User Experience

The Hadoop MapReduce program is designed to process a large amount of data at a low cost. Hadoop has been in use for almost 10 years, and it was initially used to focus on massive parallel processing. As covered in Chapter 3, however, it's tiresome to use the MapReduce program every time you need to process and analyze data. A lot of code, builds, and deploy processes are required to perform just a simple word count program, and developers get tired of frequently occurring repetitive tasks. And non-developers, such as data analysts or general users, who don't have a strong development background, struggle to use this method in their environment.

General users don't need to know every detail about MapReduce operating principles or shuffle phases, such as having to know the operational principles of Oracle, in order to extract the desired value from a database. The framework of Hadoop MapReduce makes developers concentrate on logic by dividing the work into fault-tolerance and node management. Hadoop-related projects, on the other hand, can provide an interface that you can use on data flows, regardless of any complex events.

This chapter focuses on how the Hadoop ecosystem works to improve user experiences. The Hadoop ecosystem has been developed continuously, so it benefits from cluster provisioning, data collection, analysis, and visualization. It isn't necessary to build your architecture using the whole ecosystem that is shown in Figure 4.1. Most of the analysis can proceed smoothly with just a combination of a few ecosystems. And in the case of simple data analysis, DBMS or Excel can actually be more efficient. Therefore, you must choose the right ecosystem for the characteristics of your data. In this chapter we will cover Hive, Pig, Hue, and Oozie, since these are typically used with Hadoop. Let's start by first looking at Apache Hive.

Schematic representation of the Hadoop ecosystem.



Apache Hive is similar to the SQL language. Hive doesn't always follow ANSI SQL grammar, but it can convert SQL grammar to MapReduce jobs to use a parallel processing mechanism for the Hadoop ecosystem. This is beneficial not only for a database administrator who runs an existing legacy system, but also for casual users who use SQL. Since Hadoop is basically an application for handling data, and most data warehouse applications have implemented the SQL language, Hive is the most famous and widely used project among Hadoop ecosystems.

A simple Hive architecture diagram is shown in Figure 4.2.

Schematic representation of Hive architecture.


Before using Hive, consider the following:

Hive Installation

This book provides a Hive 1.2.1 installation example. The latest version of Hive can be downloaded from the following URL:

  1. Download Hive and uncompress:
    $ wget
    $ tar xvfz apache-hive-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz
  2. Set the environment variable (or add it to your shell profile):
    $ cd apache-hive-1.2.1-bin
    $ export HIVE_HOME=$PWD
    $ export PATH=$HIVE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    $ export HADOOP_HOME=<your_hadoop_home> to conf/
  3. Set the configuration variable:

    Create conf//hive-site.xml according to conf/hive-default.xml, except for the <property> section.

    Add properties that you need to hive-site.xml. The list for all of the properties is found here:

  4. Set the metastore configuration.

    Hive uses the embedded Derby database with the default metastore, but in the production environment it is recommended that you use a different database. These configurations show how to use the Metastore with MySQL:

        <description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>
        <description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>
        <description>Username to use against metastore database</description>
        <description>password to use against metastore database</description>


As mentioned earlier, Hive defines a process with a SQL-like language. This is called the Hive Query Language (HiveQL). The Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) exist similarly to SQL. We will cover DDL and DML later in this chapter. Click on this link if you are interested in seeing the complete description of HiveQL:

Hive Command Line Options

HiveQL-executing methods are used most frequently through the use of the command line. In the Hive batch mode, one or more SQL queries from a file are distinguished by a semicolon, and can be executed directly by the user with the Query as a factor. The interactive shell mode is the conversation type that is usually used when running the ad hoc query. Table 4.1 lists the command line options most often used in batch mode.

Table 4.1 Batch mode command line options

Option Description Examples
-e <quoted-query-string> SQL from command line hive -e 'SELECT a.col from tab1 a'
-f <filename> SQL from files hive -f /home/hive/hiveql.hql
--hiveconf <property=value> Using Hive configuration variables hive --hiveconf
--hivevar <key=value> Using Hive variables hive --hivevar tname="user"

In the Hive interactive shell mode, the property can be defined by the set order as well as the execution of Hive QL or the JAR file used for UDF (see Table 4.2). It is also possible to execute an OS order by attaching “!” before the command, or to fulfill the HDFS-related command through DFS.

Table 4.2 Hive interactive shell mode properties

Command Description Examples
exit or quit Exiting the interactive shell exit;
set <key>=<value> Sets the value of a configuration variable set hive.exec.parallel=true;
add JAR <Jar file location> Adds jar file to distributed cache add jar s3://mybucket/abc.jar
list JAR Shows a list of JAR that already added to distributed cache list jar;
source <HQL file location> Executes a HQL script from file system source /home/hadoop/ex.hql

Data Definition Language

Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define and modify data structures such as create, alter, or drop database/table schemas. It is useful to divide files based on the duty and schedule under the classified folders by projects when managing documents in the computer. It is also convenient to designate the bundle of relevant datasets by table, and to bind the relevant tables to manage by database when it comes to Hive. This method has been widely used in the past.

You can think of it as the database being a set of related tables. Hive uses the default database, until you assign a database to use as the USE <database_name> statement. You can use the SCHEMA keyword instead of the DATABASE keyword when running any database related commands. Here are some simple database command examples:

  • CREATE DATABASE statement: This uses the IF NOT EXISTS clause, even though the database with the same name exists, and does not return an error. You can add a descriptive comment using the COMMENT command. When creating a database, it creates a db_name.db directory under the directory defined in hive.metastore.warehouse.dir (default value: /user/hive/warehouse). You can change the position to be stored using the LOCATION command.
     [COMMENT database_comment]
     [LOCATION database_path]
     [WITH DBPROPERTIES (key1=value1, …)];
  • ALTER DATABASE statement: This is a command to modify key-value pairs in DBPROPERTIES, but you can't change its location or database name.
    ALTER DATABASE db_name
    SET DBPROPERTIES (key1=value1, …);
  • DROP DATABASE statement: Remember that you can't drop the database unless there are no existing tables in the database. If you want to drop the database and its entire table, append the CASCADE keyword to the end of the command.

Hive does not use the data of a completely formatted form like RDBMS. It just reads and writes the file. Therefore, it is important to define the table schema in accordance with the form of inserted data. Hive Table DDL can designate the terminate key of the row format to process the input file format of various forms, and prevents the full scan of the entire data by designating the partition. In addition, using the ORC (Optimized Row Columnar) and Parquet file format, should allow column-oriented data processing. The following example demonstrates how to use the table command.

  • CREATE TABLE statement: It defines the table schema. Hive supports various types of column data types such as String, Int, Timestamp, etc. In addition, nested types like Arrays and Maps are also supported. These complex data types can pack a lot of data into a single column, but it can cause performance degradation when running repetitive operations.
    CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name(
     column_name data_type, …)
    [COMMENT table_comment]
    [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type, …)]
    [STORED AS file_format]
    [LOCATION table_path]
  • ALTER TABLE statement: It enables you to change the table schema and includes table name, add/delete/modify columns, partition information, SerDe properties, etc.
    ALTER TABLE table_name
    SET property_name property_value
  • DROP TABLE Statement: It deletes table information from the metastore. Remember that in the case of Managed Table, it will delete the table location's data (file), but for the External Table it only deletes metadata.
    DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] table_name

Hive keeps the partition information in metastore, but the new partition can be directly added to the file system. Because Hive can't know about this new partition information, HiveQL targets this partition and returns a null. In this case, the user can add the partition manually by ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PARTITION commands or check the whole partition using MSCK REPAIR TABLE table_name.

Data Manipulation Language

Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used to work with the data in tables. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are some well-known examples. It is difficult to describe all of the instructions here, so we will cover features assuming that you already have a basic knowledge of SQL.

  • Dynamic partition inserts: When using the INSERT data in a partitioned table, it can be used to manually specify the partition. But it is difficult to manage after the partition item has increased. In that case, you can use a dynamic partition insert statement by enabling the hive.exec.dynamic.partition configuration to true. With HiveQL you can use dynamic partitions instead of using the multiple statement, and manually specifying the country code.

    Here is a static partition insert statement example:

    FROM daily_Table
    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE to_table PARTITION(dt='2016-05-26', ctCode='USA')
      SELECT col1, col2, col3 WHERE countryCode = 'USA'
    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE to_table PARTITION(dt='2016-05-26', ctCode='FRA')
      SELECT col1, col2, col3 WHERE countryCode = 'FRA'
    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE to_table PARTITION(dt='2016-05-26', ctCode='BEL')
      SELECT col1, col2, col3 WHERE countryCode = 'BEL';

    And here is a dynamic partition insert statement example:

    FROM daily_Table
    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE to_table PARTITION(dt='2016-05-26', countryCode)
      SELECT col1, col2, col3, countryCode;

    Pay attention to the following points when using the dynamic partition insert:

    • A dynamic partition can't be the parent of a static partition.
    • Problems will occur when there are broken words in values of dynamic partition.
    • Performance degradation can occur when there are too many dynamic partitions.
  • Multi Table/File inserts: Hive can send output into multiple tables or file systems with a single statement.
    FROM daily_Table
  • Update and Delete operation: Update and Delete commands have been available since Hive 0.14, but your table has to support ACID.


UDF and SerDe help you use Hive's function by expanding. Both have the embodied built-in function so you can use them to reach your goals.

User Defined Functions

In Hive, the built in function (see Table 4.3) and the user defined function are called UDF. You can inquire the list of functions currently loaded by means of SHOW FUNCTION, and you can confirm the description document on the relevant function_name by using DESCRIBE FUNCTION <function_name>.

Table 4.3 Built in functions

Build-in Function Description Examples
Mathematical Functions Used for the mathematical operation such as the square root, round off, or exponential function round(DOUBLE a)
sqrt(DOUBLE a)
log2(DOUBLE a)
Collection Functions Functions that operate in the nested data structure like Map or Array size(MAP|ARRAY a)
sort_array(Array a)
Type Conversion Functions Use this to try to change the data type to another type cast('1' as DOUBLE)
Date Functions A function to extract time information from string and Unix time-related functions unix_timestamp()
date_add(string date, '1')
Conditional Functions Control Statement such as IF or CASE-WHEN-THEN nvl(value, default_value)
case a when b then c end
String Functions String manipulation functions concat(string a, string b…)
length(string a)

In addition, there are Built-in Aggregate Functions (UDAF) and Built-in Table-Generating Functions (UDTF). For example, sum0 of UDAF receives a column from several rows to fulfill the aggregation and the explode() of UDTF receives the array as input to return to individual rows.

When the user tries to write directly to UDF, the operation is processed in the following order:

  1. Create a new class that extends the org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF class.
  2. Implement the evaluate() method.
  3. Package the JAR file and add it to classpath (or upload to HDFS, S3).
  4. Add the JAR file to the distributed cache using the ADD JAR <jar_file_name> command.
  5. Register your function name using the CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION AS <function_name> AS <class_name_including_package> command.


Hive accesses the data of the table through SerDe, which is an input/output interface that allows it to handle files on HDFS. It shows the data read from HDFS in forms of rows and columns by means of SerDe's deserializer. Serializer is used when writing the file on HDFS. Like UDF, Hive provides the built-in SerDes and can handle the frequently used forms by using AvroSerDe, RegexSerDe, OpenCSVSerde, and JsonSerDe.

You can write SerDe directly using the following methods:

  • Create a new class that extends the org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDe class.
  • Implement deserialize() and serialize() methods.
  • Package the JAR file and add it to classpath (or upload to HDFS, S3).
  • Add the JAR file to the distributed cache using the ADD JAR <jar_file_name> command.
  • Add the ROW FORMAT SERDE 'serde_name_including_package' clause at table creation time or by altering the table property.

Hive Tuning

You can use Hive without a special setting, but if you understand the property of Hive, you can improve the job's performance through simple settings.

  • Partitioning: HiveQL sets the condition with the Where clause to extract the desired data. Since Hive accesses the file, if you approach the table to extract the data of a certain date, you should refer to all files in the folder of the relevant table. Partitioning is used in this situation, and it makes a physical folder under the table by subdividing into certain conditions (date, time, national code) that are frequently used. It is created by using the Partitioned By sentence in the Create Table statement and the folder is created in a form of <partition>=<value> and the multi-level partitioning is also possible. If the partition condition is included in the Where clause when fulfilling the Select query, Hive reads the entire folders belonging to Table while accessing only the folder applying to the given condition. Most data can be divided by time and code standard information, and users are likely to be interested only in the data belonging to a certain condition, so a well-designed partition policy is very helpful in reducing the job performance time.
  • Parallel execution: Complex HiveQL is commonly converted into a number of MapReduce jobs. It runs sequentially by default, but sometimes it may lead to resource waste. The hive.exec.parallel property can execute independent jobs in parallel. Either add to hive-site.xml, or use the set hive.exec.parallel=true command to apply this option.
  • Use ORC files: Although you select only one column when performing HiveQL, the file is saved based on the row, and it accesses the entire row to read unnecessary data so the performance decline happens. The columnar input format, such as ORC, was developed to improve this. If you use ORC, you can obtain the advantage, such as the increase in read/write performance, and the storage space efficiency through compression can easily be used. Specify STORED AS ORC with CREATE TABLE syntax, or add SET FILEFORMAT ORC in the ALTER TABLE statement. It also supports a compression such as SNAPPY or ZLIB.
  • Small Files Problem: Hadoop is designed for high volume systems, but there are two problems when dealing with a number of split small files rather than large ones. These problems are the NameNode memory problem and performance problems that affect MapReduce. In the default input format, like TextInputFormat, each file should have at least one split. So, if there is a large number of mappers launching, it can cause a JVM startup overhead. To solve this problem, set the hive.hadoop.supports.splittable.combineinputformat configuration to true. Enabling this property will increase performance, because mapper can handle more than one file.


Pig is a tool for analyzing the bulk dataset. It defines the job by the inherent language (Pig Latin). It is similar to Hive in that it converts into MapReduce internally, yet SQL used by Hive is declarative, while Pig Latin is the procedural language. Although Pig Latin is not familiar to users compared to SQL, it is advantageous when performing the different treatment to split the data stream, or by reading the anti-formal data.

A simple Pig architecture diagram is shown in Figure 4.3.

Schematic representation of Pig architecture.


Pig Installation

Next we will cover a Pig 0.15.0 installation example. The latest version of Pig can be downloaded from the following URL:

  1. Download Pig and uncompress it:
    $ wget
    $ tar xvfz pig-0.15.0.tar.gz
  2. Set the environment variable (or add it your shell profile):
    $ cd pig-0.15.0
    $ export PIG_HOME=$PWD
    $ export PATH=$PIG_HOME/bin:$PATH
    $ export HADOOP_HOME=<your_hadoop_home>
    $ export PIG_CLASSPATH=<your_hadoop_conf_dir>
  3. Make sure that the installation was successful:
    $ pig –h
    Apache Pig version 0.15.0 (r1682971)
    compiled Jun 01 2015, 11:44:35

Pig Latin

Pig converts the script that describes the data stream into MapReduce. Pig Latin is the language used at this time. Pig Latin can process the data by a few codes, and can describe the job without caring about the MapReduce structure. Also, it can be expanded by using UDF, and can use Piggy Bank that gathers useful UDF or writes UDF directly. See the following link for a complete description of Pig Latin:

Pig Command Line Options

A method of executing from the command line is most often used in Pig. By default, Pig runs in the MapReduce mode, and it can be specified via the -x option.

  • Local mode: It runs through the pig -x local command, carrying a single JVM with the local filesystem. It's useful when prototyping and debugging your program.
  • MapReduce mode: It runs through the pix -x mapreduce command or with no option. It uses cluster computing resources and HDFS.
  • Tez mode: Runs Pig on the Tez framework using the pix -x tez command.

Pig also has the Interactive shell mode and batch mode. It is distinguished by the input type.

  • Batch mode: It is the way to run a file that is pre-written by Pig Latin. Use as the pig <pigLatin_file_name> command. When you perform a multiquery written to the file, Pig tries to run all of the jobs in the file, even if it fails in the middle of the job. It can be classified as return code: 0 is Success, 2 is failed all of the job, and 3 is a partial failure. Table 4.4 shows command-line options most often used in batch mode.
  • Interactive shell mode: Execute a shell that calls Grunt, and within this, type the Pig Latin phrase, “do the Job.” Table 4.5 shows the commands that are frequently used in the interactive shell mode.

Table 4.4 Batch mode on the command line

Option Description Examples
-e(or -execute) <quoted-command-string> Command to execute pig -e 'sh ls'
[-f] <filename> Execute from files pig [-f] <pig_script_location>
-p(or -param) <property=value> Use Pig variables pig -p k: ey1=value1 pigLatin.pig
-P(or -propertyFile) <property_file> Specify a property file pig -P
-F(or -stop_on_failure) Stop Pig job immediately when one of multiple query failed pig -F

Table 4.5 Interactive shell mode commands

Command Description Examples
fs Use the Hadoop file system shell fs -ls
sh Use the shell command sh ls
exec Run a Pig script. All aliases in the script will not reference to Grunt. exec <pig_script_location>
run Run a Pig script. All aliases will be available to Grunt. run <pig_script_location>
kill Kill the MapReduce job with jobid kill <job_id>

When writing Pig Latin, the processing logic is defined in the following order.

  1. 1. Specifying Input Data: Data can be read using the Load statement. A = LOAD 'inputfile.txt' USING PigStorage('\t') statement, and read inputfile.txt classified as a tab from the filesystem, storing it in the relation A.
  2. 2. Define Data processing that you loaded: Find out in Table 4.6 how to use the frequently used operator.
  3. 3. Outputting the processed data: Use the STORE command to save results to the filesystems or use a DUMP command to display to the screen.

Table 4.6 Frequently used operators

Operator Description Examples
FILTER Select tuples that meet the condition X = FILTER A BY a1 >= 2016;
FOREACH GENERATE Operation that works with specified columns X = FOREACH A GENERATE a1, a2;
GROUP Aggregate data to the specified field X = GROUP A BY a1;
DISTINCT Remove duplicate tuples X = DISTINCT A;
ORDER BY Sort the given data X = ORDER A BY a1;


Pig has several functions to help you with a job. In most cases, this can be solved with built-in functions, or provided by the Piggybank, but sometimes you may be able to solve the problem when you must create your own function. UDF is used in this case, and it can be developed using various languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, etc.

When the user tries to write UDF directly to use, operations can be done in the following order:

  1. Create a new class that extends the org.apache.pig.EvalFunc(or FilterFunc) class.
  2. Implement the exec() method.
  3. Package the JAR file and add it to the classpath (or upload to HDFS, S3).
  4. Register the JAR file to the distributed cache using REGISTER <jar_file_name> command. If you use a language other than Java, paste the USING keyword behind the register statement.


Hue provides an interface that allows you to easily approach the Hadoop ecosystem using a web-based application. It changes the way you work with HDFS or user management on CLI to the GUI. You can execute the Hive, Impala, and Spark job directly on the web. Also, the result is automatically expressed as a graph, and you can make a chart using a simple operation. If you are wondering what functions Hue has, refer to this website:

A simple Hue architecture diagram is shown in Figure 4.4.

Schematic representation of Hue architecture.



Hue is intuitive to use, and most of the functions require no learning in order to use, because it runs a GUI environment. Given these characteristics, Hue is mainly responsible for providing the interface in contact with the end user. In Figure 4.5, you can see the chart using an executed Hive query in Hue.

Illustration of a chart using an executed Hive query in Hue.


Let's examine the chart shown in Figure 4.5 where you can see an executed Hive query in Hue.

  • Query Editor
    • Hive and Pig scripts can be run directly, and Impala (MPP solution of Cloudera) is also possible to query in.
    • In addition to this, traditional DB queries, such as MySQL and Oracle, are also possible.
    • Save the written query to the filesystem and you can recall queries in the job history.
    • Job Designer capabilities help simple Oozie workflow jobs to be defined in a graphic environment.
    • Parameterize supported. This feature is useful when performing repetitive tasks given a variable. For example, if you obtain a count of a particular device model from a log, it is convenient and can be reused with specified variables.
  • Data Browser
    • The Hive metastore CRUD is possible in the data browser.
    • You can visually see the structure of the database and table you manage, and you can also check the sample data.
    • Browsing tables of Hbase is possible.
    • It supports the import/export job managing of the Sqoop.
  • Workflow
    • This is the Oozie job related menu. In the Dashboard you can check a list of the workflow, coordinator, and bundled jobs.
    • Click on each job to see the detailed view, status, job logs and submitted XML file.
    • The Workflow Editor can manage the Oozie job. Even users who are not familiar with the Oozie can easily create and apply their own logic, because unlike traditional XML methods, it defines a job with an interactive UI.
  • File browser
    • It provides a function of managing the file in HDFS via the web. Create, modify, delete, as well as a permission change, can be performed as well.
    • Upload files with drag and drop. Uncompressing the uploaded file is also supported.
  • Job browser
    • Display the list of jobs based on information in the resource manager.
    • You can click the job id to query the status of the task and the logs.
    • Search by username, and containing text is also possible.


Oozie is a workflow scheduler for Hadoop. Although Hadoop jobs can be executed by connecting map and reduce, the use of scheduler is required because of the inconvenience of writing and management in realizing the complex business logic. Since Oozie supports most jobs of the Hadoop ecosystem (such as MapReduce, Spark, Pig, Hive, Shell, and Distcp), it is widely used.

Oozie workflow jobs are Direct Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) of actions and Oozie coordinator jobs can fulfill repeatedly by using the parameter of the start time, end time, and frequency that received the workflow jobs as a variable. It is possible to use the condition sentence, comparative sentence, and the Expression Language (EL). Thanks to this property, it is possible to easily embody generally used business logic, such as the input file check, hourly job, and various kinds of job chaining.

If you want to use Oozie, the considerations are as follows:

  • Each workflow action creates control dependency DAG. It means that the second job is not executed until the end of the first job, and there is no circulation in the same workflow.
  • The Oozie web console is a useful tool to get coordinator/workflow status information. The Oozie web console is disabled by default because the ExtJS library has different license agreements with Oozie. You can enable it in the following way:
    $ mkdir libext
    $ cd libext
    $ wget
    $ cd ../bin
    $ ./ prepare-war

The screenshot of the Oozie web console is shown in Figure 4.6.

Screenshot of the Oozie web console.


Oozie Installation

Here is an installation example of Oozie 4.2.0. The latest version of Oozie can be downloaded from the following URL: http://

  1. Download Oozie and uncompress it:
    tar xvfz oozie-4.2.0.tar.gz
  2. Build and set up Oozie from source. Remove the following codehaus repository from pom.xml before building:
          <id>Codehaus repository</id>

          <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots>
    bin/ -P hadoop-2,uber -DskipTests
    --cp distro/target/oozie-4.2.0-distro.tar.gz ../
    cp -R distro/target/oozie-4.2.0-distro/oozie-4.2.0/ ../oozie
    cd ../oozie
  3. Set the environment variable (or add it your shell profile):
    export OOZIE_HOME=$PWD
    export PATH=$OOZIE_HOME/bin:$PATH
  4. Set the configuration variable. Add properties that you need to conf/oozie-site.xml.
  5. Set the metastore and shared lib configuration.

    In general, Oozie uses an external metastore. The below configurations are examples of using the Metastore with MySQL. To use the external metastore, the proper driver has to exist in the libext folder.

  6. Set the library path and the proxy user:
  7. Add the following property to conf/hadoopconf/core-site.xml:
  8. After that, create the db schema and sharelib:
    bin/ db create -run
    bin/ sharelib create -fs namenodeurl:port
  9. Start Oozie and check the status.
    bin/ start
    bin/oozie admin -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -sharelibupdate

    After performing the command, it is successful if the shared library list is displayed as follows:

    $ bin/oozie admin -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -shareliblist
    [Available ShareLib]

How Oozie Works

Apache Oozie is a web application that supports the Rest API and runs on Tomcat (see Figure 4.7). It consists of the Oozie Server and Client and uses the metastore storage (RDBMS). You can perform a simple workflow job with Oozie as follows:

Illustration of Apache Oozie, a web Application.


  1. The Oozie Client uses the to submit jobs to the Job Oozie Server.
  2. The Oozie Server executes the job, calling a ResourceManager.
  3. ResourceManager executes the Oozie Launcher (Map-Only Job) using the received information.
  4. The Oozie Launcher runs the job defined in the workflow.
  5. A task invokes the callback URL to the Oozie server when it has either completed or failed.
  6. Be sure to finish the job.

Oozie has been prepared in accordance with a design principle that separates the scheduler and the job. Since a Job is run by the Oozie Launcher in the cluster, such as configuration files, workflow.xml, and coordinator.xml, it should be placed on HDFS. Also, if you want to use a JAR file, create a lib folder under the workflow.xml folder of HDFS, or specify oozie.libpath

Performing a Job can be cumbersome, given how you need to add each workflow library, but Oozie manages a library of commonly used job types by using sharelib. The folder structure created on HDFS is produced similarly to the following (The latest version has been added for the version management lib_timestamp directory under lib).



In order to accomplish your business goals, you have to fulfill one or more jobs. For example, a Pig script can bring the raw log saved in HDFS by grouping and designating it as an external table. You can also use the script to add the partition, and conduct a Hive job, making the report and informing the user of success and failure by email. Both of these items can be bound as one workflow. That is, the workflow is a gathering of the job, control, and the flow. Also, the above workflow is executed regularly during a certain time, or is dependent on other workflow or data. The coordinator is used to control this situation. In addition, the bundle and a set coordinator also exist, although we won't be discussing this here.


The Oozie workflow is written in XML, based on xPDL (XML Process Definition Language), and it consisted of two types of nodes:

  • Action node: Execute the actual job such as MR, Pig, Hive, SSH, etc.
  • Control flow node: State control such as start, fork, join, kill, and end.

By combining these nodes, you can define the workflow. The following example is a simple Hive job with success at the end, which leaves a failed log.

<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.3" name="sampleOozieJob">
    <start to="hive_sample_job"/>
    <action name="hive_sample_job">
        <hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2">
        <ok to="end"/>
        <error to="fail"/>
    <kill name="fail">
        <message>Job failed, [${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
    <end name="end"/>

You can run and check the Oozie workflow job using the following command:

$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config -run
job: 160106012758058-oozie-bpse-W
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -info 160106012758058-oozie-bpse-W
Job ID : 160106012758058-oozie-bpse-W
Workflow Name : sampleOozieJob
App Path      : hdfs://
Status        : RUNNING
Run           : 0
User          : hadoop
Group         : -
Created       : 2016-01-27 07:11 GMT
Started       : 2016-01-27 07:11 GMT
Last Modified : 2016-01-27 07:11 GMT
Ended         : -
CoordAction ID: -
ID                          Status    Ext ID       Ext Status Err Code
160106012758058-oozie-bpse-W@:start:                  OK
160106012758058-oozie-bpse-W@hive_sample_job          RUNNING


If you carefully examine the workflow sample above, you can see a targetDate variable that has passed to the job. The coordinator can perform workflow jobs at specified times via startTime, endTime, and also the frequency. A simple coordinator example that calls the Job at a certain time while passing a variable is shown next:

<coordinator-app name="sample_oozie_coord" frequency="${coord:days(1)}"
start="2016-01-01T00:20Z" end="2016-12-31T00:25Z"
 timezone="UTC" xmlns="uri:oozie:coordinator:0.4">
<value>${coord:formatTime(coord:dateOffset(coord:nominalTime(), -1, 'DAY'),

You can run and check the Oozie coordinator job by using the following command:

$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config -run
job: 160106012758058-oozie-bpse-C
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -info 160106012758058-oozie-bpse-C
Job ID : 160106012758058-oozie-bpse-C
Job Name    : sample_oozie_coord
App Path    : hdfs://
Status      : RUNNING
Start Time  : 2016-01-01 00:20 GMT
End Time    : 2016-12-31 00:25 GMT
Pause Time  : -
Concurrency : 1
ID           Status    Ext ID           Err Code  Created    Nominal Time
160106012758058-oozie-bpse-C@1         RUNNING
160106012758058-oozie-bpse-C@2         READY
160106012758058-oozie-bpse-C@3         READY
160106012758058-oozie-bpse-C@4         READY

Oozie CLI

Oozie can be operated via the CLI, and the frequently used commands are listed next. Using an alias and export OOZIE_URL makes it more convenient.

Run a job            : oozie job -config -run
Check status         : oozie job -info <job_id>
Kill a job           : oozie job -kill <job_id>
Rerun a job          : oozie job -rerun <coord_id> -action=<job_num>
Check err log        : oozie job -errorlog <job_id>
List all coordinator : oozie jobs -jobtype coord
List all workflow    : oozie jobs -jobtype wf
Validate xml         : oozie validate workflow.xml
Update share library : oozie admin -sharelibupdate
Check share library  : oozie admin -shareliblist


In this chapter on user experience, a project that increased the user convenience was based on the Hadoop environment was discussed. Hive and Pig enabled you to analyze by script, without an effort of writing the program code directly, thanks to the high level language called HiveQL and Pig Latin. Hue enabled you to execute the analysis and HDFS file management that was completed in the CLI environment by means of the web interface. Oozie helped to manage repetitive jobs in production. These projects can be used for free under the Apache license 2.0, and can be easily installed.