Get Up, Go AWOL!

The soldiers on bivouac

with perfect creases

bend down behind the stone virgin

and throw dice.

The statue of Mary says:

           I’m too old for this, having journeyed so far

           with my heart this way and my poor legs

           hardening with veins.

           To hell with the soldiers and thugs

           and cops standing guard,

           with religion and capitalism

           and shooting craps.

           Up with the corn!

           Viva la chocolate!

           God save the black beans!

There’s wailing in the distance,

not insects rubbing their wings

but someone crying out,

oh no oh god hail Mary.

His wife is shaking him:

           Get up. It’s raining.

           The virgin is weeping

           out in the field behind the stone fence.

           She’s weeping out there

           behind wet stones and soldiers.

           The rain is working away at human labors.

           The wall is crumbling.

           The soldiers have lost their creases

           and spit shine.

           Rain is taking apart the world,

           even our homes, our faces, our backs

           with their tight muscles.

           No more Great Wall of China.

           No more Pietà.

           Even Mary is being freed.

           Get up. Get up.

           There’s a red lizard on Mary’s shoulder.

           Along the top of the hill

           trees are growing out of stone,

           trees that live with small nourishment,

           and soldiers are singing

           and the virgin is laughing.

           Get up!