Abercorn, Duke of, 231

Aborigines’ Protection Society, 244

Abyssinian Expedition, 21

Adams, Brooks, Civilization and Decay, 365, 367

Afghanistan, 224

Africa, 10, 15, 19, 20, 116, 124, 126, 237, 250, 256; African Empire, 21; three new states in, 26; West 16, 126; slave trade, 197, 206; Central, 224, 227; Berlin Conference, 240; acquisitions in, 206. See also South Africa

Africa Company, Royal, 251

African Society, 244

Algeria, 5

America. See United States

Angola, 21

Annam, Loss of, 204

Anti-Slavery Society, 249

Arabs, 256

Aristotle, Politics quoted, 181

Armaments Year Book, 369

Armenia, 200

Ashanti, 232

Asia and Europe quoted, 290, 298, 299, 300, 325

Australasia, 4, 5, 26, 38, 118, 329, 346, 348

Australia, 38, 117, 128, 250, 252, 258, 259, 329, 330, 335, 341, 342

Austria-Hungary, 2

Austrian Empire, 17; Germany and the, 2

Baden-Powell, Lord, 201; Aids to Scouting, 124

Bahamas, 115

Bajam, 16

Balkans, the, 2

Barbados, 115; London Company in, 251

Barrie, Mr., 299

Basutoland and the Basutos, 122, 244246, 255, 270, 279

Bechuanaland, 122, 262264, 345

Beit, A., 151, 217

Belgium, 2, 21, 72, 98, 143, 248, 259

Benares, 290

Bermudas, 115

Birdwood, Sir G., Industrial Arts of India, 290

Birmingham, 39, 49

Bismarck, 167

Board of Trade, 28, 147

Boer Republics, 262

Boer War, 207, 209

Bombay, 291

Borneo, 250; Borneo Company British, 251

Bororas, 258

Bosanquet, Dr. B., quoted, 166

Bourne, H. R. Fox, Whites and Blacks in S. Africa, 256, 257

British Guiana, 115, 258, 273

British South Africa Chartered Company, 157, 252, 264

Brownlie, W. T., 271

Brunetière, M., 235

Bryce J., Studies in History and Jurisprudence, 148; Impressions of South Africa, 246; Romanes Lecture, 253, 314

Bulgaria, 1

Burke, Edmund, quoted, 350

Burma, 16, 250

Burmese Frontier, 125

Caldecott, A., English Colonization and Empire, 120

Canada, 4, 5, 26, 38, 44, 117, 118, 329, 335, 336, 341, 342, 347

Canterbury, Archbishop of, 198, 234

Canton, 238

Cape Colony, 4, 38, 115, 202, 245, 262, 268, 269, 330, 345

Carlyle, T., 157

Carnarvon, Lord, 330

Catherine, 7

Cecil, Lord Hugh, quoted, 202

Ceylon, 115, 119

Chalmers, Sir D., 266, 267

Chamberlain, Mr., 106, 109, 160, 270, 330, 331, 352

Charlemagne, 6

Charles V, 7

Chartered Companies, 116, 157, 197 231, 252, 256, 257, 259, 264, 270

China, 9, 42, 66, 67, 108, 177, 197, 202204, 224, 225, 238, 240, 241, 248, 250, 256, 272, 274, 277278, 305306, 308326, 364, 365

China-Japan War, 57

China Society, 50

Chitral, 16

Churchill, Winston, The River War, 205

Clarke, Sir M., 244

Clarke W., Progressive Review, 8

Cobden, R., quoted, 150

Colquhoun, A. R., Transformation in China, 319, 320

Colville, Col., 260

Condorcet, 7

Congo Free State, 21, 198, 206, 231, 248, 257, 259

Consolidated Gold Fields, 269

Corea, 127

Cox, Harold, 35

Crossthwaite, Sir C., 50

Cuba, 78;

Cuban sugar-growers, 228

Cyprus Convention, 200

Czechs, Policital Freedom of the, 2

Dante, 7

De Beers, 202, 268

Demolins, M. E., 155

Denmark, 143

Depression of Trade, Report of Commission on, 80

Dictionary of Political Economy, 62

Dilke, Sir C., The British Empire, 206

Dutch Republics, 330, 343

Dutt, Romesh, Economic History of British India, 292, 293

East Africa, 68, 240

East India Company, 251

Economic Foundations of Society, 55, 73

Egypt, 16, 26, 54, 108, 122, 236, 242; revolt of, 55; British occupation of 199; government of the Khedive, 200; Gordon Memorial Service, 2045; Khartoum, 205; Omdurman, 205

Ellis, J. E., 149

Elphinstone, 293

Eritrea, 21

Fabri’s Bedarf Deutschland der Colonien, 19

Finns, political freedom of the, 2

Flux, Prof., 36

France, 54, 66, 69, 80, 126, 127, 143, 223, 251;

colonies of, 5;

French Revolution, 7, 8;

colonial policy, 20, 21; attempted conquest of Mexico by, 54; and Tunis, 54; and Madagascar, 66, 67; rubber trade in East Africa, 68

Franklin, B., 7

Frayven, mission house at, 238

“German Commercial and Plantation Association of the Southern Seas,” 19

Germany, 7, 11, 54, 66, 67, 69, 72, 80, 126, 127, 133, 143, 223, 241;

and Austria, 2;

German colonies, 5;

industrial areas in, 42; colonial policy, 80; progressive industries of, 104; foreign policy of, 146; missionaries in China, 238, 240; action in Shan-tung, 204; encroachments in E. Africa, 240

Gibbon, 7

Giddings, Prof., 155; Empire and Democracy, 165, 169, 199, 200, 226

Giffen, Sir R., estimate of Empire, 18, 52, 53; trade profits, 55; investments, 62

Gioberti, 160

Gladstone, W. E., 331

Glen Grey Act, 268, 271

Goethe, 7

Gold Coast, 16, 251, 256

Goldie, Sir G. T., 231

Gooch, G. P., The Heart of the Empire, 161

Gordon, Gen., Memorial Service, 204, 205

Greece, 1, 165

Grey, Earl, 157, 261; Memoir of Hubert Hervey, 159; and the Chartered Company, 197, 269

Grey, Sir G., 244

Habsburg, Rudolph of, 6

Hague Conference, 171, 239

Hanna, M.A., 217

Harcourt, Sir W., 100

Hawaii, 22, 78, 230, 253

Hayti, 227

Henley, Imperialism, 206

Hensman, H., History of Rhodesia, 256 264

Hervey, Hubert, 157, 159

Hobhouse, L. T., Democracy and Reaction, 167

Holland, 2, 21, 80, 104, 251

Holland, Bernard, 182; Imperium et Libertas, 351, 353

Home Office, 147

Hottentots, 158, 253

Hudson’s Bay Company, 251

Hugo, Victor, 160

Hungarians, political freedom of the, 2

Hutchinson, Miss E., 249

Huxley, T. H., 153

Imperial South African Association, 50

India, 26, 118, 122, 137, 225, 236, 242, 256, 274, 286, 292, 295303; feudatory states in, 16, 244; trade with, 36; expansion in, 50; Civil Service, 50, 118, 140, 225, 287; government of, 119, 273; British rule in, 199

India and its Problems, 296

Industrial Commission, 269

Ireland, Alleyne, Tropical Colonization, 34, 255, 273

Irish, political freedom of the, 2

Italy, 1, 2, 143, 165; Imperialism checked, 21; encroachments in East Africa, 240

Jamaica, 115, 119

Japan, 69, 127, 240242, 307, 315317

Jebb, R., Colonial Nationalism, 347

Jefferson, quoted, 353

Jena, 3

Johannesburg, 207, 246

Johnston, Sir H. H., 338

Kaffirs, 246, 271, 272, 275276, 278

Kaiser, Wilhelm III, 7, 160; speech at Hamburg, 146

Kant, 7

Khama’s country, 244

Khartoum, 205

Kidd, B., 155, 226; Control of the Tropics, 227

Kimberley, 268, 270

Kindersley, Sir R., 375

Kingsley, C., 157

Kingsley, Miss M. H., West African Studies, 121, 244, 266

Kumasi, 256

Kwang-tung, missions in, 238

Lamartine, 7

Lancashire, 39

Laos, 20

Laurier, Sir W., 114

Lavater, 7

League of Nations Year Book, 369

Lecky, W. E. H., Map of Life, 208

Leopold, King, 198

Leroy-Beaulieu, P., 20

Lessing, 7

Lewis, Sir G. C., Government of Dependencies, 120

Liberalism and the Empire, 19, 248, 250

Liberia, 227

Lilly, W. S., 289, 296, 299

Little, A. J., 305

Lobenguela, 259

Loria, Achille, Economic Foundations of Society, 54, 55, 73

Macaulay, Lord, 192

Machiavelli, 7, 233

Madagascar, 66

Malay Protected States, 38

Mallet and George, British Budgets, 379

Malta, 115

Manchester, 49

Maoris, 158, 253

March-Phillips, L., 134

Martin, M., Eastern India, 292

Martin, Sir R., 256, 267

Massachusetts Bay Company, 251

Matabeleland, 125, 264

Mauritius, 115, 273

Metcalfe, Sir C., 293

Mexico, attempted conquest of, 54

Mill, James, 51

Mill, J. S., Representative Government, 3, 89, 284

Milner, Lord, England in Egypt, 123, 263

Molesworth, Sir W., 118

Monroe doctrine, 346

More, Sir T., 46

Morgan, Pierpoint, 57, 77

Morley J., Life of Cobden, 150

Morris, History of Colonization, 20, 22, 113, 251

Moscow campaign, 3

Moshesh, 246

Mulhall, M. G., estimate of investments, 62

Munro, 293

Murray, Gilbert, Liberalism and the Empire, 19, 248, 250

Mysore, 244

Naples, 7

Napoleon, 2, 7

Natal, 4, 115, 250, 256, 258

Native Races Committee, 244, 279

Negritos, 258

Netherlands, the, 7, 42

New Caledonia, 21; French, 250

New Guinea, 250

New Zealand, 117, 128

Niger Company, Royal, 231

North America, 329

North American Indians, 258

Norway, 2

Novicow, M., La Federation de V Europe, 212

Oceania, 250

Omdurman, 205

Orange River Colony, 37, 45

Ottoman rule, 1

Pan-Slavism, 1, 160

Panama Canal, 347

Peace Year Book, 378

Pearson, G. H., National Life and Character, 182

Pearson, Prof. K., 154, 157, 159, 161164, 173, 190

Pemba, Friends’ Industrial Mission at, 249

Persia, 223

Peter the Great, 7

Philippine War, 57

Philippines, 78

Plato, 211

Plymouth Companies, 251

Pobyedonostseff, 161

Poland, 2

Poles, political freedom of the, 2

Polynesians, 249, 250

Portugal, 21

Priestley, 7

Privy Council, 119

Poverty : a Study of Town Life, 86

Pownall, 350

Prussia, 3

Queensland, servile labour in, 115; British Colony of, 250

Rand, the, 270

Red Indians, 253

Reinsch, P. S., World Politics, 146

Representative Government, 3, 284

Rhodes, Cecil, 5, 61, 151, 201, 202, 217231, 268, 345

Rhodesia, 126, 207, 246, 252, 256, 261, 265, 269; Rhodesian mineo wners, 228

Ricardo, D., 89

Richthofen, 319

Ripon, Lord, 244

Robinson, Prof. E. van Dyke, 174, 175

Robinson, Sir H., 346

Rockefeller, 77, 217

Rome, empire of, 6

Roosevelt, President, 77

Rosebery, Lord, 125, 129, 130, 160, 234

Rosmead, Lord, 5

Rothschild, 57

Roumania, 1

Rousseau, 7

Rowntree, B. S., Poverty : a Study of Town Life, 86

Rudd, Mr., 269

Ruskin, J., 157, 207

Russia, 11, 2122, 6667, 127, 223, 240, 241; Pan-Slavist movement in, 1, 160; Moscow campaign, 3; tyranny of, 200

Russo-Japanese War, 316

Sahara, 20

Salisbury, Lord, 197, 234

Samoa, 230, 232

Schuster, Sir G., 371

Seeley, Sir J. R., Expansion of England, 5, 6, 304

Senegal, 20

Servia, 1

Shan States, 16

Shan-tung, 66

Sheffield, 39, 49

Siam, 223; British relations with, 50

Sicily, 7

Sierra Leone, 266

Sierra Leone Company, 251

Simcox, Edith J., Primitive Civilizations, 321

Smith, Goldwin, 216; Commonwealth of Empire, 301 Soldier’s Pocket Book, 135

Somaliland, 21

Soudan, 125126, 130

South Africa, 26, 38, 45, 58, 98, 106, 118, 124, 128, 129, 137, 209210, 253, 255, 257258, 262, 268, 276, 277, 283, 329, 354; war in, 143, 197, 207; Chartered Company, 231, 256

South Africa Native Races Committee, 244; Native Affairs Commission, 272

South America, 224

South Sea Islands, 230

Spain, 7, 21, 230

Spencer, Herbert, 218

Sprigg, Sir G., 262

Statistical Society, Journal of the, 36, 55

Statesman’s Year Book, 18, 20, 22, 349, 369

Straits Settlements, 250

Swat, 16

Sweden, 2

Swiss Federation, 2

Taine, H. A., 8

Tel-el-Kebir, 55

Theal, G. M., Beginnings of S. African History, 21

Thibet, 223

Thurston, Maj., 260

Times, The, quoted, 238, 307

Tongking, 20

Torrens Act, 259

Townsend, M., Asia and Europe, 290, 298, 299, 300

Transvaal, 23, 37, 45, 58, 250, 261, 269, 276, 278; mines, 272, 275

Trieste, 2

Trinidad, 115, 273

Tropical Colonization, 34, 255, 273

Tunis, 20, 55

Turkey, 108, 200, 224

Uganda, 126, 236, 252

United States, 10, 22, 54, 58, 72, 74, 75, 76, 79, 104, 128, 224, 245, 253, 258, 336

Veddahs, 258

Venezuela, 59

Vico, 7

Villari, 160

Wakefield, E. G., 118

Wallace, A. R., 153

Waziristan, 16

Wen Ching, The Chinese Crisis from Within, 204

Werner, Miss A., 279

West Indies, 21, 118, 122, 227, 251, 258, 275; Report of Committee on, 254

Willcox and Ferenczi, International Migration, 374

Wilshire, H. G., 84

Windward Islands, 115

Wolseley, Lord, 135

Yang-Tse, 240

Zanzibar, 249, 256

Zululand, 279