Tree Woman

She is the largest tree I have seen

and the center of her carved body now

is the place from which the people were born.

From this mighty center,

thin as it was in the beginning

the tree rings radiate out. Now she is carved,

oh legs, feet all now with an ancient and powerful standing

on the circles of years

that have gone out from that first narrow center.

In those rings,

are years of rain and drought,

too many to count.

The ice age is there,

and the year volcanic ash was thrown down,

dark ring in all the light

and, yes, the next cold years.

The people of the map came after that

so I remember the year of chewed bones,

snapped marrow,

moonlit people hidden behind her,

unfinished amber that clarifies vision,

then those searching for gold,

and the many lives lost in waters

because of them.

And then the year the ancient man was found in a cave

with his seafaring items, hook, net, line,

the fish carved from tree woman’s limb

he took on his journey

to win over the spirits in water.

Through science I know in all this time

the mammoth became smaller

in order to survive on that island up north

and even then this tree,

this great woman


created from the thin center

of origins standing now before me,

now greeting the people

who are coming as in the old stories to see her,

humans only half-formed.