Something calls us to the sweet fruit,
the glowing round globes
golden across the field of thirty dangers
and you know none of them
until you begin to cross the field
but you will go
because the sweet fruit is over there
in the orchards
calling you toward it,
beckoning with sweet freshness.
The artemisia grows wild in the field
as does sacred datura.
They will stop you
and you will want to forget this world
for a while, then forget
even the round fruit
bending the branches,
so heavy with sweetness.
And then because you are of this age,
there are many memories
and you sit down to rest
as the clouds open above
and new water falls to earth.
If all this could cause you to love
better or more, it would be one thing,
but even that is passing.
Still, something changes in the light,
unfolding there
in the twilight of fruit
and through darkness, the morning
grows and you are still
just beginning
when you come across the fire ants
that can kill a burro.
Then the field of poison ivy,
the den of snakes,
but remember in our world
the Indian, not north, but south,
the world was created and held on four serpents,
the four corners each with its own.
If they scare you,
go past the far edges.
Soon the fruit may fall from the trees,
and by then the dogs have found you
and you have gone to the streets of thieves
to escape those wild dogs,
and by the time you find your way again
with emptiness for pockets
you must climb the rocks.
It seems you are older,
and with water to cross,
and the bees come closer.
They live near the place of flowers
and the sweetness of their labor
is part of the fruit you seek
so don’t harm them.
Now, from the hills the mountain lion may follow.
It seemed like such a small field
from the other side.
And near the water
notice the hummingbird nest in the willows.
It is small and made with soft moss.
You are on the right path
When you see it.
When finally you reach this fine place
where we grow fruit on trees.
The fruit fallen
is at the old orchard house
now with a soft mist rising,
the old blue place with cats
and the dog so protective.
Follow me and I will guide you
by the dark orchard
into the door of earth
through compost and layers of stone
down the steps with a candle,
one careful step at a time.
It is cooler than late summer earth.
It is dark
but you must trust the way
down the stairs
and it has grown darker,
so you will have to trust me
step by step, and isn’t it cooler down here
below late summer earth?
Sometimes at night when you think
there is an intruder in the house,
it is only the sound of the apple tree
blooming at the window
or the cherries ripening,
or maybe the garden when earthworms
come to the surface,
and I have heard them
moving in earth, seen them
doing their work.
Here there is nothing
but all sweetness falls,
and by the time you are present
the fruit is in bags and jars,
a hold against tomorow,
but when I light the lamp, just look!
Crystal, gold light, red jewel, all in glass,
each jar with a pale ring of wax sealing
the sweetness within. Even constrained
is it not beautiful, shining with light?
Now help carry the bounty back up the steps
and we will break bread, drink wine,
talk, rest,
and as we eat these fruits, share their wine,
honey on the bread,
the laughter of telling stories
about the terrible field,
I will know this world is always bountiful,
always abundant, offering us fruit,
wine sweetness, and even forgivenesss
for what our kind have done,
but first, let’s taste the new apples.