Idaho Falls, 1961*

Dark fields, dark sky.

Wires carry light to children

resting their heads

against the breast’s rhythm.

Light comes

from the distant mystery

inside a lead silo.

A young man opens a switch on power.

Street lamps wake up

the first light

splitting fields where papers blow.

Eyeglasses are flying

in terrible light.

The young man is flying.

Impaled, he is losing

his head to the darkness.

The gentle pale arch of a foot


Luminous man,

lampshade of skin,

dark instruments

in his pocket

fall out.

A woman is walking

on soft feet,

the early road to the barn.

Warm light of animals

standing, holy, in straw

turn their heads to her.

Her ear to the breathing cow


Day is breaking

through doors.

Earth has made another revolution.

New worlds burn

in dark places.

The deaths of men arrive

blazing through narrow wires

birds touch and leave.

*Site of a reactor accident, termed a small atomic steam explosion, killing three employees.