BRANS: Wheat bran and rice brans are available at Bob’s Red Mill,
CANNING: For information about canning, see Madelaine Bulwinkel’s Gourmet Preserves Chez Madelaine. Also, Ball (jars) has step-by-step guides for canning on their website. More About Canning: Step-by-Step Guides,
DEHYDRATORS: Dehydrators are available in multiple sizes and prices at Excalibur ( and Cabela’s (
FOOD WASTE: National Resources Defense Council, “Food Waste,” provides information about political and economic issues of food waste and also personal strategies you can adopt to reduce food waste:
The Food Waste Challenge from the USDA offers tools and resources to meet the ambitious goals set to reduce food waste in the United States:
End Food Waste Now was designed by Diane Hatz to inform consumers and provide tips about what they can do:
For donating food waste from your home vegetable garden to food banks, see Gary Oppenheimer’s award-winning website:
To get involved with Chip Paillex’s organization (here), see:
FORAGING AND PLANT IDENTIFICATION: More information at the Plant ID Forum at For tree identification, see The Tree Identification Book by George W. D. Symonds (William Morrow).
GRAINS: Specialty grain products such as broken-rice grits, groats, rye flour, rye berries, as well as rice and wheat brans are available from Anson Mills (
PICKLING: In addition to Sandor Katz’s The Art of Fermentation (see Works Consulted), a favorite starter guide is Asian Pickles: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Cured and Fermented Preserves from Korea, Japan, China, India and Beyond by Karen Solomon (Ten Speed Press).
PONZU: Ponzu sauce is available from Eden Foods (
PRESERVING AND DRYING: See Bar Tartine: Techniques & Recipes by chefs Nicolaus Balla and Cortney Burns (Chronicle Books); also, the National Center for Home Preservation at the University of Georgia:
SEAFOOD SUSTAINABILITY: Seafood Watch from the Monterey Bay Aquarium assigns a red, yellow, or green color to seafood to help consumers make sustainable choices in seafood purchases: More info at
SEAWEEDS, DRIED: Konbu, arame, and others are available from Eden Foods (
SPIRALIZER: The Paderno spiralizer ( is available online and in stores.
STOVES: Tabletop butane stoves, often used for hotpots, are available from several sources online or at Asian grocery stores.
UMEBOSHI: Sour plum (umeboshi) paste is available from Eden Foods,
VINEGAR: Vinegar is a fermented product made from food that contains natural sugars, which ferment into alcohol and then are converted into vinegar. The taste is due to the fermented acetic acid and flavor depends on the base food and time. For more in-depth information, see The Artisanal Vinegar Maker’s Handbook by Bettina Malle and Helge Schmickl (Spikehorn Press).