Faking a Network

Malware often beacons out and eventually communicates with a command-and-control server, as we’ll discuss in depth in Chapter 14. You can create a fake network and quickly obtain network indicators, without actually connecting to the Internet. These indicators can include DNS names, IP addresses, and packet signatures.

To fake a network successfully, you must prevent the malware from realizing that it is executing in a virtualized environment. (See Chapter 2 for a discussion on setting up virtual networks with VMware.) By combining the tools discussed here with a solid virtual machine network setup, you will greatly increase your chances of success.

ApateDNS, a free tool from Mandiant (www.mandiant.com/products/research/mandiant_apatedns/download), is the quickest way to see DNS requests made by malware. ApateDNS spoofs DNS responses to a user-specified IP address by listening on UDP port 53 on the local machine. It responds to DNS requests with the DNS response set to an IP address you specify. ApateDNS can display the hexadecimal and ASCII results of all requests it receives.

To use ApateDNS, set the IP address you want sent in DNS responses at and select the interface at . Next, press the Start Server button; this will automatically start the DNS server and change the DNS settings to localhost. Next, run your malware and watch as DNS requests appear in the ApateDNS window. For example, in Figure 3-9, we redirect the DNS requests made by malware known as RShell. We see that the DNS information is requested for evil.malwar3.com and that request was made at 13:22:08 .

In the example shown in the figure, we redirect DNS requests to (localhost), but you may want to change this address to point to something external, such as a fake web server running on a Linux virtual machine. Because the IP address will differ from that of your Windows malware analysis virtual machine, be sure to enter the appropriate IP address before starting the server. By default ApateDNS will use the current gateway or current DNS settings to insert into DNS responses.

You can catch additional domains used by a malware sample through the use of the nonexistent domain (NXDOMAIN) option at . Malware will often loop through the different domains it has stored if the first or second domains are not found. Using this NXDOMAIN option can trick malware into giving you additional domains it has in its configuration.

Netcat, the “TCP/IP Swiss Army knife,” can be used over both inbound and outbound connections for port scanning, tunneling, proxying, port forwarding, and much more. In listen mode, Netcat acts as a server, while in connect mode it acts as a client. Netcat takes data from standard input for transmission over the network. All the data it receives is output to the screen via standard output.

Let’s look at how you can use Netcat to analyze the malware RShell from Figure 3-9. Using ApateDNS, we redirect the DNS request for evil.malwar3.com to our local host. Assuming that the malware is going out over port 80 (a common choice), we can use Netcat to listen for connections before executing the malware.

Malware frequently uses port 80 or 443 (HTTP or HTTPS traffic, respectively), because these ports are typically not blocked or monitored as outbound connections. Example 3-2 shows an example.

The Netcat (nc) command shows the options required to listen on a port. The –l flag means listen, and –p (with a port number) specifies the port on which to listen. The malware connects to our Netcat listener because we’re using ApateDNS for redirection. As you can see, RShell is a reverse shell , but it does not immediately provide the shell. The network connection first appears as an HTTP POST request to www.google.com , fake POST data that RShell probably inserts to obfuscate its reverse shell, because network analysts frequently look only at the start of a session.