almond essence: plum & almond puddings 192
almonds: lamb tagine with figs & almonds 110
amaretti biscuits: compote with mascarpone 216
apple & polenta cake 192
baked apples with dates 214
baked apples with gingered cherries 214
blackberry & apple jam 218
chillied tomato & garlic chutney 222
Christmas pudding 210
hot pickled beetroot 170
orchard fruit compote 212
poached apples & pears with Marsala & vanilla 208
potato, apple & bacon hotpot 38
sticky toffee apple pudding 200
apricots, dried
aubergine & apricot pilaf 178
breakfast apricots in orange 24
nut & apricot pilaf 178
aubergine & apricot pilaf 178
Greek shepherd’s pie 78
moussaka 78
avocado salsa 30
turkey fajitas with guacamole 60
cidered chicken & bacon hotpot 38
gourmet bolognese 92
mustard chicken & bacon 116
pheasant with bacon & red wine 82
potato, apple & bacon hotpot 38
Stilton macaroni with bacon 132
bain marie 8
baked beans
chillied sausage & beans 22
easy sausage & beans 22
banana & cinnamon porridge 18
banana ginger cake 202
sticky banana pudding 200
sticky rum bananas with vanilla 182
basil: herb & garlic meatballs 114
bay leaves: pork, orange & bay leaves 56
Cajun red bean soup 28
chilli black bean stew 30
chillied sausage & beans 22
easy sausage & beans 22
green bean risotto with pesto 150
green bean risotto with sage & pancetta 150
Hungarian paprika & red bean soup 28
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
warm beetroot & bean salad 152
beef & root vegetable hotpot 96
beef adobo 108
beef stew with dumplings 72
beery barley beef 118
budget bolognese 92
chillied beef with cheesy tortillas 60
cowboy pie 104
gourmet bolognese 92
hoisin beef 108
meatballs in tomato sauce 86
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
rancheros pie 104
spiced meatballs with dill sauce 86
steak & mushroom pudding 102
beery barley beef 118
beery cheese fondue 42
beery pork with rosemary dumplings 62
sausages with beery onion gravy 80
hot beetroot with orange & caraway 170
hot pickled beetroot 170
warm beetroot & bean salad 152
warm beetroot salad with feta & tomatoes 152
black beans: chilli black bean stew 30
black pudding
big breakfast bonanza 26
chicken & black pudding hotpot 96
apple, plum & mixed berry jam 218
blackberry & apple jam 218
blueberry coulis 196
lemon custard creams 188
budget bolognese 92
gourmet bolognese 92
borlotti beans: warm beetroot & bean salad 152
brandied cherry brownie puddings 180
brandied duck & walnut terrine 46
Christmas pudding 210
mulled cranberry & red wine 232
sticky brandied pineapple 182
chocolate bread & butter pudding 196
coriander flat breads 64
herb croutons 118
broad beans
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
browning ingredients 14
chocolate bread & butter pudding 196
Kashmiri butter chicken 64
poached salmon with beurre blanc 142
cabbage: caldo verde 40
Cajun spice: Cajun red bean soup 28
apple & polenta cake 192
banana ginger cake 202
citrus drizzle cake 198
iced Jamaican ginger cake 202
lemon & poppy seed drizzle cake 198
plum & polenta cake 192
caraway seeds: hot beetroot with orange & caraway 170
cardamoms: smoked haddock kedgeree with cardamom 140
beef & root vegetable hotpot 96
carrot, orange & fennel soup 48
curried red lentil & carrot soup 36
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
Moroccan-spiced carrot soup 48
mustard chicken & frankfurter casserole 116
thickening 13
celery: braised celery with orange 176
chakchouka 164
beery cheese fondue 42
cheesy spinach & pine nut tian 158
chillied beef with cheesy tortillas 60
classic cheese fondue 42
compote with mascarpone 216
feta-stuffed peppers 146
harissa-spiced potatoes with feta 130
mixed mushroom & lentil cheesy bake 166
plum & cranberry compote with orange mascarpone 216
pumpkin & Parmesan gnocchi 168
pumpkin pasta with dolcelatte 168
ratatouille with ricotta dumplings 164
Stilton macaroni with bacon 132
sweet potato & paneer curry 154
warm beetroot salad with feta & tomatoes 152
baked apples with gingered cherries 214
brandied cherry brownie puddings 180
cherry & almond puddings 204
cherry & chocolate puddings 204
mushroom & chestnut pudding 156
pot-roast pheasant with chestnuts 120
braised chicken with ratatouille 74
brown stew chicken 124
Caribbean chicken with rice & peas 106
chicken & black pudding hotpot 96
chicken & minted pea soup 32
chicken & noodle broth 32
chicken korma 100
cidered chicken & bacon hotpot 38
creamy pesto chicken 58
creamy tarragon chicken 58
Kashmiri butter chicken 64
lemon chicken 84, 112
lemon chicken with harissa 112
mustard chicken & bacon 116
mustard chicken & frankfurter casserole 116
pot-roasted chicken with lemon 94
red pepper, lemon & chicken pilaf 76
sun-dried tomato & chicken pilaf 76
sweet & sour chicken 84
Thai green chicken curry 54
Thai red chicken curry 54
chicken livers: gourmet bolognese 92
chunky chickpea & chorizo soup 44
dum aloo with saffron & chickpeas 160
lemon & chickpea couscous 110
tomato, chickpea & chorizo soup 44
chilli black bean stew 30
chillied beef with cheesy tortillas 60
chillied sausage & beans 22
chillied tomato & garlic chutney 222
hot Mexican coffee 226
jerk marinade 106
Thai green chicken curry 54
cappuccino pots with coffee cream liqueur 206
cherry & chocolate puddings 204
chocolate bread & butter pudding 196
chocolate brownie puddings 190
dark chocolate & coffee pots 206
hot Mexican coffee 226
chocolate and hazelnut spread: saffron pears with chocolate 186
caldo verde 40
chunky chickpea & chorizo soup 44
tomato, chickpea & chorizo soup 44
Christmas pudding 210
chillied tomato & garlic chutney 222
spiced green tomato chutney 222
cidered chicken & bacon hotpot 38
cidered pork with sage dumplings 62
cinnamon: banana & cinnamon porridge 18
cobbler: mushroom & walnut cobbler 148
cocoa powder: hot Mexican coffee 226
coconut: pineapple upside-down puddings 192
cod: fish korma 100
cappuccino pots with coffee cream liqueur 206
hot Mexican coffee 226
hot mocha coffee 226
coffee cream liqueur
cappuccino pots with coffee cream liqueur 206
dark chocolate & coffee pots 206
cola: baked ham in cola 68
compote with mascarpone 216
orchard fruit compote 212
plum & cranberry compote with orange mascarpone 216
winter fruit compote 212
condensed milk: crème caramels 184
cook’s blowtorch 14
lemon & lime cordial 228
lemon cordial 228
coriander & honey-braised lamb 98
coriander flat breads 64
cornmeal see polenta
courgettes: spinach & courgette tian 158
lemon & chickpea couscous 110
minted lamb with couscous 98
mulled cranberry & red wine 232
plum & cranberry compote with orange mascarpone 216
winter fruit compote 212
cranberry juice: mulled cranberry & red wine 232
lemon custard creams 188
preparing for the slow cooker 13
winter fruit compote 212
crème caramels 184
crème fraîche: smoked salmon timbales 34
croutons, herb 118
curd: tangy citrus curd 220
sweet potato & egg curry 154
sweet potato & paneer curry 154
Thai green chicken curry 54
Thai red chicken curry 54
curry paste
curried red lentil & carrot soup 36
salmon in aromatic Thai broth 128
Thai green chicken curry 54
Thai red chicken curry 54
custard creams
lemon custard creams 188
lime & elderflower custard creams 188
dahl: tarka dahl 172
baked apples with dates 214
iced Jamaican ginger cake 202
defrosting portions 15
dill: spiced meatballs with dill sauce 86
dolcelatte cheese: pumpkin pasta with dolcelatte 168
dried fruit: Christmas pudding 210
hot Jamaican punch 230
hot Mexican coffee 226
hot mocha coffee 226
lemon & lime cordial 228
lemon cordial 228
mulled cranberry & red wine 232
mulled orange & red wine 232
rum toddy 230
brandied duck & walnut terrine 46
red cooked Chinese duck 66
dum aloo 160
with saffron & chickpeas 160
beef stew with dumplings 72
beery pork with rosemary dumplings 62
cidered pork with sage dumplings 62
Guinness beef stew with mustard dumplings 72
ratatouille with ricotta dumplings 164
chakchouka 164
crème caramels 184
eggs en cocotte with salmon 20
lemon custard creams 188
smoked salmon timbales 34
spiced eggs en cocotte 20
sweet potato & egg curry 154
elderflower cordial: lime & elderflower custard creams 188
fajitas: turkey fajitas with guacamole 60
braised fennel with orange 176
carrot, orange & fennel soup 48
feta cheese
feta-stuffed peppers 146
harissa-spiced potatoes with feta 130
mixed mushroom & lentil cheesy bake 166
warm beetroot salad with feta & tomatoes 152
lamb tagine with figs & almonds 110
vanilla breakfast prunes & figs 24
chermoula poached salmon 136
classic poached salmon 136
eggs en cocotte with salmon 20
fish korma 100
hot soused herrings 126
macaroni with smoked haddock 132
mackerel with harissa potatoes 130
poached salmon with beurre blanc 142
preparing for the slow cooker 12
salmon in aromatic Thai broth 128
salmon in hot miso broth 128
smoked haddock kedgeree with cardamom 140
smoked mackerel kedgeree 140
smoked mackerel timbales 34
smoked salmon timbales 34
Swedish baked herrings 126
tuna arrabiata 134
beery cheese fondue 42
classic cheese fondue 42
chillied sausage & beans 22
easy sausage & beans 22
mustard chicken & frankfurter casserole 116
freezing portions 15
chillied tomato & garlic chutney 222
herb & garlic meatballs 114
banana ginger cake 202
gingered noodles 66
gingered sweet potato soup 36
iced Jamaican ginger cake 202
ginger wine: hot Jamaican punch 230
glacé cherries
baked apples with gingered cherries 214
pineapple upside-down puddings 192
gnocchi: pumpkin & Parmesan gnocchi 168
golden syrup: iced Jamaican ginger cake 202
grapes: winter fruit compote 212
green beans
green bean risotto with pesto 150
green bean risotto with sage & pancetta 150
ground almonds
cherry & almond puddings 204
plum & almond puddings 192
guinea fowl: pot-roast guinea fowl with prunes 120
Guinness beef stew with mustard dumplings 72
macaroni with smoked haddock 132
smoked haddock kedgeree with cardamom 140
baked ham in cola 68
baked ham with parsley sauce 68
harissa paste
harissa-spiced potatoes with feta 130
lemon chicken with harissa 112
mackerel with harissa potatoes 130
hazelnuts: nut & apricot pilaf 178
heat settings 10
herb & garlic meatballs 114
herb croutons 118
herby stuffed peppers 146
individual herb names
hot soused herrings 126
Swedish baked herrings 126
hoisin beef 108
coriander & honey-braised lamb 98
hot spiced muesli 18
rum toddy 230
beef & root vegetable hotpot 96
chicken & black pudding hotpot 96
cidered chicken & bacon hotpot 38
potato, apple & bacon hotpot 38
apple, plum & mixed berry jam 218
blackberry & apple jam 218
jerk marinade 106
juniper: lamb shanks with juniper 52
smoked haddock kedgeree with cardamom 140
smoked mackerel kedgeree 140
coriander & honey-braised lamb 98
Greek shepherd’s pie 78
lamb rogan josh 70
lamb shanks with juniper 52
lamb shanks with lemon 52
lamb tagine with figs & almonds 110
minted lamb with couscous 98
moussaka 78
lemon curd: winter fruit compote 212
apple & polenta cake 192
Christmas pudding 210
citrus drizzle cake 198
lamb shanks with lemon 52
lemon & chickpea couscous 110
lemon & poppy seed drizzle cake 198
lemon chicken 84, 112
lemon chicken with harissa 112
lemon cordial 228
lemon custard creams 188
olive & lemon meatballs 114
pot-roasted chicken with lemon 94
red pepper, lemon & chicken pilaf 76
rum toddy 230
tangy citrus curd 220
curried red lentil & carrot soup 36
mixed mushroom & lentil braise 166
mixed mushroom & lentil cheesy bake 166
tarka dahl 172
tarka dahl with spinach 172
citrus drizzle cake 198
hot Jamaican punch 230
lemon & lime cordial 228
lime & elderflower custard creams 188
tangy citrus curd 220
macaroni with smoked haddock 132
Stilton macaroni with bacon 132
mackerel with harissa potatoes 130
smoked mackerel kedgeree 140
smoked mackerel timbales 34
Madeira wine: rosemary pudding with shallots & Madeira 156
maple syrup: maple-glazed ribs 90
marinade, jerk 106
peaches with Marsala & vanilla 208
poached apples & pears with Marsala & vanilla 208
marshmallows: hot mocha coffee 226
mascarpone cheese
compote with mascarpone 216
plum & cranberry compote with orange mascarpone 216
measurements 4
chillied sausage & beans 22
easy sausage & beans 22
mustard chicken & frankfurter casserole 116
preparing for the slow cooker 11-12
individual meats
herb & garlic meatballs 114
meatballs in tomato sauce 86
olive & lemon meatballs 114
spiced meatballs with dill sauce 86
crème caramels 184
preparing for the slow cooker 13
chicken & minted pea soup 32
minted lamb with couscous 98
miso: salmon in hot miso broth 128
moussaka 78
muesli: hot spiced muesli 18
cheat’s mushroom pie 148
double tomato arrabiata 134
mixed mushroom & lentil braise 166
mixed mushroom & lentil cheesy bake 166
mushroom & chestnut pudding 156
mushroom & walnut cobbler 148
steak & mushroom pudding 102
vegetarian big breakfast 26
Guinness beef stew with mustard dumplings 72
mustard chicken & bacon 116
mustard chicken & frankfurter casserole 116
compote with mascarpone 216
peaches with Marsala & vanilla 208
chicken & noodle broth 32
gingered noodles 66
Cajun red bean soup 28
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
olive & lemon meatballs 114
hot pickled beetroot 170
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
sausages with beery onion gravy 80
sausages with onion gravy 80
orange juice
breakfast apricots in orange 24
mulled orange & red wine 232
orange liqueur: mulled cranberry & red wine 232
braised celery with orange 176
braised fennel with orange 176
carrot, orange & fennel soup 48
Christmas pudding 210
citrus drizzle cake 198
compote with mascarpone 216
hot beetroot with orange & caraway 170
mulled cranberry & red wine 232
pork, orange & bay leaves 56
pork, orange & star anise 56
rum toddy 230
tangy citrus curd 220
gourmet bolognese 92
green bean risotto with sage & pancetta 150
pheasant with pancetta 82
paneer (Indian cheese), sweet potato & paneer curry 154
paprika: Hungarian paprika & red bean soup 28
Parmesan cheese: pumpkin & Parmesan gnocchi 168
parsley: baked ham with parsley sauce 68
parsnips: beef & root vegetable hotpot 96
preparing for the slow cooker 13
pumpkin & Parmesan gnocchi 168
pumpkin pasta with dolcelatte 168
peaches with Marsala & vanilla 208
pearl barley: beery barley beef 118
orchard fruit compote 212
poached apples & pears with Marsala & vanilla 208
saffron pears with chocolate 186
spiced pears with red wine 186
Caribbean chicken with rice & peas 106
chicken & minted pea soup 32
chillied tomato & garlic chutney 222
feta-stuffed peppers 146
herby stuffed peppers 146
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
red pepper, lemon & chicken pilaf 76
Spanish potatoes 174
creamy pesto chicken 58
green bean risotto with pesto 150
pheasant with bacon & red wine 82
pheasant with pancetta 82
pot-roast pheasant with chestnuts 120
pickled plums 224
pickled shallots 224
cheat’s mushroom pie 148
cowboy pie 104
Greek shepherd’s pie 78
rancheros pie 104
aubergine & apricot pilaf 178
nut & apricot pilaf 178
red pepper, lemon & chicken pilaf 76
sun-dried tomato & chicken pilaf 76
pilau rice 70
pine nuts: cheesy spinach & pine nut tian 158
hot Jamaican punch 230
pineapple upside-down puddings 192
sticky brandied pineapple 182
pistachio nuts
Christmas pudding 210
nut & apricot pilaf 178
apple, plum & mixed berry jam 218
pickled plums 224
plum & almond puddings 192
plum & cranberry compote with orange mascarpone 216
plum & polenta cake 192
red cooked Chinese duck 66
winter fruit compote 212
apple & polenta cake 192
poppy seeds: lemon & poppy seed drizzle cake 198
beery pork with rosemary dumplings 62
big breakfast bonanza 26
caldo verde 40
Chinese ribs 90
chunky chickpea & chorizo soup 44
cidered pork with sage dumplings 62
green bean risotto with sage & pancetta 150
maple-glazed ribs 90
meatballs in tomato sauce 86
pheasant with pancetta 82
pork, orange & bay leaves 56
pork, orange & star anise 56
sausages with beery onion gravy 80
sausages with onion gravy 80
slow-braised pork with ratatouille 74
spiced meatballs with dill sauce 86
tomato, chickpea & chorizo soup 44
porridge oats: banana & cinnamon porridge 18
beef & root vegetable hotpot 96
big breakfast bonanza 26
caldo verde 40
cowboy pie 104
dum aloo 160
Greek shepherd’s pie 78
harissa-spiced potatoes with feta 130
mackerel with harissa potatoes 130
potato, apple & bacon hotpot 38
Spanish potatoes 174
vegetarian big breakfast 26
cappuccino pots with coffee cream liqueur 206
dark chocolate & coffee pots 206
pot-roast guinea fowl with prunes 120
vanilla breakfast prunes & figs 24
pudding basin bags 15
brandied cherry brownie puddings 180
cherry & almond puddings 204
cherry & chocolate puddings 204
chocolate bread & butter pudding 196
chocolate brownie puddings 180
Christmas pudding 210
mushroom & chestnut pudding 156
pineapple upside-down puddings 192
plum & almond puddings 192
rosemary pudding with shallots & Madeira 156
steak & mushroom pudding 102
sticky banana pudding 200
sticky toffee apple pudding 200
pulses, dried: preparing for the slow cooker 13
caldo verde with pumpkin 40
pumpkin & Parmesan gnocchi 168
pumpkin & Parmesan gnocchi 168
pumpkin pasta with dolcelatte 168 punch: hot Jamaican punch 230
apple, plum & mixed berry jam 218
peaches with Marsala & vanilla 208
braised chicken with ratatouille 74
ratatouille with ricotta dumplings 164
slow-braised pork with ratatouille 74
adapting your own recipes 14
changing recipes to suit a different model 14-15
red kidney beans
Cajun red bean soup 28
Hungarian paprika & red bean soup 28
red lentils
curried red lentil & carrot soup 36
tarka dahl 172
red wine
mulled cranberry & red wine 232
mulled orange & red wine 232
spiced pears with red wine 186
squid in red wine & tomato sauce 138
red wine see under wine
aubergine & apricot pilaf 178
Caribbean chicken with rice & peas 106
green bean risotto with pesto 150
green bean risotto with sage & pancetta 150
herby stuffed peppers 146
nut & apricot pilaf 178
pilau rice 70
preparing for the slow cooker 13
smoked haddock kedgeree with cardamom 140
smoked mackerel kedgeree 140
sun-dried tomato & chicken pilaf 76
ricotta cheese: ratatouille with ricotta dumplings 164
green bean risotto with pesto 150
green bean risotto with sage & pancetta 150
beery pork with rosemary dumplings 62
rosemary pudding with shallots & Madeira 156
hot Jamaican punch 230
hot Mexican coffee 226
mulled cranberry & red wine 232
rum toddy 230
sticky rum bananas with vanilla 182
dum aloo with saffron & chickpeas 160
saffron pears with chocolate 186
cidered pork with sage dumplings 62
green bean risotto with sage & pancetta 150
warm beetroot & bean salad 152
warm beetroot salad with feta & tomatoes 152
chermoula poached salmon 136
classic poached salmon 136
eggs en cocotte with salmon 20
poached salmon with beurre blanc 142
salmon in aromatic Thai broth 128
salmon in hot miso broth 128
smoked salmon timbales 34
salsa: avocado salsa 30
baked ham with parsley sauce 68
meatballs in tomato sauce 86
spiced meatballs with dill sauce 86
squid in puttanesca sauce 138
squid in red wine & tomato sauce 138
big breakfast bonanza 26
chillied sausage & beans 22
easy sausage & beans 22
sausages with onion gravy 80
vegetarian big breakfast 26
scones: peppered venison with scones 88
pickled shallots 224
rosemary pudding with shallots & Madeira 156
squid in puttanesca sauce 138
squid in red wine & tomato sauce 138
sherry: peaches with Marsala & vanilla 208
slow cooker
before you start 10
care of 15
changing recipes to suit a different model 14–15
first use of 11
heat settings 10
how full 10
preparing food for 11–13
shape 9
size 9
timings 11
smoked haddock
macaroni with smoked haddock 132
smoked haddock kedgeree with cardamom 140
Cajun red bean soup 28
caldo verde 40
carrot, orange & fennel soup 48
chicken & minted pea soup 32
chicken & noodle broth 32
chunky chickpea & chorizo soup 44
curried red lentil & carrot soup 36
gingered sweet potato soup 36
Hungarian paprika & red bean soup 28
Moroccan-spiced carrot soup 48
salmon in aromatic Thai broth 128
salmon in hot miso broth 128
tomato, chickpea & chorizo soup 44
double tomato arrabiata 134
tuna arrabiata 134
cheesy spinach & pine nut tian 158
dum aloo 160
spinach & courgette tian 158
tarka dahl with spinach 172
squid in puttanesca sauce 138
squid in red wine & tomato sauce 138
star anise: pork, orange & star anise 56
beef stew with dumplings 72
chilli black bean stew 30
Guinness beef stew with mustard
dumplings 72
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
thickening 13
Stilton macaroni with bacon 132
strawberries: compote with mascarpone 216
beef & root vegetable hotpot 96
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
sweet & sour chicken 84
sweet potatoes
gingered sweet potato soup 36
rancheros pie 104
Spanish sweet potatoes 174
sweet potato & egg curry 154
sweet potato & paneer curry 154
Tabasco sauce: spiced eggs en cocotte 20
tagine: lamb tagine with figs & almonds 110
tagliatelle: gourmet bolognese 92
tarka dahl 172
with spinach 172
tarragon: creamy tarragon chicken 58
tea: vanilla breakfast prunes & figs 24
terrine: brandied duck & walnut terrine 46
thickening stews and casseroles 13
cheesy spinach & pine nut tian 158
spinach & courgette tian 158
smoked mackerel timbales 34
smoked salmon timbales 34
timings 11
big breakfast bonanza 26
braised celery with orange 176
chillied tomato & garlic chutney 222
double tomato arrabiata 134
dum aloo 160
meatballs in tomato sauce 86
Moroccan beef & vegetable stew 162
Moroccan seven-vegetable stew 162
moussaka 78
rancheros pie 104
Spanish potatoes 174
spiced green tomato chutney 222
squid in puttanesca sauce 138
squid in red wine & tomato sauce 138
sun-dried tomato & chicken pilaf 76
tarka dahl 172
tomato, chickpea & chorizo soup 44
vegetarian big breakfast 26
warm beetroot salad with feta & tomatoes 152
tortilla chips: chillied beef with cheesy tortillas 60
trout: Caribbean brown stew trout 124
tuna arrabiata 134
turkey fajitas with guacamole 60
hot mocha coffee 226
peaches with Marsala & vanilla 208
poached apples & pears with Marsala & vanilla 208
sticky rum bananas with vanilla 182
vanilla breakfast prunes & figs 24
vegetable suet: Christmas pudding 210
preparing for the slow cooker 12
individual vegetables
venison: peppered venison with scones 88
vodka: mulled cranberry & red wine 232
brandied duck & walnut terrine 46
mushroom & walnut cobbler 148
nut & apricot pilaf 178
hot Jamaican punch 230
mulled cranberry & red wine 232
mulled orange & red wine 232
pheasant with bacon & red wine 82
rosemary pudding with shallots & Madeira 156
spiced pears with red wine 186
squid in red wine & tomato sauce 138
yogurt: tarka dahl 172