The whole point of being young and female and having great ideas is that you’ve got a fire burning that isn’t going to be put out by the flame of someone skeptical. So what if someone thinks you’re too young to have a startup? So what if someone says girls can’t do that? It will take you all of a minute to prove that person wrong if you’re prepared with your business sense, your drive, and your passion for your ideas.

There will be times it feels like being young is a rock you have to push up a big hill every time you go out and try to talk to someone about your startup. We’ve all experienced the look of shock on someone’s face when it turned out we really do have something great to say. Now’s the time to prove all the naysayers wrong.


SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO REMIND YOURSELF OF THAT. The people you’re meeting with when you’re getting your venture off the ground might not always believe you can do everything you know you can do, but you are there to convince them. Don’t let your age or gender or someone else’s idea of what you should be determine your sense of self—or your future. Young and female? Face it head-on and let people know that being young means you have fresh ideas and energy. Being female means you’re tough and you don’t give up. You’re Boss. You know what to do.

WE STILL LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE WE LACK GENDER EQUALITY IN MOST FIELDS. Women make up half the workforce, but represent only 25% in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Nearly one-third of practicing physicians are women, with just over one-third working as full-time medical faculty, according to the American Association of Medical Colleges. And a study by the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University found that women make up just 7% of directors of the top 250 films and 13% of writers on the top 700 films. The 2016 Fortune 500 CEOs included only 21 women, which works out to just over 4%. The numbers can feel discouraging, but look at them as a yardstick for where we are and where we still need to go.