
Many people helped me complete this book. I’ll narrow it down to the few who really made a difference, but I am grateful to all who contributed and made this book better, especially to the women who are represented here as case studies, although most of their names and details have been changed to protect their identities.

Warmest thanks to my digital team, editors, publishing team, readers, friends, and colleagues, especially Nathalie Hadi, Laura Friedlander, Kevin Plottner, Caroline de Lasa, Yoni Wiseman, Christina Wilson, Celeste Fine, Gideon Weil, Laina Adler, Melinda Mullin, Sydney Rogers, Andrea Vinley Converse, Elaine Hooker, Becca Edwards, Amy Mansfield Weinberg, Leslie Murphy, Leslye Robbins, Allison Post, Anne Zolfghari, Chris Kresser, Kevin Gianni, Nick Polizzi, Brent Eck, Katie Ferran, Todd Crane, Lisa Contreras, Nilima Desai, Roda Cisco, Alan Christianson, NMD, Bethany Hays, MD, Eric Hassid, MD, David Perlmutter, MD, and Martin Rossman, MD.

Special thanks to my dear friend Johanna Ilfeld, PhD, who cheerfully debated with me about how to make protocols doable for most people. Jo kept me laughing and going to yoga despite the many drafts and deadlines.

Above all, thanks to my family for enduring my years of left-hemisphere domination leading up to the fall that led to the epiphany behind this book, including Maya, Gemma, Juneau, Albert and Mary Lil Szal, Anna Esterline, and Justina Phillips. My husband, David Gottfried, continues to be my greatest sounding board, reader, and teacher—and the love of my life!

Thank you all for upgrading my social genomics and making my brain body better!