
In this country,

the police shoot targets shaped like themselves.

Sometimes the targets shoot back.

Saturday governors throw clay pigeons

into blue sky.

This is the truth, not just a poem.

On this street, two men have shot themselves,

one held his wife and children hostage

from life and bills.

It is a nice street,

that’s what they say,

where houses have helping hands in windows,

where in daylight

the curtains are laundered

in tubs and hung on lines.

But when dark comes,

even stars are bullets

in the sky’s black belt.

In this country, men have weapons

they use against themselves

and others. It is the dying

watching death. Light a candle.

This is a poem and not just the truth

and they are not shadows

but bone, marvelous bone

that wants to walk upright,

and skin, beautiful skin

that holds life in,

and hearts with their own chambers

of living, hearts

that want nothing,

not paychecks

on nightstands, not guns in the drawer,


but to knock on walls of the body.

Let me in,

let me travel veins to the eyes,

light a candle

with the arteries in nervous hands

and let me look out

on the beating world.