Abdullah, king of Jordan, 38–40

Abraham (biblical), 136, 137

Abucarius Bey, 37

Adan, Avraham, 171

Agranat, Shimon, 184

Agranat Commission, 184, 186–87

Agriculture Ministry, Dayan and, 115–20

Ahdut Ha’Avodah. See Labor Unity Party

al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem), 40

Algerian rebellion, 77, 78

Allenby Bridge, 136, 141

Allon, Yigal, 17–20, 22, 33, 119, 131, 134, 164, 172, 191; Dayan disagreements with, 147–48, 159

Allon Plan, 147

Aloni, Re’aya, 189, 190

Altalena affair, 32–33

Alterman, Nathan, 98

American Society of Friends, 61

Amit, Meir, 62, 79, 91, 93, 97, 108–9

anthropoid sarcophagi, 162–64

Aqaba, Straits of, 60

Arab-Israeli conflict, vii, viii, 49–50, 52–55, 215–16; basic asymmetry in, 69; core issue of, 207, 217 (see also Palestinians, self-determination of); Dayan’s view of, 74–76, 155–56; Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty and, 207; Egyptian provocations and, 57–69, 71–79; Kissinger diplomacy and, 179–80, 181–83, 191; oil embargo and, 176, 182; partition of Palestine and, 30–32; peace process and, ix, 194–207; Soviet arms deals and, 62–63, 151, 153, 166; War of Attrition and, 151–56. See also Sinai campaign; Six Day War; War of Independence; Yom Kippur War

Arab League, 30

Arab Legion, 33, 34, 35, 50–51, 58, 80, 82

Arab Liberation Army, 30

Arab Revolt (1936–39), 16–19, 20, 23

Arabs: attacks on Zionist settlers by, 4–6, 9–10, 11–12. See also Bedouins; Palestinians

Arafat, Yasir, 149, 151, 157

Argov, Nehemiah, 108

Ashkenazi, Motti, 185–86

Australian 7th Division, 22–25

Avneri, Uri, 51

Ayad, Abu, 150

Azaryahu, Arnan, 18

Azazma Bedouin tribe, 50

Bab el-Mandeb, Straits of, 179

Ba’Mahaneh (military magazine), 49

Bar-Lev, Chaim, 94, 95, 152, 156

Bar-Lev Line, 152–53, 156–57, 185, 199; collapse of, 169–70, 171

Bar-On, Mordechai: as Dayan bureau chief, x, 71, 94, 108; as secretary at Paris meetings for Sinai campaign, x, 83–84; travels with Dayan during Sinai campaign, 94–95, 97–98

Barsky, Moshe, 1, 2

Bathsheba (biblical), 111

Bedouins, 7–8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 50, 55, 190; ancient amphorae and, 103; negotiating procedure of, 39

Beersheba, 12, 59, 125, 126, 189

Begin, Menachem, 28, 29, 118, 134, 198–206, 212–13, 217; Camp David Accords/peace treaty and, 204, 207; Dayan and, 193–94, 197, 198, 209, 211, 217

Beirut airport raid (1968), 157

Ben-Ezer, Ehud, 211

Ben-Gurion, David, 29, 32, 34, 46, 52, 54–58, 61, 63, 64–69, 72, 73, 76, 82, 83, 87, 115–16, 118–21, 159, 189; aide Argov’s suicide and, 108; Dayan’s relationship with, 33, 35–36, 38, 40, 41, 47, 55–56, 70, 103, 105–6, 107, 113, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 202, 217; on Dayan’s extramarital affairs, 111–12; on Dayan’s military accomplishments, 109; foresight of, 106; French arms deal and, 78, 79–80; preemptive war caution of, 67, 68–69; Sinai campaign and, 79, 87–94, 97, 101, 102, 104–7

Bernadotte, Count Folke, 37, 39

Bethlehem, 36, 39, 136

Bible, 7, 13, 17, 111, 190–91, 205. See also Land of Israel

Black September attacks, 151

Blair House Conference, 204–5

Bonnier de La Chapelle, Fernand, 88

borders: Allon Plan for, 147; of armistice (1949), 38, 40–41, 42, 59, 104, 144, 158; of biblical Land of Israel, 191; with Egypt, 41, 42, 106–7, 155, 156, 157; expansion of, 40–41, 59, 141, 144, 147, 155; final-status negotiations and, 157–59; Greater Israel demands and, 158; protection of, 58, 59, 60, 143; settlements along, 71–72, 75

Bourgès-Maunoury, Maurice, 77, 88

Boursicot, Pierre, 77

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 198

British Army, 4, 16–25, 27, 30, 45; Jewish Brigade of, 62

British High Commissioner, 21

British Mandate (1922–48), vii, 4, 12, 16–28, 43; expiration of, 31; Haganah and, 16–17, 18, 19, 22–25, 26–29; Jewish immigration curb, 16, 18, 19, 28

Brown, Arie, 178

Bulganin, Nikolai, 97

Bunche, Ralph, 39

Burg, Joseph, 209

Burns, E. L. M., 62, 101, 102, 106

Cairo Affair (1954), 56–57, 116

Camp David Accords (1978), 203–4

Camp David conferences, 202–6

Canaanites, 116, 162–64

Carter, Jimmy, 195–98, 202–6

Challe, Maurice, 78, 84, 86, 88

Chelif (landing craft), 79

Churchill, Winston, 130

collective settlements. See kibbutzim

cooperative settlements. See moshavim

Czech-Egyptian arms deal, 62–64, 71

Damia Bridge, 141

Davar (newspaper), 12–13, 24, 120, 173

David, King (biblical), 111

Dayan, Assi (Assaf; son), 27, 100, 150; estrangement of, 161–62

Dayan, Aviva (sister), 5, 214

Dayan, Devorah (mother), 2–3, 4, 5–7, 9, 11–12, 217; death and burial site of, 80, 214; mourning for son Zohar by, 30–31

Dayan, Moshe: antiquities/archaeological pursuits of, 44–45, 102–3, 106, 11–17, 150, 162–64, 189, 190, 191, 211, 217; attachment to mother of, 80, 217; background and early years of, 2–13; British imprisonment of, 20–22; children of, 15, 27 (see also individual children).; complex personality of, ix, 8, 18, 45–47, 52–53, 111–14, 210–11, 217–18; courage of, 9–10, 11, 13, 24–25; critics of, 52–53, 54, 55, 184, 185–86, 215, 218; death and funeral of, 214; on death’s meaning, 98; descriptions of, 47; diary of, 53–54, 126, 204, 205; divorce/remarriage of, 160–61, 162; economic views of, 113; education of, 7, 8–9, 110–11; Egyptian peace process and, ix, 194–207, 217; eulogy for Rothberg of, 74–76, 210; executive style of, 48; eye loss of, 4, 24–25, 26–27, 29–30; eyesight loss of, 209, 214; fame of, 13–14, 24, 102, 103–4, 112, 114, 115, 127; first marriage of, 14–16 (see also Dayan, Ruth); first meeting/longtime affair/marriage with Rachel of, 64, 110, 111, 161; Haganah and, 16–18, 19–25, 26, 28–29, 31, 34–36, 109; health problems of, 151, 208–9, 210, 211; iconic black eye patch of, 30, 71, 103, 215; injuries to, 13, 24–25, 26, 150–51, 162; Jewish settlements and, 117, 147–48, 160; last years of, 191, 208–14; leadership skills of, 10, 42–43; legacy of, ix, 215–18; Living with the Bible, 7, 190–91; memoirs of, 54, 97, 106, 109, 139, 154, 161, 170, 189–90; Milestones 189–90; military retirement of, 107–9, 110, 113; military skills of, 16–18, 19, 25, 35, 41, 109, 131, 135; personal life of, 99–101, 160–64, 191; political career of, 29, 52, 56, 110, 112–24, 147, 189–91, 209–10, 217–18; political right wing and, 145, 158, 159, 160, 184, 193, 194; popularity of, 120, 122–23, 126, 127, 135, 136, 139, 140, 159, 165; protests against, 184, 185–86, 187; recklessness of, 98, 122–23, 161; reprisal policy of, 59–61, 64–70, 73–74, 152, 158; state and security doctrine of, 70–71; Vietnam War reportage of, 123–24; War of Attrition and, 153, 154; War of Independence and, 31–36; Western Wall note of, 135; womanizing of, 64, 100, 111–12, 122–23, 161, 217. See also Sinai campaign; Six Day War; Yom Kippur War

Dayan, Rachel (second wife; formerly Rabinovich), 130, 150, 161, 191, 194, 204, 207, 208; Dayan’s first meeting with, 64; Dayan’s last years and, 209, 210, 211, 214; Dayan’s long-term affair with, 100–101, 161; Dayan’s marriage to, 161; Dayan’s womanizing and, 111, 123

Dayan, Ruth (first wife; née Schwartz), 20–22, 26, 27, 29, 37, 51, 63, 99–101, 124, 130, 133, 150, 191; background of, 13–14; continuation of marriage by, 100–101, 111; divorce of, 160–61, 162; kibbutz life and, 15–16; Rachel’s style contrasted with, 64, 211

Dayan, Shmuel (father), 1, 2, 3–7, 8, 9, 31, 80, 214

Dayan, Udi (Ehud; son), 27, 44, 100, 150; estrangement of, 161–62

Dayan, Yaël (daughter), 15, 21, 51–52, 110, 111, 133, 150, 151, 214; closeness with father of, 99–100, 161; father’s extramarital affairs and, 111, 112, 122–23; on father’s last years and lifestyle, 210–11; on mother’s divorce reasons, 161

Dayan, Zohar (brother), 6, 80, 214; death of, 30–31

Dead Sea, 12, 42, 55

Dean, Patrick, 90

Defense Ministry, 52, 57–64, 115, 215; Ben-Gurion and, 57, 58, 63; Dayan and, viii, 59, 126, 127–40, 141, 143, 159, 166, 174–75, 182, 185–89; Eshkol and, 119; Peres and, 191

Deganya and Deganya Bet, 1, 2, 3–5; battle (1948) for, 31–32

De Gaulle, Charles, 84, 128

Deir el-Balah, 162, 163

Desai, Moraji, 195

Dinitz, Simcha, 176, 182

Dothan, Trude, 162–64

Dulles, John Foster, 66, 68, 104

East Bank, 135, 141, 142

East Jerusalem, 142, 147

Eban, Abba, 66, 101, 102, 104–5, 115, 183

Eden, Anthony, 82, 86, 87, 90

Egypt, 58–69, 70–77, 125; air force of, 66, 128, 129–30, 132; antiquities looting from, 202; attacks against Israel by, 58–62, 73–74, 97–98, 151–54; Ben-Gurion’s vs. Dayan’s tactical approach to, 68–69, 70; Czech arms aid to, 61–64, 71; Israeli border with, 41, 42, 106–7, 155, 156, 157; Israeli interim agreement (1975) with, 191; Israeli peace treaty (1979) with, 207, 217; Israeli reprisals against, 61, 64–67, 68; Israeli sleeper spy cell in, 56–57, 58, 116, 118; Palestinian militants backing by, 151; Soviet arms aid to, 151, 153, 154, 166, 169; War of Attrition and, 151–54, 155. See also Sinai campaign; Six Day War; Suez Canal; Suez crisis; Yom Kippur War

Egyptian-Israeli peace process, ix, 135, 144, 194–207; Blair House Conference and, 204–7; breakdown in preliminary talks and, 200; Camp David and, 202–6; Dayan book project on, 210; Dayan saving formula for, 206–7, 217; Palestinian issues and, 198, 200–201, 202–3, 211–12; treaty signing (1979) and, 207, 217

Eilat, Straits of, 42, 54, 79, 82, 105, 120; Egyptian blockade of, 60, 65, 66; open shipping and, 106, 159

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 66, 97

El Alamein, battle of (1942), 27, 104

El Arish, 91, 95, 104, 134, 192; deep-water port near, 160

Elazar, David (Dado), 129, 137–38, 139–40; Yom Kippur War and, 166–68, 170–73, 177, 184; Yom Kippur War inquiry and, 186, 187

English language, 8, 14, 15, 21, 45

Entebbe airport rescue, 191–92

Eshkol, Levi, viii, 112, 115, 119, 121, 122; Dayan’s overshadowing of, 136, 138–39; occupied territories plan of, 147; Six Day War and, 126–27, 128, 137, 138–39

Exodus SS, 33

Express (magazine), 103

Falk, Avner, 217

Fatah, 149, 150, 151, 157

fedayeen, 59, 60–61, 62, 73–74, 97–98, 106

Foreign Ministry, 38, 51, 72, 76; Allon and, 191; Dayan and, ix, 40, 52–53, 184, 194–96, 211; Meir and, 78, 115; Sharatt and, 66

France, 22–24, 103–4, 128; Israeli arms deal with, 63, 76–80, 82–84; Suez crisis and, 79, 82–84, 86–88

French Socialist Party, 76–77

Friedman, Varda, 59

Galilee, 17, 18, 31, 39, 46

Galilee, Sea of, 1, 4, 46, 67–68, 171; Israeli water project, 118

Galili, Israel, 147, 159–60, 164, 171

Galili Document (1973), 160

Gamasy, Mohamed Abdel Ghani el-, 183

Gardosh, Karel (Dosh), 119

Gaza City, 58, 73

Gaza Strip, 12, 72, 104–7, 133, 145, 162–64; Egypt and, 42, 58–62, 65, 73–74, 89, 158; Egyptian-Israeli peace process and, 201; immigrant settlements and, 43–44, 59, 72; Israeli occupation of, ix, 142, 147, 155, 159; Palestinians in, 72, 73, 75, 106, 129, 155, 203; U.N. border buffer force and, 106. See also Sinai campaign

Gazit, Shlomo, 47–48, 53–54, 145–46, 149

Gefen, Israel, 30

General Staff (Israel Defense Forces), 62, 127–28; Dayan as chief of, viii, ix, 19, 56–57, 61, 63, 68, 69, 107, 109; Elazar as chief of, 140, 164; Rabin as chief of, 126, 138

General Zionist Party, 118

Geneva Conference (1973), 183, 195–96, 198

Geva, Joseph, 148

Gibli, Benjamin, 56, 57

Givat Shimron (kibbutz), 15–16, 17, 80; Dayan’s burial at, 214

Glubb, John Baggot, 80

Golan Heights, 139–40, 160; Israeli occupation of, viii, 159; Syrian control of, 129, 158; Yom Kippur War and, 166, 171–73, 175

Gonen, Shmuel, 186

Goren, Rabbi Shlomo, 135, 137

Great Britain, 62, 102–3, 104, 200–201; Dayan’s officer training in, 45; Dayans’ wedding trip to, 14–15; Sinai campaign and, 86–87, 90; Suez crisis and, 79, 80, 82–84, 85, 87–88, 90, 93–99; White Paper (1939) of, 19. See also British Army; British Mandate

Greater Israel movement, 148, 158

Gur, Motta, 135, 188

Gush Emunim, 192

Gush Etzion, 34

Ha’aretz (newspaper), 173–74

Haganah, 11, 16–36, 109; Irgun Zvai Leumi split from, 28–29, 32–33. See also Palmach

Haifa, 24, 200

Halevi, Meshulam, 7, 8

Hammarskjöld, Dag, 71, 73–74, 76

Hanita, 19, 23, 147

Harel, Yossi, 33

Harkavi, Yehoshafat, 39, 64, 77–78

Har-Tzion, Meir, 50, 55, 81

Har-Tzion, Shoshana, 55, 81

Hassan II, king of Morocco, 195, 199

Haya (Dayan schoolmate), 8–9

Hebrew language, 2, 7, 12, 190

Hebrew University, 110–11, 134; Arab violence and, 80–81

Hebron, 12, 136–37; Jewish settlement test case in, 148

Herut Party, 118

hijackings, 151, 152, 157, 191–92, 200

Histadrut, 112, 113, 114, 116

Hod, Moti, 131

Holy Sepulcher church, 132

Hot Sands (book), 122

Hussein, king of Jordan, 86, 127, 132, 151, 157, 195

immigration, vii, viii, 49, 56, 59, 79, 117; British halt to, 16, 18, 19, 28; first Zionist wave of, 2–3; large-scale (1949–52), 43–44, 46; undercover, 28; War of Independence and, 32. See also Jewish settlements

India, 195

Iraq, 85, 87, 127, 151, 175

Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL), 20, 28–29, 32–33, 37

Israel, ancient, 17, 44. See also Land of Israel

Israel, State of: Arab economic boycott of, 54; archaeological mounds of, 44–45; arms deals and, 63, 66, 67–68, 76–80, 83–84; bi-national state prospect for, 144, 145; birth (1948) of, vii, 171; “defensible borders” goal of (see borders); Egyptian peace process and, ix, 135, 144, 194–207; first prime minister of, 34; independence proclamation (1948) of, 31; Middle East balance of power and, 63; political struggles (1974–77) in, 191–94; religious groups and, 192, 209; Sadat’s visit to, 198–99; territorial expansion of (see occupied territories); threat (1973) to survival of, 171–72. See also Arab-Israeli conflict

Israel Defense College, 119

Israel Defense Forces (IDF), 38–57; armistice affairs and, 40; Beirut airport raid by, 157; Dayan and, viii, ix, 40, 41, 42–57, 63; Dayan’s retirement from, 107–9, 110–11, 113; Dayan’s transformation of, 48–49, 216; Egyptian aggression and, 59–62, 65, 68–79; Egyptian spy cell and, 56–57; establishment of, 32; influx of French arms to, 78; Lebanese incursion by, 200; in occupied territories, 146, 212; Sinai withdrawal and, 102–6; Syrian incursion and, 67–68. See also General Staff; Northern Command; Southern Command; specific campaigns and wars

Israel Defense Fund, 71

Israel Freedom Fighters (LEHI; aka the Stern Gang), 36

Israeli Air Force (IAF), 61, 128, 130, 131, 153; Yom Kippur War losses, 169, 171

Israel Museum, 164

Israel Radio, 145, 170

Israel Workers List Party. See Rafi Party

Jackson, Elmore, 61

Jaffa, 2, 12, 16, 85

Japan, 68

Jarring, Gunnar, 154

Jericho, 12, 14, 136, 141

Jerusalem, 12, 18; Arab-Jewish passage within, 142–43; Dayan command post in, viii, 34, 36–41; demilitarized zone of, 132; division of, vii–viii, 37–38, 40; East Jerusalem annexation to, 142, 147; holy sites of, 132, 134, 135–37, 142; Jewish elite of, 13–14; Old City of, 132, 134, 135, 138, 144, 163; peace process and, 203, 204–5; Sadat’s visit to, 198–99

Jewish Agency, 27, 28, 29

Jewish Brigade, 62

Jewish National Fund, 5

Jewish Settlement Police, 16, 17–18, 19

Jewish settlements (occupied territories), 156, 160, 191, 203, 209, 212, 216; Dayan’s approval of new, 117, 147–48, 160; Egyptian-Israeli peace process and, 202; Gush Emunim religious group and, 191; Hebron (1968) test case for, 148

Jezreel Valley, 6, 32

Johnson, Lyndon B., 128

Jordan, 59, 85–86, 87, 141, 175, 212; Dayan’s diplomacy with, 37–40, 41; Egyptian pact (1967) with, 127; Israeli borders with, 42–43, 55, 143, 155; Israeli ceasefire (1970) and, 154, 155; Israeli War of Independence and, 33, 34–35, 36; Jerusalem and, viii, 37–38, 40, 132; Palestinian militants in, 80–82, 149, 151; PLO expulsion from, 157; Six Day War and, viii, 129, 132, 133, 136; West Bank control and, 38, 40–41, 50

Jordan River, viii, 1, 12, 38, 40, 46, 129, 132, 147, 148, 166; Israeli surveillance system along, 149; Israeli water-channeling project and, 118; as Israel’s natural eastern border, 40, 136, 141, 143, 155, 159, 191, 217; Palestinians’ passage over, 141–43. See also East Bank; West Bank

Jordan Valley, 4–5, 12, 38, 149, 151; Jewish settlements in, 160

Judea, 44, 143, 144

Kadesh plan (1956), 84, 89, 91

Kamal, Muhammad Ibrahim, 200

Kantara, 95, 136

Karameh, battle of (1968), 149–50

Katzir, Ephraim, 183

Khalil, Mustafa, 205, 206

kibbutzim, 1–5, 15, 43, 52, 73, 75, 112, 117; first in Palestine, 2

Kibiya massacre, 50–51, 58, 59, 80

King Abdullah Bridge, 141

Kissinger, Henry, 168, 176, 177–78, 179–80, 181–83, 191

Knesset, 113–15, 118, 121, 183, 193, 212–13; Dayan’s seat in, 120, 123, 133, 189, 209–10; Sadat’s address to, 198

Kollek, Teddy, 142, 143

Kurdistan immigrants, 43–44, 59, 72

Labor Party, 147, 159–60, 183, 184, 187, 193, 194, 210

Labor Unity Party (Ahdut Ha’Avodah), 29, 119

Lacoste, Robert, 77

Lahav, Pinchas, 173

Land of Israel, 144, 171–72, 212; as biblical homeland, 190–91, 194, 217; Greater Israel movement and, 148, 158

Laski, Harold, 14

Laskov, Chaim, 62, 64, 72, 79, 108, 184

Lavie, Naphtali, 173, 192, 195, 196

Lavon, Pinchas, 52, 57, 116, 118

Lavon Affair, 116, 118, 119

Lebanon, 22–25, 26; Palestinian terrorists in, 151, 157–58, 200

Leeds conference, 200–201, 202

LEHI. See Israel Freedom Fighters

Levinger, Rabbi Moshe, 148

Libya, 22

Liddell Hart, Basil, 104

Life (magazine), 136

Likud Party, 184, 193–94, 195, 209, 210, 211

Lions’ Gate (Jerusalem), 135

Lior, Israel, 136, 138–39

Lloyd, Selwyn, 89

Lod, 33, 34, 35

Lod Airport, 50

London School of Economics, 14, 15

Ma’alot-Tarshiha school hostages, 187–88

Ma’ariv (newspaper), 112, 119

Mafalsim kibbutz, 61

Maisel, Hannah, 8

Makleff, Mordechai, 46, 52

Mapai Party, 29, 52, 110, 112–16, 118–21, 127, 131, 147, 159

Mapam Party, 129

Marcus, David, 33

Mart, Zalman, 23

Marwan, Ashraf, 167

Mass, Danny, 34

Matalon, Neora, 47, 53–54, 114–15, 119, 120, 189–90; A Good Spot on the Side 47

Meir, Golda, 78, 83, 115, 120, 147, 154, 182, 183; Dayan relationship with, 159, 164, 184, 187, 202, 217; on Kissinger’s peace efforts, 181; kitchen gatherings of, 156; resignation of, viii, 187; Yom Kippur War and, 167, 168, 172, 174–76, 179, 184–85

Mitla Pass, 89; battle of, 95–96, 99

Mivtachim moshav, 43–44, 72

Mollet, Guy, 76, 77, 87, 88

Mondale, Walter, 196, 200

Montgomery, Bernard, 104

Morocco, 195, 199

Morris, Leah, 116–17

moshavim, vii, 2–8, 11–12, 15; as border defense, 71–72; Dayan’s agriculture policies and, 117; Egyptian attacks on, 59; new immigrants and, 43–44, 56, 117

mosques, 40, 132, 135, 137

Mossad, 27, 38, 166

Mount Carmel, 44

Mount Hermon, 12, 139, 191

Mount of Olives, 134, 135, 144

Mount Scopus, 132, 134

Mount Sinai, 113, 202

Muslim holy sites, 137

Nablus, 141, 144

Nahalal, vii, 5–15, 18, 22, 27, 30, 37, 138, 161, 214, 216

Nahal Oz kibbutz, 73, 75

Naj Hammadi Bridge, 153

Narkiss, Uzi, 132, 134, 135

Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 58–60, 85, 86–88, 90, 167, 215–16; Algerian rebellion and, 77, 78; death of, 154; Gaza campaign and, 73–74; pan-Arabism of, 58, 67; Six Day War and, 127; Soviet influence and, 61–62, 64, 153; Suez Canal nationalization by, 79–80, 87; War of Attrition and, 151, 153–54

Natanson, Philip, 56

National Religious Party, 209

National Renewal Movement. See Telem Party

National Water Carrier, 1, 18

Nazareth, 5–6, 45–46

Nazis, 20, 22

Negev Desert, 12, 52, 126, 203; water channeling to, 118

New York Times, 123–24

Ninio, Marcelle, 57

Nitzana Junction, 65, 66

Nixon, Richard, 153, 176, 179, 182

Noam (Dayan’s driver), 47, 82, 98

North African campaign (1942), 22, 27

Northern Command (Israel Defense Forces), 45–46, 50; Golan Heights and, 129, 137–38, 171, 172–73, 175

occupied territories, viii, ix, 101, 102, 141–48; Allon Plan for, 147; Dayan and Begin on, 193, 194; Dayan’s policies for, 137, 144–46, 155–56, 216; Egyptian-Israeli peace process and, 201, 203; future of, 194; Israeli politics and, 159–60; new Jewish settlements in (see Jewish settlements).; See also Gaza Strip; Golan Heights; Palestinians; West Bank

oil embargo (1973), 176, 182

Operation Danny, 34

Operation Musketeer. See Suez crisis

Operation Susannah, 56–57, 116

Orde Wingate, Charles, 18

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 182

Palestine, 4, 9–12, 16–28; first wave of Zionist immigrants to, 2, 3; Jewish independence proclamation and, 31–32; partition of, 29, 30–31; World War II and, 22–25, 26–27. See also Israel, State of Zionism

Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), viii, 149–50, 151, 157–58, 212

Palestinians: autonomy issue and, 155, 203, 209, 211–12, 216; Dayan’s view of, ix, 5, 8, 13, 14, 23, 24, 141–49, 155, 158, 209, 211–12, 216–17; economic activity of, 146; Egyptian-Israeli peace process and, 198, 200–203, 207, 211–12; Gaza refugee camps and, 72, 73, 75, 106, 129; Karameh resistance and, 149–50; murders and robberies (1953) by, 49, 50–51; occupied territory governments and, 145–46; self-determination of, viii, ix, 5, 10, 144, 145, 146, 201, 207, 212, 217

Palestinian terrorism, 144, 146, 149, 151, 165; Entebbe airport rescue and, 191–92; Hebron attack and, 80–82; Lebanese refugee camps and, 157–58; school hostages and, 187–88; Tel Aviv bus hijacking and, 200. See also Fatah fedayeen; Palestinian Liberation Organization

Palmach, 22–25, 27–30, 33, 35, 50, 164

Patish (moshav), 59

Peled, Benny, 171

Peres, Shimon, 29, 82, 83, 115, 121, 147, 191, 192; French arms deal and, 63, 77–78, 79; Sinai campaign and, 87, 88, 90

Petrie, Flinders, 103

Philistines, 162–64, 205

Pineau, Christian, 76, 77, 88–90

PLO. See Palestinian Liberation Organization

Public Forum for Political and Social Questions, 211, 213

Qina Bridge, 153

Rabin, Yitzhak, 28, 53, 140, 187, 188–89, 191; resignation of, 192; Six Day War and, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133–34, 135, 137, 139, 140

Rabinovich, Rachel. See Dayan, Rachel

Rafah Junction, 59, 66, 82, 94–95, 102, 147; deep-water port and, 160; Jewish settlement at, 148, 155; settlement dismantling at, 202

Rafi Party, 121, 122, 126, 147

Ramat Yohanan kibbutz, 30

Ramle, 33, 34, 35, 92

Rashid (Arab scout), 23, 24

Red Sea, 42, 120

Resolution 181 (U.N.), 30

Rhodes, 39, 40

Rogers, William, 154

Rommel, Erwin, 22, 27

Rothberg, Ro’i, 74–76, 216

Rouleau, Eric, 149

Royal Air Force (Britain), 86, 94

Rubinstein, Elyakim, 195

Sadat, Anwar, 154, 156–57, 165–66, 178, 182; assassination of, 211; Jerusalem visit of, 198–99; peace process and, 202–4, 206, 207

Sadeh, Yitzhak, 17, 19, 22, 31, 32, 147

Samaria, 18, 38, 132, 143, 144

Samson (biblical), 205

Santa Katharina monastery, 202

Sapir, Pinchas, 120

Sasson, Eliahu, 38–40

Saul, King (biblical), 205

Schocken, Gershom, 173–74

Schwartz, Rachel, 13–14, 27

Schwartz, Ruth. See Dayan, Ruth

Schwartz, Zvi, 13–14

Schweitzer, Avraham, 121

Sde Boker kibbutz, 52, 55–56, 57

settlements: border harassment of, 85–86, 138; Zionist tower-and-stockade method, 18–19. See also Jewish settlements; kibbutzim; moshavim

Seventh Armored Brigade (Israel), 93, 94–95

Sèvres summit conference (1956), 87–89, 90, 91, 92, 93

Shapira, Yaakov-Shimshon, 184

Sharett, Moshe, 40, 52–55, 57, 78, 126; arms campaign of, 66, 67–68; moderation of, 59, 61, 67

Sharm el-Sheikh, 65, 66, 91, 96, 97, 101, 125, 162; Israeli withdrawal from, 104, 105; Jewish settlements and, 148, 156, 160; settlement dismantling and, 202; as Six Day War objective, 129, 134, 135

Sharon, Ariel, 50–51, 53, 61, 67, 81, 82, 86, 126; disobedience of orders by, 97; Sinai campaign and, 95–97; Yom Kippur War and, 171, 176, 177

Shiloah, Reuven (formerly Zaslani), 27, 38

Shoval, Zalman, 211

Simhoni, Assaf, 93, 97

Sinai campaign (1956), ix, 65, 86–97, 99, 102, 109, 126; British-French Suez strategy linked with, 88–90; buildup to, 57–69, 70–84, 85–90; Dayan book on, 120; Dayan’s fame from, 103–4, 127; Egyptian agreement violations (1967) and, 125–26; French munitions and, 78; successful conclusion of, 96, 101

Sinai Desert, 160

Sinai Peninsula, 42; Egyptian-Israeli peace process and, 201, 202; Egyptian troop deployment (1967) in, 126; Israeli occupation of, viii, 67, 97, 130–36, 154, 165; Israeli withdrawal (1956) from, 104–5; U.N. Emergency Force in, 101, 102, 106, 107

Six Day War (1967), 125–40, 159, 161, 164, 216; ceasefire lines and, 144, 145; conquered territories of (see occupied territories); Dayan’s acclaim from, 135, 136, 140; Dayan’s autobiography on, 190; Egyptian defeat in, 140, 147, 151; Egyptian provocation of, 125–26; end of, 140, 147; iconic image of, 135; as Israeli surprise, 129–31; Israel’s major objective in, 129; Israel’s victory, viii, ix; Rabin’s military importance to, 140; Syrian front advocates, 129, 134, 137–38; territorial expansion from, viii, 141–54, 155–56; U.N. ceasefire and, 138

Sixth Fleet (U.S.), 179

Smilansky, Yizhar (nom de plume), 114

Southern Command (Israel Defense Forces), 42–45, 93, 97; Six Day War and, 126, 133, 134–35; Yom Kippur War and, 172, 175–76, 177, 186

Soviet Union, 97, 139, 164, 183; Egyptian arms aid and, 62–63, 151, 153, 166; Egyptian-Israeli peace process and, 195, 196, 197, 198; Syrian ties with, 129, 138, 139, 151, 166; U.S. détente with, 168; Yom Kippur War and, 178, 179

Stern Gang. See Israel Freedom Fighters

Suez Canal, viii, 95, 96, 129, 165, 182, 199; Bar-Lev Line and, 152–53, 156–57, 169–70, 171, 185, 199; blockage of Israeli passage through, 54, 60; Egyptian missiles repositioning at, 154; international passage through, 155, 156, 178, 182, 191; Israeli military approach to, 133, 136; Israeli withdrawal from, 155, 156, 178, 180; Nasser nationalization of, 79–80, 87; Yom Kippur War and, 154, 169, 171, 172, 175, 176, 177, 178

Suez crisis (1956), 79–80, 82–84, 86–98; Israeli Sinai strategy and, 92; Sèvres summit and, 87–89, 90, 91, 92. See also Sinai campaign

Suez Gulf, 96, 202

Syria, 22, 23, 46, 67–68, 151; Israeli War of Independence and, 31–32; Six Day War and, viii, 129, 134, 137–40; Soviet ties with, 129, 138, 139, 151, 166; Yom Kippur War and, 166, 171, 172–73, 175. See also Golan Heights

Tal, Abdullah al-, 37–38

Tal, Israel, 126

Tel Aviv, 12, 16, 33, 34, 38, 59, 74, 111, 200

Telem Party, 211

Temple Mount, 40, 132, 135

Tet Offensive (1968), 124

Teveth, Shabtai, ix–x

Tiran, Straits of, 65, 125, 129, 135

Tohami, Hassan el-, 195, 199

Tokan, Qadri, 145

tomato farming, 117–18

Tomb of the Patriarchs (Hebron), 136–37

Touqan, Fadwa, 145, 216

Tsemah, 4, 5, 31, 32

United Jewish Appeal, 182

United Nations, 37, 39, 43, 51, 139; Dayan address to, 196; Egyptian-Israeli ceasefire, 62; Egyptian-Israeli tensions and, 72, 73, 76; Jerusalem headquarters of, 36, 37, 132; Jewish independent state and, 31, 32, 40; partition of Palestine by, 30; Sinai ceasefire, 96, 101, 102, 104; Sinai Emergency Force, 101, 102, 106, 107; Six Day War ceasefire, 134, 135, 138; War of Attrition ceasefire, 154; Yom Kippur War ceasefire, 176, 177, 178, 179–80

United States, 51, 53, 62–63; Dayan trips to, 33, 182, 195–97; Israeli-Egyptian peace process and, 195–98, 199, 200–207; Israeli relations and, 66, 68, 76, 97, 101, 165, 179–83; Israeli Sinai gains and, 101, 102, 104–5; Six Day War diplomacy and, 128, 130; Soviet détente with, 168; Vietnam War and, 123–24; War of Attrition and, 153–54; Yom Kippur War and, 176, 177–80, 181–84, 191

United States Army, 53, 56

Uriah the Hittite (biblical), 111

Vance, Cyrus, 196, 197, 201, 202, 205

Veimars Conference, 78

Vichy France, 22–24, 88

Vietnam War, 123–24

Wadi Ara (Nahal Iron), 38–39

Wahsh (Dayan’s Bedouin friend), 8, 13, 14, 216

War of Attrition (1968–70), 151–56

War of Independence (1948), vii–viii, 19, 31–36, 48, 54, 92, 215; armistice and, 46, 59, 72, 158; celebrated battle of, 35–36; Israeli borders and, 40–41, 42, 59, 104, 144, 158; Israeli-Jordanian peace negotiations and, 38–40; Jerusalem and, vii–viii, 37, 132, 144; Suez Canal and, 60

water policy, 117, 118

Weizman, Ezer, 126, 134, 140, 193, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205

Weizmann, Chaim, 14

West Bank, 155, 203; Dayan’s meetings with mayors of, 145; as defensible border, 38, 40–41, 158; Egyptian-Israeli peace process and, 201; Israeli occupation of, viii, ix, 141–42, 159; Palestinian life in, 146; Palestinian violence and, 50–51

Western Wall, 38, 135–36

Westmoreland, William, 123–24

West Point (U.S.), 33

White Paper of 1939 (Britain), 19

Wilson, Woodrow, 212

Women’s Corps, 43, 72

World War I, 4, 212

World War II, 22–25, 26–27, 30, 62, 88

World Zionist Organization, 14, 18–19, 29

Yaakobi, Gad, 213–14

Yadin, Yigael, 39, 46, 184

Yamit (deep-water port), 160

Yishuv, 30

Yizhar, S., 114, 115

Yoffe, Avraham, 126

Yom Kippur, 167, 170, 204

Yom Kippur War (1973), viii, 140, 162, 165–80; aftermath of, 184–87; Arab oil embargo and, 176, 182; Bar-Lev Line collapse and, 169–70, 171; critics of Dayan and, 184, 185–87; Dayan’s pessimism and failures of, 170–71, 173–74, 199; Egyptian gains from, 181, 182; Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack and, 167, 168, 184; Geneva Conference on, 183, 195–96; Israeli blunders and, viii, ix\, 153, 157, 159, 168–70, 184–86; Kissinger’s diplomacy and, 179–80, 181–83; prelude to, 155–60, 165–66; separation of forces agreement and, 183–84; U.N. ceasefire and, 178, 179

Zadok, Chaim, 127

Zaslani, Reuven (later Shiloah), 27, 38

Ze’ira, Eliahu, 186

Zemer, Hannah, 173

Zionism, vii, 1–3, 6, 8, 10, 11–25, 117, 218; immigration waves and, 2, 3, 28; land settlement approach of, 15, 18–20; Twenty-second Zionist Congress, 29. See also Haganah