
I trust what all they say

that a world was made by songs, dreams,

and in our own world, the spin of another day,

that a woman god emerged from a lotus flower

and a man god was created in the image of a human,

that light was created by worlds

and all was formless void

before there was land

and the shining woman came up from ocean

out of the mists

or was made of the rib of a man

or that a clamshell opened

with a woman standing full-born,

and she gave sun to wheat.

First ocean, dark root.

We know, in some, there were betrayals,

a woman giving birth

in a place of animals,

the child falling into life

among the lowing cattle.

What grace,

born among the animals.

I think of a whale emerging tail-first

from its mother,

a foal, its dear hooves swimming into the world,

and that a mortal child

first opens to the world with a blue eye

that will darken in time.