neg( Value[12] ); // Negate the H.O. double word. neg( Value[8] ); // Neg previous dword in memory. sbb( 0, Value[12] ); // Adjust H.O. dword. neg( Value[4] ); // Negate the second dword in the object. sbb( 0, Value[8] ); // Adjust third dword in object. sbb( 0, Value[12] ); // Adjust the H.O. dword. neg( Value ); // Negate the L.O. dword. sbb( 0, Value[4] ); // Adjust second dword in object. sbb( 0, Value[8] ); // Adjust third dword in object. sbb( 0, Value[12] ); // Adjust the H.O. dword.
Unfortunately, this code tends to get really large and slow because you need to propagate the carry through all the H.O. words after each negation operation. A simpler way to negate larger values is to simply subtract that value from 0:
static Value: dword[5]; // 160-bit value. . . . mov( 0, eax ); sub( Value, eax ); mov( eax, Value ); mov( 0, eax ); sbb( Value[4], eax ); mov( eax, Value[4] ); mov( 0, eax ); sbb( Value[8], eax ); mov( eax, Value[8] ); mov( 0, eax ); sbb( Value[12], eax ); mov( eax, Value[12] ); mov( 0, eax ); sbb( Value[16], eax ); mov( eax, Value[16] );
Performing an n-byte and
operation is very easy: Simply and
the corresponding bytes between the two operands, saving the result. For example, to perform the and
operation where all operands are 64 bits long, you could use the following code:
mov( (type dwordsource1
), eax ); and( (type dwordsource2
), eax ); mov( eax, (type dworddest
) ); mov( (type dwordsource1
[4]), eax ); and( (type dwordsource2
[4]), eax ); mov( eax, (type dworddest
[4]) );
This technique easily extends to any number of words; all you need to do is logically and
the corresponding bytes, words, or double words together in the operands. Note that this sequence sets the flags according to the value of the last and
operation. If you and
the H.O. double words last, this sets all but the zero flag correctly. If you need to test the zero flag after this sequence, you will need to logically or
the two resulting double words together (or otherwise compare them both against 0).
Multibyte logical or
operations are performed in the same way as multibyte and
operations. You simply or
the corresponding bytes in the two operands together. For example, to logically or
two 96-bit values, use the following code:
mov( (type dwordsource1
), eax ); or( (type dwordsource2
), eax ); mov( eax, (type dworddest
) ); mov( (type dwordsource1
[4]), eax ); or( (type dwordsource2
[4]), eax ); mov( eax, (type dworddest
[4]) ); mov( (type dwordsource1
[8]), eax ); or( (type dwordsource2
[8]), eax ); mov( eax, (type dworddest
[8]) );
As for the previous example, this does not set the zero flag properly for the entire operation. If you need to test the zero flag after a multiprecision or
, you must logically or
all the resulting double words together.
Extended-precision xor
operations are performed in a manner identical to and
—simply xor
the corresponding bytes in the two operands to obtain the extended-precision result. The following code sequence operates on two 64-bit operands, computes their exclusive-or
, and stores the result into a 64-bit variable:
mov( (type dwordsource1
), eax ); xor( (type dwordsource2
), eax ); mov( eax, (type dworddest
) ); mov( (type dwordsource1
[4]), eax ); xor( (type dwordsource2
[4]), eax ); mov( eax, (type dworddest
[4]) );
The comment about the zero flag in the previous two sections applies here.
The not
instruction inverts all the bits in the specified operand. An extended-precision not
is performed by simply executing the not
instruction on all the affected operands. For example, to perform a 64-bit not
operation on the value in (edx:eax)
, all you need to do is execute the following instructions:
not( eax ); not( edx );
Keep in mind that if you execute the not
instruction twice, you wind up with the or
iginal value. Also note that exclusive-or
ing a value with all 1s ($FF, $FFFF, or $FFFF_FFFF) performs the same operation as the not
Extended-precision shift operations require a shift and a rotate instruction. Consider what must happen to implement a 64-bit shl
using 32-bit operations (see Figure 8-5):
A 0 must be shifted into bit 0.
Bits 0 through 30 are shifted into the next-higher bit.
Bit 31 is shifted into bit 32.
Bits 32 through 62 must be shifted into the next-higher bit.
Bit 63 is shifted into the carry flag.
The two instructions you can use to implement this 64-bit shift are shl
and rcl
. For example, to shift the 64-bit quantity in (EDX:EAX) one position to the left, you'd use the following instructions:
shl( 1, eax ); rcl( 1, eax );
Note that using this technique you can shift an extended-precision value only 1 bit at a time. You cannot shift an extended-precision operand several bits using the CL register. Nor can you specify a constant value greater than 1 using this technique.
To understand how this instruction sequence works, consider the operation of the individual instructions. The shl
instruction shifts a 0 into bit 0 of the 64-bit operand and shifts bit 31 into the carry flag. The rcl
instruction then shifts the carry flag into bit 32 and then shifts bit 63 into the carry flag. The result is exactly what we want.
To perform a shift left on an operand larger than 64 bits, you simply use additional rcl
instructions. An extended-precision shift-left operation always starts with the least-significant double word, and each succeeding rcl
instruction operates on the next-most-significant double word. For example, to perform a 96-bit shift-left operation on a memory location, you could use the following instructions:
shl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[0]) ); rcl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[4]) ); rcl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[8]) );
If you need to shift your data by 2 or more bits, you can either repeat the above sequence the desired number of times (for a constant number of shifts) or you can place the instructions in a loop to repeat them some number of times. For example, the following code shifts the 96-bit value Operand
to the left the number of bits specified in ECX:
ShiftLoop: shl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[0]) ); rcl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[4]) ); rcl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[8]) ); dec( ecx ); jnz ShiftLoop;
You implement shr
and sar
in a similar way, except you must start at the H.O. word of the operand and work your way down to the L.O. word:
// Extended-precision SAR: sar( 1, (type dwordOperand
[8]) ); rcr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[4]) ); rcr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[0]) ); // Double-precision SHR: shr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[8]) ); rcr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[4]) ); rcr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[0]) );
There is one major difference between the extended-precision shifts described here and their 8/16/32-bit counterparts—the extended-precision shifts set the flags differently than the single-precision operations. This is because the rotate instructions affect the flags differently than the shift instructions. Fortunately, the carry flag is the one you'll test most often after a shift operation, and the extended-precision shift operations (i.e., rotate instructions) properly set this flag.
The shld
and shrd
instructions let you efficiently implement multiprecision shifts of several bits. These instructions have the following syntax:
); shld( cl,Operand1
); shrd(constant
); shrd( cl,Operand1
The shld
instruction works as shown in Figure 8-6.
must be a 16- or 32-bit register. Operand2
can be a register or a memory location. Both operands must be the same size. The immediate operand can be a value in the range 0 through n−1, where n is the number of bits in the two operands; this operand specifies the number of bits to shift.
The shld
instruction shifts bits in Operand2
to the left. The H.O. bits shift into the carry flag, and the H.O. bits of Operand1
shift into the L.O. bits of Operand2
. Note that this instruction does not modify the value of Operand1
; it uses a temporary copy of Operand1
during the shift. The immediate operand specifies the number of bits to shift. If the count is n, then shld
shifts bit n−1 into the carry flag. It also shifts the H.O. n bits of Operand1
into the L.O. n bits of Operand2
. The shld
instruction sets the flag bits as follows:
If the shift count is 0, the shld
instruction doesn't affect any flags.
The carry flag contains the last bit shifted out of the H.O. bit of the Operand2
If the shift count is 1, the overflow flag will contain 1 if the sign bit of Operand2
changes during the shift. If the count is not 1, the overflow flag is undefined.
The zero flag will be 1 if the shift produces a 0 result.
The sign flag will contain the H.O. bit of the result.
The shrd
instruction is similar to shld
except, of course, it shifts its bits right rather than left. To get a clear picture of the shrd
instruction, consider Figure 8-7.
The shrd
instruction sets the flag bits as follows:
If the shift count is 0, the shrd
instruction doesn't affect any flags.
The carry flag contains the last bit shifted out of the L.O. bit of the Operand2
If the shift count is 1, the overflow flag will contain 1 if the H.O. bit of Operand2
changes. If the count is not 1, the overflow flag is undefined.
The zero flag will be 1 if the shift produces a 0 result.
The sign flag will contain the H.O. bit of the result.
Consider the following code sequence:
static ShiftMe: dword[3] := [ $1234, $5678, $9012 ]; . . . mov( ShiftMe[4], eax ) shld( 6, eax, ShiftMe[8] ); mov( ShiftMe[0], eax ); shld( 6, eax, ShiftMe[4] ); shl( 6, ShiftMe[0] );
The first shld
instruction above shifts the bits from ShiftMe[4]
into ShiftMe[8]
without affecting the value in ShiftMe[4]
. The second shld
instruction shifts the bits from ShiftMe
into ShiftMe[4]
. Finally, the shl
instruction shifts the L.O. double word the appropriate amount. There are two important things to note about this code. First, unlike the other extended-precision shift-left operations, this sequence works from the H.O. double word down to the L.O. double word. Second, the carry flag does not contain the carry from the H.O. shift operation. If you need to preserve the carry flag at that point, you will need to push the flags after the first shld
instruction and pop the flags after the shl
You can do an extended-precision shift-right operation using the shrd
instruction. It works almost the same way as the code sequence above, except you work from the L.O. double word to the H.O. double word. The solution is left as an exercise for the reader.
The rcl
and rcr
operations extend in a manner almost identical to shl
and shr
. For example, to perform 96-bit rcl
and rcr
operations, use the following instructions:
rcl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[0]) ); rcl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[4]) ); rcl( 1, (type dwordOperand
[8]) ); rcr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[8]) ); rcr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[4]) ); rcr( 1, (type dwordOperand
[0]) );
The only difference between this code and the code for the extended-precision shift operations is that the first instruction is a rcl
or rcr
rather than a shl
or shr
Performing an extended-precision rol
or ror
operation isn't quite as simple. You can use the bt
, shld
, and shrd
instructions to implement an extended-precision rol
or ror
instruction. The following code shows how to use the shld
instruction to do an extended-precision rol
// Compute rol( 4, edx:eax ); mov( edx, ebx ); shld, 4, eax, edx ); shld( 4, ebx, eax ); bt( 0, eax ); // Set carry flag, if desired.
An extended-precision ror
instruction is similar; just keep in mind that you work on the L.O. end of the object first and the H.O. end last.
Once you can do extended-precision arithmetic, the next problem is how to get those extended-precision values into your program and how to display their values to the user. HLA's Standard Library provides routines for unsigned decimal, signed decimal, and hexadecimal I/O for values that are 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 bits in length. So as long as you're working with values whose size is less than or equal to 128 bits in length, you can use the Standard Library code. If you need to input or output values that are greater than 128 bits in length, you will need to write your own procedures to handle the operation. This section discusses the strategies you will need to write such routines.
The examples in this section work specifically with 128-bit values. The algorithms are perfectly general and extend to any number of bits (indeed, the 128-bit algorithms in this section are really nothing more than the algorithms the HLA Standard Library uses for 128-bit values). Of course, if you need a set of 128-bit unsigned I/O routines, you can use the Standard Library code as is. If you need to handle larger values, simple modifications to the following code are all that should be necessary.
The sections that follow use a common set of 128-bit data types in order to avoid having to coerce lword
values in each instruction. Here are these types:
type h128 :dword[4]; u128 :dword[4]; i128 :dword[4];
Extended-precision hexadecimal output is very easy. All you have to do is output each double-word component of the extended-precision value from the H.O. double word to the L.O. double word using a call to the stdout.puth32
routine. The following procedure does exactly this to output an lword
procedure puth128( b128: h128 ); @nodisplay; begin puth128; stdout.puth32( b128[12] ); stdout.puth32( b128[8] ); stdout.puth32( b128[4] ); stdout.puth32( b128[0] ); end puth128;
Of course, the HLA Standard Library supplies a stdout.puth128
procedure that directly writes lword
values, so you can call stdout.puth128
multiple times when outputting larger values (e.g., a 256-bit value). As it turns out, the implementation of the HLA stdlib.puth128
routine is very similar to puth128
, above.
Decimal output is a little more complicated than hexadecimal output because the H.O. bits of a binary number affect the L.O. digits of the decimal representation (this was not true for hexadecimal values, which is why hexadecimal output is so easy). Therefore, we will have to create the decimal representation for a binary number by extracting one decimal digit at a time from the number.
The most common solution for unsigned decimal output is to successively divide the value by 10 until the result becomes 0. The remainder after the first division is a value in the range 0..9, and this value corresponds to the L.O. digit of the decimal number. Successive divisions by 10 (and their corresponding remainder) extract successive digits from the number.
Iterative solutions to this problem generally allocate storage for a string of characters large enough to hold the entire number. Then the code extracts the decimal digits in a loop and places them in the string one by one. At the end of the conversion process, the routine prints the characters in the string in reverse order (remember, the divide algorithm extracts the L.O. digits first and the H.O. digits last, the opposite of the way you need to print them).
In this section, we employ a recursive solution because it is a little more elegant. The recursive solution begins by dividing the value by 10 and saving the remainder in a local variable. If the quotient is not 0, the routine recursively calls itself to print any leading digits first. On return from the recursive call (which prints all the leading digits), the recursive algorithm prints the digit associated with the remainder to complete the operation. Here's how the operation works when printing the decimal value 789:
Divide 789 by 10. Quotient is 78, and remainder is 9.
Save the remainder (9) in a local variable and recursively call the routine with the quotient.
[Recursive entry 1] Divide 78 by 10. Quotient is 7, and remainder is 8.
Save the remainder (8) in a local variable and recursively call the routine with the quotient.
[Recursive entry 2] Divide 7 by 10. Quotient is 0, and remainder is 7.
Save the remainder (7) in a local variable. Because the quotient is 0, don't call the routine recursively.
Output the remainder value saved in the local variable (7). Return to the caller (recursive entry 1).
[Return to recursive entry 1] Output the remainder value saved in the local variable in recursive entry 1 (8). Return to the caller (original invocation of the procedure).
[Original invocation] Output the remainder value saved in the local variable in the original call (9). Return to the original caller of the output routine.
The only operation that requires extended-precision calculation through this entire algorithm is the "divide by 10" statement. Everything else is simple and straightforwar. We are in luck with this algorithm, because we are dividing an extended-precision value by a value that easily fits into a double word, and we can use the fast (and easy) extended-precision division algorithm that uses the div
instruction. The program in Example 8-4 implements a 128-bit decimal output routine utilizing this technique.
Example 8-4. 128-bit extended-precision decimal output routine
program out128; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ); // 128-bit unsigned integer data type: type u128: dword[4]; // DivideBy10- // // Divides "divisor" by 10 using fast // extended-precision division algorithm // that employs the div instruction. // // Returns quotient in "quotient". // Returns remainder in eax. // Trashes ebx, edx, and edi. procedure DivideBy10( dividend:u128; var quotient:u128 ); @nodisplay; begin DivideBy10; mov( quotient, edi ); xor( edx, edx ); mov( dividend[12], eax ); mov( 10, ebx ); div( ebx, edx:eax ); mov( eax, [edi+12] ); mov( dividend[8], eax ); div( ebx, edx:eax ); mov( eax, [edi+8] ); mov( dividend[4], eax ); div( ebx, edx:eax ); mov( eax, [edi+4] ); mov( dividend[0], eax ); div( ebx, edx:eax ); mov( eax, [edi+0] ); mov( edx, eax ); end DivideBy10; // Recursive version of putu128. // A separate "shell" procedure calls this so that // this code does not have to preserve all the registers // it uses (and DivideBy10 uses) on each recursive call. procedure recursivePutu128( b128:u128 ); @nodisplay; var remainder: byte; begin recursivePutu128; // Divide by 10 and get the remainder (the char to print). DivideBy10( b128, b128 ); mov( al, remainder ); // Save away the remainder (0..9). // If the quotient (left in b128) is not 0, recursively // call this routine to print the H.O. digits. mov( b128[0], eax ); // If we logically OR all the dwords or( b128[4], eax ); // together, the result is 0 if and or( b128[8], eax ); // only if the entire number is 0. or( b128[12], eax ); if( @nz ) then recursivePutu128( b128 ); endif; // Okay, now print the current digit. mov( remainder, al ); or( '0', al ); // Converts 0..9 -> '0'..'9'. stdout.putc( al ); end recursivePutu128; // Nonrecursive shell to the above routine so we don't bother // saving all the registers on each recursive call. procedure putu128( b128:u128 ); @nodisplay; begin putu128; push( eax ); push( ebx ); push( edx ); push( edi ); recursivePutu128( b128 ); pop( edi ); pop( edx ); pop( ebx ); pop( eax ); end putu128; // Code to test the routines above: static b0: u128 := [0, 0, 0, 0]; // decimal = 0 b1: u128 := [1234567890, 0, 0, 0]; // decimal = 1234567890 b2: u128 := [$8000_0000, 0, 0, 0]; // decimal = 2147483648 b3: u128 := [0, 1, 0, 0 ]; // decimal = 4294967296 // Largest uns128 value // (decimal=340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,455): b4: u128 := [$FFFF_FFFF, $FFFF_FFFF, $FFFF_FFFF, $FFFF_FFFF ]; begin out128; stdout.put( "b0 = " ); putu128( b0 ); stdout.newln(); stdout.put( "b1 = " ); putu128( b1 ); stdout.newln(); stdout.put( "b2 = " ); putu128( b2 ); stdout.newln(); stdout.put( "b3 = " ); putu128( b3 ); stdout.newln(); stdout.put( "b4 = " ); putu128( b4 ); stdout.newln(); end out128;
Once you have an extended-precision unsigned decimal output routine, writing an extended-precision signed decimal output routine is very easy. The basic algorithm takes the following form:
Check the sign of the number.
If it is positive, call the unsigned output routine to print it. If the number is negative, print a minus sign. Then negate the number and call the unsigned output routine to print it.
To check the sign of an extended-precision integer, of course, you simply test the H.O. bit of the number. To negate a large value, the best solution is probably to subtract that value from 0. Here's a quick version of puti128
that uses the putu128
routine from the previous section:
procedure puti128( i128: u128 ); @nodisplay; begin puti128; if( (type int32 i128[12]) < 0 ) then stdout.put( '-' ); // Extended-precision Negation: push( eax ); mov( 0, eax ); sub( i128[0], eax ); mov( eax, i128[0] ); mov( 0, eax ); sbb( i128[4], eax ); mov( eax, i128[4] ); mov( 0, eax ); sbb( i128[8], eax ); mov( eax, i128[8] ); mov( 0, eax ); sbb( i128[12], eax ); mov( eax, i128[12] ); pop( eax ); endif; putu128( i128 ); end puti128;
The code in the previous two sections prints signed and unsigned integers using the minimum number of necessary print positions. To create nicely formatted tables of values you will need the equivalent of a puti128Size
or putu128Size
routine. Once you have the "unformatted" versions of these routines, implementing the formatted versions is very easy.
The first step is to write i128Size
and u128Size
routines that compute the minimum number of digits needed to display the value. The algorithm to accomplish this is very similar to the numeric output routines. In fact, the only difference is that you initialize a counter to 0 upon entry into the routine (for example, the nonrecursive shell routine), and you increment this counter rather than outputting a digit on each recursive call. (Don't forget to increment the counter inside i128Size
if the number is negative; you must allow for the output of the minus sign.) After the calculation is complete, these routines should return the size of the operand in the EAX register.
Once you have the i128Size
and u128Size
routines, writing the formatted output routines is easy. Upon initial entry into puti128Size
or putu128Size
, these routines call the corresponding size
routine to determine the number of print positions for the number to display. If the value that the size
routine returns is greater than the absolute value of the minimum size parameter (passed into puti128Size
or putu128Size
), all you need to do is call the put
routine to print the value; no other formatting is necessary. If the absolute value of the parameter size is greater than the value i128Size
or u128Size
returns, then the program must compute the difference between these two values and print that many spaces (or other filler characters) before printing the number (if the parameter size value is positive) or after printing the number (if the parameter size value is negative). The actual implementation of these two routines is left as an exercise to the reader (or just check out the source code in the HLA Standard Library for the stdout.putiSize128
and stdout.putuSize128
The HLA Standard Library implements the i128Size
and u128Size
by doing a set of successive extended-precision comparisons to determine the number of digits in the values. Interested readers may want to look at the source code for these routines as well as the source code for the stdout.puti128
and stdout.putu128
procedures (this source code appears on Webster at or
There are a couple of fundamental differences between the extended-precision output routines and the extended-precision input routines. First of all, numeric output generally occurs without possibility of error;[113] numeric input, on the other hand, must handle the very real possibility of an input error such as illegal characters and numeric overflow. Also, HLA's Standard Library and runtime system encourage a slightly different approach to input conversion. This section discusses those issues that differentiate input conversion from output conversion.
Perhaps the biggest difference between input and output conversion is the fact that output conversion is not bracketed. That is, when converting a numeric value to a string of characters for output, the output routine does not concern itself with characters preceding the output string, nor is it concerned with the characters following the numeric value in the output stream. Numeric output routines convert their data to a string and print that string without considering the context (that is, the characters before and after the string representation of the numeric value). Numeric input routines cannot be so cavalier; the contextual information surrounding the numeric string is very important.
A typical numeric input operation consists of reading a string of characters from the user and then translating this string of characters into an internal numeric representation. For example, a statement like stdin.get(i32)
; typically reads a line of text from the user and converts a sequence of digits appearing at the beginning of that line of text into a 32-bit signed integer (assuming i32
is an int32
object). Note, however, that the stdin.get
routine skips over certain characters in the string that may appear before the actual numeric characters. For example, stdin.get
automatically skips any leading spaces in the string. Likewise, the input string may contain additional data beyond the end of the numeric input (for example, it is possible to read two integer values from the same input line), and therefore the input conversion routine must somehow determine where the numeric data ends in the input stream. Fortunately, HLA provides a simple mechanism that lets you easily determine the start and end of the input data: the Delimiters
character set.
The Delimiters
character set is a variable, internal to the HLA Standard Library, that contains the set of legal characters that may precede or follow a legal numeric value. By default, this character set includes the end-of-string marker (a 0 byte), a tab character, a line-feed character, a carriage-return character, a space, a comma, a colon, and a semicolon. Therefore, HLA's numeric input routines will automatically ignore any characters in this set that occur on input before a numeric string. Likewise, characters from this set may legally follow a numeric string on input (conversely, if any non-delimiter character follows the numeric string, HLA will raise an ex.ConversionError
The Delimiters
character set is a private variable inside the HLA Standard Library. Although you do not have direct access to this object, the HLA Standard Library does provide two accessor functions, conv.setDelimiters
and conv.getDelimiters
, that let you access and modify the value of this character set. These two functions have the following prototypes (found in the conv.hhf header file):
procedure conv.setDelimiters( Delims:cset ); procedure conv.getDelimiters( var Delims:cset );
The conv.setDelimiters
procedure will copy the value of the Delims
parameter into the internal Delimiters
character set. Therefore, you can use this procedure to change the character set if you want to use a different set of delimiters for numeric input. The conv.getDelimiters
call returns a copy of the internal Delimiters
character set in the variable you pass as a parameter to the conv.getDelimiters
procedure. We will use the value returned by conv.getDelimiters
to determine the end of numeric input when writing our own extended-precision numeric input routines.
When reading a numeric value from the user, the first step is to get a copy of the Delimiters
character set. The second step is to read and discard input characters from the user as long as those characters are members of the Delimiters
character set. Once a character is found that is not in the Delimiters
set, the input routine must check this character and verify that it is a legal numeric character. If not, the program should raise an ex.IllegalChar
exception if the character's value is outside the range $00..$7F, or it should raise the ex.ConversionError
exception if the character is not a legal numeric character. Once the routine encounters a numeric character, it should continue reading characters as long as they are valid numeric characters; while reading the characters, the conversion routine should be translating them to the internal representation of the numeric data. If, during conversion, an overflow occurs, the procedure should raise the ex.ValueOutOfRange
Conversion to numeric representation should end when the procedure encounters the first delimiter character at the end of the string of digits. However, it is very important that the procedure does not consume the delimiter character that ends the string. That is, the following is incorrect:
static Delimiters: cset; . . . conv.getDelimiters( Delimiters ); // Skip over leading delimiters in the string: while( stdin.getc() in Delimiters ) do /* getc did the work */ endwhile; while( al in '0'..'9') do // Convert character in al to numeric representation and // accumulate result... stdin.getc(); endwhile; if( al not in Delimiters ) then raise( ex.ConversionError ); endif;
The first while
loop reads a sequence of delimiter characters. When this first while
loop ends, the character in AL is not a delimiter character. The second while
loop processes a sequence of decimal digits. First, it checks the character read in the previous while
loop to see if it is a decimal digit; if so, it processes that digit and reads the next character. This process continues until the call to stdin.getc
(at the bottom of the loop) reads a nondigit character. After the second while
loop, the program checks the last character read to ensure that it is a legal delimiter character for a numeric input value.
The problem with this algorithm is that it consumes the delimiter character after the numeric string. For example, the colon symbol is a legal delimiter in the default Delimiters
character set. If the user types the input 123:456
and executes the code above, this code will properly convert 123
to the numeric value 123. However, the very next character read from the input stream will be the character 4, not the colon character (:). While this may be acceptable in certain circumstances, most programmers expect numeric input routines to consume only leading delimiter characters and the numeric digit characters. They do not expect the input routine to consume any trailing delimiter characters (for example, many programs will read the next character and expect a colon as input if presented with the string 123:456
). Because stdin.getc
consumes an input character, and there is no way to put the character back onto the input stream, some other way of reading input characters from the user that doesn't consume those characters is needed.[114]
The HLA Standard Library comes to the rescue by providing the stdin.peekc
function. Like stdin.getc
, the stdin.peekc
routine reads the next input character from HLA's internal buffer. There are two major differences between stdin.peekc
and stdin.getc
. First, stdin.peekc
will not force the input of a new line of text from the user if the current input line is empty (or you've already read all the text from the input line). Instead, stdin.peekc
simply returns 0 in the AL register to indicate that there are no more characters on the input line. Because #0 (the NUL character) is (by default) a legal delimiter character for numeric values, and the end of line is certainly a legal way to terminate numeric input, this works out rather well. The second difference between stdin.getc
and stdin.peekc
is that stdin.peekc
does not consume the character read from the input buffer. If you call stdin.peekc
several times in a row, it will always return the same character; likewise, if you call stdin.getc
immediately after stdin.peekc
, the call to stdin.getc
will generally return the same character as returned by stdin.peekc
(the only exception being the end-of-line condition). So, although we cannot put characters back onto the input stream after we've read them with stdin.getc
, we can peek ahead at the next character on the input stream and base our logic on that character's value. A corrected version of the previous algorithm might be the following:
static Delimiters: cset; . . . conv.getDelimiters( Delimiters ); // Skip over leading delimiters in the string: while( stdin.peekc() in Delimiters ) do // If at the end of the input buffer, we must explicitly read a // new line of text from the user. stdin.peekc does not do this // for us. if( al = #0 ) then stdin.ReadLn(); else stdin.getc(); // Remove delimiter from the input stream. endif; endwhile; while( stdin.peekc in '0'..'9') do stdin.getc(); // Remove the input character from the input stream. // Convert character in al to numeric representation and // accumulate result... endwhile; if( al not in Delimiters ) then raise( ex.ConversionError ); endif;
Note that the call to stdin.peekc
in the second while
does not consume the delimiter character when the expression evaluates false. Hence, the delimiter character will be the next character read after this algorithm finishes.
The only remaining comment to make about numeric input is to point out that the HLA Standard Library input routines allow arbitrary underscores to appear within a numeric string. The input routines ignore these underscore characters. This allows the user to input strings like FFFF_F012 and 1_023_596, which are a little more readable than FFFFF012 and 1023596. Allowing underscores (or any other symbol you choose) within a numeric input routine is quite simple; just modify the second while
loop above as follows:
while( stdin.peekc in {'0'..'9', '_'}) do stdin.getc(); // Read the character from the input stream. // Ignore underscores while processing numeric input. if( al <> '_' ) then // Convert character in al to numeric representation and // accumulate result... endif; endwhile;
As was the case for numeric output, hexadecimal input is the easiest numeric input routine to write. The basic algorithm for hexadecimal-string-to-numeric conversion is the following:
Initialize the extended-precision value to 0.
For each input character that is a valid hexadecimal digit, do the following:
Convert the hexadecimal character to a value in the range 0..15 ($0..$F).
If the H.O. 4 bits of the extended-precision value are nonzero, raise an exception.
Multiply the current extended-precision value by 16 (i.e., shift left 4 bits).
Add the converted hexadecimal digit value to the accumulator.
Check the last input character to ensure it is a valid delimiter. Raise an exception if it is not.
The program in Example 8-5 implements this extended-precision hexadecimal input routine for 128-bit values.
Example 8-5. Extended-precision hexadecimal input
program Xin128; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ); // 128-bit unsigned integer data type: type b128: dword[4]; procedure getb128( var inValue:b128 ); @nodisplay; const HexChars := {'0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F', '_'}; var Delimiters: cset; LocalValue: b128; begin getb128; push( eax ); push( ebx ); // Get a copy of the HLA standard numeric input delimiters: conv.getDelimiters( Delimiters ); // Initialize the numeric input value to 0: xor( eax, eax ); mov( eax, LocalValue[0] ); mov( eax, LocalValue[4] ); mov( eax, LocalValue[8] ); mov( eax, LocalValue[12] ); // By default, #0 is a member of the HLA Delimiters // character set. However, someone may have called // conv.setDelimiters and removed this character // from the internal Delimiters character set. This // algorithm depends upon #0 being in the Delimiters // character set, so let's add that character in // at this point just to be sure. cs.unionChar( #0, Delimiters ); // If we're at the end of the current input // line (or the program has yet to read any input), // for the input of an actual character. if( stdin.peekc() = #0 ) then stdin.readLn(); endif; // Skip the delimiters found on input. This code is // somewhat convoluted because stdin.peekc does not // force the input of a new line of text if the current // input buffer is empty. We have to force that input // ourselves in the event the input buffer is empty. while( stdin.peekc() in Delimiters ) do // If we're at the end of the line, read a new line // of text from the user; otherwise, remove the // delimiter character from the input stream. if( al = #0 ) then stdin.readLn(); // Force a new input line. else stdin.getc(); // Remove the delimiter from the input buffer. endif; endwhile; // Read the hexadecimal input characters and convert // them to the internal representation: while( stdin.peekc() in HexChars ) do // Actually read the character to remove it from the // input buffer. stdin.getc(); // Ignore underscores, process everything else. if( al <> '_' ) then if( al in '0'..'9' ) then and( $f, al ); // '0'..'9' -> 0..9 else and( $f, al ); // 'a'/'A'..'f'/'F' -> 1..6 add( 9, al ); // 1..6 -> 10..15 endif; // Conversion algorithm is the following: // // (1) LocalValue := LocalValue * 16. // (2) LocalValue := LocalValue + al // // Note that "* 16" is easily accomplished by // shifting LocalValue to the left 4 bits. // // Overflow occurs if the H.O. 4 bits of LocalValue // contain a nonzero value prior to this operation. // First, check for overflow: test( $F0, (type byte LocalValue[15])); if( @nz ) then raise( ex.ValueOutOfRange ); endif; // Now multiply LocalValue by 16 and add in // the current hexadecimal digit (in eax). mov( LocalValue[8], ebx ); shld( 4, ebx, LocalValue[12] ); mov( LocalValue[4], ebx ); shld( 4, ebx, LocalValue[8] ); mov( LocalValue[0], ebx ); shld( 4, ebx, LocalValue[4] ); shl( 4, ebx ); add( eax, ebx ); mov( ebx, LocalValue[0] ); endif; endwhile; // Okay, we've encountered a non-hexadecimal character. // Let's make sure it's a valid delimiter character. // Raise the ex.ConversionError exception if it's invalid. if( al not in Delimiters ) then raise( ex.ConversionError ); endif; // Okay, this conversion has been a success. Let's store // away the converted value into the output parameter. mov( inValue, ebx ); mov( LocalValue[0], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx] ); mov( LocalValue[4], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx+4] ); mov( LocalValue[8], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx+8] ); mov( LocalValue[12], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx+12] ); pop( ebx ); pop( eax ); end getb128; // Code to test the routines above: static b1:b128; begin Xin128; stdout.put( "Input a 128-bit hexadecimal value: " ); getb128( b1 ); stdout.put ( "The value is: $", b1[12], '_', b1[8], '_', b1[4], '_', b1[0], nl ); end Xin128;
Extending this code to handle objects that are greater than 128 bits long is very easy. There are only three changes necessary: You must zero out the whole object at the beginning of the getb128
routine; when checking for overflow (the test( $F, (type byte LocalValue[15]) );
instruction), you must test the H.O. 4 bits of the new object you're processing; and you must modify the code that multiplies LocalValue
by 16 (via shld
) so that it multiplies your object by 16 (i.e., shifts it to the left 4 bits).
The algorithm for extended-precision unsigned decimal input is nearly identical to that for hexadecimal input. In fact, the only difference (beyond only accepting decimal digits) is that you multiply the extended-precision value by 10 rather than 16 for each input character (in general, the algorithm is the same for any base; just multiply the accumulating value by the input base). The code in Example 8-6 demonstrates how to write a 128-bit unsigned decimal input routine.
Example 8-6. Extended-precision unsigned decimal input
program Uin128; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ); // 128-bit unsigned integer data type: type u128: dword[4]; procedure getu128( var inValue:u128 ); @nodisplay; var Delimiters: cset; LocalValue: u128; PartialSum: u128; begin getu128; push( eax ); push( ebx ); push( ecx ); push( edx ); // Get a copy of the HLA standard numeric input delimiters: conv.getDelimiters( Delimiters ); // Initialize the numeric input value to 0: xor( eax, eax ); mov( eax, LocalValue[0] ); mov( eax, LocalValue[4] ); mov( eax, LocalValue[8] ); mov( eax, LocalValue[12] ); // By default, #0 is a member of the HLA Delimiters // character set. However, someone may have called // conv.setDelimiters and removed this character // from the internal Delimiters character set. This // algorithm depends upon #0 being in the Delimiters // character set, so let's add that character in // at this point just to be sure. cs.unionChar( #0, Delimiters ); // If we're at the end of the current input // line (or the program has yet to read any input), // wait for the input of an actual character. if( stdin.peekc() = #0 ) then stdin.readLn(); endif; // Skip the delimiters found on input. This code is // somewhat convoluted because stdin.peekc does not // force the input of a new line of text if the current // input buffer is empty. We have to force that input // ourselves in the event the input buffer is empty. while( stdin.peekc() in Delimiters ) do // If we're at the end of the line, read a new line // of text from the user; otherwise, remove the // delimiter character from the input stream. if( al = #0 ) then stdin.readLn(); // Force a new input line. else stdin.getc(); // Remove the delimiter from the input buffer. endif; endwhile; // Read the decimal input characters and convert // them to the internal representation: while( stdin.peekc() in '0'..'9' ) do // Actually read the character to remove it from the // input buffer. stdin.getc(); // Ignore underscores, process everything else. if( al <> '_' ) then and( $f, al ); // '0'..'9' -> 0..9 mov( eax, PartialSum[0] ); // Save to add in later. // Conversion algorithm is the following: // // (1) LocalValue := LocalValue * 10. // (2) LocalValue := LocalValue + al // // First, multiply LocalValue by 10: mov( 10, eax ); mul( LocalValue[0], eax ); mov( eax, LocalValue[0] ); mov( edx, PartialSum[4] ); mov( 10, eax ); mul( LocalValue[4], eax ); mov( eax, LocalValue[4] ); mov( edx, PartialSum[8] ); mov( 10, eax ); mul( LocalValue[8], eax ); mov( eax, LocalValue[8] ); mov( edx, PartialSum[12] ); mov( 10, eax ); mul( LocalValue[12], eax ); mov( eax, LocalValue[12] ); // Check for overflow. This occurs if edx // contains a nonzero value. if( edx /* <> 0 */ ) then raise( ex.ValueOutOfRange ); endif; // Add in the partial sums (including the // most recently converted character). mov( PartialSum[0], eax ); add( eax, LocalValue[0] ); mov( PartialSum[4], eax ); adc( eax, LocalValue[4] ); mov( PartialSum[8], eax ); adc( eax, LocalValue[8] ); mov( PartialSum[12], eax ); adc( eax, LocalValue[12] ); // Another check for overflow. If there // was a carry out of the extended-precision // addition above, we've got overflow. if( @c ) then raise( ex.ValueOutOfRange ); endif; endif; endwhile; // Okay, we've encountered a non-decimal character. // Let's make sure it's a valid delimiter character. // Raise the ex.ConversionError exception if it's invalid. if( al not in Delimiters ) then raise( ex.ConversionError ); endif; // Okay, this conversion has been a success. Let's store // away the converted value into the output parameter. mov( inValue, ebx ); mov( LocalValue[0], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx] ); mov( LocalValue[4], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx+4] ); mov( LocalValue[8], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx+8] ); mov( LocalValue[12], eax ); mov( eax, [ebx+12] ); pop( edx ); pop( ecx ); pop( ebx ); pop( eax ); end getu128; // Code to test the routines above: static b1:u128; begin Uin128; stdout.put( "Input a 128-bit decimal value: " ); getu128( b1 ); stdout.put ( "The value is: $", b1[12], '_', b1[8], '_', b1[4], '_', b1[0], nl ); end Uin128;
As for hexadecimal input, extending this decimal input to some number of bits beyond 128 is fairly easy. All you need do is modify the code that zeros out the LocalValue
variable and the code that multiplies LocalValue
by 10 (overflow checking is done in this same code, so there are only two spots in this code that require modification).
Once you have an unsigned decimal input routine, writing a signed decimal input routine is easy. The following algorithm describes how to accomplish this:
Consume any delimiter characters at the beginning of the input stream.
If the next input character is a minus sign, consume this character and set a flag noting that the number is negative.
Call the unsigned decimal input routine to convert the rest of the string to an integer.
Check the return result to make sure its H.O. bit is clear. Raise the ex.ValueOutOfRange
exception if the H.O. bit of the result is set.
If the code encountered a minus sign in step 2, negate the result.
The actual code is left as a programming exercise for the reader (or see the conversion routines in the HLA Standard Library for concrete examples).
[111] Newer C standards also provide for a long long int
, which is usually a 64-bit integer.
[112] Windows may translate this to an ex.IntoInstr
[113] Technically speaking, this isn't entirely true. It is possible for a device error (e.g., disk full) to occur. The likelihood of this is so low that we can effectively ignore this possibility.
[114] The HLA Standard Library routines actually buffer up input lines in a string and process characters out of the string. This makes it easy to "peek" ahead one character when looking for a delimiter to end the input value. Your code can also do this; however, the code in this chapter uses a different approach.