SO THE MEN OF THE battalion marched away from the Piave front, heading west, the same direction they had taken a month earlier on the march to Mount Grappa. This time they kept going, moving to a different terrain and climate. After two days’ marching across the Venetian Plain, motorized transport took them away from the flat country up into the mountains, on to the Asiago Plateau. The weather in the mountains was extremely cold, wet and snowy, although in a month or so it would certainly change for the better. The war diary entry recording the move shows that the battalion was in good physical condition, and with good morale:
15th to 16th [March] battalion moved by march route to CASTELFRANCO on 15th inst & proceeded to BOLZANO the following day. The second day’s march was long & tedious but no man fell out on either day.
We can see from Harry’s letter below that they marched 25 miles (40km) in two days. One of the ‘interior economy’ (see Glossary) sessions must have determined that Harry was due for a new pair of boots, hardly ideal for a long march, as military boots take a good deal of breaking in. During the halt at Castelfranco at the end of the first day’s march the men must have had some time to visit local shops, as Harry was able to buy a postcard, which he sent to Jack with a letter after the next day’s march had ended. Castelfranco is a small town even today, and it must therefore have been quite an event to have several hundred British soldiers arrive for the night. (Then again, perhaps it was a standard stopping-off point for troops on the move, in which case the locals would have sorted out how to maximize profits from the ‘visitors’.) Harry’s letter two days later is long and, given the likelihood of it being censored, relatively informative.
March 17th/1918
32507/9 Batt York and Lanc Regt., C. Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F
Dear Jack
I was pleased to receive your letter and tin of salmon. It is now Sunday night and it as been very hot we have had church parade this afternoon as we where all busy this morning cleaning up. We have just finished two days march, just over forty kilos so we had a good march and I had a pair of new boots so I went through it but I stuck it. I think we shall stay here a bit now, but we might get to a different part of the line. We had a grand place for scenery when last we were in the line, well the support line we were on Mountbello [Montebello?] Hills I think that is what they call them. The mountains on one side and we could see right over the venetian plains for miles all fine country it was these plains what the Germans wanted when they made their advance. the Italians releived us when we were in the line they do seem a windy lot as soon as they got in the Austrians started to shell a bit, they all get in dug outs and they would not move. I don’t know how they would go on up Ypres. The country is alright but I don’t think much to the people a lot of the Italian soldier can speak English as they come from New York or some part of the States. If you see a small book any time which would help me with the Italian Language I should be very pleased if you would send it. I am glad you are both keeping well and I hope they are going on alright at home. I think it will be hot here in summer as some parts of the day now it is awful. We are having a quite time here, well it is a picnic against France. We cant grumble at the rations we are getting out here but of course it is the same thing over and over again. they are sending them on leave from Italy but I dont expect I shall get one for another three or four months yet time for the war to finish by then. I get your papers regular now and I noticed the piece you marked out in the guardian [newspaper]. I am sending you a view, I have been to this place a time or two. Write back as soon as possible and let me know how you are getting on.
With best Love to you both
Below is the ‘view’ that Harry sent to Jack. It would appear that a battalion censor has done some work on the name of the place, scoring through the printed words, although it is possible that Harry did it in a half-hearted way in case the censor looked at it.
Harry is not too impressed with the Italian soldiers. Of course, he is by now a battle-hardened veteran, whereas many of the Italian troops were untried, having been hastily drafted in after the catastrophic losses – especially in prisoners – of the Caporetto battle. He will be used to the idea of shelling and, while having respect for the shells, would have arrived at a state of mind that accepted that situation. Italy, he writes, is a picnic against France, but he has no realistic hope of being granted leave any time soon.
Sadly, I have no idea whether he did manage to learn any Italian; nor do I know what was in the article from, I assume, the Manchester Guardian (now The Guardian) that Jack had sent him.
Quite a good indicator of the relative quietness of this sector of the Italian front is the fact that Harry is able to write more, and fuller, letters, and even the war diary seems almost verbose compared with its entries during the battalion’s service at Ypres.
Harry’s postcard from Castelfranco, showing the rather feeble attempt at censorship.
17th–24th [March] Bn in Billets in BOLZANO – the whole Bn was bathed on 17th inst. A Junior N.C.Os class was formed at Bn Hdqrs. instruction being given in Musketry, Lewis Gun, Map Reading and Drill. The class was successful chiefly in increasing the specialised knowledge of the young N.C.Os. The Bn concentrated on Company Drill, Physical Training, Bayonet Fighting and Musketry; each day’s programme terminated with 15 minutes ceremonial drill. Specialists were trained by their own officers — the Scouts were instructed in Semaphore Signalling daily. Subaltern officers [junior officers below the rank of captain] were similarly instructed by the Signalling officer. A successful Sports meeting was held on the 23rd inst. On 24th inst. [a Sunday] the Bn attended a Brigade Church Parade.
March 21st/1918
32507/9 Batt York and Lanc Regt., C. Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F
Dear Kate
Just a line to let you know that I am going on alright and I am pleased that you are keeping well. I have had a letter from Jack and one from Ethel, they are all going on alright except for the food problem which bothers them a bit. the weather here is grand very hot during the day but very cold at night. Jack is sending Willie a present for is birthday which is saturday. I have sent him and Connie a card or two I hope they like them. I am pleased that you write often as I am always glad of a letter from you. I think I shall get a leave sometime this summer if I have good luck. I will write again soon.
With Love from
A card that Harry sent to Connie from Italy
Four days after Harry’s latest letter to Kate, the 9th York and Lancasters are on the move again:
25th to 26th Battalion moved by march route to SARCEDO – the following day was devoted to interior economy.
27th Bn. moved by motor lorries to Italian hutments at GRANEZZA.
The use of lorries for the later stage of the journey must have been very welcome. The men had marched across the plain from Montebelluna, but were fortunate to get this motor transport for the significant climb into the mountains.
28th–30th [March] Bn relieved the 28th[?] Italian Regiment in the line, becoming Right Battalion. ‘A’, ‘C’ & ‘B’ Companies were in the front line and ‘D’ Company in Reserve. The whole of the town was very quiet – little work was done apart from cleaning up and improving sanitary conditions which were very bad. Two patrols were sent out nightly, sometimes three; on two occasions they came in contact with the enemy; much useful information was obtained both by patrols and observation. Major D Lewis D.S.O. M.C. left the Bn on 29th inst to proceed to England to attend a Senior Officers Course at Aldershot.
[Easter Day] 31st Bn was relieved by 11th WYorks, moving to huts at LANGABISA, and becoming Reserve Bn.
SICKNESS;– During March the average daily attendance at Sick Parade was 25, the prevailing disease being I.C.T. [inflamed connective tissue – probably trench foot].
The end of March and the start of April sees the battalion in training again:
1st–4th [April] Bn in reserve in hutments at LANGABISA. During this period training in HILL FIGHTING was carried out in its various phases.
Two days later, Harry wrote to both Kate and Jack:
April 2/4/1918
32507/ 9 York & Lancs., C Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Kate
I have just got your letter dated 24/ I also got the money alright. Postal orders are alright. I have also had a letter from Jack and one from Ethel. Ethel told me that Jack had sent Willie a shilling [£0.05] for his birthday, it will soon be Connie’s now. The weather here is very cold we have had frost and snow and it has been raining now two days, but still we are alright, it is very quiet not like beening in France. I am always glad to get a letter from you I have not been able to write any letters lately, but if you don’t get one you will know the reason so you can write a line every week. I am pleased they are all keeping in good health at home and that dad does not get any worse. I will try and write you a long letter next time I write. Could you send me a stick of shaving shop and a piece of washing soap next time you write.
With Best Love
April 2/4/1918
32507/ 9 York & Lancs., C Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
Just a line to let you know I am going on alright. I was pleased to get your letter and to hear that you both are keeping well. We have had some frost and snow out here, but it as been raining for two days. I have had a letter from home and they told me you had sent Willie a birthday present. Things are very quiet out here a bit different to being out in France. things seems to be a bit rough out there now, but I hope things will change. I will write again in a few days and let you know a bit more news.
With Best Love to you both
P.S. Could you send a few envelopes and writing paper
The front on the Asiago Plateau was not inactive, however, as war diary entries for the following weeks show:
8th to 11th [April] Battalion in the Line. Our patrols were very active nightly and on the night of 9–10 a fighting patrol consisting of 2 Officers and 20 O.R. succeeded in capturing 2 prisoners – just outside the enemy’s wire at MORAR. The patrol returned safely with the two prisoners without loss. 2/Lt F Flory was slightly wounded in the foot.
14th Battn at MARE. 2/Lts F FLORY and W MEAD were awarded the MILITARY CROSS for conspicuous gallantry on the night of the 9th, 10th of April.
On the same date 17558 Pte J Shillington received the DCM [Distinguished Conduct Medal]
10983 a/s [Acting Sergeant] V.G. Stokes received Bar to MM [i.e. a second MM]
15819 Pte R. Morgan received the MM
235382 Pte W Knight received the MM
16th to 19th at GRENAZZA. In spite of very inclement weather, training was carried on continuously.
19th Battn moved to FARA area using the mountain mule tracks. Battn in billets by 3 p.m. having moved off at 8.45 a.m.
20th Battn moved off at 9.30 a.m marching to camp at VILLA VERLA. Battn in camp at 1 p.m.
21st Battn moved off at 9.45 a.m. and marched to billets at GRUMO taking the route over the mountains from ISOLA VICENTINA – Very heavy rainstorm during the whole of the march but the Commanding Officer arranged for fires to be lighted in all billets on arrival & special drying rooms were allocated in addition so that all men and their clothes were thoroughly dried and no ill effects were experienced. Arrived in billets at 5.30 p.m.
This would not have been an easy trek. The battalion set out in the mountains, its destination on the plains below Mount Grappa. The weather would have made the march very challenging, although the fires and ‘drying rooms’ at journey’s end would have been welcome. The ‘mountains’ on the route from Isola Vicente to Grumo are modest in comparison to the terrain the men had left. In his next letter, Harry describes some of the discomforts the battalion had undergone. He had also had news, which I think he had expected for some time, about his father.
April 22nd 1918
32507/9th Batt Y & L Regt., C. Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S.
Dear Jack
I am sorry I have not been able to write to you lately but we have been on a fresh front on the Asiago Plateau it was different altogether from the Piave. We went up the mountain first time in motor cars [lorries] as far as we could get. When we was on the plains it was very hot but when we got to the trenches it was knee deep in snow and freezing. After we had been up a bit it started to rain, we got wet through time after time. There was nothing doing only patrols we had a rough time now and again, we had to do outpost duty, we should be about two hundred yards in front of our own wire, you can bet what it was like out there in the rain and snow but we are down on the plains now and I am in the best of health. By the time you get this letter I shall have been out here [i.e. on active service abroad, not out in Italy] 12 months altogether. I was rather upset to hear that father is dead. I had a letter from Ilkeston [presumably from Ethel] telling me that he had died April 7th. I have not been able to send any letters for about three weeks so they will wonder where I have got too. I am pleased you keep writing to me, I hope you are both keeping in the best of health. We don’t seem to be getting on very well with the war in France [by now, the Ludendorff Offensive, which had been launched on 21 March, had made huge inroads against the British and French armies in Belgium and France] it would not surprise me if some of our chaps dont have to go back. Write back as soon as you can and let me know all the news you can. I suppose you have had the Zepps [bombing raids by German airships, generally known as ‘Zeppelins’] around your way again. I hope they are all keeping well at Ilkeston. I have met one or two fellows from Ilkeston and one from Kimberly [Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, not far from Ilkeston] in our battalion. I will write again soon I don’t think we shall go up the mountains when we go in the trenches again, it does seem strange to be up above the clouds, I can tell you we see some fine sights, you would like to be here in peace time for a holiday. I am going to write to Kate now.
With best Love to you both.
The letter to Jack of 22 April 1918.
The battalion war diary does make some occasional mention of the rain and snow, but on the whole the troops took such things in their stride. A ‘rough time’ is Harry’s gentle way of saying that there has been some significant military action.
The paper Harry used this time is rather different. On the front is printed ‘FOR SCRIBBLING OR NOTES ONLY’, on the reverse, ‘Question . . . . . . Write only on this side of the paper, and not on either margin.’ Presumably, Jack, the former schoolmaster, had sent him some old examination answer sheets.
At about this time, one of the four other divisions that had travelled with 23rd Division from Flanders in the autumn returned there to strengthen the Allied defence against the devastating German offensive that had already won significant gains. Harry may have heard about that and been a little concerned that the 23rd might be ordered to follow – not a welcome prospect.
April 26th/4/1918
32507/9th Batt York & Lancs Regt., C Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Kate
Just a line to let you know that I am going on alright and that I am in good health. I had a letter from Ilkeston telling me about dad, I was very sorry to hear it but it as been wonderful how he as kept up. The weather here as been very changeable just lately plenty of rain but we have had it hot now and again. We can get plenty to eat were we are just now, such as fruit and eggs. The scenery is also very pretty. did you get over to Ilkeston, if you did, how long did you stop. I have had a letter from Jack and he told me that Mr Thomas’s eldest son had been killed in Palestine that is the second son he has lost it is very hard lines and I was sorry to hear it. They were both officers. one was in the West Riding’s Batt [a Territorial battalion of the Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment]. There is only one son left but he is only about 17½ years [in most cases, the minimum age for the armed services was eighteen].
I have put a letter for you in Ethels envelope I hope you get it alright, let me know if you get it. Write every week if you can, it does not matter if it is only just a line or two.
With Best Love
April 30th 1918
32507/ 9th Batt Y & L., C. Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
I am writing a few lines to you hoping that you are both in good health. It is a long time since I wrote to you till this week so I expect you will get two letters at about the same time [in fact, his last letter to Jack had been sent eight days earlier]. I should be pleased if you will send me a small book on the Lewis Gun and one which I think is called the soldier it gives you all information about guards, salutes and all army regulations etc. if you cant get one, send the best you can. I expect we shall have to do guards out here. I think they are getting on a bit better at llkeston now [after Harry’s father’s death]. I don’t know when I shall get a leave, all leave is stopped out here for a bit. I hope you got that letter telling you I was amongst the snow and rain on the Asiago Plateau front, it did seem strange to be amongst the mountains for a month. I was very sorry to hear that Mr Thomas’s son as got killed it is very sad. Write as often as you can as I cant get letters off very well when I am in the line.
With Best Love to you both
It seems a little strange, if commendable, that Harry should be asking for books about military procedure. I can understand his interest in a booklet about the Lewis gun, but I am quite certain that, like most infantrymen, he wasn’t a fan of saluting and drills.
The war diary entry for the end of April closes the month with a wonderfully down-to-earth entry:
30th Sickness, Admissions to hospital were the LOWEST on record for the past SIX months. Sick parades have been above the average. The prevailing diseases being IMPETIGO and BOILS.
At the end of April 1918 the battalion moved to new barracks at Arzignano, at the foot of the mountains about ten miles (16km) west of Vicenza, where it carried out intensive training.
1–12 [May] Battalion in billets at ARZIGNANO from 1st to the 12th. During this period training in hill fighting was carried on assiduously. A large field opposite the H.Q. mess of the 9th York & Lancaster Regt. was leased. Col D S Rumbolt [Rumbold] of the 9th and Col Watford of the 8th York & Lancaster Regt defraying the expense. The companies were able to drill and exercise, and during their stay, a highly successful inter Battalion Sports Meeting was held. All the men were bathed and supplied with complete ‘changes’ [of uniform and clothing] at the Brigade Baths on two occasions. rifle ranges were constructed and all men practised in MUSKETRY. A special programme of work for scouts was drawn up including five nights for weak [sic] night operations. A Recreation Room was established, games, concerts provided.
Still on the plains, the battalion was evidently short of space for training and so, amazingly, the CO and his opposite number from the 8th Battalion paid for the rent of a field. I find this strange. I had assumed that the Army would, with British good manners, have simply apologized to the local inhabitants for the inconvenience, and taken what was needed to fight the war.
May 8th 1918
32507/ 9th Batt Y & Lancs Reg., C Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
I have just received two letters and small packett I was very pleased with them. I hope you got my letters asking for a book or two, if so will you send them on as soon as possible. I have had a letter from Ilkeston they are all getting on as well as can be expected, which I was very pleased to hear. I think Connie and Willie will miss grandad but they will soon forget. We have had a lot of rain here lately, but when the sun does shine it is very hot, things in the gardens and fields are looking very well, you can see small bunches of grapes forming on some of the vines already and I have seen one or two lemons on the trees, it must be fine to have a summer out here and see all the fruit ripen. I was very pleased that Mr Leverton was at dad’s funeral it was very good of him. I think I will write a few lines to him.
With best love to you both
Near the end of the first fortnight of May, the battalion made its way on foot back up the mountains to the Asiago Plateau, where once again it took its turn in the line.
12th to 25th [May] Battalion in the line. New positions selected and constructed. Patrols – offensive and defensive – were sent out nightly; also reconnaissance patrols. and much valuable information was gained with regard to the enemy’s work and disposition. In spite of this continuous activity, the Battalion was fortunate enough to have NO casualties of any kind. About the middle of the month, a fever which had already attacked the 8th Battn, broke out and spread rapidly from Bn H.Q. to ‘B’ and ‘C’ Coys. then to ‘A’ Coy and finally to ‘D’ Coy. At no time dangerous, the illness was marked by sudden very high temperatures lasting from two to four days followed by a period of lassitude from six to ten days. Isolative camps were established and every hut and bivouac thoroughly disinfected and fumigated. By the end of the month the sick list was becoming normal. On the 15th of the month, the well which had been supplying washing and cooking water was reported to have run dry but the Commanding Officer immediately instituted extra sections of water-carrying mules and practically no inconvenience was felt.
The war diary is clearly referring to an outbreak of influenza, for the ‘Spanish Flu’ epidemic was to be a horrible feature of the summer, and on through that year and the next. The strain that was afflicting Harry’s battalion sounds quite mild – most unpleasant, however, in a trench environment. In the end, the pandemic was to kill some twenty million people worldwide between 1918 and 1920. It was probably because the men of the battalion were by now extremely fit, and were not serving in the much harsher conditions of the Western Front, that they escaped relatively lightly, for flu was to kill tens of thousands of soldiers in all the combatant armies in the dying months of the war. Harry’s next letter, however, makes no mention of it.
May 21th [sic] 1918
32507/ 9th Batt York & Lancs., C Company,
12 Platoon L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
I have received your letter and books alright. The small book is very handy as it does not take up much room. I thank you very much for sending them. I have just had a letter from Kate and she is getting on alright. We are still in the same place only it is a bit warmer this time up, and not so quiet, but I am going on alright. You will see that we have a Y.M. up here but it is only a very small one. If you dont get a letter from me every week, keep writing as it is very hard at times to get letters away. I did not see any processions at Easter as we were in an out of the way place but there would be plenty no doubt. They go to church at all times here. I have seen them going at five in the morning and bells ringing at three. Every body here seems to go to church regular. we see some strange sights out here, but the scenery is very pretty. I guess Willie would fancy himself when writing to you. I will write again as soon as possible. I am please that you are both getting on alright and keeping well.
With best love
Harry’s reference to ‘a Y.M.’ means, of course, the YMCA, which during that war provided canteen and other facilities – including writing paper – for troops at the front. I have been unable to discover whether the book Harry received from Jack was about the Lewis gun, or about military procedure. It is clear from his letter, too, that, unlike in Flanders, civilian life in Italy, even close to the front line, seems to go on around the troops.
The first days of June were spent in quite intensive training before the battalion moved into the line once more.
11th [June] The Battalion relieved the 8th battalion, K.O.Y.L.I. in the left sector, Right Brigade front: relief was complete at 8 am. Very heavy rainfall during the day and night. By night, the outpost line was held by patrols [positions in advance of the front line, manned in order to provide warning of enemy activity, especially an attack].
12th The front line trenches and support positions were improved.
Already under strength, the battalion was also weakened by the influenza attacks. The enemy, however, with extra divisions available from the Eastern Front following Russia’s withdrawal from the war in March 1918, recognized that a decisive offensive in Italy had every chance of proving successful. The plan was to attack on both the Asiago Plateau and the Piave front at the same time. Harry’s battalion found itself in the line at Asiago as the activity increased, duly recorded by the war diary:
13th Considerable improvement in weather conditions. At night, our defensive patrol was engaged by hostile rifle fire, bombs and mortars from the vicinity of S. AVE, one casualty being sustained.
14th Increase in reciprocal artillery fire [i.e. shelling by both sides] throughout the day. By night the outpost line was held by patrols.
A really helpful sketch map is included in the war diary of the 11th Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment), another of the battalions in 70 Brigade, giving an excellent view of dispositions as the Austro-Hungarians attacked on the morning of 15 June (see here). The 9th York and Lancasters hold the positions to the left. According to the battalion’s own war diary, some effort had been made to improve the defensive positions.
As the artillery activity increased, the defenders would be aware that an attack was certainly imminent. The action started before dawn on the 15th with a bombardment, including gas shells. The battalion’s forward patrol, as reported in the war diary entry below, seems to have been overrun by the advancing Austro-Hungarian troops as the attack developed.
15th 3am Enemy opened bombardment on our front system, lachrymatory [tear] gas being used. Our patrol of one officer and twenty other ranks was surprised by the enemy, only two men escaping to our lines.
5.30am to 7.30 am Enemy advanced to the attack, but only succeeded in getting within 100 yards of our wire, where he was disorganised and checked, enemy bombardment was continued.
8.30am Enemy in artillery formation [i.e. advancing in small groups rather than extended line to minimize casulties from shellfire] advanced between S.W.of ASIAGO and EDELWEISS SPUR forming up in line on reverse slope [the side of a hill away from the enemy] of GUARDINALTI ridge. M.G’s [machine guns] were pushed well forward and opened rapid fire at intervals.
10.30am Situation became normal. Reciprocal artillery fire was maintained. Enemy casualties were apparently heavy, stretcher bearers carrying back their wounded during the day.
The sketch map of the action on the Asiago Plateau, 15 June 1918, from the war diary of the 11th Battalion, the Sherwood Foresters, and showing Harry’s battalion on the left flank.
The morning dawned damp and foggy, and the tear gas would have added to the defenders’ problems. The attack was, with some difficulty, beaten off; the near total loss of the battalion’s forward patrol would have been a blow (as they were ‘surprised’ by the enemy, with luck most of them were captured). The war diary states that machine guns were pushed well forward. The sketch map (above) indicates that these were probably Vickers machine guns rather than the lighter battalion Lewis guns. The diary entry is somewhat ambiguous, however, as there are other references to the Austro-Hungarian forces pushing machine guns forward of the main assault.
While the Austro-Hungarian Army succeeded in breaking through the front line in several places, the 9th Battalion beat them off in their sector of the line. On their right, the 11th Sherwood Foresters temporarily lost the forward line of trenches but counter-attacked and recovered them during the day. The defensive tactics at this stage of the war had evolved to produce successive lines of (relatively) lightly defended trenches rather than a single substantial front-line trench. If the first line of trenches was successfully attacked, then the second became the new front line, and so on.
It was still light in the early evening when the enemy attacked again. The war diary records what happened in understated terms:
6pm Enemy, numbering more than one thousand, advanced in artillery formation between RODIGHIERI and OBA, forming up under cover between ASIAGO and SILVEGNAR.
9pm Approximately 200 enemy retired in scattered parties from GUARDINALTI ridge.
10pm Up to this hour, forty of the enemy were brought in to our lines. Desultory artillery fire throughout the night.
For the battalion, it had been a nerve-racking, but successful, evening with some enemy prisoners to show for it. The attack was important to the Austro-Hungarian forces, making it almost inevitable that the first day’s lack of success should be followed by a second attempt to break through on 16 May. The day began quietly enough, however:
16th 6am Two hostile light field guns were brought in to our lines from the vicinity of GUARDINALTI. Later four machine guns, three flammenwerfer, one case of gas shells, ammunition etc, were brought in by our small reconnoitring parties. Situation quiet throughout the day.
This time the main attack came in the evening.
9.45pm Enemy S.O.S. [signal flare, in this case indicating the start of the assault] followed by artillery barrage on our lines. At the same time, hostile M.G.’s in advanced positions opened fire on our lines.
10pm Small parties of the enemy getting within 100 yards of our wire in centre of Battalion front fired rifle grenades and Very lights in large numbers, into our trenches. Cheering was heard from ‘no man’s land’. [A rifle grenade was equipped with a metal rod to fit inside a rifle barrel; fired using a blank cartridge, they travelled further than hand-thrown grenades. Very lights were signal flares fired from a flare pistol, which burned with intense heat and light and were difficult to extinguish.]
10.15pm Battalion on our left fired S.O.S. [to call for artillery support] artillery barrage opening on line POSLEN – GUARDINALTI – VLA DAL BRUN.
11.30pm Situation became quieter; hostile Very lights in large numbers, showed enemy parties retiring between MORAR and AVE.
It must have been something of a relief to the defenders as it became clear that the attack had failed. The large numbers of flares put up were probably to provide illumination for enemy troops trying to find their way back to their lines from no man’s land.
17th Prisoners, wounded and otherwise, were brought in during the day, making a total of three officers and ninety-one other ranks. Relieved by the 10th Battalion Duke of Wellington Regiment. Relief was completed by 5pm. Battalion marched to hutments in GRANEZZA.
A couple of days later, safely out of the front line, Harry sends Jack quite a striking account of the attack.
June 19/1918
32507/ 9th Batt., York & Lancs Regt.,
C Coy 12 platoon, L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
I hope you are getting on alright. I have received the book and was very pleased with it. I have not received a letter for a long time. things have been a bit rough out here just lately something unusual after beening so quiet. Our Coy was in close support about 200 yards behind front line we were not wanted in the front line so we did not have to fire. I can tell you support line is worst than the front. The fight started about 3 oclock in the morning and Johnny Austrian started to come over about 7 o clock. Well he did get a reception I can tell you, them in the front line simply mowed them down and he got no farther than the wire. I went in the front line during the day to have a look when things had quietened down. The prisoners are the poorest lot I have seen and told us they thought that they were going to meet the Italians and where surprised to see our lads in the trenches. it was a big attack and he meant breaking through if he could. The prisoners had plenty of money, all notes and was pleased to be made prisoners, well the biggest part of them. They were a mixed lot Austrians, Hungarians and a large number of Rumanians. there objective was to get on to the plain but I can tell you he got a good beating especially on our divisional front. I shall be glad to see you all again and I hope you are both keeping in good health. I shall be able to tell you more when I see you. I hope this year sees the finish of the war, but I think that the enemy is more fed up than what we are. I have had a letter from home and pleased to say they are keeping well. Write as often as you can.
With Love to you both
(P.S.) I am putting an Austrian note in I hope you get it.
The successful defence of the Asiago Plateau must have been a great boost to the defenders’ morale. A couple of sentences in Harry’s letter show how positive he must have felt: ‘The prisoners are the poorest lot I have seen and told us they thought that they were going to meet the Italians and where [sic] surprised to see our lads in the trenches.’ ‘I think that the enemy is more fed up than what we are,’ he adds, reflecting on a possible end to the war. (The Austro-Hungarian banknote, sent in a separate envelope with the letter, survived in excellent condition.)
The Austro-Hungarian banknote that Harry sent home.
Astonishingly, he went into the front line after the action ‘to have a look’. By now, of course, he was a veteran infantryman, confident of his battalion’s ability to beat off any attacks. In Flanders, a non-essential visit to the front-line trench simply wouldn’t have been considered. It was not a place for sightseeing.
Between the war diary and Harry’s letter we get a good picture of the two days’ fighting. The offensive was a disaster for the Austro-Hungarian forces, which suffered heavy casualties and made no progress. Even at the start of the battles the attacking troops were ill-equipped and in poor condition after a winter in the mountains (as is confirmed by Harry’s account).
On the plains, along the Piave front, the enemy met with a similar lack of success. There was, initially, some progress at the eastern, seaward, end of the river and to the north, but the rain in the mountains earlier in the month made the river a formidable obstacle for men and supplies and an effective block to any retreat. Consequently, the Austro-Hungarian losses were severe. In addition, the attackers found that the Italian Army was no longer the demoralized and poorly led force of nine months earlier. To compound their problems, the defensive lines were stiffened with tough, experienced British and French divisions, drawn from the Western Front. By the middle of June, after failure on both Italian fronts, it was quite clear that the Austro-Hungarian Army was disintegrating.
The battalion’s part in throwing back the enemy offensive on the Asiago Plateau was recognized later in the month, as the war diary records:
Routine orders dated 25-6-1918 and 28-6-1918 contained the following awards for gallantry and distinguished conduct in the field during the operations of the 15-6-1918:-
Captain J.P. Shaw R.A.M.C. [Royal Army Medical Corps] attached York & Lancaster Regiment
Captain L. Lester; 2/Lieut. A. Hirst; 2/Lieut. J Ferguson
12/1246 C.S.M. J.A. Willoughby
241359 L/Cpl. E. Naylor M.M.
240660 L/Cpl E. Brock M.M.
17068 L/Cpl West J.; 34879 L/Cpl Stead H.
34582 Pte Dalenay; 235466 Pte. (A/Cpl) Boon J.R.
Sickness During the month of June, admissions to hospital were normal, the general health of the Battalion being good. Prevailing diseases were IMPETAGO [sic] and BOILS.
The beginning of July found the battalion out of the line, and Harry was able to write home again, this time to Kate as well as Jack.
July 2th [sic]/1918
32507/ 9th Batt Y & L.,
C Coy 12 Platoon, L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Kate
I have received your letter and the papers with the writing pad. I was very pleased with it. I have had a letter from Ethel and she says they are getting on alright at home. The weather here is very unsettled and we get plenty of rain. You were right when you say we have been busy out here just lately but I am pleased to say I am going on alright and in good health and I hope to keep so. I am pleased to here that Jack is getting on alright I had a letter from him last week. I hope Annie does not leave home and go to work, well I think she would be better at home. I think she might be able to find a bit of work to suit her in time. Write as often as you can and let me know how they are all getting on.
With best Love
July 2th/1918
32507/ 9th Batt Y & L.
C Coy 12 Platoon, L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
Just a line to let you know that I am alright and in good health. The weather here is very unsettled and we got plenty of rain. I hope you received my last letter in the green envelope [i.e. one that avoided the battalion censor]. Let me know if you have. I am pleased to hear they are going on alright at home and keeping in good health. I think Annie is worrying herself about getting work but I don’t think she as any need to both [bother?]. You will be glad to hear that Willie is getting a fine lad. I had a letter from Mr Leverton telling me about him. I will write a soon and let you know a bit more news. Hoping that you are both keeping in good health.
With Best Love to you both
(P.S.) Send a paper or two
This letter gives another clue that Harry is quite optimistic about the war’s progress. He is asking for newspapers, almost certainly expecting to get more good news about the possibility of the war ending. By now, on the Western Front, the tide had turned in the Allies’ favour, and the Germans in turn were beginning to be pressed hard as Ludendorff’s offensive, itself a last-ditch strategy to win the war before American forces and resources could take full effect, began to peter out.
The war diary of the 9th York and Lancasters has nothing to say about a possible end to the war, but records that there was still a fair bit of activity on the Asiago front.
5th to 11th [July] – Battalion in the line. By day, work on the defensive system was continued, and by night our outpost positions were improved, a considerable amount of wire being erected in front thereof. Patrols were sent out by night. Hostile shelling was intermittent during our tour in the line.
I have placed Harry’s next letter from Italy after the war diary entry for 5–11 July, as I am sure it is misdated.
July 8th 1918 [16 July?]
32507/9th Batt Y & L., C Coy 12 Platoon
L G S., I.E.F.
Dear Kate
I was glad to receive your letter dated 7th. Sorry I not wrote this last week but you see we have been up the mountains for about 7 or 8 weeks and all the envelopes were stuck. I hope we get down now for two or three weeks. We have had some trying times up in the front line on what we call sacrifice post up in front of our own wire but I am glad to say we got off alright we only went out after dark till morning. Glad to hear they are going on alright at home, I think it would be best for Annie to stay at home and wait for a bit of work. I have had a letter from Mr Leverton. I bet Willie fancies himself with his new clothes. We have got some very thin khaki and those big helmets [sun helmets, also known as pith helmets or solar topis, and usually issued for tropical service] they are alright out here as it is very hot on the plains. I might get home on leave late in September if I have good luck but I hope the war will soon finish. I think it as been on long enough. I am glad that you are keeping well as I am in the pink at present. The scenery out here is grand it would be alright in peace time for a holiday. we are half way up the mountain now and can see for miles along the plains it does look well. The people out here have some funny ways and not so clean as English, but in towns they are alright they are all Roman Catholics out here. Write as often as you can and let me know how you are getting on send a book or two if you can.
With best Love
Everything points to Harry dating this letter wrongly. The war diary tells us the summer kit wasn’t issued until 14 July and that the battalion was in the front line on the 8th – letter writing would not have been easy. I would guess that it was written at about the same time as Harry’s 16 July letter to Jack, not least because its content is very similar. It also tells us that letters were taking about a week from being written in England to being delivered in Italy – not too bad for a wartime postal service, under which the General Post Office had to transfer letters for soldiers to the Army’s postal service, for onward transmission to any one of thousands of serving units.
Still close to the mountains, but away from the front line on the edge of the plains, the weather is obviously warm enough to justify the issue of tropical kit and the ‘big helmets’. It seems likely that there were plans to move the 9th York and Lancasters back to the plains; certainly Harry thinks that is a possibility. This is the war diary’s record of the issue of tropical clothing to the men:
14th Church services were held in the morning. Khaki-drill clothing was issued. The Commanding Officer, accompanied by O.C. Companies, reconnoitred the 7th Divisional front.
There was a small problem with the khaki-drill clothing, which was lighter in colour than the standard-issue uniform. While it was fine in a desert environment, at night it showed much paler than the background and the soldiers were easily seen. Harry mentions the thinness of the material in his letter to Jack:
July 16th /18
32507/ 9th Bn Y & L., C Coy 12 platoon,
L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
I have received your letters dated 8th July. I was very pleased to get one. We have been up the mountains for about 7 or 8 weeks and I could not get any envelopes they were all stuck so I have not been able to write many letters. We have started to come down so I hope we shall be down for two or three weeks rest. It is very hot on the plains. We have been rigged out with drill khaki it is very thin alright for summer, we have also got those big helmets. I am glad to hear that you are all getting on well.
Some of or chaps were very bad last month with a complaint we called mountain fever. I had a slight attack but I did not go sick [i.e. report in sick]. all the use goes out of your legs, sore throat and cough but you soon get well, we were isolated for a fortnight but we are alright now. I should not be surprised if we don’t get on another front again, perhaps the Piave. I am in good health at present. We have had some trying jobs lately in front line on advance posts what they call sacrifice posts out all night about a thousand yards in front of our own wire and we have to stick it and only retire in case of a big bombardment, any minor raids we have to stick at all costs. This last month it has been something like France only the Austrians front line is at least two kilos away. I have had a letter from Ilkeston and they are getting on well they are making Willie a suit or two so I expect he will fancy himself. I have also had a letter from Mr Leverton. Hope you will keep writing every week as I am always glad to get a letter.
With best Love to you both
We can see that the tactical situation is quite different from that in Flanders, where the enemy lines were less than 200 yards ahead – and sometimes less than 100 yards. The advance listening posts – ‘sacrifice posts’ – were not at all popular in Flanders either, where they were even more dangerous because of the proximity of the Germans.
August, marking the start of the fifth year of the war, finds Harry still in a cheerfully relaxed frame of mind, as this letter to Jack shows (he may not be quite clear about the detail of Romeo and Juliet...):
Aug 4th
32507/ 9th Batt Y & Lancs, C Coy 12 Platoon,
L.G.S., I.E.F.
Dear Jack
I hope you are getting on alright as I am in good health at present. The weather out here is very hot at present and the grapes and the figs are looking well but they are not ripe yet. I expect we shall be up the mountain when they are ready for picking. last time we were up we were there for eight or nine weeks it is a long time to be up and see nothing only plenty of fir trees so I think we have earned four or five weeks rest which I hope we shall get well we have had just over a fortnight now. The scenery is alright here we are at a place were Shakespeare wrote his poem about Romeo and Juliet. There is two castles just above our billets on a big hill and it is said that it was in one of these that he wrote this peace. it would just suit you to have a roam about here, but it is very quiet. I see from the papers that the Americans have arrived in Italy and have been to Rome. I wish they would take us to a place like that were we could see things. I have had a letter from Kate and she said that she was thinking of going home for August and she was going to send Connie to a school at Liverpool. I hope she [Connie] gets on alright it will be hard for her to leave home but I hope she gets treated alright if not she would be better at home. Well it is Sunday today, and the fourth anniversary of the war, we have just been to church service. I think it looks like going on another year although some people think it will be over this year. I hope so at any rate. I expect I shall be getting a leave late on in September or early October, well I hope so. What do you think about the war. Do you think it will be long. We are up at 3.30 A.M. and finish at 9 A.m. Then we have an hour at night, that is while the weather is so hot, and while we are out for a rest. I am sending you a photo or two if you get them will you send one or two to Kate and Annie when you write they are photos [postcards] of the castle. I have been up to them.
With best Love to you both
The war diary prosaically records that Harry’s hopes of four or five weeks away from the line were vain; nor did the issue of tropical kit last long:
14th [August] Khaki-drill clothing was withdrawn and service dress clothing issued. The Battalion marched from BERGANA to CAMISINO.
16th The Battalion relieved the 1st Battalion, South Staffordshire Regt. in the CESUNA SWITCH (left Brigade, left Divisional sector): relief was complete at midnight. Battalion HQrs and ‘A’ Company were in the CESUNA TUNNEL, the remaining three Companies occupying the SWITCH.
17th & 18th Reciprocal artillery fire during the day. At night a working party from ‘A’ Company improved PERGHELE TRENCH, and repaired camouflage on CESUNA ROAD.
18th C. of E. Service was held at 3 pm in the CESUNA TUNNEL.
About a month after issue, the hot-weather gear is handed back. The plans must be to send the 9th York and Lancasters and the rest of 23rd Division back into the mountains. Sure enough, Harry’s next letter confirms that they have moved back – Cesuna is on the Asiago Plateau, a few miles west of the positions they had held for the battle of 15–16 June. The letter is written on YMCA notepaper, which accounts for the different address layout.
Reply to: Company C Bat 9th Regt. York & Lancs
Aug 19th 1918
12 Platoon L.G.S.
Dear Jack
I hope you got the post cards I sent in my last letter. Ethel is having Willies photo taken so I expect I shall be getting one. We are up the mountains again now it is much cooler than being on the plains, the worst part about it is getting here it is such a big climb I can tell you, and it takes us a long time to get up we are all beat when we get to the top. The village we are at now used to be occupied by Italians who were well off. they used to come up here in the summer, it was too hot on the plains for them but of course no one lives here now as it has been knocked about a bit. I think the Americans are coming up here, well I hope we are not up this quarter for the winter as it is terribly cold for six or seven months and plenty of snow. I shall be glad to see you all again, but I expect I shall be home on leave sometime in the next month if I have good luck, so I expect to see you. I am glad that you are both keeping in good health as I am pretty well at present. I am sending this letter in Ethel’s so I hope you get it alright. Write as often as you can. I am always pleased to get a line from you.
With best love to you both
Harry was a little optimistic about American involvement on the plateau. A small contingent, an infantry regiment, had arrived in the mountains but by this time had been transferred to the Piave front.
While the Austro-Hungarian Army may have been becoming demoralized, it still had plenty of artillery. The war diary notes an increase in activity on the Asiago front:
19th [August] Little artillery fire during the day: At night the Brigadier General and Brigade Major accompanied the Commanding Officer round the post line in CESUNA SWITCH.
20th Hostile artillery very active during the day, a number of shells falling in the vicinity of CESUNA. Work on PERGHELE TRENCH was continued.
21st Hostile artillery fire again active, in consequence of which two companies of the 8th Battalion K.O.L.I. [KOYLI] moved down to CESUNA TUNNEL from MAGNABOSCHI.
22nd Artillery quiet during the day. Working parties were continued at night.
23rd Considerable increase in enemy artillery fire during the day, a large number of shells falling on the N.W. slope Mt LEMERLE.
Three of the five postcards that Harry sent to Jack early in August 1918.
We should note Harry’s birthday. On 28 August 1918, he was thirty-one years old, and had been on active service for a year and three months, during which time he had not seen his family once. His son, Willie, who was now two and a half years old, he had known for just nine months. There follows a gap in the letters, however. This is certainly due to Harry being granted leave back to England, all the evidence suggesting that he would have had two weeks towards the end of September 1918 back at home.
In general, ordinary soldiers could expect to get around two weeks’ home leave each year. Harry has definitely not had leave since he arrived in Italy in late 1917. I initially suspected, but had no firm evidence, that he had been granted leave in August 1917, while serving in Flanders. I have since discovered, however, that there was no leave from that sector at that time. I am amazed that he hasn’t made some sort of comment in his letters, given that he had gone without leave for around twenty months.
August turned to September. On the Asiago Plateau, even as Harry was on leave, his unit continued to play its part in the front line.
19th [September] The Battalion relieved the 8th Battalion York & Lancaster Regiment in the left front sub-sector, right Brigade left Divisional front. ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ Companies relieved during the morning and ‘D’ Company (Outpost) at night.
20th–24th Reciprocal artillery fire day & night. The trench system was improved and a considerable amount of wire erected on forward slope of STAFFORD HILL.
During this period, Harry was away from the war, on leave back in England. While he was away, his battalion shifted from the mountains back down to the plains, where he was to rejoin them.
I would guess that this photograph is the one that Harry mentions in his letter to Jack of 19 August 1918 (I have several copies of it in a box of ‘bits & bobs’). Willie certainly looks the right age. I have also received a number of comments from followers of the blog suggesting that Connie is using the chair for support, since it is very likely that the cerebral palsy affected her walking – probably her balance. My sister Anita still has the chair, so the picture may have been taken by a visiting photographer rather than, as was often the case in those days, in a studio. The photograph would have been an expensive item for Ethel and so I think it likely that Kate would have helped out with the cost.