
Abd al-Rahman III, 80

Abd al-Rahman, 80

Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi (Savasorda), 8283

Académie Royale des Sciences, 277

Academy, 22

Accademia Cimento, 277

Accademia dei Lincei, 277

Adalboro, 64

Adelard of Bath, 7778, 90

aether, 22, 28, 56, 125, 309

Aetius (Pseudo-Plutarch), 236

Agora, 22

al-Andalus, 80, 81, 198

Albert of Saxony, 166, 171

Albertus Magnus, 10713, 114, 119, 186, 209

Albion (“all by one”), 203

Alcuin, 5861

Alexander’s band, 176. See also rainbows

Alexandria, 3134

Alexandria, library of, 13, 18, 32, 46, 90, 315

Alfarabius. See Farabi, Abu Nasr al- (Alfarabius)

Alfred of Sareshel, 8485

algorismus vulgaris (Common Algorism), 147, 195, 19697

algorismus, 194

algorithm, 69, 83, 146

Alhazen. See Haytham, Abu ‘Ali al-Hasan ibn al- (Alhazen)

Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, 22, 28

Anaximander, 19, 111

Anaximenes, 19

Anselm (bishop of Havelberg), 9394

antiperistasis, 28, 41, 148, 162

apeiron, 19

“Apelles.” See Scheiner, Christopher

Apollonius of Perge, 35, 71, 250, 255

Aquinas, Thomas, 96, 107, 108, 109, 11319, 209, 280

arche, 19, 21

Archimedes, 18, 26, 34, 71, 83, 84, 93, 96, 145, 146, 154, 231,

Aristarchus of Samos, 3334, 71, 214, 227, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237, 240, 285, 315

Aristeas Judaeus, 31

Aristotle, 27, 97, 10719; and antiperistasis, 28, 41, 148, 152, 16162, 164, 265, 267, 300; and causation, 27, 100; and cosmology, 11, 28, 30, 97, 125, 129, 135, 163, 164, 169, 239, 24346, 280; influence of, 44, 45, 85, 90, 104, 151, 184; and Generation of Animals, 112; and Grossesteste, 12326; and Islamic thought, 6790; and Meteorology, 42, 43, 95, 112, 186; and Physics, 68, 71, 108; and rainbow, 109, 175; and Roman Catholic dogma, 10719; time, 125; and Topics, 68; translations of, 48, 67, 83, 88, 93, 94, 96, 98, 111; ban of, 116; and Zoology, 8687, 98

armillary, 213, 222

Armitage, Angus, 233

Articella, 76, 103

astrolabe, 63, 75, 78, 84, 121, 135, 143, 194, 195, 222

astronomy, 23, 33, 36, 43, 44, 46, 64, 69, 72, 78, 84, 104, 129, 134, 135, 146, 169, 18586, 193261, 276, 281

atomic theory, 21, 3031, 36, 43, 49, 243, 287, 292, 312

Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 44, 53

Averroës, 81, 88, 98, 109, 115, 116, 117, 131, 149, 150, 186, 202, 235

Avicenna, 73, 112, 116, 186

Bacon, Francis, 292, 301

Bacon, Roger, 90, 109, 13037, 13940, 153, 293; influence of 17789, 292, 301

balance, hydraulic, 264

Barberini, Maffeo Cardinal, 282

Barrow, Isaac, 3012

Bartholomew the Englishman, 112

Battani, Muhammed ibn Jabir al- (Albategnius), 72

Becoming, 19

Bede, 14, 52, 5358, 66, 102, 196

Beeckman, Isaac, 266, 292

Being, 19

Bellarmine, 277, 281, 282

ben Gerson, Levi, 202

Benedetti, Giovanni Battista, 184, 26768

Benedict Biscop, Saint, 5152, 53

Benedict, Saint, 47

Bessarion, Basilios, 208, 20915

Billingsley, Henry (sir), 78

Blundeville, Thomas, 240

Boethius of Dacia, 115

Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 4748, 63, 93

Book of Optics, 74, 178, 184

Borro, Girolamo, 263

Boyer, Carl B., 146, 211

Boyle, Robert, 3001

Bradwardine, Thomas, 153, 15457, 159, 160

Brahe, Tycho, 212, 214, 24450, 253, 254, 282, 283, 291

Brahmagupta, 69

Broglie, Louis de, 179

Brudzewski, Albert, 218

Bruno, Giordano, 24244

Bullen, Brother Thomas, 12

Buonamici, Francesco, 263, 267

Burgundio the Pisan, 94

Buridan, Jean, 16066, 168, 172

Caccini, Thomas, 280

calculatores, 157

calculus, 302, 303, 309, 313

calendar, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 123, 12930, 135, 193, 196, 2001, 219, 258

Callimachus of Cyrene, 32

Campanus of Novara, 19799

Canon of Medicine, 73, 83, 111

Capella, Martianus, 45, 46, 62, 63

Carolingian Renaissance, 5963, 66, 98

Cassiodorus, 48

Cesarini, Virginio, 282

Cesi, Federigo, 277

Chalcidius, 45, 98

Charlemagne, 5961

Charles the Bald, 6162

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 102, 199

chilinder, 75

Choniades, Gregory, 207

Chrysoloras, Manuel, 209

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 42, 45, 218

Cigoli, Lodovico, 280

Clagett, Marshall, 170

Claudius Ptolemaeus. See Ptolemy

Clavius, Christopher, 267, 277

Cleanthes of Assos, 34

clock, mechanical, 2034

Codex Amiatinus, 52

Colombe, Lodovico delle, 278

Columba, Saint, 11, 14, 51

Columbanus, Saint, 51

Columbus, Christopher, 42, 213, 217

Commentarii, 45

compass, geometric and military, 370

computus, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 193, 194

Consolation of Philosophy, 47

Constantine the African, 7576, 103

continuum, 3031

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 13, 21737, 240, 243, 25051, 252, 254; and Arabic astronomers, 235; and Aristotelianism, 119; assumptions, 224; and Brudzewski, 218; and Buridan, 165; Commentariolus, 223, 226; mathematical method of, 223, 235; and medicine, 220; and moon, 233; and Oresme, 170; and Peurbach, 212; and planets, 231, 234; and politics, 220; and Regiomontanus, 214; De revolutionibus, 219, 222, 226, 229, 230, 231, 235, 237, 240, 241; and Rome, 227; stroke, 229; “the three motions,” 232

corpus astronomicum, 193, 197, 198,

Council of Ferrara-Florence, 2078, 209

Council of Frankfurt, 61

Cremonino, Cesare, 277

Crescenti, Peter, 111

Crombie, Alistair Cameron, 12, 110, 125, 133, 137, 148, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 172, 179, 182, 190, 265, 26768, 271

Crosby, H. Lamar, 155

cross-staff, 245

Ctesibius of Alexandria, 36

d’Aurillac, Gerbert (Pope Sylvester II), 6366, 75, 90, 102

Dales, Richard C., 156

Dante, 90, 204

De peste, 73

De revolutionibus, 219, 222, 226, 22931, 23537, 240, 241

De scientia stellarum (On the Science of Stars), 72

De sphaera, 129, 19497

decimal fractions, 26566

Dee, John, 78, 241, 257

Democritus, 21, 30, 243, 244

Demonstratio de minutiis, 146

Demonstratio Jordani algorismo, 147

Descartes, René, 266, 29298, 309, 312

Desiderius (Pope Victor III), 76

Dietrich of Freiburg, 18689, 296

Digges, Thomas, 241, 244, 257

Dimitrios of Phaleron, 3132

Dionysius Exiguus, 57

Dionysius Petavius, 58

Dionysius the Pseudo–Areopagite, 62

Diophantus of Alexandria, 41, 294, 295

Dioscorides, 40, 48, 70, 77, 96

Domenico Maria da Novara, 219

Domenicus Gundissalinus, 82

Donne, John, 259

Donner, George, 229

Drake, Stillman, 277, 278, 279

earth, radius of, 198, 234; radius of orbit of, 224, 231, 233

Easter, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 129, 130

ecliptic, 24, 25, 36, 64, 65, 142, 194, 195, 196, 200, 232

Egbert (archbishop of York), 58

elements, 14, 28, 45, 99, 100, 113, 122, 125

Empedocles, 2122, 28

Emporer Theodosius I, 18

Engelbert, Ulrich, 113

entelechy, 27

Ephanius of Salamis, 32

Ephemerides. See tables, astronomical

Epicurus of Samos, 30, 40, 43, 243, 244

Eratosthenes, 3233, 34, 42, 50

Eriguena, John Scotus, 6263

Etymologies, 49, 56

Euclid, 69, 179; Catoptrica, 95; Division of Figures, 82; Elements, 34, 48, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 77, 78, 146, 186, 197, 199; and Gerard, 8384; influence of, 127, 146, 154, 184, 186, 199, 218, 250, 251; and law of reflection, 39; and light, 70; Optica, 95; and theorems, 26, 33

Eudoxus of Cnidus, 26, 28, 223

Eugene the Emir, 95

Fabricius, David, 255

Fabricius, Johannes, 279

Faerie Queene, The, 21

Fanton, Filippo, 263

Farabi, Abu Nasr al- (Alfarabius), 72

Farghani, al-, 69, 195, 197, 198, 218

Farisi, Kamal al-Din al-, 189

Feild, John, 240, 241

Fermat, Pierre, 41, 295

Fibonacci, Leonardo, 8788, 89, 97, 105

Filelfo, Francesco, 209

Frederick II of Hohenstauffen, 86

Galen of Pergamum, 40, 48, 49, 70, 71, 76, 83, 94, 96, 102, 104, 111

Galilei, Galileo, 168, 253, 26389, 301; in Chinese, 276; and Kepler, 253, 25758, 260; and telescope, 257

Galilei, Vincenzo, 26566

Garden, 30

Gassendi, Pierre, 218, 260, 266, 292, 301

geometrization of nature. See Plato

Gerard of Brussels, 15455, 157

Gerard of Cremona, 83, 84, 90, 201

Gibbon, Edward, 44

Giese, Tiedemann, 229, 230

Gilbert, William, 143, 244

Gingerich, Owen, 236, 237, 258

Giudecci, Mario, 282

grammar, 43, 54, 60, 104, 161, 206

Grant, Edward, 145

Grassi, Horatio, 282

gravity, 144, 145, 162, 165, 166, 169, 171, 172, 224, 231, 264, 268, 270, 271, 284, 298, 299, 303, 307, 309, 310

Greatorex, Ralph, 300

Grosseteste, Robert, 109, 125, 227; and Aristotle, commentaries on, 123; and Bacon, 13137; calendar reform, 12930; influence of, 137, 140, 147, 150, 153, 17578, 227; and mathematics, 124; On the Fixity of Motion and Time, 128; and optics, 124, 12628, 17578, 18486; Rainbow, 128; and refraction, 127; scientific method, 12324; De sphaera, 129, 19495

Guericke, Otto von, 300

Gutenberg Bible, 217

Guthrie, William, 99

Hadrian the African, 52

Hakem II, al-, 80

Haller, Johann, 218

Halley, Edmond, 261, 3067, 311

Haring, Nikolaus, 100

Harriot, Thomas, 257, 259, 279

Hasib, Habash al-, 69

Haskins, Charles Homer, 84, 98, 102

Haytham, Abu ‘Ali al-Hasan ibn al- (Alhazen), 74, 83, 90, 177, 178, 18086

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 62

Helbing, Mario, 267

Helden, Albert van, 198

Hellman, Doris, 214

Henricus Aristippus, 95

Heraclides Ponticus, 29, 45, 46

Heraclitus of Ephesus, 1920

Hermann the Lame, 75

Hero of Alexandria, 36, 71, 95, 96, 177, 178,

Heytesbury, William, 153, 15759

Hikma, Bayt al-, 67, 70

Hipparchus of Nicaea, 36, 38, 42, 63, 72, 75, 110, 129, 194, 267

Hippocrates, 26, 48, 49, 70, 94, 104

Historia ecclestiastica gentis Anglorus (The Ecclesiastical History of the English People), 53

homocentric spheres, 26, 28, 45, 117, 223, 245

Hooke, Robert, 300, 3056

Huygens, Christiaan, 179, 29799

hydrostatics, 171, 265, 278

ibn al-Shatir, 218, 233

ibn Luqa, Qusta, 71

ibn Matar, al-Hajjaj, 69

ibn Nusayr, Musa, 79

ibn Rushd. See Averroës

ibn Sina. See Avicenna

ibn-Ishaq, Hunayn (Jannitus), 7071

ibn-Qurra, Thabit, 71, 83, 129, 218, 235

ibn-Qutayb, 67

Idiota, 206

Idrisi, al-, 8586, 97

impetus theory, 42, 73, 110, 148, 15373, 267, 268, 270

Index, 282, 286

inertia, 149, 162, 163, 164, 172, 279, 294, 299, 307, 309

institutions of higher learning, 90, 1034

Introduction to Divine and Human Readings, 48

Iris, 175

Isidore of Seville, 49, 56, 102

Jacob’s Staff, 202

James of Venice (Iacobus Veneticus Grecus), 94

Jandun, Jean de, 150

Janssen, Zacharias, 257

Jarrow Monastery, 51, 58

Jerome, Saint, 17, 52, 60

John II Comnenus, 93

John of Dumbleton, 153, 15960

John of Gmunden, 210

John of Lignères, 2012

John of Palermo, 86

John of Saxony, 2012

John of Sicily, 2012

Jowett, Benjamin, 98

Keats, John, 190

Kepler, Johannes, 160, 233, 25061

Khwarizmi, al-, 6869, 77, 78, 83, 84, 198, 294

Kilwardby, Robert, 117

Kindi, Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-, 70, 82, 83, 184, 218

kinematics, 153, 154, 155, 165, 168, 172, 173, 270, 287, 288

King Alphonso X, 199

Koppernigk, Niklaus. See Copernicus, Nicolaus

Kuhn, Thomas, 13

Lauchen, Georg Joachim van. See Rheticus

Laws, 71; Meno, 95; Phaedo, 95; Platonic solids, 251; Republic, 71; Timaeus, 42, 45, 71, 98, 99, 100, 101; translations of, 45, 48, 71, 95

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 150, 160, 171, 313

Leonardo da Vinci, 166, 17172, 268

Leucippus, 21, 30

Libri, Giulio, 278

Lindberg, David C., 177, 183, 204

Louis the Pious, 61

Lucretius, 43, 49, 101, 243, 292

Lyceum, 27, 30, 31

Ma’mun, al-, 67, 68, 69, 70

machina mundi, 194, 196

Maestlin, Michael, 25051

magnet, 14043

magnetism, 14950, 244

Mahdi, al-, 67, 68

Mansur, al-, 67

Marco Polo, 97, 105

Marcrobius, 4546

Marlowe, Christopher, 242

Marsh, Adam, 130, 135, 170

Mas’udi, al-, 67

McCluskey, Stephen C., 193, 195, 197

mechanism, 292, 301, 311

“Medicean stars,” 272

Meliteniotes, Theodore, 207

Merchant of Venice, The, 20

Mersenne, Marin, 266, 293

Merton mean-speed rule, 158, 159, 168

Merton scholars, 15360

Meton, 5758

Meun, Jean de, 176

Michael Scot, 86, 8890, 91, 111

Miechow, Matthias de, 223

Milton, John, 22, 256

Monte Cassino, 47, 48, 76, 113

Moody, Ernest A., 147, 165, 166

Moses of Bergamo, 94

Muller, Johann. See Regiomontanus, Johannes

Napier, John, 260

Natio Germanorum, 219

Nawbaht, Fadil ibn al-, 69

Nemorarius, Jordanus, 14347

Neoplatonism, 45, 62, 116, 126, 206

Newton, Isaac, 14, 1920, 28, 36, 114, 124, 189, 261, 30115; and gravitation, 150, 231; and inertia, 149; and laws of motion, 154, 163, 172; and light, 179; and mathematics in physics, 160; and Principia, 261; and rainbow, 136, 176, 190

Niccolini, Francesco, 286

Nicetas (archbishop of Nicomedia), 9394

Nicholas of Cusa, 204208, 231, 250

notae, 54

Nous, 22

Nuptials of Mercury and Philology, The, 46

Ockham. See William of Ockham

Oldenburg, Henry, 305

Oliver of Brittany, 193

On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon, 33

Optics (al-Hazen), 14546

Optics (Descartes), 294

Optics (Ptolemy), 39

optics, study of, 70, 12137, 17879, 182, 18490, 258, 294, 302, 304, 305

Oresme, Nicole, 16771, 172, 287

Osiander, Andreas, 22930

Otto III, 6566

Panta rhei,” 19

Paradise Lost, 256

Paradise Regained, 22

Parmenides, 2021

Parsburg, Manderup, 245

Pascal, Blaise, 202, 299300

Pecham, John, 117, 18386

Peregrinus, Peter, 137, 13943

Pericles, 22

Periphyseon, 6263

Perspectiva (al-Haytham). See Book of Optics.

Perspectiva (Witelo), 96, 17778

Perspectiva communis (Pecham), 184, 185

perspective, laws of, 70, 185

“perspective glasses,” 257

Peter of Abano, 9697, 1045

Petreius, Johannes, 229

Petrus Alphonsus, 75

Peurbach, Georg, 21014, 218, 227, 239

Philo of Byzantium, 36

Philoponus, John, 4142, 73, 148, 154, 162, 267, 268

physikoi, 19

Pinakes (Tables), 32

Placita philosophorum, 236

plague, 154, 204, 240, 302, 303

Plaisance, Aymeric de, 186

Plato, 2223, 235; cosmology, 26, 45, 46, 99; geometrization of nature, 23, 33, 125; influence of, 40, 42, 45, 46, 98, 101, 108, 109, 208, 210. See also Neoplatonism

Plethon, George Gemistus, 12, 208, 209

Pliny the Elder, 4344, 56

Plotinus, 4445

pneuma, 19

Pompey, 42

Pope John XXI, 108, 114, 116

Porch, 30

Porphyry, 45, 48

Posidonius, 4243

Poulle, Emmanuel, 201

Pre-Socratics, 18

proportional divider, 270

Propositiones ad acuendos juvenes (Problems to Sharpen the Young), 59

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. See Ptolemy

Ptolemy I, 31, 32

Ptolemy, 3640, 42, 93, 96, 104, 127, 146, 194, 202, 214, 219, 232, 233, 234, 259; and Almagest, 83, 84, 95, 186, 197, 210, 211; and celestial spheres, 135, 212; and eccentrics and epicycles, 81, 129, 135, 180, 223, 226, 233, 245, 256; and geocentric theory, 214, 229, 231, 239; and Geography, 85; and Grosseteste, 194; and Islamic science, 6974; and Planisphaerium, 146; and Sacrobosco, 195; and science equipment, 121; and tables, 198, 260; and triquetrum, 222

public schools, 61

Pythagoras, 20

quadrant, 75, 194, 222, 246

quadrivium, 43, 48, 54, 58, 59, 64, 82, 100, 104

Queen of Brabant, 200

radius (instrument), 245

Rainbow, The, 123, 128

rainbows, 109, 128, 130, 135, 136, 17591, 29597

Raymond (archbishop of Toledo), 82

Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammed ibn Zakariya al- (Rhazes), 7273, 83

Recorde, Robert, 7778, 240

rectangulus, 203

refraction, 39, 74, 109, 124, 127, 128, 136, 176, 178, 18083, 187, 190, 257, 266, 29597, 304, 311, 312. See also optics, study of

Regiomontanus, Johannes, 146, 21014, 218, 227

Reinhold, Erasmus, 239, 240, 245

Republic, 23

Rhazes. See Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammed ibn Zakariya al- (Rhazes)

Rheticus, 219, 22830, 237, 239

Ricci, Ostilio, 263

Richard of Wallingford, 203

Robert of Chester, 84

Robert of Torigni, 94

Roemer, Olaus, 312

Roger II, 85, 86

Roger of Hereford, 84, 97

Rosen, Edward, 211

Royal Society of London, 261, 277, 305, 306

Runciman, Steven, 208

Russell, J.L., 260

Sa’di of Shiraz, 72

Sacrobosco, Johannes de, 147, 19597, 199, 218, 245

Saffah, Abu al-Abbas al-, 80

Sagredo, Giovan Francesco, 284

Salviati, 283, 285, 288

Sandivogius of Czecel, 218

Sarpi, Paolo, 270

Sarsi, Lotario, 282, 283

Savasorda. See Ha-Nasi

Scheiner, Christopher, 27879

Schöner, Johann, 228

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 62

Scientific Revolution, 11, 227, 266, 277, 291, 314

Scotus, John Duns, 147

Second Council of Lyons, 95, 107

sector, 270

Seneca the Younger, 44, 218

seven liberal arts, 43, 46, 5862, 97, 122

sextant, 246

Shapin, Steven, 291

Siger of Brabant, 115

Silvestre, Bernard, 101, 314

Snellius, Willebrord, 266

Socrates, 13, 22, 23

Soto, Domingo de, 271

Spenser, Edmund, 21

Stahl, William H., 45

Stephen of Antioch, 7677, 103

Stevin, Simon, 26566

Stoics, 3031, 100

Strabo, 50

Strato of Lampsacus, 31

Swerdlow, Noel, 214

Swineshead, Richard, 153, 160

Synod of Whitby, 53, 57

tables, astronomical (ephemerides), 80, 84, 193, 197, 211, 239; of Adelard, 75, 84; Alfonsine Tables, 202, 214, 218, 227, 245; of Bede, 54, 58; and Brahe, 245, 254; and Campanus, 198; and Copernicus, 218, 227, 233, 239; Ephemeris (Feild), 24041; of Grosseteste, 129, 135; of al-Hasib, 69; of al-Khwarizmi, 69, 77, 78, 84; Persian Tables, 207; of Peurbach, 210, 214, 218; Prutenic Tables (Reinhold), 239, 240, 245; of Ptolemy, 36; and Regiomontanus, 210, 211, 213, 214; Rudolphine Tables (Kepler), 254, 256, 258, 260; Tabulae directionum, 211, 218; Tabulae eclipsium, 210, 214, 218; Toledan Tables (Marseille Tables), 198201; of Walcher, 75

telescope, 110, 121, 134, 244, 257, 258, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 278, 304, 312

Tempier, Etienne, 11617

terrella, 141

Thales, 19, 215, 315

Theodore of Tarsus, 52

Theodorus, Master, 86, 87, 88

Theodulf, 61

theologoi, 19

Theophrastus, 30, 31, 32, 44, 45, 110, 111

Theorica planetarum, 197, 198

Theoricae novae planetarum, 210, 212, 218, 239

Thierry of Chartres, 100, 101

Thomas of Cantipré, 111

Thomism, 114, 119

Thorndike, Lynn, 89

Timaeus, 42, 45, 71, 98, 99, 100, 101

Timocharis, 36

Torricelli, Evangelista, 299300

Tractus albionis, 203

Tractus de perspectiva (Pecham), 185

Trapezuntios, George, 2089, 210, 211

triquetrum, 222

trivium, 43, 58, 59, 82, 100, 104

Urquhart, John, 83

vacuum, 125, 132, 164, 294, 299, 300, 312

vacuum pump, 300

Varro, Marcus Terentius, 43

velocity, 20, 28, 145, 15373, 268, 270, 28799, 307, 309

velocity of light, 74, 294, 312

Viète, François, 146

Villon, François, 165

Viviani, Vincenzo, 287

vortex theory, 297, 309

Walcher of Malvern, 75

Walter of Henley, 111

Watzenrode, Lucas, 21722, 227

Wearmouth, 51, 52, 53, 58

Welser, Mark, 27879

Widmanstadt, Johann, 227

Wiles, Andrew, 41

William of Conches, 101

William of Malmesbury, 62, 65

William of Moerbeke, 95, 177, 178

William of Ockham, 14751, 153

William of Ockham, 14752

William of St. Cloud, 199201

Wiston, William, 313

Witelo, 96, 17684, 185, 186, 189, 190, 257

Yates, Frances A., 243

York School, 58

Zarqali, al-, 198, 201, 235

Zeno of Citium, 30

Zenodotus of Ephesus, 32