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1. When you look at yourself in the mirror every morning, what do you think?
( ) A. I wish I were …
( ) B. Gross.
( ) C. Not Bad.
2. You’re sitting next to the prom queen in English class. What are your thoughts?
( ) A. I’d do anything to be her.
( ) B. I wish I knew where she picked up that awesome skirt.
( ) C. I wonder if she even read this book …
3. As soon as you walk in the doors at school, you …
( ) A. Quickly scan the crowd, checking out what everyone else is wearing.
( ) B. Wish you were invisible.
( ) C. Go find your friends.
4. At the top of this year’s New Year’s resolutions list is …
( ) A. Start lifting weights—you heard it’s good for your bones.
( ) B. Work on that muscle tone—no more dreading swimsuit season.
( ) C. Lose 15 pounds and buy a push-up bra—the new me!
5. You find out that your teacher’s mom died unexpectedly. You …
( ) A. Stay after class and tell her how sorry you are to hear about it.
( ) B. Don’t say anything—she probably doesn’t know who you are anyway.
( ) C. Wish you could say something but aren’t sure what, so you just say a little prayer for the family.
6. Quick! Think of three things you like about yourself. (We mean it! Are you doing it? No cheating or reading ahead!) Now … how hard was it to come up with those things?
( ) A. Impossible—I got stuck on the first one for five minutes.
( ) B. No sweat—I could probably come up with a couple more.
( ) C. Well, I came up with three, but I’m not sure if they’re all that true.
7. If you could trade five years of your life to wake up smarter, prettier and more talented, would you do it?
( ) A. Yes
( ) B. No
8. You can honestly say you’re happy to be exactly the way God made you.
( ) A. True
( ) B. False
9. Take 30 seconds and think of all the things you’d like to change about yourself. How many things did you come up with?
( ) A. Well, how long do you have? I have them subdivided by category …
( ) B. Oh, about ten.
( ) C. One or two—there’s always something.
10. Does anyone have a perfect life?
( ) A. Yes! Some girls have everything going for them—looks, grades, boys, family, friends, opportunities, money …
( ) B. No way. You never know what’s really going on in her “perfect” life.
11. You totally embarrass yourself in front of everyone. Your reaction:
( ) A. It was embarrassing at the time, but life goes on.
( ) B. You stay home “sick” the next two days.
( ) C. You’re sure that’s all anyone can talk about—even three weeks later.
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