Other, Sister, Twin

She began with two lovers

on the swept floor of earth.

She was what passed between them.

She was a gourd too heavy for the vine

and full of her own wet seed.

Her grandmother kept the red bag

that held her stem

so she would not forget

the other women she lived inside

before this ruined time.

The beginning of hunger

was in that bag

with bones and the origins of betrayal,

but there was the forgiving thing,

the dry seeds of the rattle

that could shake healing to a start.

She stood naked

and painted herself

in the old way,

a red hand

across her face.

She danced in the ceremony

of fire

that rose to the stars.

She wrapped night’s black skin

around her shoulders

and disappeared inside its dance.

She is the one who lives now

in the hand of the river

that wants to flow away from itself

but never does,

and at night she falls

beneath the water

where once I woke wearing her painted skin.

The red hand of it was on me.

I knew I was water

and heard her say,

Above is the betrayed world

where our children are the children of strangers

along the lost road

in the land where barns are red

because they are painted with the blood and milk

of mothers

of what they hold.

The closed bundles of healing

are beginning to open.

The first stem is growing like a vine.

It holds the cure

where you can reach through time

and find the bare earth

within your living hand.

I say her name.

It is earth calling land,


It is glacier calling ice,

My daughter, my sister.

It is ocean

calling the river,
