Index of Names and Titles

References beginning with the letter n are note numbers and refer to the notes on pages 239–53.


Abhidharmakośa. See Treasury of Higher Knowledge

Amoghapāśa Tantra, 141

Asaga, 118, n30, n99

Aśvaghoa, 44, n29

Atiśa, 5, 1416, 17, 2124, 35, 4445, 46, 64, 127, 12930, 14647, 174, 175, 184, n12, n13, n34, n111, n121


Ben Gungyal, 7, 63, n61

Bhūripa, 56, 235, n46, n168

Bodhicaryāvatāra. See Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life

Bodhisattvabhūmi. See Levels of the Bodhisattva

Book of Kadam, 23, n17

Buddha Śākyamuni, 43, 99, 202

Buddharatna, 174, 199, 210

Buddhaśrīāna. See Drop of Freedom


Candrakīrti, 136, 201, n124, n151

Chak Lotsāwa Chöjé Pal, 236

Chakshingwa, 37

Chegom Sherap Dorjé, n14

Chekawa Yeshé Dorjé, 56, 7, 13, 1415, 17, 3537, 1056, 111, n36

Chenga Rinpoché, 7, 45, 57, n32

Chim Namkha Drak, 18, 129, 221, 229, n13

Chöjé Gyalwa Sangpo, 199

Chöjé Sönam Rinchen, 191, 199

Commentary on the Awakening Mind (Nāgārjuna), 119, n101

Compassionate Life, The (Dalai Lama), 2, n2

Compendium of Trainings (Śāntideva), 44

Compendium of Well-Uttered Insights (Shönu Gyalchok), 175, n14, n160

Condensed Perfection of Wisdom, 65, 114, n63, n90


Dalai Lama, 12, 146, 147, n2, n3, n34

Dampa Shönu Gyaltsen, 236

Darpaa Ācārya, 222, 236

Dharmakīrti, 58, n48

ombipa, 236

Dönshakpa Buddharatna, 199

Drakpa Gyaltsen, 194

Dromtönpa, 13, 84, 97, n13, n32, n33, n60, n86

and Atiśa, 21, 23, 45, 147, 174

and Sherap Bar, 121

Drop of Freedom (Buddha-śrīāna), 141, 142, nn13233.


Entering the Middle Way (Candrakīrti), 136, 201, n124, n151

Extensive Daily Confessions of Cakrasavara Practice (Bhūripa), 56, 235, n46, n168


First Dalai Lama, 16

Flower Ornament Scripture, n152

Friendly Letter (Nāgārjuna), n62


Ganden, 10, 146

Garland of Three Clubs, 44, n28

Garland of Unblemished Precious Gems (Atiśa), 22

Gesar, n51

Gö Lotsāwa, n148, n150

Gönpawa Wangchuk Gyaltsen, 194, 210, n60, n158

Great Narrative (Naktso Lotsāwa), 130

Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Śāntideva), 4, 6, 22, 44, 106, n4, n39

1:9: 210; 1:40: 207; 3:12: 67; 3:16: 122; 4:17: 113; 4:30–32: 11617; 4:34: 60; 4:44: 116; 4:46: 118; 5:70: 53; 6:2: 121; 6:21: 72; 6:42: 121; 6:47: 122; 6:111: 120; 8:120: 51; 8:121: 62; 8:129–30: 60; 8:131: 52, 124; 8:136: 52; 8:154: 61; 8:155: 59; 8:169: 61; 8:223: 53; 9:152–54: 125; 10:56: 119

Gungthang Tenpai Drönmé, 144, 147

Gya Chakriwa, n87

Gyalwa Sangpo, 174, 199

Gyamapa Tashi Gyaltsen, 210

Gyergom Sangyé Wön, 210


Heart of Amoghapāśa Sutra, n130

Hortön Namkha Pal, 16, n16


Jātaka Tales, 23, 44

Jayabhadra, 236

Jayasena, 194

Jewel Garland of Dialogues, 23


Kātyāyana, 210

Khedrup Chöjé, 19899

Khenchen Dewa Jamchenpa, 191

Khenchen Lhodrakpa, 191

Khenpo Chöden, 210

Khenpo Martön, 174

Khenpo Sherap Dorjé, 174

Kīrtiśīla, 199, 210, 236

Könchog Gyaltsen, 222

Könchok Bang, 174, 199

Kusalī, 14, 44, 175


Lamdré, 17, 222

Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (Atiśa), 21, n34, n123

Langri Thangpa, 2, 5, 6, 7, 17, 67, 76, 103, 1056, 120, n73

Langthang Monastery, 105

Levels of the Bodhisattva (Asaga), 45, n30

Lha Chenpo, 174

Lha Drowai Gönpo, 174

Lha Yeshé Ö, 21

Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand (Phabongkha), n15

Lighting the Way (Dalai Lama), n34

Lopön Śhākya Tashi, 210

Losang Tamdrin, 144, n135

Lungshö Gegong, 111


Magical Net Tantra, 136, n123

Maitreya, 14, 18, 44, 45, 115, 17577, 18084

as Ajita, 194, 201

Mañjuśrī, 202, n136

Māra, 69, 89, 136, 202, 211, 234

Mathipa, 236

Milarepa, 37

Mind Training: The Great Collection, 6, 17, 35, 127, n1, n6, n89, n134

and Atiśa, 23, 129

and Könchog Gyaltsen, 222

Mipham Chöjé, 194, 210

Miscellaneous Sayings of the Kadam Masters (Chegom), n14


Nāgārjuna, n62, n101, 208

and Precious Garland, 6, 22, 106, n7, n83, n106

Naktso Lotsāwa, 130

Nālandā, 222

Narthang Monastery, 221

Nayapāla, 22

Neusurpa, 194, 210, n158

Ngor Monastery, 222

ikalava, 236

Nup Chölungpa Sönam Rinchen, 174


Öjopa, 174

Open Heart (Dalai Lama), n2

Ornament of Mahayana Sutras (Maitreya), n91

Ornament of Sutras (Aśvaghoa), 44, n29


Pachen Śākyaśrī, 11, 191, n9, n148

Peacock in the Poison Grove (Sopa and Sweet), n135

Peacock’s Neutralizing of Poison (Dharmarakita), n134

Perfectly Gathering the Qualities [of Avalokiteśvara] Sutra, 142, n133

Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo, n15

Phakmo Drupa, 105

Phuchungwa, 7, 23

Phurbuchok Ngawang Jampa, 147

Potowa, 7, 46, 66, 105, 174, n32

Prajñābodhi, 199

pratyekabuddha, 55, 205, n162

Precious Garland (Nāgārjuna), 6, 22, 106, n7

3:74: 91; 5:83: n106; 5:84: n7

Public Explication of Mind Training (Sangyé Gompa), 221, 240

Puchungwa, 32

Puyaratna, 210, 236


Questions of Ākāśagarbha, 44


Radreng, n33

Radrengpa. See Dromtönpa

Ratnāvalī. See Precious Garland

Ravaintapa, 236

Rechungpa, 37

Rinchen Drakpa Shenyen, 191

Rinchen Naburpa, 110


Sakya, 17, 194, 222

Sakya Paita, 185, 198

Śākyamuni, 43, 99, 202

Śākyaśrī, 11, 191, n9

Śākyaśrībhadra, 185, n148

Sang Gönpa, 210

Sangchenpa, 105

Sangphu Monastery, 18, 221

Sangpoi Pal, 236

Sangyé Gompa, 13, 221, n10, n16

Śāntideva, 22. See also Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life

Saraha, 129, 227, n165

Serlingpa 5, 14, 43, 4445, 101, 127, 12930, n25, n117, n121

Seventh Dalai Lama, 147

Sharawa, 6, 15, 35, 36, 37, 174, n7

Shawo Gangpa, 7, 57, 63, 64, 67, 84, 105, n60

Sherap Bar, 121

Shönu Gyalchok Könchok Bang, 16, 174, 175, 176, 19195, 236, n14, n160

Songs of Bliss, 123, n111

Songs of the Treasury of Dohas (Saraha), 227, n165

Source of Teachings (attr. Dromtönpa), n13

Sumatra, 5, 14, 17, 127, 129, 130

Sūtrālakāra. See Ornament of Sutras


Tārā, 174, 198

Teachings of Vimalakīrti, 44, 45

Tengyur, n29, n91, n101, n111

The Blue Annals (Gö Lotsāwa), 193, n148, n150

Thokmé Sangpo, 16, 17, n16

Thorough Exposition of Valid Cognition (Dharmakīrti), 58, n48

Transforming the Mind (Dalai Lama), n3

Treasury of Higher Knowledge (Vasubandhu), n58

Treasury of Gems (Yeshé Döndrup), n118, n135

Trichen Tenpa Rapgyé, 147, n135, n138

Trijang Rinpoché, 146

Trophu Lotsāwa, 191

True Union Tantra, n123

Tsotrangwa, 198

Twenty Verses (Vasubandhu), n164


Vajra Lines on the Path and Its Fruits (Virūpa), 222

Vajra Peak Tantra, 69, n67

Vajradhāra, 236

Vajradhāra Matiśrī, 236

Vajrapāi, 202

Vajravārāhī, 198

Vasubandhu, n58, n164

Vegadharin, 202

Vikramalaśīla, 21

Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra. See Teachings of Vimalakīrti

Vinaya, 22, 83

Virūpa. See Virvapa

Virvapa, 18, 222, 23137

Vows of Good Conduct, 203, n152


Yamāntaka, 14546, 149, 158, 159, n136

Yeshé Döndrup, n118, n135

Yeshé Shap, 236

Yongzin Yeshé Gyaltsen, 147


Zemé Rinpoché, 146