
from Calling Myself Home (1978)


              Hackberry Trees

              Red Clay

              Calling Myself Home

              Finding Beads

              Going to Town

              Stolen Trees


              Remembering the Lightning

              Celebration: Birth of a Colt



              Man in the Moon





              After Fish


              The River Calls Them


              Song for My Name

              Vapor Cave

from Eclipse (1983)

              Daughters, I Love You


              X-ray of My Daughter

              Idaho Falls, 1961

              A Prayer for Men and Women

              The Women Are Grieving

              The Women Speaking

              Who Will Speak?

              V. Who Will Speak?

              Train’s Passage

              Morning’s Dance

from Seeing through the Sun (1985)

              Seeing through the Sun

              The Truth Is

              Porcupine on the Road to the River

              Mississippi Trees


              The Pond

              Through the Fog

              Evolution in Light and Water

              Eclipse II

              Friday Night

              The Other Side

              Night and Day

              Woman Chopping Wood

              Watch Me

              To Light


              Territory of the Night

from Savings (1988)


              All Winter

              Me, Crow, Fish, and the Magi

              The New Apartment: Minneapolis

              First Light

              What Has Happened to These Working Hands?



              Elk Song

              The Lost Girls



              The Other Voices

              The Truth of the Matter


              The Hands

              The History of Fire

              What I Think



              Get Up, Go AWOL!


              Those Who Thunder

              What Gets In

from The Book of Medicines (1993)

              The History of Red



              Bear Fat

              Return: Buffalo

              Harvesters of Night and Water


              Mountain Lion


              Crow Law



              Naming the Animals

              The Ritual Life of Animals



              The Alchemists

              The Grandmother Songs

              Chambered Nautilus


              Skin Dreaming



              Great Measures

              Other, Sister, Twin

              Flood: The Sheltering Tree

              The Origins of Corn

from Rounding the Human Corners (2008)


              The Way In


              Gentling the Human

              Mysteries of the Bed


              The Small



              In Time

              We Will Feed You


              The Heron




              Whale Rising

              On the Small Toe

              The Radiant

              The Quiet Watching

              Winter Solstice

              Turtle Watchers

              Skin Boats

              The Creations of Water and Light


              Moving the Woodpile

              Affinity: Mustang


              Deer Dance


              Children of Light

              The Night Constant


              The Thief of Light


              The Hidden


              At the Water




Indios (2012)






              In Here

Dark. Sweet. (NEW POEMS)

         1.  THE UNSEEN

              The Unseen

              Bringers of Happiness

              To Be Held


              Spirit Bone

              I Live in the World of Breaking Trees


              The Directions

              Tree Woman

              Not So Very Long Ago

              Valley of the Horses

              Ice Storm


              This Old Woman

              Mercy, Live Here

              May the Unseen World

         2.  HISTORY



              Courthouse Justice

              Original Sin

              The Daughter of Eve

              Memorial Day

              The Plenty Table

              The Eyes



              This Lake, a Flooded World

              Song for the Turtles of the Gulf

              Anatomy of the Heart

              Home in the Woods

              Mercy, the Word

              Walking with My Father

              Trail of Tears: Our Removal

         3.  SWEETNESS

              Dark. Sweet. The Full Eclipse.

              The Fruit Trees


              The Willow

              Birthday Morning

              New Wine

              River Crossing: Such Sweetness Is Friendship

              Season of the Butterflies

              Language of the Frogs

              The Petrified Steps


              Allegiances: The Sandhill Cranes


              Old Ocean, She

         4.  THE REMEDIES

              Transformations: Winter Count


              The Deer Mothers

              The Remedies

              My Child

              To Be Held

              Our Song, Winter

              The Singers

              Artifact: The Mica Hand

              Ceremony for the Seeds


              First Language: Sandhill Cranes

              Australia: The Women’s Lake

              This America

              The Eyes of the Animals


              The Bent Branches

              After Silence: Return
