Chapter 4
Introducing the core basics of statistical probability
Quantifying correlation
Reducing dataset dimensionality
Building decision models with multiple criteria decision-making
Diving into regression methods
Detecting outliers
Talking about time series analysis
Math and statistics are not the scary monsters that many people make them out to be. In data science, the need for these quantitative methods is simply a fact of life — and nothing to get alarmed over. Although you must have a handle on the math and statistics that are necessary to solve a problem, you don’t need to go study for degrees in those fields.
Contrary to what many pure statisticians would have you believe, the data science field isn’t the same as the statistics field. Data scientists have substantive knowledge in one field or several fields, and they use statistics, math, coding, and strong communication skills to help them discover, understand, and communicate data insights that lie within raw datasets related to their field of expertise. Statistics is a vital component of this formula, but not more vital than the others. In this chapter, I introduce you to the basic ideas behind probability, correlation analysis, dimensionality reduction, decision modeling, regression analysis, outlier detection, and time series analysis.
Probability is one of the most fundamental concepts in statistics. To even get started making sense of your data by using statistics, you need to be able to identify something as basic as whether you’re looking at descriptive or inferential statistics. You also need a firm grasp of the basics of probability distribution. The following sections cover these concepts and more.
A statistic is a result that’s derived from performing a mathematical operation on numerical data. In general, you use statistics in decision-making. Statistics come in two flavors:
Descriptive: Descriptive statistics provide a description that illuminates some characteristic of a numerical dataset, including dataset distribution, central tendency (such as mean, min, or max), and dispersion (as in standard deviation and variance). For clarification, the mean of a data set is the average value of its data points, its min is the minimum value of its data points and the max is the maximum value. Descriptive statistics are not meant to illustrate any causal claims.
Descriptive statistics can highlight relationships between X and Y, but they do not posit that X causes Y.
It’s true that descriptive statistics describe the characteristics of a numerical dataset, but that doesn’t tell you why you should care. In fact, most data scientists are interested in descriptive statistics only because of what they reveal about the real-world measures they describe. For example, a descriptive statistic is often associated with a degree of accuracy, indicating the statistic’s value as an estimate of the real-world measure.
To better understand this concept, imagine that a business owner wants to estimate the upcoming quarter’s profits. The owner might take an average of the past few quarters’ profits to use as an estimate of how much profit they’ll make during the next quarter. But if the previous quarters’ profits varied widely, a descriptive statistic that estimated the variation of this predicted profit value (the amount by which this dollar estimate could differ from the actual profits earned) would indicate just how far the predicted value could be from the actual one. (Not bad information to have, right?)
Like descriptive statistics, inferential statistics are used to reveal something about a real-world measure. Inferential statistics do this by providing information about a small data selection, so you can use this information to infer something about the larger dataset from which it was taken. In statistics, this smaller data selection is known as a sample, and the larger, complete dataset from which the sample is taken is called the population.
If your dataset is too big to analyze in its entirety, pull a smaller sample of this dataset, analyze it, and then make inferences about the entire dataset based on what you learn from analyzing the sample. You can also use inferential statistics in situations where you simply can’t afford to collect data for the entire population. In this case, you’d use the data you do have to make inferences about the population at large. At other times, you may find yourself in situations where complete information for the population isn’t available. In these cases, you can use inferential statistics to estimate values for the missing data based on what you learn from analyzing the data that’s available.
Imagine that you’ve just rolled into Las Vegas and settled into your favorite roulette table over at the Bellagio. When the roulette wheel spins off, you intuitively understand that there is an equal chance that the ball will fall into any of the slots of the cylinder on the wheel. The slot where the ball lands is totally random, and the probability, or likelihood, of the ball landing in any one slot over another is the same. Because the ball can land in any slot, with equal probability, there is an equal probability distribution, or a uniform probability distribution — the ball has an equal probability of landing in any of the slots in the wheel.
But the slots of the roulette wheel aren’t all the same — the wheel has 18 black slots and 20 slots that are either red or green.
Because of this arrangement, the probability that your ball will land on a black slot is 47.4%.
Your net winnings here can be considered a random variable, which is a measure of a trait or value associated with an object, a person, or a place (something in the real world) that is unpredictable. Because this trait or value is unpredictable, however, doesn’t mean that you know nothing about it. What’s more, you can use what you do know about this thing to help you in your decision-making. Keep reading to find out how.
A weighted average is an average value of a measure over a very large number of data points. If you take a weighted average of your winnings (your random variable) across the probability distribution, this would yield an expectation value — an expected value for your net winnings over a successive number of bets. (An expectation can also be thought of as the best guess, if you had to guess.) To describe it more formally, an expectation is a weighted average of some measure associated with a random variable. If your goal is to model an unpredictable variable so that you can make data-informed decisions based on what you know about its probability in a population, you can use random variables and probability distributions to do this.
Probability distribution is classified per these two types:
You can use the Naïve Bayes machine learning method, which was borrowed straight from the statistics field, to predict the likelihood that an event will occur, given evidence defined in your data features — something called conditional probability. Naïve Bayes, which is based on classification and regression, is especially useful if you need to classify text data.
To better illustrate this concept, consider the Spambase dataset that’s available from University of California, Irvine’s machine learning repository (
). That dataset contains 4,601 records of emails and, in its last field, designates whether each email is spam. From this dataset, you can identify common characteristics between spam emails. After you’ve defined common features that indicate spam email, you can build a Naïve Bayes classifier that reliably predicts whether an incoming email is spam, based on the empirical evidence supported in its content. In other words, the model predicts whether an email is spam — the event — based on features gathered from its content — the evidence.
Naïve Bayes comes in these three popular flavors:
Many statistical and machine learning methods assume that your features are independent. To test whether they’re independent, though, you need to evaluate their correlation — the extent to which variables demonstrate interdependency. In this section, you get a brief introduction to Pearson correlation and Spearman’s rank correlation.
If you want to uncover dependent relationships between continuous variables in a dataset, you’d use statistics to estimate their correlation. The simplest form of correlation analysis is the Pearson correlation, which assumes that
FIGURE 4-1: An example of a linear relationship between months and YouTube subscribers.
To use the Pearson’s r to test for linear correlation between two variables, you’d simply plug your data into the following formula and calculate the result.
Once you get a value for your Pearson r, you’d interpret it value according to the following standards:
The Spearman’s rank correlation is a popular test for determining correlation between ordinal variables. By applying Spearman’s rank correlation, you’re converting numeric variable-pairs into ranks by calculating the strength of the relationship between variables and then ranking them per their correlation.
The Spearman’s rank correlation assumes that
To use Spearman Rank to test for correlation between ordinal variables, you’d simply plug the values for your variables into the following formula and calculate the result.
FIGURE 4-2: An example of a non-linear relationship between watch time and % viewership.
Any intermediate-level data scientist should have a good understanding of linear algebra and how to do math using matrices. Array and matrix objects are the primary data structure in analytical computing. You need them in order to perform mathematical and statistical operations on large and multidimensional datasets — datasets with many different features to be tracked simultaneously. In this section, you see exactly what is involved in using linear algebra and machine learning methods to reduce a dataset’s dimensionality — in other words, to reduce a dataset’s feature count, without losing the important information the dataset contains, by compressing its features’ information into synthetic variables that you can subsequently utilize to make predictions or as input into another machine learning model.
Okay, what can you do with all this theory? Well, for starters, using a linear algebra method called singular value decomposition (SVD), you can reduce the dimensionality of your dataset — reduce the number of features that you track when carrying out an analysis, in other words. Dimension reduction algorithms are ideal options if you need to compress your dataset while also removing redundant information and noise. In data science, SVD is applied to analyze principal components from with large, noisy, sparse data sets — an approach machine learning folks call Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Since the linear algebra involved in PCA is rooted in SVD, let’s look at how SVD works.
The SVD linear algebra method decomposes the data matrix into the three resultant matrices shown in Figure 4-4. The product of these matrices, when multiplied together, gives you back your original matrix. SVD is handy when you want to compress or clean your dataset. Using SVD enables you to uncover latent variables — inferred variables hidden within your dataset that affect how that dataset behaves. Two main ways to use the SVD algorithm include
FIGURE 4-3: Applying SVD to compress a sparse, clean dataset.
FIGURE 4-4: Applying SVD to clean and compress a sparse, dirty dataset.
Getting a little nitty-gritty about SVD, let’s look at the formula for SVD, but keep in mind — this is linear algebra not regular algebra, so we are looking at matrix math not regular math. To take it from the beginning, you need to understand the concept of eigenvector. To do that, think of a matrix called A. Now consider a nonzero vector called x and that Ax = λx for a scalar λ. In this scenario, scalar λ is what’s called an eigenvalue of matrix A. It’s permitted to take on a value of 0. Furthermore, x is the eigenvector that corresponds to λ, and again, it’s not permitted to be a zero value. λ is simply the scale factor of the eigenvector. SVD decomposes the matrix down into three resultant matrices shown in Figure 4-5. The product of these matrices, when multiplied together, gives you back your original matrix.
Take a closer look at Figure 4-5:
A = u * S * v
FIGURE 4-5: You can use SVD to decompose data down to u, S, and V matrices.
Factor analysis is along the same lines as SVD in that it’s a method you can use for filtering out redundant information and noise from your data. An offspring of the psychometrics field, this method was developed to help you derive a root cause in cases where a shared root cause results in shared variance — when a variable’s variance correlates with the variance of other variables in the dataset.
When you find shared variance in your dataset, that means information redundancy is at play. You can use factor analysis or principal component analysis to clear your data of this information redundancy. You see more on principal component analysis in the following section, but for now, focus on factor analysis and the fact that you can use it to compress your dataset’s information into a reduced set of meaningful, non-information-redundant latent variables — meaningful inferred variables that underlie a dataset but are not directly observable.
Factor analysis makes the following assumptions:
In factor analysis, you do a regression — a topic covered later in this chapter — on features to uncover underlying latent variables, or factors. You can then use those factors as variables in future analyses, to represent the original dataset from which they’re derived. At its core, factor analysis is the process of fitting a model to prepare a dataset for analysis by reducing its dimensionality and information redundancy.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is another dimensionality reduction technique that’s closely related to SVD: This unsupervised statistical method finds relationships between features in your dataset and then transforms and reduces them to a set of non-information-redundant principal components — uncorrelated features that embody and explain the information that’s contained within the dataset (that is, its variance). These components act as a synthetic, refined representation of the dataset, with the information redundancy, noise, and outliers stripped out. You can then use those reduced components as input for your machine learning algorithms to make predictions based on a compressed representation of your data. (For more on outliers, see the “Detecting Outliers” section, later in this chapter.)
The PCA model makes these two assumptions:
Although PCA is like factor analysis, they have two major differences: One difference is that PCA does not regress to find some underlying cause of shared variance, but instead decomposes a dataset to succinctly represent its most important information in a reduced number of features. The other key difference is that, with PCA, the first time you run the model, you don’t specify the number of components to be discovered in the dataset. You let the initial model results tell you how many components to keep, and then you rerun the analysis to extract those features.
Life is complicated. We’re often forced to make decisions where several different criteria come into play, and it often seems unclear which criterion should have priority. Mathematicians, being mathematicians, have come up with quantitative approaches that you can use for decision support whenever you have several criteria or alternatives on which to base your decision. You see those approaches in Chapter 3, where I talk about neural networks and deep learning — another method that fulfills this same decision-support purpose is multiple criteria decision-making (or MCDM, for short).
You can use MCDM methods in anything from stock portfolio management to fashion-trend evaluation, from disease outbreak control to land development decision-making. Anywhere you have two or more criteria on which you need to base your decision, you can use MCDM methods to help you evaluate alternatives.
To use multiple criteria decision-making, the following two assumptions must be satisfied:
Another important thing to note about MCDM is that it’s characterized by binary membership. In mathematics, a set is a group of numbers that share a similar characteristic. In traditional set theory, membership is binary — in other words, an individual is either a member of a set or it’s not. If the individual is a member, it’s represented by the number 1, representing a “yes.” If it is not a member, it’s represented by the number 0, for “no.”
The best way to gain a solid grasp on MCDM is to see how it’s used to solve a real-world problem. MCDM is commonly used in investment portfolio theory. Pricing of individual financial instruments typically reflects the level of risk you incur, but an entire portfolio can be a mixture of virtually riskless investments (US government bonds, for example) and minimum-, moderate-, and high-risk investments. Your level of risk aversion dictates the general character of your investment portfolio. Highly risk-averse investors seek safer and less lucrative investments, and less risk-averse investors choose riskier, more lucrative investments. In the process of evaluating the risk of a potential investment, you’d likely consider the following criteria:
Earnings quality rating: Using a binary variable to score earnings quality ratings, then you could say that an investment falling within a particular ratings class for earnings quality gets scored as 1 (for “yes — the rating is adequate”); otherwise, it gets scored as a 0 (as in “no — it’s earning quality rating is not good enough”).
For you non-Wall Street types out there, earnings quality refers to various measures used to determine how kosher a company’s reported earnings are; such measures attempt to answer the question, “Do these reported figures pass the smell test?”
Imagine that you’re evaluating 20 different potential investments. In this evaluation, you’d score each criterion for each of the investments. To eliminate poor investment choices, simply sum the criteria scores for each of the alternatives and then dismiss any investments that don’t earn a total score of 3 — leaving you with the investments that fall within a certain threshold of earning growth potential, that have good earnings quality, and whose dividends perform at a level that’s acceptable to you.
If you prefer to evaluate suitability within a range, rather than use binary membership terms of 0 or 1, you can use fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making (FMCDM) to do that. With FMCDM you can evaluate all the same types of problems as you would with MCDM. The term fuzzy refers to the fact that the criteria being used to evaluate alternatives offer a range of acceptability — instead of the binary, crisp set criteria associated with traditional MCDM. Evaluations based on fuzzy criteria lead to a range of potential outcomes, each with its own level of suitability as a solution.
Machine learning algorithms of the regression variety were adopted from the statistics field in order to provide data scientists with a set of methods for describing and quantifying the relationships between variables in a dataset. Use regression techniques if you want to determine the strength of correlation between variables in your data. As for using regression to predict future values from historical values, feel free to do it, but be careful: Regression methods assume a cause-and-effect relationship between variables, but present circumstances are always subject to flux. Predicting future values from historical ones will generate incorrect results when present circumstances change. In this section, I tell you all about linear regression, logistic regression, and the ordinary least squares method.
Linear regression is a machine learning method you can use to describe and quantify the relationship between your target variable, y — the predictant, in statistics lingo — and the dataset features you’ve chosen to use as predictor variables (commonly designated as dataset X in machine learning). When you use just one variable as your predictor, linear regression is as simple as the middle school algebra formula y=mx+b. A classic example of linear regression is its usage in predicting home prices, as shown in Figure 4-6. You can also use linear regression to quantify correlations between several variables in a dataset — called multiple linear regression. Before getting too excited about using linear regression, though, make sure you’ve considered its limitations:
Credit: Python for Data Science Essential Training Part 2,
FIGURE 4-6: Linear regression used to predict home prices based on the number of rooms in a house.
Logistic regression is a machine learning method you can use to estimate values for a categorical target variable based on your selected features. Your target variable should be numeric and should contain values that describe the target’s class — or category. One cool aspect of logistic regression is that, in addition to predicting the class of observations in your target variable, it indicates the probability for each of its estimates. Though logistic regression is like linear regression, its requirements are simpler, in that:
When deciding whether logistic regression is a good choice for you, consider the following limitations:
Your target variable must be binary or ordinal.
Binary classification assigns a 1 for “yes” and a 0 for “no.”
Logistic regression requires a greater number of observations than linear regression to produce a reliable result. The rule of thumb is that you should have at least 50 observations per predictive feature if you expect to generate reliable results.
Ordinary least squares (OLS) is a statistical method that fits a linear regression line to a dataset. With OLS, you do this by squaring the vertical distance values that describe the distances between the data points and the best-fit line, adding up those squared distances, and then adjusting the placement of the best-fit line so that the summed squared distance value is minimized. Use OLS if you want to construct a function that’s a close approximation to your data.
OLS is particularly useful for fitting a regression line to models containing more than one independent variable. In this way, you can use OLS to estimate the target from dataset features.
Many statistical and machine learning approaches assume that your data has no outliers. Outlier removal is an important part of preparing your data for analysis. In this section, you see a variety of methods you can use to discover outliers in your data.
Outliers are data points with values that are significantly different from the majority of data points comprising a variable. It’s important to find and remove outliers because, left untreated, they skew variable distribution, make variance appear falsely high, and cause a misrepresentation of intervariable correlations.
You can use outlier detection to spot anomalies that represent fraud, equipment failure, or cybersecurity attacks. In other words, outlier detection is a data preparation method and an analytical method in its own right.
Outliers fall into the following three categories:
You can detect outliers using either a univariate or multivariate approach, as spelled out in the next two sections.
Univariate outlier detection is where you look at features in your dataset and inspect them individually for anomalous values. You can choose from two simple methods for doing this:
Tukey boxplotting is an exploratory data analysis technique that’s useful for visualizing the distribution of data within a numeric variable by visualizing that distribution with quartiles. As you might guess, the Tukey boxplot was named after its inventor, John Tukey, an American mathematician who did most of his work back in the 1960s and 70s. Tukey outlier labeling refers to labeling data points (that lie beyond the minimum and maximum extremes of a box plot) as outliers.
It is cumbersome to use the Tukey method to manually calculate, identify, and label outliers, but if you want to do it, the trick is to look at how far the minimum and maximum values are from the 25 and 75 percentiles. The distance between the 1st quartile (at 25 percent) and the 3rd quartile (at 75 percent) is called the inter-quartile range (IQR), and it describes the data’s spread. When you look at a variable, consider its spread, its Q1 / Q3 values, and its minimum and maximum values to decide whether the variable is suspect for outliers.
a = Q1 – 1.5*IQR
b = Q3 + 1.5*IQR.
If your minimum value is less than a, or your maximum value is greater than b, the variable probably has outliers.
On the other hand, it is quite easy to generate a Tukey boxplot and spot outliers using Python or R. Each boxplot has whiskers that are set at 1.5*IQR. Any values that lie beyond these whiskers are outliers. Figure 4-7 shows outliers as they appear within a Tukey boxplot that was generated in Python.
Credit: Python for Data Science Essential Training Part 1,
FIGURE 4-7: Spotting outliers with a Tukey boxplot.
Sometimes outliers show up only within combinations of data points from disparate variables. These outliers wreak havoc on machine learning algorithms, so it’s important to detect and remove them. You can use multivariate analysis of outliers to do this. A multivariate approach to outlier detection involves considering two or more variables at a time and inspecting them together for outliers. You can use one of several methods, including:
Credit: Python for Data Science Essential Training Part 2,
FIGURE 4-8: Using PCA to spot outliers.
A time series is just a collection of data on attribute values over time. Time series analysis is performed to predict future instances of the measure based on the past observational data. To forecast or predict future values from data in your dataset, use time series techniques.
Time series exhibit specific patterns. Take a look at Figure 4-9 to gain a better understanding of what these patterns are all about. Constant time series remain at roughly the same level over time but are subject to some random error. In contrast, trended series show a stable linear movement up or down. Whether constant or trended, time series may also sometimes exhibit seasonality — predictable, cyclical fluctuations that reoccur seasonally throughout a year. As an example of seasonal time series, consider how many businesses show increased sales during the holiday season.
FIGURE 4-9: A comparison of patterns exhibited by time series.
If you’re including seasonality in your model, incorporate it in the quarterly, monthly, or even biannual period — wherever it’s appropriate. Time series may show nonstationary processes — unpredictable cyclical behavior that isn’t related to seasonality and that results from economic or industry-wide conditions instead. Because they’re not predictable, nonstationary processes can’t be forecasted. You must transform nonstationary data to stationary data before moving forward with an evaluation.
Take a look at the solid lines shown earlier, in Figure 4-9. These represent the mathematical models used to forecast points in the time series. The mathematical models shown represent good, precise forecasts because they’re a close fit to the actual data. The actual data contains some random error, thus making it impossible to forecast perfectly.
Similar to how multivariate analysis is the analysis of relationships between multiple variables, univariate analysis is the quantitative analysis of only one variable at a time. When you model univariate time series, you’re modeling time series changes that represent changes in a single variable over time.
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) is a class of forecasting methods that you can use to predict future values from current and historical data. As its name implies, the family of ARMA models combines autoregression techniques (analyses that assume that previous observations are good predictors of future values and perform an autoregression analysis to forecast for those future values) and moving average techniques — models that measure the level of the constant time series and then update the forecast model if any changes are detected. If you’re looking for a simple model or a model that will work for only a small dataset, the ARMA model isn’t a good fit for your needs. An alternative in this case might be to just stick with simple linear regression. In Figure 4-10, you can see that the model forecast data and the actual data are a close fit.
FIGURE 4-10 An example of an ARMA forecast model.