
All page numbers in the index refer to the print edition.

Illustrations in the gallery are indicated by fig. 1, fig. 2, and so on.

Ali, Muhammad, 85–86, 109–10, 152, 188, 211

Alta California (newspaper), 20

American Kenpo Karate system, 96, 153. See also Parker, Ed

Anastasi, Jim, 116

Bagwell, Beth, 80

Baker, Bob, 112–14

Ball, Lucille, 96

Baraka, Amiri, 110

Barbary Coast, 24, 25

Barber, C. Jerome, 191

Bax, Paul, 206

Bennett, Nathaniel, 20

Bing Chan, fig. 3, 112, 132, 134, 147

Black Belt Magazine, 151

Bodhidharma, 40–41

bodybuilding culture, 77–78

Bosman, Charles Maurice, 50

boxing, 85–86, 90, 99–101, 109–10, 125, 144, 188

Bragg, Paul, 77

Brannen, Samuel, 15, 18

Bruce Lee–Wong Jack Man fight: debates surrounding, fig. 22, 142–43, 145–47, 148–50, 152, 207, 208; description of, 137–41, 205; impact on Bruce Lee’s approach, 143–45, 208; impact on Wong Jack Man’s career, 149–50, 152, 210; issuing of challenge, 134–36, 204

Burleson, J. Pat, fig. 20

Bustillo, Richard, 118, 120

Caen, Herb, 109, 110–11

Caldwell, Linda Lee. See Lee, Linda (Emery)

Cantonese Opera, 30, 33–34, 127

Castro, Ralph: image of, fig. 18; late-night martial arts sessions, 93–94, 188; martial arts background of, 94, 95; Valencia Street school of, fig. 18, 4, 93–94, 153; at Wally Jay’s luaus, 4, 162; and the Wong Jack Man fight, 205, 208

Central Guoshou Institute, fig. 6, 45–46

Cervara, Joe, 163

Chan, Warren, 184

Chan (Zen) Buddhism, 39, 40

Chang, Iris, 166–67

Chang Chung-Wen, Diana, fig. 22, 126, 128, 131, 142

Chan Heung, 85, 112, 132

Chen Man Ching, 102

Cheung, Hawkins, 51, 54, 55, 85, 178, 179

Cheung, William, 54–55, 171

Chew Lung, fig. 6, 38

Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 35–36, 171–72

Chin, David, 134–35, 137–38, 141, 143, 146, 149, 152, 205

China: and Hong Kong, 48–49, 51; under the Manchu government, 18; under Mao, 51, 52–53; martial arts development in, 44–46, 175; martial arts origins in, 39–43; Qing Dynasty overthrow, 34. See also Chinese immigration

Chinatown (San Francisco): 1964 New Year parade, 107–9; Bruce Lee’s first tour of, 29–36; Bruce Lee’s reputation in, 6, 57–58, 129–30, 148–49, 163; descriptions of, 13–15; discrimination in, 16, 165; gang culture in, 16, 24–25, 111, 153; history of, 17–20, 24–25, 110–11; martial arts culture in, 37–38, 59–60, 62–64, 111–12, 152–53; nightclubs of, 32, 108, 111; racial exclusion code in, 146–48; theater culture in, 126–28, 201; tong organizations in, 23–25

Chinese Exclusion Acts, 20–21, 35, 111

Chinese Gung Fu (Lee), 101, 129–30, 193

Chinese Hospital (Chinatown), 33–34, 170

Chinese immigration: to California, 15, 18–21, 166, 167, 168; and the gold rush, 15, 18–20, 176; to Hawaii, 87, 166; to Hong Kong, 177; loopholes in, 22, 168; reasons for, 18–19; restrictions on, 20–21, 35; statistics on, 166

Chinese Karate Kung-Fu (Wong and Lee), fig. 8, 75, 185

Chinese Kung-Fu (Wong), 129–30

Chinese Pacific Weekly (newspaper), 142, 150

Chinese Skyroom (nightclub), 32

chi sao drill, 54, 118

Chow, Ruby, 67, 76, 147

Chow, William, 87, 95

Choy Hak Pang, 60, 61, 180

Choy Kam Man (Master Choy), fig. 9, fig. 10, 61–63, 84, 147–48, 152, 180–81

Choy Li Fut approach, 21. See also Hung Sing (martial arts school); Lau Bun

City Lights bookstore, 31–32

Clay, Cassius, 85–86, 109–10, 152, 188, 211

“closing the gap” technique, fig. 21, 8–9, 140, 133

Cook, Bob, 124, 181

Coolidge, Calvin, 87

creation myths (martial arts), 44–45, 53, 175

dancing (Bruce Lee), 28, 47–48, 55, 81

Danzan Ryu jujitsu, 90

Delinger, Jack, 78

Delza, Sophia, 62

Demile, James, 65–66, 183

Der, Ben, 56, 135–36, 141, 143, 170, 179, 207

Dillon, Richard H., 167

Doda, Carol, 111

Donohoe, Kirby “KO,” 100

Dorgan, Michael, 207

Dozier, William, 121–22, 126

Dylan, Bob, 109

Eagle Claw (martial arts style), 44

Earhart, Amelia, 81

earthquake of 1906 (San Francisco), 21, 24, 80

East Wind Modern Kung Fu Club, 75–76

Egan, Mark, 161

Ellsworth, Skip, 66

Emery, Linda. See Lee, Linda (Emery)

exclusion acts, 20–21, 35, 111

fencing, 145

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 31

Filipino immigration, 88

fire of 1906 (San Francisco), 22, 24, 168

fitness scene (Bay Area), fig. 12, fig. 25, 77–78

Fong, Adeline, 132–33, 165

Fong, Hiram, 36

Fong, Leo: and Bruce Lee’s one-inch punch, 112–14, 197; on Bruce Lee’s style, 144–45; image of, fig. 19; on the James Lee–T. Y. Wong fallout, 185; on Mah Sek, 182; on martial arts styles, 120; as martial arts teacher, 153; martial arts training of, fig. 19, 2–3, 97–98, 100–101, 125; as a minister, 99, 100; racism experienced by, 98–99; sounds attached to moves, 192; at Wally Jay’s luau event, 3–4, 5–6, 7–9, 162; and the Wong Jack Man fight, 135, 136, 143–44, 146

Fong, Raymond, 137–38, 141

Fong, Shirley, 108

Fonoroff, Paul, 128

Forbidden City (nightclub), 32, 108, 111

Francis, Arlene, 173

Fundamentals of Boxing (Ross), 99

gang culture: in Chinatown, 16, 24, 111, 153; in Hong Kong, 51–52, 55. See also street fighting

Geddes, Gerda, 60–62, 147, 180–81

Gee Yau Seah Academy, 59–60, 62, 148, 149

Giants (San Francisco), 32–33, 170

Gilbey, John F., 101–3

Gilman, Michael, 147–48

Ginsberg, Allen, 31

Glover, Jesse, 65, 67, 68, 70, 206

Golden Gate Girl (film), 34, 127

gold rush, 15, 18–20, 80, 176

Gomez, Juan, 91

Goodwin, William, 107

Grandview Theater, 34, 127

Great China Theater, 127, 132, 201

Green, Thomas A., 102–3, 124

Guangdong Province (China), 19

gung fu. See kung fu

Hatchet Men (Dillon), 167

Hawaii: immigration to, 87–88, 166; kenpo’s origins in, 94–95; martial arts culture in, 86–87

Hayworth, Rita, 127

Hebler, Dave, 117, 119, 198

Heng, Esther, 34, 127

Heung, Chan, 21

Hilbish, William, 1

Hiligan, Roy, 78

Ho, Eric Peter, 50

Hodge, Dave, 98

Hoi An, Grace (Bruce’s mother): with the Cantonese Opera, 30; family background, 50; in Hong Kong, 49–51; immigration documents of, fig. 1; naming Bruce Lee, 33–34, 171; sending Bruce to the U.S., 29, 56–57; and the Wong Jack Man fight, 143

Ho Kom Tong, 50

Home (TV show), 39, 173

Hong Kong: Bruce Lee’s training in, 53–57, 178; Bruce Lee’s visit to, 103–4; Chinese immigration to, 48–49, 51, 176, 177; gang culture in, 51–52, 54–57; history of, 48–49, 176; martial arts culture in, 52–53

Hong Kong Ming Bao Daily (newspaper), 142

Hoover, J. Edgar, 35

Hop Sing Tong: image of, fig. 4; and James Lee, 130; Lau Bun’s role in, 14, 23, 25; and the racial exclusion code, 151; T. Y. Wong’s role in, 37–38

horse stance training, 15–17, 68, 119–21, 165–66

hospital (Chinatown), 33–34, 170

Ho Tong, Robert, 50

Howl (Ginsberg), 31–32

Hung Sing (martial arts school), 13; in the 1964 New Year parade, 108; Bruce Lee in, 57–58; code of conduct in, 58, 136; following Lau Bun’s death, 151; founding of, 25; images of, fig. 3, 164; non-Chinese students in, 146–47; role in Chinatown, 59; size of, 15; training focus in, 15–17, 26–27, 165–66

I Am Bruce Lee (film), 188

Immigration Act of 1924, 87

individualism, 125, 145

Inosanto, Dan: on Bruce Lee’s style, 92, 116–17, 120, 132, 188, 198; on Hawaii’s martial arts scene, 88; martial arts background of, 116; at the Sun Sing demonstration, 129, 131, 132

Inouye, Daniel, 36

Inside Kung Fu (magazine), 178

invented tradition, 45

Ip Man, 52–55, 147, 178, 179, 209

iron body training, 64

Island Judo Jujitsu Club, 91

Jackson Street Café, 112, 134–35, 143, 203, 208

Japan, 49, 88

Japanese immigration, 87

Jay, Alan, 92, 161

Jay, Bernice, fig. 16, 2, 84, 153

Jay, Wally: on Bruce Lee, 76, 92; images of, fig. 15, fig. 16; late-night martial arts sessions, 84–87, 188; luau parties of, 1–2, 4, 7, 161; martial arts background of, 85–87, 91–92; students of, 2, 76, 91–92, 116, 153

Jeet Kune Do system, 144–45

Joe, Allen: fitness culture’s influence on, fig. 12, 77–78; image of, fig. 25; late-night martial arts sessions, 188; relationship with Bruce Lee, 76, 78–79, 82, 104, 144, 186

Johnson-Reed Act, 87

Jones, LeRoi, 110

Judkins, Ben, 42, 44, 46, 151, 175, 182

judo, 59, 89–90, 115. See also Jay, Wally

jujitsu, 89

Jun Fan Institute (Oakland), 113, 114, 123, 137–38

Jun Fan Institute (Seattle), 8, 103

Kamaga, Clifford, 112, 146

Kano, Jigoro, 89

karate, 59, 68, 74, 89–90

Kawachi, Ken, 91

Kennedy, Brian, 45

Kennedy, John F., 86, 109

kenpo, 94–95, 191

Keung, Chan “Bald Head,” 137–38, 141, 149, 207

Kimura, Mits, 91

Kimura, Taky, 66, 118, 144

Kin Mon (martial arts school), 152; in the 1964 New Year parade, 108; challengers to, 68–69, 184; Home show appearance, 39, 173; role in Chinatown, 37, 59; tong racial exclusion code in, fig. 5, 39, 146–47; training focus in, 68

Kono, Tommy, 78

Kubota, Tak, 117–18

kung fu: anglicization of term, 74; assessment of fights in, 69; compared to karate, 68; definition of term, 43; emphasis on softness in, 16, 114; introduction of term, fig. 8; iron body training in, 64; origins of, 41, 43; popularization of, in U.S., 151; styles in the Bay Area, 84–85

Kuo Lien Ying, 153

Kurosawa, Akira, 143

The Lady from Shanghai (film), 127

Lai, Brandon, 153

LaLanne, Jack, 77

Largusa, Ben, 118

Lau Bun: in the 1964 New Year parade, 108; and Bruce Lee, 57–58, 129, 179; death of, 151; descriptions of, 13, 164; images of, fig. 2, fig. 3, fig. 4; immigration agents story, 22–23, 168; martial arts abilities of, 22–23, 165; martial arts background of, 21–23, 84; and the racial exclusion code, 112, 147; role in Chinatown, 13–14, 23, 59, 136. See also Hung Sing (martial arts school)

Lee, Agnes (Bruce’s sister), 49, 55, 178

Lee, Bruce: birth of, 33–34; birth of son, 150; books written by, 101, 129–30, 193; breaking the racial code, 67, 183, 209; childhood years, 29, 49–52; citizenship papers of, fig. 1; as a dance instructor, 28, 47–48, 81; evolution of approach, 55, 82–83, 92, 124–25, 143–46, 188; fight against Yoiche Nakachi, 65, 67–68, 69–70; images of, fig. 1, fig. 13, fig. 14, fig. 18, fig. 20, fig. 22, fig. 24; introduction to Chinatown, 29–36; late-night martial arts sessions, 84–87, 93–94, 112–14, 125, 188; and the Long Beach tournament, 115–21, 196, 198; marriage of, 125–26; martial arts demonstrations by, 4, 5–6, 7–9, 47–48, 162; move to the U.S., 28–29, 56–57; names of, 33–34, 50–51, 54, 56, 170–71, 176–77; Oakland school of, 113, 114, 123, 137–38; original sketch by, fig. 23; polarizing personality, 6, 29, 34, 56, 139; relocating to Oakland, 6–7; reputation of, 6, 57–58, 76, 129–30, 148–49, 163; Seattle students of, 65–67, 103, 183; in show business, 29, 34, 56, 126, 153–54, 163; Sun Sing Theater demonstration, fig. 22, 128–29, 131–34, 203; training in Hong Kong, 53–57, 178; visiting Hong Kong, 103–4. See also Bruce Lee–Wong Jack Man fight

Lee, Clarence, 120–21, 146

Lee, George, 48, 76, 112–14, 124, 185

Lee, Grace (Bruce’s mother). See Hoi An, Grace (Bruce’s mother)

Lee, Greglon, 82, 184

Lee, Herbert P., 36, 164–65

Lee, Hoi Chuen (Bruce’s father): with the Cantonese Opera, 30, 33–34, 127, 201; in Hong Kong, 49–51; naming Bruce Lee, 33–34; relationship with Bruce, 31, 104; sending Bruce to the U.S., 29, 56–57

Lee, James: brick-breaking technique of, fig. 12, 73, 76, 162, 184; death of, 153; fallout with T. Y. Wong, fig. 8, 75, 100, 129–30, 185; garage training studio of, fig. 14, 73–74, 75–76, 97; in Hawaii, 75, 86–87; images of, fig. 11, fig. 12; late-night martial arts sessions, 84–87, 93–94, 112–14, 188, 197; and the Long Beach tournament, 196; martial arts approach, 3, 75–76, 82; martial arts background, 74–75; martial arts school of, 113–14; publications of, fig. 8, 39, 74, 75, 101, 103, 129–30; and the racial exclusion code, 5, 39; relationship with Bruce Lee, 6–7, 9, 76, 79, 81, 82–83, 104, 126; role in martial arts, 74, 153; at Wally Jay’s luaus, 2, 4–5, 162; and the Wong Jack Man fight, 136, 137–38, 144

Lee, Katherine, 126

Lee, Kem K., 164

Lee, Leona, 31

Lee, Linda (Emery): on Bruce Lee’s demonstrations, 118, 188; children of, 150; marriage of, 125–26; in Oakland, 103, 104, 196; and the Wong Jack Man fight, 137–38, 140, 141, 144

Lee, Peter (Bruce’s brother), 49

Lee, Phoebe (Bruce’s sister), 49, 50

Lee, Robert, 76

Lee, Robert (Bruce’s brother), 49

Lee, Rose Hum, 169

Leese, Jacob, 18

Leong Tin Chee, fig. 6, 38

le tai competitions, 38

lion dancing, fig. 3, fig. 4, 59, 108, 132

The Lion’s Den (nightclub), 32

Liston, Sonny, 109–10, 152, 211

logging industry, 80, 187

Long Beach tournament, fig. 17, fig. 20, 4–5, 96, 115–21, 196, 198

Louie, Sam, 57, 136, 179

Low, Charlie, 32, 108

luau party (Wally Jay’s), 1–2, 4–6, 7–9, 161, 162

The Lucy Show (TV show), 95–96

lumber industry, 80, 187

Lup Mo school (Bing Chan’s), 112, 132, 147

Machado, Lena, 2, 161

Mah Sek, 63–64, 134, 148–49, 152, 182

Malcolm X, 110

Mandarin Theater, 30, 126–27, 201. See also Sun Sing Theater

Mao Zedong, 51, 52

martial arts: appeal to street fighters, 124; in the Bay Area, 59–60, 84–85, 151–53; connection to tongs, 23–24, 25; development in America, 6, 59, 74, 94–95; development in China, 44–46, 175; global expansion of, 115; in Hawaii, 86–87; in Hong Kong, 52–53; origins of, 39–43, 173–74; practicality in, 200; sounds associated with, 192; and street performers, 64, 182; varying styles within, 44. See also racial exclusion code; individual styles

martial arts schools: continuation of, 151–52, 153; Ed Parker’s network of, 4; Gee Yau Seah Academy, 59–60, 62, 149; Lup Mo (Bing Chan), 112, 132, 147; Valencia Street school, fig. 18, 4, 93–94, 153. See also Hung Sing (martial arts school); Kin Mon (martial arts school)

Ma Sze-tsang, 127, 128

Mattson, George, fig. 20, 115

Mays, Willie, 32–33

McDougal, John, 19

Miller, Dick, 123

Ming Dynasty, 41–43, 174

Ming Lum, 143

Ming syncretism, 42–43

Mirakian, Anthony, fig. 20

Miss Chinatown USA, 31, 108

Mitose, James, 87, 94–95

Modern Kung Fu Karate (Lee), 74

Monkey style, 45

Montgomery, John, 15, 18

Morris, Carl “KO,” 87, 88, 89, 90

Nakachi, Yoiche, 67–68, 69–70

Napoleon, Walter, 161

New Treatise on Military Efficiency (Qi), 42

New Year parade (1964), 107–9

nightclubs, 32, 108, 111

Northern Shaolin style, 85, 131, 139

Novak, Al: image of, fig. 25; late-night martial arts sessions, 84–87, 112–14; martial arts school of, 75–76, 153; martial arts training of, 5, 39, 147; military service of, 86; negative reputation of, 130; relationship with James Lee, 5; on the Wong Jack Man fight, 146

Number One Son (film), 122

Oakland (CA), 77, 79–81

O’Brien, Noel, 112, 146

Ohshima, Tsutomu, fig. 20, 117

Okazaki, Henry, fig. 15

Okazaki, Seishiro, 87, 88–89, 90–91, 92

“one-inch punch” technique, 112–14, 124, 197

opera culture (Chinatown), 30, 127

origin stories (martial arts), 44–45, 53, 175

Palmer, Aaron H., 19

Palmer, Doug, 149, 209

Parker, Darlene, 118

Parker, Ed: in Chinatown, 147; images of, fig. 17, fig. 18, fig. 20; late-night martial arts sessions, 93–94; Long Beach tournament of, 4–5, 115–21, 196, 198; martial arts background, 94, 95–96; role in martial arts, 4, 153; at Wally Jay’s luau, 4–5

Patterson, Floyd, 110

Pearl Harbor attack, 91

Philippines, 88

physical fitness scene (Bay Area), fig. 12, fig. 25, 77–78

police (San Francisco), 36, 164–65

Portsmouth Square, 13–15

President Wilson (ship), 28

Presley, Elvis, 95

Qi Gong, 64. See also Mah Sek

Qi Jiguang, 42, 174, 200

Quan Ging Ho, 29–35, 47, 170

racial exclusion code: Bing Chan’s breaking of, 112; Bruce Lee’s breaking of, 67, 183, 209; ending of, 151–52; Master Choy’s breaking of, fig. 10, 61–63, 180–81; Okazaki’s breaking of, 90–91; origins of, 25–26; T. Y. Wong’s breaking of, 39; and the Wong Jack Man fight, 146–48

racism: and Chinese employment options, 169; in derogatory stereotypes, 36; experienced by Leo Fong, 98–99; in immigration exclusion laws, 20–21, 24, 151; impact of Pearl Harbor attacks on, 35; improvements in, 110–11, 151; in San Francisco, 14–15, 20–21, 24. See also racial exclusion code

Rashomon (film), 143

redwood forests, 79–80, 187

Reeves, Steve, 77–78

Rhee, Jhoon, fig. 20, 117

Richardson, William, 18

Roosevelt, Theodore, 35, 89

Ross, Barney, 99

Ross, Clancy, 78

Salvatera, Dino, 164, 166

samurai, 88, 89

San Francisco (CA): 1964 New Year parade, 107–9; Asian American police officers in, 36, 164–65; Chinese immigration to, 167; earthquake and fire (1906), 21, 22, 24, 80, 168; history of, 14–15, 17–20, 79–80; Madame Chiang’s visit to, 171–72; martial arts in, 6, 84–85; racism in, 14–15, 20–21, 24, 110–11; street demonstration image, fig. 7. See also Chinatown (San Francisco)

San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper), 109

San Francisco Examiner (newspaper), 109

San Francisco Giants, 32–33, 170

Saunders, Bob, 123

schools (martial arts). See martial arts schools

Scollan, Barney, fig. 24, 119, 121, 123–24, 197

Sebring, Jay, 121–22

Secret Fighting Arts of the World (Gilbey), 101–3

self-actualization, 125, 145

Shahar, Meir, 40, 173–74

Shaolin (martial arts style), 39–43, 46, 139, 174

Shaolin Monastery (Shahar), 173–74

Shaolin Temple, 39–43, 46, 53, 174

Shelley, John, 108

Sil Lum system. See Shaolin (martial arts style)

Slomanski, Henry, 116

Small Circle Theory, 91–92. See also Jay, Wally

Smith, Robert W., 102–3, 193–94

Southern Shaolin style, 41, 139

Steen, Allen, fig. 20

street fighting: in Bruce Lee’s method, 5–6, 7–9; in Hong Kong, 55; in Ip Man’s training, 178; in Lau Bun’s training, 26–27; Leo Fong’s experience in, 98–101; martial arts’ effectiveness in, 3, 123–24; unpredictability of, 5–6

Strong, Pat, 198

Study of Shaolin and Wudang (Tang), 46

Sun Sing Theater, 30, 126–29, 131–34, 201, 203

Sun Yat-sen, 34–35

tai chi, fig. 10, 44, 60, 61–63, 180

Takahashi, 89

Tang Hao, 40, 41, 45–46, 124

Ten Thousand Elephants technique, 22

tongs, 23–26. See also gang culture; Hop Sing Tong

tong segregation code. See racial exclusion code

Tracy, Al: on Bay Area martial arts, 6; on James Lee, fig. 11, 130, 153; and the Wong Jack Man fight, 146, 202–3, 204, 205

Trias, Robert, fig. 20, 117

Twain, Mark, 20

T. Y. Wong. See Wong, Tim Yuen “T.Y.”

Tze, Lady, 50

USS President Wilson, 28

Valencia Street martial arts school, fig. 18, 4, 93–94, 153

Wada, Jack, 63

Warhol, Andy, 109

Welles, Orson, 127

White Crane (martial arts style), 44, 45

Widener (AR), 98–99

Wing Chun (martial arts style), 45, 53, 54, 178. See also kung fu

Wing Chun Kung-Fu (Lee), 130

Wing Woo, James, 134, 168, 172, 202–3

Wong, Ark, 116, 151

Wong, Doc-Fai, 165, 203

Wong, Kenneth, 132–33, 134

Wong, Martin, 137–38, 141

Wong, Tim Yuen “T.Y.”: in the 1964 New Year parade, 108; Chinese Karate Kung-Fu, fig. 8, 39, 75; Chinese Kung-Fu, 129–30; on the Home show, 39, 173; images of, fig. 4, fig. 5, fig. 6, fig. 7; Kin Mon school of, 37, 39, 59, 68–69, 152; martial arts abilities of, 172; martial arts background of, 38; opinion of Bruce Lee, 163; and the racial exclusion code, 39, 112, 147, 152; role in Chinatown’s martial arts, 37–39, 59, 84, 112, 152; tensions with James Lee, fig. 8, 75, 100, 129–30, 185

Wong, YC, 153

Wong Jack Man: challenge to Bruce Lee, 134–36, 204; debates surrounding Bruce Lee fight, 142–43, 145–46; fight against Bruce Lee, 137–41, 205; impact of Bruce Lee fight on, 149–50, 152, 210; martial arts style, 112

Wong Sheun Leoung, 54–55

World War II, 35, 38, 49, 86, 91

Wu, Ronald “Ya Ya,” 134, 137–38, 141, 207

Yang Cheng Fu, 102

Yarick, Ed, 77–78

Yee, Coby, 108, 111

Yeun Hai, 22

Yip Man. See Ip Man

youth culture, 109–10, 147–48

Zen Buddhism, 39, 40