*1. Hermes Trismegistus, or Thrice Great Hermes, is another name for the Egyptian god Thoth, the lord of wisdom, travel, communication, healing, and writing.
*2. Isis is a name that has been corrupted by political terrorists and media sound bites. The Islamic terrorist group that is active in the world today is not actually called Isis, but Isil. For some reason the patriarchy and the institutions that serve it are bent on corrupting the name of the Divine Mother, polluting this association in the subconscious minds of people around the world.
*3. The nature of God is circular, from the movement of the solar systems and galaxies to the movement of atoms. We can see this pattern in everything from tornadoes and hurricanes to the movement of the wind and water.
*4. The Sanskrit wordNurimeans “light” andSarupmeans “body.”
*5. The Greek god Mercury is also the Egyptian god Thoth, known in Greece as Hermes Trismegistus, or Thrice Great Hermes.
*6. One of the greatest errors the Church ever made was to remove the concept of reincarnation from the Bible. This principle was originally part of the foundational teachings of Jesus, along with the law of karma, but was suppressed by the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 558 CE, almost six centuries after Christ. Though this gathering was later declared illegal, the damage was done. In my previous two books,Return of the Divine SophiaandJesus: The Explosive Story of the 30 Lost Years and the Ancient Mystery Religions,I explain in depth why this doctrine was erased by political factions within the Church, and the devastating impact it has made on our understanding of the universal laws of life.
*7. “A Poor Wayfaring Stranger” is an American folk song written by an unknown composer in the 1800s. It is considered one of the top 100 folk songs of all times, listed in the Roud Folk Song Index of 25,000 songs. It may well have emerged from the rich creative legacy of black slaves suffering in the South before emancipation, but its theme is a universal one that we can all relate to.
*8. The eagle and the hawk were the foremost symbols of the Anunnaki leadership, the tall, long-lived beings who helped foster humanity for thousands of years. These are the beings historically referred to as “the gods.” In Mesopotamia, the leader of this group, Ninurta, chose the eagle as his symbol, and in Egypt the hawk and falcon were the symbols of the gods Ra, Horus, and Osiris. While the history of the Anunnaki gods deserves a book all of its own, suffice it to say that these world civilizers oversaw the birth of human civilization for tens of thousands of years, only moving away from human affairs sometime between 2100 BCE and 500 BCE. They are responsible for many of the mysterious ruins we find today such as Stonehenge in England, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the monuments of Easter Island, Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, and Puma Punka in South America. Like modern humans, the Anunnaki were scientists, doctors, astronauts, and physicists, and had great knowledge of the metaphysical underpinnings of the universe; thus they chose the symbol of the eagle or Divine Father to represent the concept of God the Father.
*9. Dr. Kaku goes on to tell us that M-theory could very well stand for “membranes, magic, mystery,” or even “Mother,” an apt description of the many ways in which this secret information has been considered by the sages of the past.
*10. The ouroboros symbolizes something constantly re-creating itself, as in the eternal return and the idea of primordial unity related to something existing from the beginning with such force that it cannot be extinguished. This symbol first emerged in ancient Egypt and India and has frequently been used in religious, alchemical, and mythological symbolism. It is associated with Gnostic, Hermetic, and Hindu wisdom. Carl Jung interpreted it as an archetype of the human psyche, and Jungian psychologist Erich Neumann believes that the ouroboros represents the pre-ego “dawn state” of the connected but undifferentiated state of humankind.
*11. Issa, the Arabic name for Jesus, called Mary Magdalene “the one who knows the All” and “disciple of disciples.” To discover more about who she is and the critical importance of the role she was asked to play, please refer to my previous bookReturn of the Divine Sophia.
*12. The egg-shaped appearance that surrounds all galaxies can be seen in photographs that include the red-shift spectrum of light.
*13. Gnosis is the direct transmission of wisdom or knowing, as opposed to linear thought.
*14. A Manvantara is the period of time between the breathing-out of God that creates the entire universe, and the breathing-in of God that brings all things back into stillness. What Blavatsky is saying here is that some of the most powerful Angels are actually fully enlightened beings who are carryovers from previous universal ages.
*15. A serious study of the Sumerian tablets of the city of Nineveh reveals that the Anunnaki gods came to Earth over four hundred thousand years ago and were responsible for the creation ofHomo sapiens. Among the three most powerful of these gods was Enlil, who was put in charge of all the others. His eldest son, Ninurta, the thunderbolt-wielding god, had been promised dominion over all of Earth by his father; and once the elder gods retired, Ninurta was promoted to kingship, becoming Zeus, “the god most high” for millennia. However, once the gods began to withdraw from the affairs of human beings some four thousand years ago, Ninurta did not want to relinquish control. Falling into conflict with some of the other gods, particularly Marduk (Mars), Ninurta took control of the leadership of a group of refugees known today as the Hebrews. Leading them out of Egypt through his chosen ambassador, Moses, Ninurta sought to forge these people into an army to serve his own purposes. From Old Testament accounts it appears that he was quite active with this group for several centuries; however, it is equally clear from his on-again, off-again relationship with his people that he was eventually pulled back by the other gods and may have eventually left Earth, leaving humans to rule themselves. Once this overlighting deity was gone, the priests of Jehovah began to wield their own power, weaving stories of their flight out of Egypt and their interaction with this god into the version of the Old Testament that we have today. Then, down through the centuries, the stories, the history, the customs, and the folklore produced by these events culminated in our understanding of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam today.
While this interpretation that Jehovah may have been a long-living extraterrestrial whose appearance was accompanied by roaring flames, billowing clouds, and radiation burns may overturn the history that most of us have been taught, it actually has a great deal of validity. I chronicle some of this in my bookReturn of the Divine Sophia,where I explain how the early Gnostics came to regard the leader of the extraterrestrial gods as a tyrant. Of course, looking back, Ninurta, or Jehovah, may only have claimed to have been “the god most high,” reserving the title of Supreme Creator for God (bigG). Yet the priests of Jehovah claimed that this was God Almighty, setting in motion the birth of the three Abrahamic religions we have today, which are all based on our misperception of these events.
*16. The oracle of Delphi, known as the Pythia, was always one of the priestesses of Athena. Initially, the prophetess was a young virgin who was trained as a medium, but in time this role was passed to the female sages, women who were past their childbearing years. The wordPythiais derived frompython,referring to the python that Apollo was said to have defeated there. As a snake, the python represents mastery of the kundalini life force. The Pythia’s oracular messages were interpreted and delivered by the priests of Apollo.
*17. EMDR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, is a breakthrough therapy for overcoming anxiety, stress, and trauma in a remarkably short period of time. When its results were first published in 1997, it was hailed as the most important method to emerge in psychotherapy in decades. Applicable to survivors of trauma, PTSD, as well as people suffering from phobias and other experience-based disorders, in the past twenty years EMDR therapy has successfully treated psychological problems for millions of sufferers worldwide.
*18. There are several great sources for information on the PVR triangle, includingScripts People Live By,by Claude Steiner;Born to Win,by Muriel James; andTalking to My Selves: Getting to Know Your Voices in Your Head,by Debbie Unterman.
†1. Over and over again, near-death experiencers describe themselves and others as luminous beings of light.