Chapter 1

Discovering the Sunny Side of Chamomile

Who could use a little sunshine, a little happiness, in their day? Hey, who couldn’t, right? Well, you’re in luck, because here we’re exploring sunny, daisy-­like, little chamomile (Matricaria recutita and Chamaemelum nobilis) — right at the beginning. Who knows why you picked up this book. Maybe you were looking to learn more about herbs (yay!), or maybe you’ve just come off a holiday/long winter binge, or maybe you’re just looking for a little renewal. Anyway, the why doesn’t really matter in the long run.

Most of us (including yours truly) put so much faith and hope into some shiny promise of renewal that we inevitably fail; our expectations are so high that we doom ourselves never to live up to them. Couple that with the letdown that follows this so-called failure, and you become overwhelmed.

So let’s take it down a notch. Let’s narrow our focus and choose one thing we can do for ourselves each day to improve our health, our well-being, and our focus. That’s what this book is for, and what better place to start than with chamomile, the tiny, joyful cousin of the sunflower? In this first chapter let’s hand our hearts and our minds over to the sun — the source of life, health, and happiness; chamomile is the perfect herb for the job.

You’ve probably tasted chamomile tea before. Maybe you even prefer it to other hot tea or coffee-like beverages. No surprise there; chamomile tea is the second most popular tea in the world (after black tea). And, for that reason, it’s taken for granted. I mean, it’s not a sexy tea, is it? It’s a stay-at-home, before-bed, warm-and-cozy tea, isn’t it? Oh-ho! I beg to differ.

Okay, so maybe chamomile will never have the sex appeal of the rose (see chapter 2) or the rock-star status of echinacea (see chapter 9). But chamomile can be your best friend — maybe even one of those friends who becomes more than “just friends” once you get to know them better. (And then again, maybe that’s just taking the metaphor a bit too far . . . .) Trust me, this is a truly versatile herb and, once you’ve familiarized yourself with it over the coming weeks, you’ll find it is an invaluable addition to your herbal survival kit.

Here’s the skinny: Chamomile boasts anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic, calming, diuretic, and tonic properties. See? You’ll use chamomile for everything. But the best news? It’s completely safe for adults and children alike. One note, though — as chamomile is a member of the ragweed family, if you suffer from severe ragweed allergies, start slowly with this herb to see how it treats you. (This should be the practice when introducing any and all herbs, by the way.)

As a member of the happy-go-lucky daisy family, chamomile is recognizable by its yellow center and 10 or more petals surrounding it. This tiny flower grows on a very thin stalk, which can reach up to 2 feet tall. The leaves are delicate, divided, and rather feathery. The scent is sweetly intoxicating, uplifting, and mildly bitter. Like all herbs, chamomile is a wild-growing plant, but due to invasive farming, city sprawl, and widespread development of natural landscapes, it’s pretty rare to find it anywhere but in cultivated gardens.


Matricaria recutita and Chamaemelum nobilis

Parts used: Flowers

How to harvest: After a little nod of gratitude, snip flower heads from the stalk mid-morning after the dew has dried

Effects on body: Boosts digestive fire, eases intestinal maladies and pain, strengthens metabolism, and cleanses blood

Effects on mind and spirit: Calming, cooling, pacifying; eases anxiety and irritability

Safety first: Go slowly if you have a ragweed allergy; though rare, it could cause a reaction

Drying Blossoms

If you can get your hands on fresh chamomile blossoms, you can use them in tea or as an addition to an aromatic and soothing bath. If you want to preserve them for use throughout the year or in other medicinal forms such as salves or tinctures (see Appendix III and Appendix IV), spread your ­blossoms on a screen and let them dry indoors, away from direct ­sunlight. Keep these dried blossoms stored in an airtight container for up to a year. Oh, and speaking from experience here, make sure you put your herbs away as soon as they’ve dried; otherwise you’ve got a whole lot of dusty, wasted effort (not to mention wasted medicinals and, most likely, a less-than-happy plant spirit).

For the Body

Okay, so chamomile is obviously pretty awesome. But how and when do you use this smart and versatile herb? Let’s start with the body. First: the gut — the site of digestion, assimilation, and elimination. Most health starts here. As a mildly bitter herb, chamomile helps stimulate the digestive juices, allowing the body to absorb more nutrients from food while also preventing the unfortunate duo (gas and bloating) that sometimes occurs when, such as after the holidays, we switch back to eating more whole, unadulterated foods.

Chamomile also strengthens the metabolism by aiding the kidneys in cleansing the blood. That scent you associate with chamomile? That’s the volatile oil, which stimulates the liver and kidneys, encouraging their purging of toxins. Let’s face it, after your third week of, say, eggnog and gingerbread for breakfast, this is support your body could certainly use (see tea recipes).

After any fabulous period of indulgence, not only are there toxins to purge, but there are storehouses of nutrients to restock. Sugar, caffeine, and excess fat and dairy can deplete our body’s energy and nutrients. Chamomile is a monster source of niacin, magnesium, and essential fatty acids. Inevitably, at least at first, you’re going to miss the extravagance, but stockpiling your body with nutrients will help cut down on the cravings that so often haunt us when we try to change our body’s routine.

Adding chamomile to your daily diet can increase plant-based compounds (called polyphenols) in your system, which, in turn, increase antibacterial activity in your body. The analgesic (pain-­relieving) and anti-inflammatory actions of chamomile help soothe sinus pain, headaches, sore throats, and swollen lymph glands.

Exercise, too, will help ward off illnesses and hurry you through this detox process. Yup, you guessed it: Chamomile is a good support for the workout regimen which typically accompanies most attempts to get back on the healthy train. As an anti-spasmodic, chamomile can help reduce muscle cramps and inflammation. If you suffer from nerve pain, such as sciatica or lumbago, chamomile can be used internally or externally.

For the Mind

So far, we’ve just touched on depression and blues; sometimes, getting up and getting going is no easy task. It’s no wonder that anxiety and depression often trail us around, whether we’re making major changes or not. But allow chamomile to do its work here, too; as a nervine and mild sedative, chamomile will soothe all (okay, most) of your worries. The ­volatile oils of chamomile (especially from fresh, not dried, ­flowers) are especially soothing, in particular for those with a tendency toward whining (both child and adult varieties).

You can also use chamomile in flower essence form (an oh-so-groovy magical potion that capitalizes on a flower’s unique vibration; see Flower Essence vs. Essential Oil box). All you need to do is put a few drops in a glass of water or directly under the tongue. Are you easily upset, irritable, or holding emotional tension? Well, chamomile’s got a vibration for that. What about easing addictions, anger, anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervousness, and chronic stress or tension (especially when it’s felt in the stomach)? Yup — that, too. What about the kiddos? Is this safe for them? You bet — this flower essence is especially soothing and effective for the 12-and-under population.

Flower Essence vs. Essential Oil

When we talk about herbs “for the mind,” we’re going to be referring primarily to flower essences, which are ­different than essential oils. Now, I know that these two plant-­derived healing modalities can be a bit ­confusing at first, so let’s break it down.

Essential oils are the distilled volatile oils or the “essence” — the compounds that make up the scent — of a particular plant. Essential oils work by way of your sense of smell (aromatherapy).

Flower essences, on the other hand, work from the assumption that every living thing has a vibration. Think back to basic science. Remember atoms and molecules? Remember how they’re always moving, and that even a seemingly solid object is just a bunch of moving parts? It’s the same thing with us, with plants, and with flowers. So, flower essences capture a flower’s vibration and harness it for better health. Flower essences are made by infusing the fresh flowers of a plant in spring water and leaving them to steep in the sun. The idea is that the vibrations of the flowers change the molecular structure of the water. Basically, this “charged” water helps to stimulate our own self-healing vibrations.

How do you get your hands on this miracle brew? Well, you can easily purchase ready-made essences, or create your own, which is truly a grounding, mystical, and fun process — talk about getting to know your plants (see Appendix I for flower essence instructions).

For the Spirit

All magical herbs have a gender, planet, and element attached to them. Why? Well, it’s kind of a long story (isn’t that always the truth with good stories?). Essentially, these attachments were a classification tool.

The gender of a plant was based on how its vibration felt, presumably a judgment made by someone with a lot more sensitivity than yours truly. Basically, think of gender as describing warming or cooling energy. “Masculine” energy is warming and “feminine” energy is cooling.

Traditionally, certain planets were associated with different outcomes in magic (the sun for protection and the moon for fertility, for example). So, when herbs were found to bring about certain outcomes, they were assigned to a particular planet for classification purposes.

You can think of the elements in the same way as the planets. The four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) consist of everything one needs to create and sustain life. The earth element is linked to prosperity and fertility, air to wisdom and intelligence, and so on. So, long story short (too late for that, maybe . . . ), it’s all about classification and cross-reference.

As is par for the course in all ancient wisdom, no one (it seems) really agrees upon anything. For chamomile, I’ve found various magical attachments and have decided that the practitioner will just have to decide for herself which feels true, thank you very much. For example, I’ve found that chamomile’s gender is either masculine or feminine, depending on the source behind the research. The planet is the sun and/or Venus, and the element is water (everyone pretty much agrees on this). Chamomile offers help in the areas of protection, prosperity, wealth, fame, riches, sleep, love (this might explain the Venus connection), purification, and achieving goals. So, how can you get your magic on? Drinking and bathing in chamomile and using the flower essence are definitely a few ways to cover your bases. See others below.

Chamomile Magic

To Keep You on Your Path

You can place a pinch of the dried herb in a sachet and keep this in your purse or pocket or wear it around your neck. Its presence will help remind you of your goals every time you see or feel it. If you have charcoal disks lying around, you can place one on a heat-proof surface, light it, and sprinkle some chamomile flowers on the disk, allowing the incense to smolder. Meditate (or just lie down and relax) while inhaling the fragrance.

For Protection

To invoke protection, you can sprinkle chamomile around the outside of your house to ward off ill luck, unwelcome visitors, or negative energy. Walking in a clockwise direction, sprinkle the chamomile with either hand (I use my left hand, since it’s closest to the heart, but do what works for you), visualizing the kind of energy you want to dwell with you in your home. While away from home, wear chamomile in a sachet or tuck a pouch of the herb in your car to extend the protection as you travel.

A Note on Magic

Do you have to be well versed in magical dealings to use herbs toward a specific end? I don’t think so. I think a lot of magic is about your intention and then about amplifying that intention. Figure out what you need and then use the herb to amplify that need and blast it into the magical universe.


Digestive support. Try this little number: Steep a cup of chamomile tea (2 teaspoons dried flowers per 1 cup just-boiled water) for 10 to 15 minutes. Since the volatile (essential) oils of chamomile are so important to this digestive kick, be sure to cover your tea as it steeps. Drink about 20 minutes before you eat. A warning, though: This tea will be a wee bit bitter; try sweetening it with stevia or honey and adding non-dairy milk (the proteins in regular milk interfere with the medicinal effects of the herb).

Basic tea for workouts, anxiety, and insomnia. Brew 2 teaspoons in a cup of water and let steep for only 3 to 5 minutes, in order to avoid bitterness. Add honey or maple syrup for a little ­sugar-and-nutrient boost.

For rejuvenating and rehydrating after your workout, drink the tea chilled. For anxiety relief, have a cup as soon as anxiety begins. Inhale the steam from the tea for a few moments before ­drinking — the volatile oils released in the steam will do wonders for anxiety. For guaranteed (inner and outer) beauty sleep, try a cup of chamomile tea an hour or so before bed.

Chamomile for cranky, colicky children. If you have little ones around, chamomile is a wonderful herb for cranky, colicky, or teething infants and children. For better sleep, make the following tea. A chamomile infusion can also be rubbed on the gums of teething infants.

Gently warm 1 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy) on the stove, being careful not to scald it. Turn off the heat and add 1 teaspoon dried chamomile flowers. Let steep, covered, for 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey (if the child is older than 2) if you like.

Chamomile Aromatherapy

For anxiety. Feeling stressed before a big project or presentation? Sniff from a little vial of chamomile essential oil to soothe mental tension, helping you focus on the present rather than worrying and projecting into the future. (A side note: from personal experience, I can tell you that it’s probably best to do this in a bathroom cubicle or somewhere else equally private, or else learn to ignore questions and curious looks . . .)

For insomnia. Try a warm bath with a few cups of strongly brewed chamomile tea or a few drops of chamomile essential oil added to the water. The heat of the bath will help relieve tension, while the aromatherapeutic effects of the chamomile will soothe the senses.

Alternatively, make an aromatherapy diffuser to place next to the tub or in the bedroom. Blend essential oils with a carrier oil and then add porous diffuser reeds. The reeds wick the liquid, and the scent evaporates into the air.

For headaches. If tension causes you to suffer regularly from headaches, try steeping a strong chamomile infusion laced with a few drops of chamomile essential oil. Dip a washcloth in the infusion and drape the cloth over your forehead (use cooled or heated water, depending on what sounds best to you at the moment). Relax in a dark room. If you don’t have time for this treatment, try uncapping a bottle of chamomile essential oil and inhaling its fragrance as you close your eyes; you can also try massaging a drop or two into the temples and at the base of the skull.

Body Care

Cold and Flu Steam

For the inevitable cold or flu that always seems to follow a period of detox, try an herbal steam featuring chamomile.



  1. 1. Add the oil to a steaming pot of water, or if making tea, add the dried flowers to a quart of hot water.
  2. 2. Place a towel, tent-like, over your head and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Make sure the water isn’t boiling; we want healing, not burning, happening here. As an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, chamomile will heal the lungs and sinuses, while the heat drains the mucus from the body (as a bonus, you’ll end up with gorgeous, glowing, detoxed skin as well).

Chamomile Lip Balm/Stress Reliever

Makes 3 ounces

This is a general lip balm recipe, but I like to boost the essential oil component and then rub it on my temples or pulse points when I’m feeling stressed or anxious. Also, with the high-scent factor, just rubbing the balm on my lips easily allows the scent to travel to my aromatherapy machine (aka my nose) .



  1. 1. Sterilize your tins and any wooden spoons or measuring cups you’ll be using in boiling water for 10 minutes. If using plastic spoons and measuring cups, run them through the hottest cycle in your dishwasher.
  2. 2. Melt the wax and shea butter in a double boiler (or in a heat-safe bowl perched above a pan of simmering water). Add the almond oil. When all the ingredients have melted, remove from heat.
  3. 3. Puncture the vitamin E capsules with a sterilized pin, and add the contents to the mixture, along with the chamomile essential oil. Mix gently.
  4. 4. Carefully pour the mixture into the tins. Leave off the lids and let the balm cool, undisturbed. This will take a few hours. Decorate and/or label the tins as desired. Keep or give away!

Chamomile Herb Sachets

These sachets can be tucked into drawers, tossed into the dryer, slipped into a pocket and sniffed (surreptitiously) when anxious, or tucked beneath your pillow at night to ensure a sound sleep. If making your own bags, consider stamping them with fabric-safe ink or choosing fabric that reflects your personality.



Stuff each bag with dried flowers and add a few drops of essential oil to boost the ­aromatherapeutic power.

Chamomile Body Wash

Makes 16 ounces

Herb-infused soaps are a wonderful addition to your daily shower — especially if you don’t have time for an aromatherapeutic bath every day.



  1. 1. Add the chamomile essential oil and jojoba or almond oil to the bottle of castile soap. For an invigorating wash, add the tea tree and peppermint oil; for a soothing wash, add the citrus oil. Shake it, shake it, shake it up.
  2. 2. Stick that bottle in the shower and use it daily. If you wish to dilute the castile soap, which can dry out your skin on its own, you may wish to put the soap in a foaming pump bottle. Fill the bottle one-third full of soap and two-thirds full of water. Screw on the pump top and voilà! Foaming soap, gentle (and fun!) enough to use every day.

Chamomile Blond-ing

Got blond? Or want to get blond? Chamomile can be added to your hair care regimen. In the winter months, highlights can fade. Bring a little of that chamomile sunshine into your hair by brewing a strong infusion of chamomile (6 tablespoons per quart of water). Keep this mixture in the refrigerator and use as a hair toner after you shampoo and ­condition — no need to rinse. The chamomile will bring out the natural blond and gold tones in your hair and subtly lighten dark hair.


Butterscotch Chamomile Clusters

Makes about 3 dozen clusters

This recipe comes down from my great-aunt, and, since I’m a sucker for butterscotch, I’ve kept it around, making little additions here and there. Chamomile is a surprisingly good mesh with the sweetness of the ’scotch.



  1. 1. Put the chips and nut butter in a double boiler (or heat-proof glass bowl over simmering water) and place it over low heat. Stir constantly until melted, then remove from heat (this should take 5 minutes or so once your water gets simmering).
  2. 2. Add the rice cereal and stir carefully until coated. Drop by tablespoons onto parchment paper and let harden a few minutes.
  3. 3. Roll the batter into balls between palms and then roll them in chamomile sugar. Set them aside until firm.

Chamomile-Infused Honey (Standard Method)

Makes about 2 cups

Infused honeys are just a fabulous, fabulous invention. I’m sure they were first derived to preserve the herbal harvest, as well as present a good (and palatable) delivery method for all kinds of herbal goodness. Now there are endless ways to use these sweet infusions, from baked treats to tea to ice creams to cough medicines. If you grow your own chamomile, gather flowers in the morning, after the dew has dried.



  1. 1. Sterilize a 1-pint mason jar by boiling it in water for 10 minutes and allowing it to air-dry. Alternatively, run it through your dishwasher on the hottest setting.
  2. 2. Put the chamomile blossoms in the jar and cover them with honey. If you don’t want the mess of straining the honey after the steeping period, you can put the herbs in a reusable tea bag.
  3. 3. Set the jar in a sunny windowsill for 1 week. Gaze at it lovingly (there’s nothing more beautiful than flowers suspended in honey on a sunny windowsill).
  4. 4. Taste the honey. If the flavor is strong enough, strain the herbs and discard (or compost or use in one of the above recipes). If it’s not strong enough for you, then either add more herbs or let the honey steep for another week.

Chamomile-Infused Honey (Fast Method)

If you just can’t wait two weeks for your herb-infused honey, try this. Use this honey to treat coughs (take a tablespoon every few hours or add to hot water, lemon, and brandy — brandy is optional), to add flavor to teas, for baking, or for spreading on your breakfast toast, oatmeal, or muffins.



  1. 1. Pour the honey into a double boiler or a heat-proof bowl set over a pan of simmering water at low heat. Add the chamomile blossoms directly to the honey, or place them in small muslin sachet bags if you don’t want to strain the honey. Heat the mixture to 180°F/80°C (use a candy thermometer) and keep it there for 10 to 12 minutes.
  2. 2. Strain the mixture (or discard the muslin bag) into a glass jar.

Chamomile-Infused Sugar

Makes about 2 cups

Use the sugar, herb flecks and all, in any recipe. You can also get creative — try lavender, rose, rosemary, ginger, vanilla, or any combination of herbs to flavor your sugars.



Add the flowers to the bottom of a clean 1-quart mason jar (there will be space in the jar — no worries; you want room for shaking). Cover with the sugar and shake. Let this stand for at least 2 weeks in a cool, dry place. Shake the jar and contents daily.

Chamomile Energy Bars

Makes 15 good-size bars

These guys are so fabulous for long car trips, airplane rides, hikes, camping, and school lunches — plus they’re endlessly versatile. My mom used to switch it up and pack different varieties for us every week.



  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 375°F/190°C.
  2. 2. Put the oatmeal, oil, cereal, nuts, and honey in a large bowl and mix well. Spread the mixture on an ungreased baking sheet (I like to line it with parchment paper — makes life much easier) and bake for 20 minutes.
  3. 3. Sprinkle dried ginger on top, gently pressing them into the bars. When cool, cut into squares.

Chamomile Yoga

Since chamomile is uplifting, associated with the sun, and specially formulated to get us out of our doldrums, I thought I would offer up a sunny posture that cannot help bringing some joy into your day: Standing Salute.

Beginning in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Feel all four corners of your feet on the ground. Engage your knees and quadriceps (the muscles that run along the front of your thighs). Tuck your pelvis slightly so that you have a nice, long spine. Pull your navel in toward your spine a bit, for support. Lift through your heart so that you can breathe easily. Make sure your shoulder blades are sliding down your back, shoulders relaxed. Tuck your chin slightly so that your neck isn’t strained.

Moving into Standing Salute. Bring your palms together at heart center (and if you can do this before a sunny window, even better). Inhale and sweep your arms out to the sides and then overhead. You can leave your hands shoulder-width apart here, fingers spread, or clasp them in what I call Charlie’s Angels Mudra (clasp the hands together, making a gun out of your first finger and thumb).

Standing Salute prep

On your next inhale, lean back slightly — don’t lose your balance. Go just far enough for a small, but invigorating, backbend. Exhale and return to standing, with arms still stretched toward the ceiling (or, in other words, the sun!) for Standing Salute.

Standing Salute

Finishing. One more inhale and stretch your arms up; exhale and sweep them around and down, then gather them together again at heart’s center. Do this as many times as you like. First thing in the morning, as the sun is rising, always sets the tone of the day for me.