Are you like Mary? Martha? Or somewhere in between? Add up your points and see! Give yourself 1 point for every A, 2 points for every B and 3 points for every C.
(8 to 13 points)
You’re an “A student” because you’re an achiever. Although you’re a big-time doer, you don’t always take time to chill and just be. It’s OK to stop and smell the roses with God every once in a while. Check out a quick sketch of Martha in Luke 10:38–42.
(14 to 18 points)
You’re a “B student.” In this case, B is for balanced. You seem pretty laid back about life. You know when to work and when to chill. But does your balanced life include both time with God and working for him?
(19 to 24 points)
You’re a “C student” — calm, cool and collected. You like the emphasis on being who you are. You know when to slow down and enjoy God, life and people. However, there’s value in helping out sometimes, too! Check out a quick sketch of Mary in Luke 10:38–42.