

ABC of Reading (Pound), 134

academic program, special collections responding to, 170–171

access to special collections

cataloging backlogs and unprocessed collections preventing, 175–177

historical overview of, 157–165

hybrid access to print and online holdings, 17

Accetta, Giula, 80

“Acknowledging the Past, Forging the Future” (colloquium on special collections), xiii, xv, 21, 46, 53, 64, 94

“Acquainting the Public with Rare Books” (conference session), 168


donor relations, 21–23

gifts-in-kind, 11–20

print collections, building and maintaining distinctive, 15–20

active learning (exuberant chaos), 124–128, 132–154

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 51, 109

affinities and alliances, new tools for building, 14–15

Agassiz, Louis, 133, 134

age of book collectors, 90

Aguinaldo, Emilio, 145–146

AIDS Education Posters, 22

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), 33

All in the Family (television show), 142

Allen, Peter, 73

American Library Association, 69

American Writers Museum, 49

Amistad Research Center (Tulane), 172

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 74, 158, 172

Aquinas, Thomas, 65

archive of the future, 109–110

Arizona State University, 172

ARL (Association of Research Libraries), 37, 158, 175


books as, 5–8

experiencing authentic and compelling, 163

manuscripts and, 136

meanings of, 3–10

reconstruction of memories and, 6–8

scrapbooks as, 41–42

valuing, 4

Atwater, Edward C., 22

auction house, role of, 45–51

audience, identifying and creating a new, 92–93

Austen, Jane, 111

autographs, 102–103


backlogs in cataloging and unprocessed collections preventing access to special collections, 175–177

Baer, Harold, 73

Baldwin, James, 146–147

The Bancroft Library, 184

Barlow, William, 33

Basbanes, Nicholas, 33

Bay Psalm Book, 50

Beauties of Swift: or, the Favorite Offspring of Wit & Genius (Swift), 48–49

Belanger, Terry, 31

Belton, Don, 144

Berenson, Bernard, 148

Berenson, Mary, 144

bibliography, descriptive, 69–72

The Bibliomania: Or, Book-Madness; Containing Some Account of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of This Fatal Disease (Dibdin), 33

Black Metropolis Research Consortium, 173

Bloch, Bernard, 110

BlogSpot software, 145

Blumenthal, Joseph, 81

BOA Editions, 12

Bodleian Library, 163, 164

Boni & Liveright, 47

“Book Collecting: Personal Rewards and Public Benefits” (Barlow), 33

book collectors

age of, 90

demographics, 90

as donors, 31–34

establishing their own institution or foundation, 46

librarians, booksellers, and private collectors working together, 92–93

overview, 31–34

book fairs, 91

Book Traces, 16

Books and Prints, Past and Present (conference), 45

“Books and Society in History” (RBMS Preconference 1980), 168

books (physical)

as artifacts, 5–8

information carried by, 70–72

monetary value of books and manuscripts, role of, 50–51

as primary source material, 69–70


librarians, booksellers, and private collectors working together, 92–93

nonbook materials and, 86–88

and technology, 85–86

The Book Collector, 33

born-digital content, 106–113, 176, 181–182

Boswell, James, 101, 107

Bowden, Mary, 147

Bowers, Fredson, 70

British Library, 31, 106, 162

broadsides, 5, 177

brochures and marketing materials, 96–97

Brown University, 159, 170, 175, 184

Buchtel, John, 182

Buffalo Public Library, 51

“Building on Strength: Developing an ARL Agenda for Special Collections” (symposium), 175

building special collections, 48, 67–69, 77–78, 90, 183. See also collection development


Calatrava, Santiago, 69

Campbell, Joseph, 97

careers in special collection librarianship, 82–83

“The Care of Rare Books” (conference session), 168

Carini, Peter, 118

Carroll, Lewis, 135, 136–139

case study

community-based collections, 39–43

digital scholarship trends, trajectory of career as case study for present and future, 55–59

Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), xiii, 39–43, 49, 89, 91, 94

cataloging backlogs and unprocessed collections preventing access to special collections, 175–177

Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives program (CLIR), 158–159, 172

Cather, Willa, 88

Center for the Book (Library of Congress), 67

Chardin, Teilhard de, 100

Charles Scribner, 47

Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Crónica de una muerte anunciada) (García Márquez), 104


selection of materials for, 125

students, relinquishing control of classroom experience to, 120–124

Clay, Edward William, 146

Clemens, Samuel, 102

Cleveland Play House (CPH) archives, 39–43

CLIR (Council on Library and Information Resources), 74, 158, 172

Coetzee, J. M., 103, 110

collaboration between and within institutions, 172–173

“Collecting Scientific Literature” (conference session), 168

collection development. See also building special collections

collaborative collection development, open, formal, publicly documented, 17–20

policies for, 13–14

print collections, building and maintaining distinctive, 15–20

starting the process of collection description, importance of, 177–178

Colorado Book Seminar, 91

community-based collections

case study, 39–43

defined, 37

importance of, 38–39

integration into research institutions, 43–44

overview, 37–38

role of, 38–39

Complete Works of Walt Whitman (Whitman), 102–103

computer-generated manuscripts, 103–107

“Computers and Rare Books: An Introductory Session” (conference session), 168

Congalton, Tom, 85, 188

ContentDM, 126

copyright issues, 22, 73–74, 111–112, 126

Cornell Human Sexuality Collection, 19

Cornell University, 163, 171

Cornell University Library, 31


email, 107–109, 111, 112

letters, 97–98

Costelloe, Frank, 148

Crone, Frank, 145–146, 147

Crónica de una muerte anunciada (Chronicle of a Death Foretold) (García Márquez), 104

crowdsourcing, 177

curatorial boundaries, crossing, 119–123

current core values of work in special collections, 183

cut-and-paste manuscripts, 95


Dacier, Anne, 79

Dartmouth College, 48, 117–129

Darwin, Charles, 46–47

database, creation of searchable full-text, 73–74

Davies, Robertson, 33

Dawn (Dreiser), 135

De Simone, Daniel, xiii, 89, 188

demographics of book collectors, 90

Dennis, John, 78

Department of Special Collections (University of Pennsylvania), 184

descriptive bibliography, 69–72

Deshon, Florence, 135

Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 33

Dickinson, Emily, 140, 141

digital archives, 98, 108, 110–113

digital scholarship, 53–59, 75, 101–113

digital storage media, 105–107

digitization of materials, 54–59, 74–75, 125–127, 169–170, 177

Dimunation, Mark, xiii, 67, 164, 167, 188


book collectors as, 31–34

potential donors, identifying and encouraging, 31–32

relations with, 21–23

Donovan, Mary, 131

Dooley, Jackie, 171

Doren, Carl Van, 45

Dreiser, Theodore, 135

duality of structure, 9

The Dunciad (Pope), 71

Dunn, Marilyn, 160

Dupont, Christian, 15

Dwinelle, John Whipple, 11

Dylan, Bob, 48


EAST (Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust), 18

Eastman, George, 18

Eastman, Max, 133, 135

ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online), 70

EEBO (Early English Books Online), 70

Einstein, Albert, 167

El amor en los tiempos del cólera (Love in the Time of Cholera) (García Márquez), 104, 105

Eliasson, Olafur, 118, 127

Ellison, Robert Spurrier, 135

email correspondence, 107–109, 111, 112

Emancipation Proclamation, 48

Emory University, 172

Empson, William, 137

Encyclopedia Arctica, 125–126

“Enemies of Books: Revisited” (RBMS Preconference 1983), 168

Eng-L 460 Modern Literary Archives (syllabus), 150–154

Enniss, Stephen, 53, 101, 188

ethical and practical principles of working with modern literary archives, 132–154

evolution of a writer’s work, 95–96

“The Evolution of the Concept of Special Collections in American Research Libraries” (Joyce), 38

exhibition tour of Bay Psalm Book, 50

exuberant chaos (active learning), 124–128, 132–154


Ferber, Becky, 142

“Five Theses on the Future of Special Collections” (Overholt), 38

Fleeman, Richard, 70

Fleming, Ian, 33, 142

Flickr, 159

Flickr Commons, 162

Flinn, Gallagher, 80

Florida Polytechnic University (FPU), 69

Folger Shakespeare Library, 92, 110

Frankfurter, Marion, 132

Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon, 49

“From ‘Treasure Room’ to ‘School Room’: Special Collections and Education” (Smith), 38

full-text database, creation of searchable, 73–74

Furniss, Harry, 135, 136–138

future of special collections (overview), 179–184

Fyner, Konrad, 11


GAGV (Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley), 19

García Márquez, Gabriel, 103–105

Gaskell, Philip, 70

A Gentle Madness (Basbanes), 33

George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film, 17, 18–19

“Getting There From Here: Setting the Agenda for Special Collections in the 21st Century” (RBMS Preconference 1996), 169

Ghosh, Anjona, 142

Gibbons, Susan, 20

Giddens, Anthony, 9

gifts-in-kind, 11–15

Giroux, Robert, 45

Goodwin, Jonathan, 47

Google Books, 70, 80, 82, 173

Gordon Hall and Grace Hoag Collection of Dissenting and Extremist Propaganda (Brown University), 159

Gottschlich, Michelle, 144, 147–149

Gould, Stephen J., xv

Greek Word Study Tool of the Perseus Digital Library, 82

GreenGlass service, 16–17

Guffey, Don Carlos, 47

Gutenberg Bible, 49


Hagan, Malcolm E., 49

Hale, Everett, 138, 140, 141

Hanff, Peter, 184

Harold A. Kanthor Collection of Gilbert and Sullivan, 21

Harry Ransom Center (The University of Texas), 32, 102, 105, 108

Harvard Business School, 32

HathiTrust, 16–17, 70, 73, 173

Hawley, E. Haven, 3, 189

Hemingway, Ernest, 47

hidden collections, 158–159, 172–173, 175–177

Hidden Collections, Scholarly Barriers: Creating Access to Unprocessed Special Collections Materials in North America’s Research Libraries (Jones), 176

highlight collecting, 46–49

Hirshon, Arnold, 94, 187

historical overview of access to special collections, 157–165

Homer, 76–77

Homer in Print; A Catalogue of the Bibliotheca Homerica Langiana at the University of Chicago Library, 77–78, 93

Housman, A. E., 33

Hubbard, Melissa A., 37, 187

human universe, 99–100

Hunting for Hope (Sanders), 142

hybrid access to print and online holdings, 17


ILAB (International League of Antiquarian Booksellers), 91

The Iliad (Homer), 77, 78–79

IMLS (Institute for Museum and Library Studies), 83

Imprints and Impressions: Milestones in Human Progress (exhibition catalog), 93

in-kind donations. See gifts-in-kind

incunable books, 65

Indiana University Bloomington, 132–133

information carried by physical books, 70–72

intangibles, preservation of, 95–100

integration into research institutions, community-based collections, 43–44

Ireland, Samuel, 101

Ireland, William, 101

Ireland forgeries, 101

Irmscher, Christoph, 131, 189

“Issues, Strategies and Opportunities” (RBMS Preconference 1990), 169


Jackson, Athena N., 53, 189

Jackson, Gardner, 132

Jackson, Robert H., xiii, 67, 94, 187

Jenns, Erika, 142, 144

John Hay Library (Brown University), 184

Johnson, Samuel, 48, 79, 110

Jones, Barbara M., 176

Jones, Megan, 132

Joyce, William L., 38


Kanthor, Harold, 21

Kelvin Smith Library (Case Western Reserve University), xiii

Kennedy, Robert, 48

Keogh, Andrew, 66

Kesey, Ken, 97

Kiffer, Selby, 45, 189

Kroch Library (Cornell University), 163

Kuhn, Jim, 11, 190


Lamperly, Paul, 33

Lang, Michael, 76–80, 81, 93, 171

Lattimore, Richmond, 7

Lawrence, T. E., 81

Lehigh University, 172

Lewis and Clark expedition official report, 46–47


booksellers, librarians, and private collectors working together, 92–93

careers in special collection librarianship, 82–83

staffing issues, 182–183

training for special collections librarians, 181–182

Library of Congress, 67, 94, 177, 179–180, 183, 184

library-wide initiatives, participating in, 173–174

Light, Michelle, 126

“Like A Rolling Stone” (Dylan), 48

Lilly Library (Indiana University Bloomington), 31, 132–154

Lincoln, Abraham, 48

Lindseth, Jon A., 31, 68

Litchfield Historical Society, 172

literary archives, practical and ethical principles of working with modern, 132–154

The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets (Johnson), 79

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 133

Lopez, Ken, 85, 95, 190

Love in the Time of Cholera (El amor en los tiempos del cólera) (García Márquez), 104, 105

Luce, Katherine, 171


Magna Carta, 50

“Mainstream or Margin? How Others View Special Collections” (RBMS Preconference 1993), 169

manuscript collectors establishing their own institution or foundation, 46


computer-generated, 103–107

cut-and-paste, 95

monetary value of books and manuscripts, role of, 50–51

paintings as competition with, 49

as physical objects, 136–137

types of, 149

Mark Twain Project Online, 109

marketing materials and brochures, 96–97

Marshall, Marty, 32

McCarthy, Molly, 144

McEwan, Ian, 108–109

McGann, Jerome, 75

McKenzie, D. F., 34

McLeod, Randall, 80

meanings of artifacts, 3–10

Melville, Herman, 47

memories, reconstruction of, 6–8

Metilli, Daniele, 80, 81, 82, 83

Meyer, Tobias, 49

Moby-Dick (Melville), 46–47

modern literary archives, practical and ethical principles of working with, 132–154

Modern Literary Archives Eng-L 460 (syllabus), 150–154

modern research library

role and nature of, 179–181

special collections role in, 178–179

monetary value of books and manuscripts, role of, 50–51

MONK (pattern recognition and machine-learning software), 162

Monmouth County Library, 85

Morgan Library & Museum, 31

Moser, Diana, 78

Most, Glenn W., 77

Mrs. Dalloway (Woolf), 136


Naismith, James, 48

National Archives, 50

National Center for Textual and Lexical Resources, 82

National Endowment for the Humanities, 74

National Historic Publications & Records Committee, 74

Neville, Maurice, 47

New Bodleian Library, 164

“New Occasions, New Duties: Changing Roles and Expectations” (RBMS Preconference 2002), 169

A New Republic of Letters: Memory and Scholarship in the Age of Digital Reproduction, 75

New York Public Library, 179

Newberry Library, 68, 172

Nguyen, Ly, 146–147

NINES (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship), 16

nonbook materials, booksellers and, 86–88

Noosphere, 100

Normal, David, 162

NPR (National Public Radio), 161


OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), 159, 171

The Odyssey (Homer), 78, 79–81

Olson, Charles, 99

Omeka software, 147

Origin of Species (Darwin), 46–47

original items not representations, preservation of, 99–100

Ovenden, Richard, 160

Overholt, John, 38

Ozell, John, 79


PACSCL (Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries), 172

paintings, antiquarian books and manuscripts as competition with, 49

Pamuk, Orhan, 32

Panitch, Judith, 175

Pappas, Elizabeth, 142

Parker, Barrington, 73

“Past Forward! Meeting Stakeholder Needs in Twenty-First Century Special Collections” (conference), 20

Patey, N., 80

Patino, Bernadette, 142, 145, 147

Pawn Stars (television show), 64–65

Perseus Digital Library, 82

photographs, 98

physical books

as artifacts, 5–8

information carried by, 70–72

monetary value of books and manuscripts, role of, 50–51

as primary source material, 69–70

physical objects and virtual representations, ability to offer both, 181

Plomer, William, 142

Poe, Edgar Allan, 135

policies for collection development, 13–14

Pope, Alexander, 78–79

potential donors, identifying and encouraging, 31–32

Pottle, Frederick, 70

Pound, Ezra, 134

Powell, Lawrence Clark, 63–66

practical and ethical principles of working with modern literary archives, 132–154

primary source material

example of students learning to use, 120–123

physical books as, 69–70

print collections, building and maintaining distinctive, 15–20

print retention partnerships, 17–18

printers, 4–5

“Private Collectors and Special Collections Libraries” (rare book forum), xiii

Provenance Project (University of Pennsylvania), 159


Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study (Harvard University), 160

Rare Book and Special Collections Division (Library of Congress), 67, 184

Rare Book Forum (Library of Congress), 67

Rare Book School (University of Virginia), 31, 82–83, 86, 182

Rauner Special Collections Library (Dartmouth College), 117–129

RBMS preconferences, 82, 168–169

RBMS (Rare Books and Manuscripts Section) of the ACRL, 82–83

“Reconsidering Libraries and Scholarship: Special Collections and New Directions in Humanities Research” (RBMS Preconference 1987), 169

reconstruction of memories and artifacts, 6–8

Reddit, 80

Reese, Bill, xiii, 67, 68

research library, modern

role and nature of, 179–181

special collections role in, 178–179

Reynolds, Joshua, 111

River Campus Libraries (University of Rochester), 11–23

RLUK (Research Libraries UK), 159

Rogers, Bruce, 81

Rose, Stuart, 93

Rubenstein, David, 50

Rushdie, Salman, 103, 107–108, 109, 112

Ruxin, Paul, 67, 190


Sager, Carol Bayer, 73

Sanders, Deborra, 144

Sanders, Scott Russell, 142

Satterfield, Jay, 38, 48, 56, 88, 117, 171, 181, 190

Schlesinger Library (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard), 160–162

“Scholarly Communication and the Future of Special Collections” (RBMS Preconference 1992), 169

Schreyer, Alice, xiii, 67, 73, 77, 171, 191

Scott, Alicia, 150

scrapbooks, 40–42

searchable full-text database, creation of, 73–74

Shakespeare, William, 101, 110

Shankman, Steven, 78

Shaw, George Bernard, 32

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 163

Shufeldt, Mason Abercrombie, 142, 143, 150

signatures as coveted object, 102–103

Silver, Joel, 31, 63, 94, 191

Sinclair, Upton, 142

Small, Albert H., 33

Smith, Geoffrey, 21, 46

Smith, Steven Escar, 38

Smith, Zadie, 113

Smithsonian Institution, 161, 172

Sotheby’s, 45–51

“Special Collections in ARL Libraries” (report), 178

“Special Collections in the Age of Digital Scholarship” (panel), 53, 58, 85

Special Collections Library (University of Michigan), 56

Specimen Days (Whitman), 103

Spender, Stephen, 135

Stam, David, 175

Stanford University, 172

starting the process of collection description, importance of, 177–178

Stauffer, Andrew, 16

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 125

Stephen, Karin Costelloe, 144, 147–149

Sterling Memorial Library (Yale University), 66

Streit, Sam, 184

students, relinquishing control of classroom experience to, 120–124

Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things, 33

stylostatistics, 110

Summa Theologiae (Aquinas), 11, 65

The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway), 47

Sustainable Collection Services, 16

Swan, Morgan, 123

syllabus for Eng-L 460 Modern Literary Archives, 150–154

Sylvie and Bruno (Carroll), 135, 136–139

“Symposium on Authenticity of Print Materials” (Library of Congress), 91

Syracuse University, 19


tachygraphy, 80–81

Taking Our Pulse: The OCLC Research Survey of Special Collections and Archives, 171

Tanselle, Thomas, 70

Tatem, Jill, 44

teaching with special collections, 132–154

“Techniques of Rare Books” (conference session), 168

technology and booksellers, 85–86

Tenniel, John, 137

Theimer, Kate, 44

Thévenot, Jean Coulon de, 80–81

Thomas, Sarah, 157, 173, 177, 191

Thoreau, Henry David, 102

Tickell, Thomas, 79

The Torrents of Spring (Hemingway), 47

training for special collections librarians, 181–182

Traister, Daniel, 184

transformation in special collections (generally), 73–83, 89–94

Tulane University, 172

Twain, Mark, 51, 131

“The Twilight of Rare Book Collecting, or How to Stop Worrying and Love Automation” (conference session), 168


Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 147

University of Chicago, 76–77, 79, 93

University of Chicago Library, 76

University of Chicago Press, 77

University of Dayton, 93

University of Michigan, 56, 172

University of Pennsylvania, 159, 184

University of Rochester, 11–23

University of Texas, 32

University of Toronto, 80

University of Virginia, 16, 31, 78, 82–83

unprocessed collections and cataloging backlogs preventing access to special collections, 175–177

Updike, John, 98–99, 106–107, 109

user, bringing collection to the, 171–173


value of special collections, 178–179

Van Wingen, Peter, 184

Vander Meulen, David, 69–72, 78

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 131–132, 150

Victoria State Library, 163

virtual representations and physical objects, ability to offer both, 181

Visnjic, Vanya, 80

Vonnegut, Kurt, 142


Walters, Annie B., 103

Washington, George, 48–49

“Western Americana” (conference session), 168

What Jane Saw (website), 111

Where Angels Fear to Tread: Descriptive Bibliography and Alexander Pope (Vander Meulen), 69

Whitall, Hannah, 148

Whitman, Sarah Helen, 135

Whitman, Walt, 51, 102–103, 136

“Will the Collector of Today Be the Donor of Tomorrow?” (Jackson), xiii

Williford, Christa, 158

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 163

Woodruff Library (Emory University), 172

Woodstock, 97–98

Woolf, Virginia, 136, 144

Worcester, Dean C., 145–146

Wray, David, 79

Wylie, Andrew, 107


Yakel, Elizabeth, 15

Yale University, 20, 66, 172

Young, Neil, 99

Your House (Eliasson), 118, 127