The Continuation Committee of the Conference on Inter-American Relations in the Field of Art met in Washington on February 15 and 16, 1940, to consider the recommendations of the Conference and such other proposals as had been submitted for its consideration, and to determine what continuing bodies should be created to carry out a future program of artistic interchange with the other American republics.
At the morning session on February 15, the Committee heard brief reports of the meetings of the continuation committees in the fields of music and education; discussed proposals submitted for its consideration; considered the advisability of formulating a three-year program of exhibits and how these would be organized and financed. It also discussed the possibility of the establishment of a special Latin American Gallery and considered the naming of a Subcommittee on Exhibits.
The afternoon session on February 15 was devoted to a consideration of the facilities for research and publications. This included a discussion of the need for a general volume on Latin American art, the fields in which specialized research is particularly needed, the advisability of appointing committees for research and publication projects, and fellowships in the field of art.
At the morning session on February 16, the Committee heard reports from subcommittees appointed the previous day to lay down a definite program with respect to art publications and exchange of exhibitions, and considered plans for the establishment of a continuing organization to carry out projects recommended by the Continuation Committee.
At the final session on the afternoon of February 16, the Committee adopted a statement of policy, recommended the creation of a continuing committee and adopted a resolution urging Walter W. S. Cook, Chairman, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, to head such an organization and that the Honorable Robert Woods Bliss, President of the American Federation of Arts, be asked to serve as honorary Chairman. The Committee also recommended that the Continuing Committee have a full-time Secretary to assist in carrying forward the program outlined and that a subcommittee or subcommittees be appointed to function along the following lines:
(1) To carry out the recommendations of the Continuation Committee with respect to art publications;
(2) To stimulate the granting of more fellowships in the field of art; and
(3) To act as a clearinghouse of information and coordinating agency in the development of a long-range program of exchange of exhibitions.
The Art Conference Continuation Committee then dissolved.
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An attempt, however, will be made to cast into some organized form the major points of view that were emphasized during the discussion. It was repeatedly emphasized that selection of material to go to Latin America should be made on the basis of what the Latin Americans themselves desire. The essential reciprocity in artistic interchange was stressed by several speakers.
At the outset, representatives of the Department of State stressed the role of the Division of Cultural Relations as an agency to cooperate with private organization engaged in the stimulation of cultural interchange. Representatives of the Department of State explained that the Division is primarily a service rather than a directive agency.
Throughout the proceedings certain specific projects were announced that are being contemplated or are already under way. They illustrate the current trend of growing interest of United States art institutions and artists in Latin America and make apparent the timeliness of such a conference as the Conference of Inter-American Relations in the Field of Art. Briefly, the following projects were reviewed:
(1) The program directed by the Department of State to administer the exchange of students and professors under the 1936 Convention for the Promotion of Inter-American Cultural Relations.
(2) The plan of the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress to promote an archive of photographic materials.
(3) The plan of the Museum of Modern Art to hold a major exhibition of Mexican art in the spring of 1940.1
(4) A three-year program of the American Federation of Arts for at least eight exhibitions for exchange between North and South America, the collections to include the widest range of art material.
(5) The January 1940 exhibition of Argentine artworks to be held at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond.2
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• Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, Leandro N. Alem 2500, Buenos Aires
• Agrupación de Artistas “Camuati,” Bolívar 566, Buenos Aires
• Agrupación de Intelectuales, Artistas, Periodistas y Escritores, Victoria 1050, Buenos Aires
• Agrupación de Gente de Arte y Letras “La Peña,” Avenida de Mayo, 829, Buenos Aires
• Asociación Amigos del Arte, Calle Florida 659, Buenos Aires
• Asociación Amigos del Museo de Bellas Artes, Calle Juncal 1350, Buenos Aires
• Agrupación de Artistas “Juan B. Justo,” Venezuela 1051, Buenos Aires
• Centro do Vinculación y Extension Artistica “Conit,” Victoria 442, Buenos Aires
• Círculo de Bellas Artes, Avenida de Mayo 1370, Buenos Aires
• Comisión Honoraria de Bellas Artes, A/c Ministerio de Instruoción Pública, Buenos Aires
• Intituto Argentino de Artes Gráficas, Cerrito 55, Buenos Aires
• Instituto Americano de Arte, Suipacha 1422, Buenos Aires
• Sociedad de Acuarelistas, Pastelistas y Grabadores, Arenales 687, Buenos Aires
• Instituto Nacional de Estudios do Teatro, Bolívar 108, Buenos Aires
• Sociedad de Artistas, Diagonal Presidente Roca 537, Buenos Aires
• Sociedad Estímulo de Bellas Artes, B. Irigoyen 553, Buenos Aires
• Comisión Municipal de Bellas Artes, Santa Fe 835, Rosario
• Comisión Provincial de Bellas Artes, 25 do Mayo 245, Santiago del Estero
• Amigos del Arte, Santa Fe
• Alianza de Intelectuales, Artistas, Periodistas y Escritores, Apartado 149, La Paz, Bolivia
• Comisión de Bellas Artes, Museo Tiahuanacu, La Paz
• Academia Brasileira de Teatro, Rua Áurea 96, (Santa Teresa), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
• Associação dos Artistas Brasileiros, Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro
• Conselho Nacional de Bellas Artes, ENBA, Ave. Rio Branco 199, Rio de Janeiro
• Serviço Nacional do Teatro, Ministério de Educação e Saúde, Rio de Janeiro
• Sociedade Brasileira de Bellas Artes, Rua da Carioca 54, Rio de Janeiro
• Sociedade Propagadora das Bellas Artes, Ave. Rio Branco 74, Rio de Janeiro
• Syndicato dos Artistas Pintores de São Paulo, Rua 11 de Agosto, São Paulo
• Sociedad de Amigos del Arte, Esmeraldas 739, Santiago
• Sociedad de Aristas Plásticos, Academia de Bellas Artes, Parque Forestal, Santiago
• Sociedad Nacional de Bellas Artes, Casilla 218, Santiago
• Academia Colombiana de Bellas Artes, A/c Dr. Raimundo Rivas, Bogotá
• Amigos del Arte, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Bogotá
• Dirección Nacional de Bellas Artes, Bogotá
• Academia Nacional de Artes y Letras, Acosta y Compostela, La Habana
• Asociación de Escritores y Artistas Americanos, O’Reilly 9, La Habana
• Círculo de Bellas Artes, Industria 196, La Habana
• Sociedad Cubana do Pintores y Escultores, Dragones 62, La Habana
• Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, Galiano 110, altos, La Habana
• Sociedad. “Amantes del Arte,” A/c Dr. Marcial Martinez Larre, San Pedro de Macoris
• Sociedad de Artistas y Escritores Independientes, A/c El Telégrafo, Guayaquil
• Sindicato de Escritores y Artistas de Quito, A/c Casilla 75, Quito
• Asociación de Amigos del Arte, Avenida España 35, San Salvador
• Amigos del Arte, A/c Isabel D. Lainez, Tegucigalpa
• Academia Hispanoamericana de Ciencias, Artes y Letras, Gante No. 1, Mexico DF
• Ateneo de Ciencias y Artes de México, Apartado 1938, Mexico DF
• Sociedad Amigos de Taxco, Gante No. 1, Mexico DF
• Circulo de Bellas Artes, A/c Guillermo Ortega Chamorro, Managua
• Galería Interamericana de Arte, Ciudad de Panamá
• Centro de Arte Nativo Ccoscco, Calle de Peru No. 1, Cuzco
• Sociedad de Bellas Artes del Cuzco, A/c Angel Rosas, Cuzco
• Academia de Arte Cuzqueño, Calle de El Triunfo 78, Lima
• Sociedad de Bellas Artes, Calle Muelle 333, Lima
• Ínsula, Alcanfores 925, (Miraflores), Lima
• Asociación de Escritores, Artistas e Intelectuales, Divorciadas 607, Lima
• Comisión Nacional de Bellas Artes, Ministerio de Instrucción Pública, Montevideo
• Sociedad Amigos del Arte, Calle Juan Carlos Gómez 1418, Montevideo
• Agrupacion de Intelectuales, Artistas, Periodistas y Escritores Plaza Libertad 1157, Montevideo
• Ateneo de Caracas, Apartado 662, Caracas
• Dirección de Cultura y Bellas Artes, Ministerio de Instrucción Pública, Caracas
Information on art in the other American republics is generally scattered over a great many publications of various types. The only publication that appears with any degree of regularity is the Revista de Arte [Magazine of Art], Santiago, Chile.
MoMA’s exhibition Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art opened in May 1940.—Ed.
A Comprehensive Exhibition of the Contemporary Art of Argentina was held at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, January 16–February 26, 1940.—Ed.